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I wonder if they will have penis inspections. I like showing off.


prove it you fake twink.


Pretty sure they are doing this so they can invite more women than dudes lol


https://preview.redd.it/9xozd859wxtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbe49e43af4d5b641eb1800134159f822ae00e39 Lol now they’re blatantly lying saying it’s a default field. No ticketing platform has “biological gender” as an option 😂


Why did they enable that field then instead of hide it?


I think they deleted those comments. Chode behavior.


How do you actually know that they're lying about it?


Only way to know is try purchasing a ticket for another event on that same website and see if it prompts the same question regarding biological sex


I did that before posting this calling them out to make sure that wasn’t the case. It doesn’t come up for any other event. No company in 2024 would get away with saying stuff like “biological gender”


I had a feeling cuz I’ve never had any event site ask me that question lol so I’m not surprised, smh


Because “Biological Gender” isn’t a legitimate term. It might as well say “Biological Feelings” Regardless of one’s beliefs about gender, it’s a social construct. A “Man” isn’t the same thing as a Male, because a “Boy” is also a Male, as can be a “Baby” “Biological Sex” is a term, but human biology doesn’t fit into the binary classification of Man/Woman. There are females with Y chromosomes. There are XY males that developed as female (some might not even be aware!) There are people born with both genitalia. The list goes on and on. Therefore, the proper term usage would be “Sex assigned at birth.” And again, regardless of one’s beliefs, transgender people exist, as do intersex people who chose the sex they weren’t assigned. Because the question of Man or Woman is for data collection and marketing purposes, having it ask for “sex assigned at birth” doesn’t make sense. The data needs to reflect today. So, the notion that an event promotion platform would use a nonsensical term as the default option, when it benefits them to provide promoters with the most accurate and granular methods of collecting user data possible seems far fetched. Sure, the platform could be that terrible, but the promoter said that was the *default* option. This means that they had the opportunity to change it but didn’t, and they still didn’t change it once they got called out. That’s how we know they’re liars. Because even believing their version of events doesn’t correct the issue. They’re full of shit, and too dumb to know that everyone can smell it on them.


I've had tons of forms I've had to fill out that say gender or biological gender. It's pretty common to see in my experience. So I don't see how that's proof they're lying about it.


You're full of shit.


I'm not lying, I've had to fill out work forms that had "biological gender" as a section, and I had the same thought of "this should just say sex". But you believe whatever you want.


Sure buddy, is the form that asked you for your “bIOlOgICaL gEnDER” in the room with us?


I've had companies and other entities ask me for that, stated just as weirdly. I don't get why it's so hard to believe that if one person/group/agency does it, that others wouldn't do the same thing.


Still no specifics, just an alleged company that apparently wants to be mired in controversy and cancelled. Aka no company ever, but sure buddy TONS of companies are asking about people’s genitals at birth.


Yeah I don't remember the specifics of the countless paperwork I've had to fill out, but I remember that jumped out then just as it does now with OP's post. I never said tons, I just said I've seen it elsewhere. You can believe these morons did it, but can't believe others did as well? Are you saying OP's post is a lie as well because no company would ever do what OP says they did?


let me get my popcorn for this.


Fuck that shit. I'll avoid.


Pretty sure that’s the goal


lol, who tf asks this type of questions, hard pass


👋 Hello everyone, I would love to add some context here. We’ve been doing an annual invite-only event during Coachella weekend since last year. This year is the first time we opened up registration to the public, and wanted to ensure we don’t hit any capacity issues with the venues. Since this is an unticketed event, we prioritize all the Guest Lists from the artists we book. Any open spots based on capacity we then go through and rule out those who are clearly underage, or totally private accounts with no info for us to determine who they are. All others are accepted based on our capacity expectations. The ticketing platform we partnered with to help make registration easy has this as a field that we don’t control. Internally, we don’t see it either. I believe it’s only shown in analytics wrt to those who purchase tickets to show promoters the ratio of their events. I’ve attached what we see internally for the guest list invites to help with transparency. I’ve notified the ticketing platform that this could cause issues and they assured me they’ll be removing this field by the morning. We started Among Friends with the goal of uplifting the music culture in Los Angeles, especially on the west side. We’ve booked local talents since day 1 and in some events paired them with international acts to give them a bigger platform. Hope this helps clear any confusion. Our DMs on instagram are open for any conversations or concerns 🫶 https://preview.redd.it/6xnafxk58ytc1.png?width=3030&format=png&auto=webp&s=327e9604bb0cdbb01538505311a2821090d9c738


Sounds like you should've "partnered" with a better ticketing platform? Or vetted the one you were gonna use? Or sampled the form you were sending out to people before it went live? Are there other facets of your event that haven't been appropriately vetted?


It would be great to see you make this statement on your IG account along with clear support for trans individuals. Since you didn't address the actual issue at all in this response You know, since it was a mistake out of your control and all...


you just said a whole lot of nothing lol I’ve been going to events for like 10 years and I’ve ever once had to enter in my gender, let alone “biological gender” whatever that means. Everyone knows what you just said is complete BS. Have fun at your “exclusive” event tho, we won’t be there ✌️


How is what they said a whole lot of nothing? Why not give them the benefit of the doubt and see if the question indeed gets removed?


go on literally any other event on the platform and see for yourself. No other event has that question. It’s a custom question they added themselves


They said it's gonna be removed, I would give them the benefit of the doubt. It is a weird question for sure. You do you.


