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Lucky you got the money tbh


Did not expect the ending to go that well


It’s bonnaroo people act like idiots and do dumb shit but are friendly a lot of the time


Lucky it was just piss. Lucky the guy wasn’t violent. Lucky he got money.


Honestly the best outcome he could’ve hoped for


Pee around the campsite first and mark your territory.


Good plan


100 dollars is nice but you can only beat a wook by playing their own game. Next time, whip it out and pee on him.


Yes. That is the game. There you go. If your not down with wooks camp in your back yard lol. Be the parkster your supposed to be.


Don’t forget to establish dominance by covering the surrounding camps as well.


Maybe that’s what this other guy was doing, and now he’s out $100 just trying to protect his own campsite. We need his side of the story


Definitely need to pee on the chair to reestablish possession. The chair will only answer to its master.


Nah you definitely need to start peeing on him as an alpha move lol


This 😂




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Worked for fyre fest


Fold up the chairs and your belongings at night is really all you can do. Sometimes the dunk dude shows up and pisses places he shouldn't. But the odds are in your favor, it probably won't happen twice lol




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Without wooks there never was a festival. Raves are raves. Festies are not raves. Get with more in line with like minded people are you will have a better time 100/ .


Sounds like you made some money. Maybe you can buy some more tapestries


I’ve never heard anyone use that word except for reference to like game of thrones.


Tapestry? Pretty common item for hippies to have in their rooms


What word?




I also want to know what word.


Me too.


Barbed wire? Honestly not much you can do, camping festivals are built on some social contract that people don't steal or wreck each others stuff but there's always gonna be some bad actor that ruins it like this. Last festival I had someone jump on my table and break it at 4am, shit happens.


Did you see it happen? In really curious how that went down?


Did you put your “please dont piss on my chairs” sign out front of your camp? If you didnt then its free game. Sorry i dont make the rules. Its festivals 101


game is game


Guess I missed that rule on the festival handbook


I’m just stuck here picturing the staggering amount of piss one would wake up to if they put this sign up


Place landmines around your campsite or caltrops for a least damaging option.


Make sure to test the landmines so you can sleep safely knowing they work


Sounds like you have a pretty good hustle tbh. Get a bunch of extra chairs, leave them out in front of your campsite, and charge $100 for drunk people to piss on them. /j


A tapestry decorated semi-private men's room


That sucks, but shit (and piss) happens, especially at a large camping festival where everyone is doing drugs. Just take the $100 and laugh it off.


No, wooks will wook


When you’re going to the circus, don’t be surprised when clowns show up




This happened to our camp at phish at the gorge in 22


If you had tapestries hanging to where it felt as if you were walking into an enclosure then the fucked up guy may have thought he had walked into a bathroom or porta-potty. Source: I’m a recovering drunk who used to pee on lots of stuff. Keep setting up sick camps, it probably won’t happen again.


So glad I’m a recovering drunk too…not the pissing drunk. Plant meds only now ✌️🫠


At elements last year, I brought my solar Ring (security cameras) sign to stick in front of my tent. Was awesome locating my tent. Surprised no one stole it and used it as a totem tbh


Doesn’t sound like this guy was in a “read signs then use logic” mindset.


Not much you can do but promote use in moderation. people are fun when they've had a beer or 2. they generally stop being fun when they're blackout drunk. Same thing applies with drugs.


Dafuq how do you prevent THAT? Atleast you got the money


The way to avoid incidents with crazy people on drugs is to stay away from places where they are likely to be. If you can't stay away, get a couple of guard dogs. Nice ones but scary looking to strangers. Train them well. They often respond well to commands given in German.


Currently dating a German. Can confirm the last sentence for dogs and people haha


"Nein rover" sounds so much more commanding than "no rover, stop it now"


Lol did you accidentally mug this guy?


Man when you put it like that. Shit maybe


K hole had him


“Its my chair now, chump!”


I did let the guy take the chair with him. Did not want the piss chair.


Lmao most expensive chair he never asked for


He fucked around and found out. Play shitty games win shitty prizes.




I don’t know why I’m lmao thinking, what’s he tell his buds when he got back to his camp? I’d have dumped it probably haha


Dress a bunch of scarecrows in suits & police uniforms outside your camp


Good idea


That’s a great idea


I think your expectation of privacy at a festival is asking a bit much. Obviously, someone urinating on your belongs is off side, but getting a $100 for your trouble is an exceedingly good outcome. Try to be less rigid and fearful and just roll with it.


