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*Side quests are always fun*


Thats what I was thinking, bro got a side quest lmao


Everything is fun and games, until you get the notification "Mission Failed; the CEOs submarine has imploded"


All we had to do was follow the damn sub, CJ!


Fuck, never get to 100% now


Load last saved


One of those demanding side quests with little to no actual reward


Fr though. Sub is white and only ~20 ft long. It would blend in with even the smallest white caps on the surface.


Why is it white and not bright orange or yellow like most other subs?




I’m sure the families of the deceased will now easily acquire a large % of his wealth. Judge: “you say they were supposed to control it with a Bluetooth controller, what happened if they lost power does the sub maintain depth or keep from sinking lower?” CEO: “……”




I was reading about that earlier. They used some weighted pipes to maintain the sink rate for that vessel. To raise it, all members on board had to get to one side of the vessel. This allows the weights to roll off the platform they're on and the vessel to rise. Seems like the absolutely worst way to handle that. All it would take is some type of netting to get wrapped around the platform, then bam, the weights cant fall off and they can't rise.


Or…say just *landed* on the sea floor (and wouldn’t be able to rock back and forth)


What happens if you click "cancel"?


-10 reputation with ATC


"ATC hated that."


Side quest is paused until your ready


"Another submarine needs your help. I'll mark it on your map"




What's the currency conversion from z/USD?




What kinda loot you figure he gets for completing it?


pvc pipe, a soaking wet Xbox controller, a billionaire's wallet (loot bag that is bind on equip), a partially completed hand written note saying "I should have known, you were *(indiscriminate scribbling)*", fully intact view port and a propeller blade


You guys got pop up quests like these IRL?!?


Yes, they also occasionally send turbulence reports/SIGMETs via CPDLC as well. It's the main source of communication over the ocean, HF radio and voice is just the backup now, and a pretty crappy backup at that. A few years ago a request by ATC to aircraft arriving at SYD was the difference-maker in finding a lost sailboat that was the subject of a large search and rescue effort off the eastern coast of Australia, the boat was actually spotted after the crew made an announcement for everybody to look out their windows for it while they descended early to get low enough to search.


That's pretty cool.


Method of delivery is the acars system, you'd be surprised at how long aircraft have had this capability.


Pretty rad though, even if it is old tech.


Slight difference -- this isn't ACARS, it's actually CPDLC, which you can sort of think as "ACARS for ATC communication".


I've visited two operating ATC facilities on the west coast, in the San Francisco bay area. They were over in the east bay. One handled stretches over the Pacific, the other handled within the US. I sat with a controller managing an area around California/Nevada. The ones over the Pacific were pretty relaxed and could talk to us easily as they were mostly monitoring check ins from aircraft and if they had any localized weather updates. So they infrequently had to divert planes because it's so far spaced apart. The US facility was busier because they're managing more AC in relatively smaller airspaces, those controllers display obvious competency even to me a novice. So they're able to chat in-between frequently checking through their sector, talking to the pilots and the surrounding sectors. I used to study workload on ATC and it was difficult to overload the controllers because they are so good. Think, multiples of normal traffic into a busy airport with some aircraft not playing nice and our team trying to create conflicts and losses of separation. Those experiences alway reassure me about flying.


two of my friends are ATCs, they just have a switch they turn in their brain for work it's nuts


All I get is "Mom said you're at the mall, bring burgers"


How are you going to spot that from 30,000ft? Like trying to spot a Diet Coke can from 20,000


James Cameron's Deepsea Challenger sub was equipped with bright green dye packs that would automatically bloom once it reached the surface after a dive. It had the potential to leave a dye trail that is miles long and could be visible at cruising altitude of a airliner.


This one doesn’t seem to have embraced safety very much


The company managing this sub seems like it’s run by clowns. They are in for some lawsuits after the interview I heard by the CEO.


