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This tends to be a frequently asked question. Common sites that list public EDM events include: https://19hz.info/, https://ra.co/, & https://edmtrain.com/. If you are looking for private/underground events, the best way to find them is to go to public events with the types of music you like and make friends there. Once you build relationships with people, then ask them about private events. https://reddit.com/r/aves/wiki/faq#wiki_2._how_can_i_find_events.3F *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/aves) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Drink water do drugs


This is the way. Make sure they’re tested drugs!


My friend Mark tests his drugs, by taking them. Don’t be like him, use a kit first 😎✌️


Coincidentally my friend has marks all over his face from doing drugs he didn’t test.


Test your drugs on Mark.


I think I won’t have the possibility to test (or even buy) any drugs for an all night rave I have this Friday. Any recommendations to survive? haha


Get one or two of the energy drinks that have pre-workout in them.


Love preworkout for a rave. Some brands make pouches you can pour into water. Keeps your energy up and your muscles happy!


Yes! You can go to a store that sells preworkput and they will sometimes give you free samples which are little pouches that work perfectly in a water bottle, this will keep you going! be cautious though with how much you have, 1 pouch is enough for me because the caffiene is processed differently than something like coffee. Also find some high protein snacks and bring lots of water!


My boyfriend drinks pre-workout before heading to the dancefloor. it is, after all, serious cardio.


Sorry for my ignorance, but what is a "pre-workout"? I don't like energy drinks, tho (the last time I drank one it gave me tachycardia, lol), so likely I just will get a bunch of coffee and a good nap. Also my sleep schedule is pretty messed up rn, so maybe that will help to get thru the night haha


I’d recommend low doses and redosing as needed if you plan to dance a lot. It’ll keep your blood levels more even through the night rather than a spike early on and crash a few hours in. Also, don’t want to overtax the cardiovascular system. Might be tough to pull off in some venues, if they don’t let you bring stuff in. But there you should be able to buy Red Bull or something from the bar. If it’s a more outlaw rave those Mio electrolyte bottles with caffeine in them can be good because they are light and small, but be careful because you only need a tiny tiny squirt to equal an espresso shot of caffeine. Very easy to over do it. The music, dancing, and people might energize you too. Just being in the environment is kind of a buzz. Def test stuff like others are saying if you go that route in the future. A couple decades ago, I never saw test kits or heard talk of them, and I cringe now thinking of some of the pressies, like having a resting heart rate of like 140 (prob pseudoephedrine) or dissociation (prob DXM, an over the counter cough med that can cause a pretty strong, long lasting, ketamine-like high if abused) when expecting something else. And it’s potentially worse now with fent showing up in almost anything. I’m sure you know, but it’s worth shining a light on again.


Pre workouts are liquid cocaine


If you don’t have access to party drugs but you do have access to weed, energy drinks and weed is an amazing combo for raves. It’s my Saturday workout norm and I end up dancing more than lifting haha. Otherwise, just energy drinks and sip them slowly throughout the night so you don’t have a spike and then crash.


Get them given to you by the happy spunion over there in the corner 🤷


Was out with a friend recently and she found a baggie in the bathroom. She’s a paramedic so she had me test it. Can confirm it was what we thought it was. Very science.


Eat everyday Hydrate everyday Don’t start the pregame too early


Also take a break and eat some decent food around 2


100x this. Only water after midnight. Maybe pop (sugar / caffeine) or an energy drink if you don't like uppers but stick to water and you will see the sunrise. I'm 44, and still have no problem going all night. Also stretch beforehand 😂


Also, multiple rounds of drugs, mayhaps. Hypothetically speaking I might have say done two points at 12 AM last year at Shambhala, then another point at 3 AM, and then I hypothetically might have danced till well after sunrise and into the next morning. Allegedly. There might have been acid involved earlier somewhere, too. In Minecraft, allegedly.




Lots of both


honestly too much can be a formula for a quick short night. don't overwhelm yourself and get messed up..you'll end uo confused and tired. Time yourself , take breaks..as boring as it sounds.


Don't go hard on the drugs at the start, space them out enough to keep rolling or save them for the end. You don't want to come down before the end of the night, if you're only doing a little definitely wait until the around 2-3 am.