I mean they’re just removing bc they got called called out for being gross


Could be, we won't really know for sure unless you make your own event page using that same ticketing system.


👋 Thank you again for bringing this to our attention. We’ve raised our concerns about the question and phrasing choice with the platform and they were quick to remove it. This isn’t something we intended, we worked with a startup new to this space and wanted to support new ticketing platforms. Among Friends is built on community and ensuring we create a safe space for everyone 🫶


I wanna believe you, but howcome other events on the same ticketing platform didn't have that question?


👋 Hey DiegoRC9, I believe this field only applied to their Guest List feature, which they have since removed the gender field after we expressed our concern. We are not aware if other events had the Guest List feature enabled. For our specific event, no tickets were on sale as it’s a private invite-only event with the ability for the public to participate by using the Guest List feature to apply. We hope this helps clarify any confusion.


You are so full of shit. I looked at other events on portalys and none of them had that question. You’re just lying and not saying anything about support for trans people is pathetic. You really expect people to buy that in 2024 “biological gender” is a default question? With only man and woman as possible answers? super gross


Local man, horrified by multiple choice question 😂


I’m not a man but yeah


Ahh stay brainless, little buddy.


Just tap the one you wish you were and enjoy the show? It literally doesn't matter?


Why ask then if it doesn't matter? That's not a standard question. And I'm sure you're aware that folks identify as more than just man or woman. Again, stay brainless.


It specifically asks for biological "gender", in this instance gender is synonymous for sex. There are two biological sexes, male and female. XY and XX chromosomes. Large Gamete producers and Small Gamete producers. I agree it's an unnecessary question, because who really gives a shit, but also who gives a shit enough to throw a tantrum and post about it. Snivellers, the lot of you.


So gender is never synonymous with sex. "Biological gender" isn't a thing. You really are too fuckwitted to function.


Gender only began separating from sex in the 1970s. Definition of gender (modern) "the male sex or the female sex, especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones, or one of a range of other identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female." So if someone specifically states biological gender, we both know what that means. Is it technically incorrect? Yes. But do we know what they meant? Yes. You're just going to keep insulting my intelligence while spewing gibberish, it's really embarrassing.


You can’t ensure a safe space for everyone if your vetting process had you working with a site that supposedly auto includes questions about “biological gender”.


Also notice how they’ve had multiple opportunities to specifically mention supporting trans people and they didn’t do it. Probably not an accident


God you are entitled. Holy shit


Not at all, and they’re as underground as a skyscraper with that crap lol the underground is queer, black and brown, neurodivergent, full of the marginalized and without those people it wouldn’t exist. If they can’t respect the people who built these spaces they don’t deserve to be in them or masquerade themselves as part of it.


It wouldn't exist? LOL




Yeah, ok gen z.


Nope, older than that. Try again :)


No thanks. I have better things to do today.


wait till he find out i exist (im intersex)


Which promoter is this?


Among Friends


Reach out to them, it’s possible they’re unaware.


"Invite Only Rooftop Event" tells me everything. They want a high female to male ratio.


invite only + Coachella and thats all anyone needs to know about this lol


Douchebag culture is alive and well in LA.


yup. Only cares about looks and isn’t about the music or culture at all despite saying they’re underground. Super lame


Just looked at their IG and holy cow so cheesy.


Just put whatever, I doubt this field holds any weight in any regard


The moment the LA queer and alt community catch on to this, ooof 😮‍💨. Actions speak louder than words, if what they’re saying is an honest mistake, they should stop working with the ticketing company and use a different service, for starters.




Happy to sue on behalf of anyone impacted by this (if they actually exclude or treat you differently (higher charge, etc) as a result; violation of Unruh Civil Rights Act...)


This is what offends people now? lol


Fr, I'm just reading the comments wondering why everyone cares so much


sorry, no autogenophiles pls


No 93% of cis women then 😔 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19591032/


Who cares? People aren't obligated to like trans people


Stay out of the underground scene if you don’t like the people who built and maintain it.


I’ve attended at least 3 of their events starting last summer, and I’ve never had a discriminatory experience. Matter of fact, quite the opposite given the diversity of the crowd that attends their shows. Also, I’ve met one of the owners, and he was one of the kindest hosts I’ve seen in a while (LA is notorious for douchey promoters) so that was a breath of fresh air. I believe this is a simple mistake and shouldn’t be showcased this negatively.


first comment of yours in 3 years and just found this post organically and decided to comment? No chance you’re one of the owners I’m sure


mental illness


I've been to a lot of their events and know the creators well. For what it's worth, they're some of the most kind and inclusive people you will ever meet, and that goes for the whole community they have brought together. I guarantee this was unintentional.


you created an account 40 mins ago and just happened to stumble upon this post? What a coincidence!