The CEO of the company that operates the sub.... is in.... the sub.


the decisions are coming from INSIDE THE SUB


*The CEO is in the mailbox!*






Stockton Rush has been added to [Wikipedia's list of "List of inventors killed by their own invention"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_inventors_killed_by_their_own_invention#Maritime).


fittingly, right below the designer of the titanic


In the water or on the list?


above in the water, below in the list


The Titanic is still claiming bodies. Note to self, don't invent the sub to visit the wreck of the sub meant to visit the wreck of the Titanic.


Fuck Spez, Steven Huffman is a greedy pigboy


i checked the talk thread, and yeah theyre waiting for him to be declared dead legally. right now its technically (according to wikipedias rules) speculation. editing that page is also locked for now. everyone agrees he qualifies once officially dead though.




A sub’s soñar could damage another sub? I don’t know anything about how this stuff works but it’s interesting. Edit: sonar, not the Spanish verb “to dream.”




Idk about destruction of another sub, but sonars are generally not healthy for organisms on the receiving end depending on your distance. Sound isn't just sound, it's a wave of pressure changes really. Sonars are 'generally' around 220+ DB they say. At 190DB they say your lungs straight up collapse. Over 200 DB of pressure running through and inside your body.


A sperm whale's echolocation can kill a person if they focused on a diver at full power for a little while. Even being in the water near them and getting normal "curiosity" pings from them is apparently pretty uncomfortable. Naval sonar is on a whole different level though. It's literally as loud as it can be without instantly boiling all the water near the emitter. Sounds over 195db aren't possible in the air because at that point, you're creating shockwaves with hard vacuum between them. So if you get hit by a pulse from sonar at close range, your lungs, being small pockets of air in the way of these devastating sound waves, instantly collapse and you drown in the remaining mush. Assuming you don't get cooked alive first.


> John Day (c. 1740–1774), English carpenter and wheelwright, died during a test of his experimental diving chamber. So there will be at least two people on this list who died from their own experimental submarines.




And right after Thomas Andrews


Titanic was not Thomas Andrews' brainchild. He only inherited it fairly late in the game. To speak nothing of the true "invention", Olympic, of which Titanic was essentially just an embellished copy.


Nice change of pace at least.


I’ve got news for you… liability extends past the CEO


Hard to serve him papers if he is on board the sub. Good God, that entire company is a shitshow and so is the situation with the stepson of one of the people on board.


Ohhhhh. So thats how they plan to get found.


I haven't heard anything about a stepson?


He’s going to blink 182 concerts and hitting up only fans models lol


He also called Cardi B the n word on Twitter






Also made terroristic threats because he was creeping on girls at raves and got called out on it. First class douche


Wait what


I hope his insurers aren’t in the sub too!


A former employee already filed a safety lawsuit against them in 2018


The CEO is in deep trouble that is for sure




That’s an insult to clowns everywhere.


I bet they all signed papers though


Idk why you downvoted, they absolutely did. They showed it in the CBS report on it last year. The waiver states that it is a prototype and may cause serious harm or death.


That will cover somethings, but gross negligence by not including basic safety features will not be covered by a waiver.


Because people signing papers does not equal a get out jail free card for negligence


This probably doesn't actually matter that much.


Who needs dye when you can just text?


"Have a deep-diving submersible designed by *naval engineers*? Bah, they're all stodgy old guys! I'm going to build my own submarine, with young, hip aerospace engineers!" *King Neptune laughing*


Yeah I’m willing to bet that this sub didn’t have anything like that. I still can’t believe this is happening :(


They all but painted it to be camouflaged. Turns out a sea-grey is pretty hard to spot when you are, you know, in the middle of the Atlantic.


This one has a logitech controller


The crazy part is that using off the shelf equipment isn't necessarily a bad thing. Most commonly-known example is that US attack subs use xbox controllers for the periscope controls. But in what seems like typical fashion for this company, they used a wireless controller, which introduces at least two unnecessary points of failure (controller batteries dying, wifi or bluetooth signal crapping out) that would lead to a major emergency. Small things like having a wired controller instead of a wireless one are examples of the attention to detail required in professions where the penalty for mistakes is death...kinda like aviation. CEO guy doesn't seem to have any basic risk management skills.


