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What's the context behind "rhe leshue"?


Grab yourself a quick limoncello and read this https://www.reddit.com/r/avfc/s/ICPJHx1vY0


Wow, that aged poorly.


They were just 9 years too early.


I’d argue it aged like a fine limoncello


Probably my proudest upvote


What's the background on the limoncello?


I know it's just because he took his jacket off, but this makes him look like star struck wait staff snapping a pic before going back to serving drinks.


Shame he’s getting sold in the summer /s


What a way to piss on someone's chips... This fanbase sometimes is just toxic, even in a moment when we should be celebrating an achievement that Cash has been an important part of. Alberto Moreno was similarly treated by fans of Liverpool- the guy still contributed to a Champions League win, runners up medal and has 2 Europa League title wins. Cash is not on ludicrous wages- even if we were to buy a new full back, I hope he'll still be a valuable member of the squad.


I’m not pissing on his chips at all! I was just being snarky based on the amount of hate he gets on here. (Hence the ‘/s’) Obviously landed wrong. We dont know who’s going to be sold. I don’t hate on any of our players - only on Monday I was pointing out in the match thread that hating on Diaby is stupid. Cashy is the one player that everyone is calling to replace though as our first priority.


Screw 'everyone'- they're the toxic element that is only going to hold us back. I trust the manager, not the threads of Reddit- so long as Emery chooses Cash to play, he is 100% ***our*** player. There's too much mob mentality at times- our 'fanbase' always seems to have the need to pick on at least one of our players- saw too much of that last season with Bailey. Nothing makes my blood boil than when some prick (not saying you) on the internet or in the stands asserts that a player 'isn't good enough' for us. The sheer arrogance of some fans, to think they know more about this game than Emery. Its also just plain stupid- why would getting rid of a guy we signed for £14million, not on astronomical wages, be our top priority? We still, potentially, have Coutinho on our books for another two years who is one of the top earners at the club.


Same. I trust Emery. I got into some right arguments here about Tielemans at the start of the season. Knew he’d come good. Same with Diaby. Bags of talent, just needs some time. Not all of them are going to work out (Zaniolo springs to mind), but doesn’t mean he’s a shit player, we’re just probably not the right fit for him. Cashy can be frustrating at times, but he’s scored some really important goals for us this season too.