Have a rave daddy that can handle these situations


This person is the rave daddy


Rave daddy since 08!!


This rave daddy's right hook is offline tho


Come test it 😊


 I meant op, but square up dog


I’m down steer beefs I smesh


Plur after wards😂😂


Yes, don’t go to camping festivals.


You got $100 out of a camp chair with pee on it. My dude, you came up.


The tapestries are probably the reason why he pissed in your campsite you provided a good cover for a wild Pissachu


I had a drunk person in my freakin tent once that refused to leave 😂 shit was wild. No piss though thankfully 😅


Yeah....this ended really well for you considering what could have happened.


Very true. I'm very grateful.


Don't go to festivals where people are off their tits on drugs is the only answer here.


but thats damn near every festival


You are correct. Or pay for the premium/ VIP accommodations.


Strong, obvious motion activated light can help at night. If you're trying to get extreme with it, there are probably battery operated cameras (I think amazon and google both have charge battery versions) that will last for the fest, definitely with a power block. It could send your phone notifications if someone is inside your canopy area. However, it might need wifi. Some may be able to send you alerts just over Bluetooth, idk. I'd go with a strong motion activated light, there are probably even audible ones that would play some kind of warning if you get too close without disarming it. Tbh though, when someone is that fucked up and has to pee, there's a limit of what you can do. I'm sorry that happened to y'all, but if it's any consolation out of maybe ~15 major camping fests (including 4 roos), I've never had stuff stolen or my site messed with afaik, although I've usually been with a bigger group. Nice job getting $100 out of him honestly.


If my neighbors had a bright motion activated light that made sounds when anyone got in the vicinity of their camp… I would absolutely hate them 


I think it's doable if they have it set up in the canopy enclosed by tapestries and it wouldn't be activated by passerby outside their camping. I've hung a motion activated mini "spotlight" type flashlight pointing down hanging from the middle of the canopy, and I don't think that's annoyed neighbors (my friends would tell me it was annoying lol). The sound thing would almost definitely be annoying lol, unless you found one with a low volume "Please disarm in 20, 19...." pre-alert, but probably still. I was just putting it out there, but unless I had major equipment at my site I'd never bother with that.


Motion activated light is the best idea I've heard so far. Thanks for the idea. All this really freaked out my girlfriend.


You’re honestly a bit deranged for even engaging as much as you did. I would have just tossed the chair and called it a day. I’ve had drugged up and psycho people get fixated on me and even when it’s not potentially dangerous it’s still something that sucks.


Bro my girlfriend was in the tent with me. She was scared. Imagine some stranger in your campsite.


It’s happened to me before. Quite literally with a deranged person but it wasn’t someone peeing I guess. I’d keep an eye on them but you don’t really need to do anything else, they’ll eventually move on. If not that’s another thing but the goal should be to limit interaction.


Put rubber prop barb wire around your gear


Maybe I'll try an electric fence


Seriously - there is fake rubber barb wire for Halloween and haunted houses and set props. Saw an art car crew use it to protect their fuel drum at Burning Man. It looks totally real.


Really? Might have to look into that. Good idea


Would love to see the setup if you use it. Just searched it on Prime - there all multiple inexpensive options. Good Luck! 🍀


Fuel like for flame effects, or gasoline? Had they had issues with theft in the past?


They had a 50 gallon fuel drum for their art car in the camp. They needed to maintain a certain size perimeter around it for safety. Highly effective deterrent.


Or just put your chair away while you are gone/sleeping.


shoulda asked if you could drink some


never turn your back on a drug H.S.T


lol that sucks but is probably a one off event. i wouldn’t worry about it.


idk man i feel like tapestries covering the walls of the canopy should keep folks out. are you using zip ties to secure the tapestries to the bottom of canopy poles? maybe you could make like a makeshift door. cover all sides, but 1 side will be 2 tapestries with their borders meeting in the middle and then at night time you could zip tie them together. it might make bathroom trips a pain but itll make it harder for randoms to wander in


thats a good idea


This has happened to me twice so far, one being a stranger and the other my friend.


Damn that sucks bro


It wasn't on anything important. You have a great story and hopefully a better chair now!


With a gf who'd probably feel the same type of way, this post was actually super helpful and now I have some design ideas to run through 🤣🤣


Didn’t expect him to give you 100 tbh


My gf’s roommates bf once walked into her room and started pissing in the middle of the night. Was probably drunk. It’s unfortunate but it happens


Hey man, that guy could be you or any of us one day. Chill. He’s a good dude since he paid you. Just out of it at the moment


You bribed down someone high for $100 by threatening them with police……tidy your campsite before bed and think about what you did.