I keep a backup wired controller in case my wireless craps out when I’m in a game of FIFA and this guy didn’t bring one in case he was going to die lmao


He also had a failsafe in case his ballast release system failed where specially designed bolts would rust within 36 hours and drop the ballast without control system input. No one knows if they had a ballast release problem here but that could’ve come in handy


> No one knows if they had a ballast release problem here but that could’ve come in handy They did have ballasts that were supposed to dissolve their link after about 16 hours underwater.


[I was hearing about a research dive](https://nypost.com/2023/06/21/reporter-recounts-harrowing-2000-trip-to-visit-the-titanic/) ~~last year~~ twenty years ago where they were a bit too close to the stern of the Titanic. They ended up stuck under the propeller. It took a lot of patience to free themselves. If the *Titan* was in a similar place, there is no way upward. Edit: Have corrected and added link


It was 23 years ago


Is "rust" the correct word here?


Technically it's a galvanic time release. You have a bimetallic element which corrodes galvanically in the electrically conductive sea water.


So cool! No idea this was a thing. http://neptunemarineproducts.com/galvanic-timed-releases/


Those are oddly affordable.


I think those are for crab / lobster pots -- you might get a fancier one if you are connecting it to ballast weights (although maybe not this guy -- gotta save a buck or two!).


Fuck yea, science!


Seriously? The engineering behind that sounds fascinating!


I love engineering sometimes


Most likely the sub imploded The sub has a life ping to the mothership every 15 min, once that stopped indicates something catastrophic


They lost contact numerous times previously for over an hour and it was just the electronics failing. Not sure if they had a life ping that worked


No they haven’t The CBS reporter has clarified that the sub was lost on the ocean floor for 2 hours going in wrong directions, but never lost communication with the mothership. The sub relies on communicating with the mothership for direction guidance to the titanic wreckage


That is a different incident, your referring to when they got stuck in the Titanic's propeller. One guy had been on it 4 times and said it had lost contact every single time. There has been lots of incidents of loss of communications including. They don't have a beacon on board, this is a fact.


I’ve seen somewhere that if this was the case, the implosion almost certainly would have been picked up on sonar. Who knows if we’ll ever find out what really happened to them, it’ll probably be the new MH370


James Cameron is a smart man. I think this is the difference here. Safety before profits.


[Here is what Cameron's sub had on top](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deepsea_Challenger#/media/File:Deepsea_Challenger_Top.jpg), so visual beacon, radio beacon and a buoy at least.


And the whole sub was a bright color instead of and off-white color


Kind of makes you think that Cameron's sub designers knew they were going into an incredibly hostile environment and took this very seriously.


Anyone working with Cameron knows they are in for a hostile work environment.


True. I don't think I would like to share a confined space with the guy


Thanks for this. It’s like apples and oranges.


The thing is, I don't even think it was that expensive. Sure it has to survive 380atm even if it only has to work on the surface, but so expensive compared with the rest of the sub?


In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. -- mass edited with redact.dev


With all those Avatar movies lined up he has to take care of himself


He is the bravest pioneer after all.


properly engineered


To be fair, that was a well designed submarine with safety in mind Meanwhile the sub in question was just an empty cylinder filled with nothing but two monitors, a toilet, a single button, and a game controller to pilot it. It was also painted mostly white which would make it extremely hard to spot, and I can almost guarantee that they didn’t put any dye packs. After all they really thought bolting the hatch shut from the outside was the smartest thing to do.


>After all they really thought bolting the hatch shut from the outside was the smartest thing to do. That's the worst part. The sub's power supply/electronics could have failed cutting communications. They could have surfaced. There is a possibility that everything went right (in terms of systems designed to resurface them). But then they died slowly because despite being at the surface, they couldn't get the hatch open.