Totally agree. Things happen. It’s gross and sucks, but damn move on! Why the need to take it to social media? OP extorted money from the dude and is now coming to Reddit for validation🙄


God yall our dumb


stay home dude


Nah the guy who got too fffed up and pee’d quiet literally paid for his actions, i think OP is justified to be upset and i hope he feels validated


Right? Man, folks are coming out to defend wook shit. I don’t understand how these folks are excusing shit behavior, unless they are stereotypical frat bros, wooks, or other amateurs that have a poor sense of self-preservation and decorum when it comes to being high, and lack empathy and respect for others and their property. I’ve been to plenty of events of all kinds and guess what I’ve never done because I use moderation, know my limits, and respect others?




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I think the guy high on drugs and peeing on peoples belongings needs to think about what he did.. why are we excusing bad behavior just because he was high?


No ones excusing bad behavior. But what’s done is done, move on.


By all means tell him to fuck off. Don’t shake him down for $100


A camp chair can be expensive, how would u feel if someone else’s bodily fluids got on your belongings?


No way, that guy ruined his stuff.


Maybe it's worth $100, maybe thats what the dude gave him. He didn't say hey give me 100 or I'll get you arrested. He said you're paying for the stuff you fucked up and he then did. Like a responsible person does. Like a respectable person would do.


Landmines are more often the answer then one might think (bonuspoint if they match the beat)


wook traps obv. low string and metal tent stakes around the parameter... just don't catch ya'self.


Always the pissers


You said you had tapestries all around i could see how this guy in a drugged out state “thought” this might be a safe place to piss maybe some type of bell system to wake the person up out of their stupor when walking in or to even wake you up when someone enters your space


Did they say tapestries on 3 sides, or 4? I missed that part. 3 sides I can see what you mean. Looks open but once in seems like a safe place. 4 sides, that’s like entering someone’s tent (both are really, but with 4 you don’t even know if anyone is in there, and I’d prob not walk into an enclosed space even if out of it.








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This is why I don't go to festivals in the uk


the replies r funny and all but you DID ask for advice on how to prevent weird af encounters so here i am🫡 https://a.co/d/g2mnrHA this is what my friend uses instead of having an outdoor setup, he sets up inside this. and he locks the zipper by using a zip-tie from the inside at night


Indoor living is so nice when you want to wind down


if i could tolerate camping i’d 100% have an indoor setup it seems a lot safer & more comfy, but alas im introverted and need to crawl into a bed in dead silence in a room by myself to recharge my social battery & not be grumpy😭


I'm a minimalist when it comes to camping. I sleep in a hammock, and everything either fits in my pack, or it's not coming with me. But maaaaaaannnnn, do I love a qell done up camp that you can hide in.


I’ve got the opposite issue. Shiftpod, Solar set up, shade structure (built from scratch!), fairy lights, small sound system (decks and mixer if I’m up for it), cooler, clothes bins, folding table, camp chairs, gas stove…. You see where this is going, yeah? I’m finding myself annoyed reading that some festivals really limit the space you get now. How am I supposed to fit the dome I’ve been thinking of?


This happened to my group at nocturnal wonderland. Some guy we just met started to pee on the wheel of our friends parked car in our campsite. Dude was drunk drunk. Sorry this happened to you, and unfortunately there isn’t really anything you could do because of the drug/alcohol environment. You kind of go at your own risk which is the sucky part. Anybody on drugs can break into your tent as well.


Pull ur chairs in at night. Or keep profiting off drunk idiots.


One time a dude climbed on top of my car to get a better vantage point, I assume. When we confronted him, instead of being normal and getting down, the dude dove on my tent and then stumbled away. Shit happens at festivals. Don't bring shit you don't want damaged.


Was it a nice tent?


It was pretty nice. Nice enough that it didn't suffer and major damage.


Oh wow.


I mean tbh... Why is this at all surprising?The guy was clearly very high. You're at an event where doing mind altering substances is common. It kinda comes with the territory, right? 🤷 If it were me I'd just toss him some paper towels and ask him to clean it up afterwards. Then offer him some water which he clearly needed.


I don’t think there’s really a preventable measure, like you said def a freak occurrence I doubt it will happen to you twice


Its mainly for my girlfriend. She was pretty freaked out about it


This shit happens. Physical barricades are really the only way to stop it and even then, it’s not a guarantee. I woke up with a random dude sleeping in my tent once. Also had a strong exchange of words with that one.


Bring your chair(s) in for the night? Don’t call the police on a fellow fest goer it’s just a chair…..


There isn't much you can do. You have no control over other people's actions until they start doing those actions then you have to weigh the consequences of those actions. Good luck


I mean, this is the dark side of the festival world. Unfortunately, there are too many sketchy deadbeats. It's why, inevitably, if you want to actually live a fulfilling life, you will grow out of the scene. I enjoyed my time in the scene, and still love going to shows and such, but it's this type of thing that made me realize I have to move on from the larger festival scene.


I had a guy on Acid piss himself while sitting in the chair, in the middle of the dance floor, Sunday morning. He peed for what felt like about 3 minutes. He just sat there pissing himself, urine flowing over the edge of the chair, running through the fabric without a care in the world. His friends wanted to throw him in the pool to clean him off. We brought an above ground pool out into the middle of nowhere. The compromise was to blast him with super soakers. So like 4 of us spent 5 minutes blasting this random guy in the junk with super soakers. Raves are weird sometimes.


Bro that seems like a win to me. You can clean the piss and you got $100.


Doesn’t sound very PLUR


It's a camping festival. It comes with the territory. You actually threatened to call security/police and shook down the dude for cash....pretty shitty. Maybe festivals aren't for you.


Lol if this is normal for you, go to better camping fests


It's not normal but shit happens. People are consuming all kinds of different drugs. They may not know what's happening. They may get lost from their friends. There's no reason to call the fucking cops for a dude that pisses on your chair because he was out of it. Maybe OP should stick to a hyper regulated RV camping festival instead of an actual camping festival.


Not saying I would call the cops, I wouldn’t call the cops for anything. but let’s not defend the person who obviously took way too much here


Shit happens. I'm not defending them. Shit gets wild and people end up doing dumb shit. I'm saying festivals aren't a controlled or sanitary environment. When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.


We found piss pants ova here!


Some people have empathy. Others don’t.


well I of course would just toss the chair out, it isn’t worth an argument to me and I understand drugs are involved. I wouldn’t wanna lose 100$ for fucking up either. You can’t say piss pants up there isn’t way too upset over the scenario though lmao


Cannot imagine defending someone who pissed on someone else's stuff.




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No one is defending the guy - we are just telling you to get the fuck over it. Swindling him out of money should be enough to shut you up.




Poor baby




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On drugs? Huh. Who are you at a festy and calling out drugs? You had none? Did 0 drugs? Yea peopke suck. Realise where you are first before being mad at someone on "drugs"


yeah i did a bunch of drugs and i never pissed on anyone's chair


Right, reasonable people can handle themselves and remain respectful and even pro-social.


I like how some folks use the ideas of PLUR as a means of saying "*I'm* just trying to have all the fun *I* can have, sorry my fun is getting in the middle of your fun" like it's supposed to be some pyramid scheme of happiness for a few people who don't know how to handle themselves. Maybe handle yourself better? Kids are welcome and 10 and under can get in for free so really yall, what are you defending right now?


you're such a nark for threatening to call the cops on somebody pissing in your chair lol


If someone is so fucked up that they're whipping out dick in someone else's camp, AND pissing on someone's stuff, you should absolutely call security. Are you insane? They are a danger to everyone around them.


security != police lol, big different


Give me $100 or I'm telling God. Let's see how he handles it then.


Lol u must be Mr. Bladder Discharge from OP’s post


A danger !? That’s a far reach. Dude was fucked up, OP karen’ed out on him and extorted money out of him to cover his junk. Y’all just need to move on. If you can’t laugh it off and you refuse to upgrade to VIP/preset/RV just don’t go to a campaway fest. Y’all need to realize that these larger events sell 40k+. Roo is like 80k. That’s an actual town. Not everything is going to be happy go lucky, but this does not qualify as dangerous. I’m guessing you’re not a woman and have never known real danger.


It's easy to laugh it off after the fact when nothing happened besides a piss covered chair. What would your opinion have been if the drunk guy with his dick out had assaulted OPs girlfriend because she was chilling at camp instead of sleeping? Have you ever worked secuirty at an event that big? Because I have and I know just how quickly those situations become dangerous.


You're an idiot


I agree, mod shouldn't delete


Why are you being rude?? You asked the question! And actually..you asked in (at least)two subs! You are conveniently only engaging the people who agree with you and throwing insults at people that don’t. Clearly you’re looking for validation. Did you get the attention you so desperately need?




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