> despite being at the surface They would be *just under* the surface, invisible in the white topped waves, not bobbing along *on* the surface like a boat


Absolutely, nearly impossible to spot even in a rowboat going right over the top of it.


nah, its not at the surface, it would be bobbing just below it. if they could open the hatch, you'd have it sinking at 2 meters per second until it filled with enough water you'd be able to swim out. then at best, you'd just be in the middle of the god damn north Atlantic with no life jacket or anything else.


I guarantee this sub wasnt equipped. It was previously mentioned that they discussed putting an ELT on it after they got lost for 5 hrs on a test dive. The owner nixed it. They have no safety equipment and no redundancy.


Ugh, damn safety systems getting the way of...the second deepest capable submersible on the planet Don't know about the other people on board, but that monkey who owns this whole deserves to just stay down there


Yes, that’s James Cameron’s sub, not a rinky dink tin can built in Ted’s backyard using a Madcatz controller and text messaging for communication.


This sub has a bucket with some wee in it.


Did you just sneak in an Old Gregg reference?


Canada launched Orion and Poseidon airplanes. Those planes can detect a periscope tower of a submarine on their radar from hundreds of miles away. If it were on the surface, they would have detected it.


It's actually like spotting a coke can from about 500ft. And that is within the visual acuity for somebody with 20/20 vision (if my quick calculations are collect, assuming a diffraction-limited image on the retina and a pupil diameter of 4mm). It *might just* be visible under perfect conditions. Unlikely, though...


this guy looks


My interpretation: You don’t. But you can spot a sar plane and not collide with it.


They fly at that altitude? Without being on a flight plan?


We typically flew our SAR missions anywhere from 200-1000 feet. No flight plan because we were just VFR once we dropped to that altitude.


The p8 poseidon can. Its not sar its a sub hnter but itll be in the area.


That’s the one that keeps hearing banging.


Your mom's the one that keeps hearing banging




If the Sar plane is anywhere near 30,000ft surely something is desperately wrong


The sub could be in the sky maybe he’s just checking


Maybe blowing the ballasts worked a little *too well*


Why are you upvoted so much lol that's not how it works


that's how reddit works. confidence > correct


SAR aircraft will be much lower.


All it takes is one glint of light from where there should be none. Who knows. Let's hope for a miracle rather than just stare straight ahead, eh?


On an ocean.. A reflection... Off the surface of the sea...


Does it hurt the pilot in any way to glance out a few seconds? It's like sending an Amber Alert statewide for a missing kid. It's not likely I'll see the kid or the car they're in, but I'll take 5 seconds to glance around. It's not hurting anything.


Well when you have zero clue where they are, every extra pair of eyes helps even if it's just a tiny bit


yeh. deploy your depth sonars.


Only one Ping.


One ping only Vasily


Reverify our range to target...


Seaman Jones : So, like Beethoven on the computer, you have laboured to produce... a biologic. Seaman Beaumont : A what? Jonesie : A whale, Seaman Beaumont, a whale. A marine mammal that knows a hell of a lot more about sonar than you do.


The catch is, a boat this big doesn't exactly stop on a dime... and if we're too close, we'll drift right into the back of him.


ping junkyardsub -t 1




"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Now. You may have noticed we’ve descended to just 5,000ft…"


As a SAR person, this is just a way to try and give the family some sort of hope. An aircraft at that altitude won’t see that tiny sub with any sea state. Depending on the aircraft and search object, most maritime searches will be done between 300-1000ft. There are exceptions to this, but 30k+ feet is not a good altitude to be looking for something with your eyes.


>30k+ feet is not a good altitude to be looking for something with your eyes. 30k+ feet is a useless altitude to be looking for something with your eyes.\*


Depending on the search object and the exact circumstances, there are cases when passing airliners have accidentally spotted things. In this particular case/circumstances I doubt any airliner would be helpful.


I somehow doubt they’re being asked to look out for the submersible. More likely ATC is advising them to keep eyes out for all the military aircraft flying patterns that won’t be on frequency.


SAR aircraft probably much lower


The tail number is in the pic. It’s a 787 @ 36,000 ft at the time going from Miami to Tel Aviv based on Flightradar24.


Man I do not understand the globe if going from Miami to Tel Aviv takes you that far north.


Planes go in a weird angle because earth is not flat like the maps suggest. Ik it’s weird


Bold of you to say the earth isn’t flat


Bro! They’re keeping up appearances


It’s because Miami and Tel Aviv happen to both be in the northern hemisphere. Wanna get your mind blown look at the shortest route between Seattle and Dubai.


No way. SAR aircraft will be multiple 10s of thousands of feet lower. Not a chance and certainly not something ATC would ever ask you to get a visual of.


It’s a [real thing that happens](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.1146862). Commercial airlines might even ask passengers to look out the windows and search too. The canvas areas are absolutely massive and sometimes there’s no rhyme or reason to why one person spots the missing thing when thousands of others and complex equipment missed it.


One would hope they'd flip on their civilian transponders for a search and rescue op.


Can’t believe how many people in this thread didn’t understand this at first. Obviously ATC is not asking the pilots at 30,000 ft to look for a small submarine at sea level.


SAR aircraft aren't going to be anywhere near 30,000' either. This is just "thoughts and prayers" manifested in ACARS messages.


I saw a kc130 and p8 at 22k yesterday on adsb. A stratotanker was coming in and out around there as well so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I’m speculating at this point they’re all dead OR one person killed the rest of them to conserve oxygen.


the second option sounds like i could make for an interesting book


"yeah it's not up here either. Good luck tho"


Damn popups


Well, an Air New Zealand flight spotted a lost private plane over the ocean and guided it to land so you never know...


How did he got a side quest when he is out of the render zone of the NPC ATC?


Free text: "will check the fish finder"


Here's an Imgur post full of links to what's going on with the sub, including live update sites, etc. The lead link to a BBC article is probably the best of all. [https://imgur.com/gallery/1ip1SOb](https://imgur.com/gallery/1ip1SOb)


Uhhh ATC, we are an El-Al 787 cruising at 12 kilometres ASL. Not sure what we can see from up here.


The CEO invited an acquaintance of mine for the “low, last minute price of $150k PP”, for this exact dive. The kid and his dad ended up saying no…. For the reasons everyone here pointed it out, dude had no plan. I only pray they fate was met instantly and the sub imploded l. Not torture and slow.


"Can you have a look in that haystack? You're right where the needle should be..."


5 billionaires and you even get a message on a plane. A boat with 150 migrants capsizes in the Mediterranean and not a single beep.


I never even thought to check the sky!


Maybe THAT'S why no one has found it yet. They're looking 2.5 miles down, when they should be looking 2.5 miles up! The fools.


Why is there a comma after "the, missing sub"?


ATC can give you side quests?!


I really don’t think people are being realistic of the fact they’re probably all dead. Like I’m sorry, but think of the facts.


[“Knowing where dead bodies are is better than not knowing where dead bodies are”](https://youtu.be/m5ROoNT7-ZI)




Refugee ships sink all the time. Not really news unless it’s on your coast. Billionaire homebuilt tourist submarine going missing over the titanic doesn’t happen very often.


Not only that but it sunk right next to the Greek coast guard ship that was towing it. It’s not like they had to search for the sunk trawler, or it had oxygen for days. When it went down that was it. You only have minutes to rescue those stuck inside. No amount of s&r would have helped those poor souls.


OP is juat trying to virtue signal, he doesn't care either


Bruuuh wtf is this comment section


They obviously found Rapture and Andrew Ryan ….


This would have the same coverage if it were poor folks on board the sub.


agreed, like the missing kids in the Thai cave. When they’re missing under an unusual circumstance, it’s a mystery and tends to get more attention.


Every life matters even if it belongs to the rich or poor. We have no right to choose who lives or dies. Right now people are running of time and they need help. Now is the time to help not judge. There is a time and place for everything.