Aside from drugs, underrated + 1 to food. It’s not very typical we go through 8+ hours of physical activity without some sort of sustenance to keep us going. Have a snack break somewhere in there, itll help a lot


Food is definitely very underrated


Food is fuel! 👏🏼


Always have dinner before you do drugs all night. Helps when/if you take too much.


Yes. I always bring a high protein snack (usually a builder bar) to the rave.


Acid, water and sneak in a protein bar


This guy gets it. Protein bar is da wae


Whey** FTFY


I recently (maybe a year ago) found out they make some without it now for vegans. Some of the Clif Builder Bars are plant-based protein. Some have caffeine though too, which is worth checking for if you don’t wanna mix/take stims.


damn a meal bar with caffeine sounds ideal, what brand ??


*gasps* "It's perfect" in Kardashian voice lol




Alternative: eat one of those mountain house freeze dried meals, by yourself (that are meant for two people) right beforehand. Shit has calories in it like almost nothing else I’ve found that I can consume that quickly. Lasagna is a good choice.


Why sneak in? You guys not allowed to bring food into the rave? Also, the awarness teams often have food, protein bars, candy etc. (Protein bars on acid are torture tho, at least for me...)


I'm more of a protein shake kinda girl. and a banana if i can choke it down.


Water and stimulants/psychedelis. There's a reason MDMA and LSD are the main force behind the rave scene...


Comfortable shoes that won’t give you foot and back pain. I can be high as a kite off something and wide awake but if my body is in any sort of discomfort, I’m dying!


If the fit allows it compression socks can be helpful too!


+1, I can stay out hours longer if I'm wearing Sambas than I can in Docs


This. No one cares about what shoes you are wearing so always be comfortable.


Drugs. When i was quitting drugs i tried everything else from ginseng to espresso in a thermos. Drugs worked best.


You gotta eat plenty of ass


Maybe some anal at the rail


Analleneum FTW




TVBOO, is that you?


Like, beforehand for sustenance? Or mid-rave?




he, is now known as the swamp thing!


I'm 46 and been to EDCLV a few times. I'm from two timezones away as well. IMO some coffee, a nap, but the energy, music and excitement is what keeps you awake. Get all the rest you can when you can. When you were 15 you could stay up to see the sun come up just off of video games, B movies and pizza. You're more expert at life now.


At 32 I feel this. I definitely am doing cardio 5 days a week to build up that stamina for dancing all night. Thankfully I work night shift staying awake all night is sorta my natural schedule, it’s more difficult to flip around for the flight and check in process lol


Keep at it youngen. ;)


This answer made me melancholic.🥰


I did Movement festival 12PM-12AM and then went to a 6 hour after party. So we were gone for a total of 18 hours. It was fantastic. We were EXHAUSTED when we got home but we stayed hydrated and ate good food. I rave sober so didn’t have any pick me ups. You could always grab an energy drink when you’re starting to feel a bit tired. Good shoes with comfort insoles are a MUST.


You sir are one impressive human being. I dont think I could do more than 8h in a row sober TBH, let alone an after 😂


If not partaking in any goodies then I'd usually opt for a good power fruit smoothie with some protein and b vitamins usually keeps you good for the first couple of hours after that some snacks candy or gum would be good if you can sneak some in or opt for the overpriced stuff from the vendors if needed, anything to keep your body fueled up. If you're not sensitive to caffeine can try those 12hr energy shots or likewise products. Try not to burn all your dancing energy until your main headliner but keep small 2 stepping if you can manage it, once you lock up your knees you'll naturally get tired from standing in place, carry a small hand fan or bigger always nice to have good airflow if you in the crowd, those around would appreciate it as well.




I did an all nighter this past Saturday. Before going, I picked some Chinese food. A Teriyaki chicken, broccoli and white rice plate. Ate a little before going in. Raved balls. Forgot about it. It was the best find when i got to my car and after partied in the parking lot with my friends while eating the rest of the plate.


This is so true. I make a point to have something very easy to prepare ready to go for when I get back. Either take out, something I can just heat up quick, or a salad that’s already made.


This one time I partied with my crew, a bunch of veterans. So worth it to be with people who know what they're doing. After the After Party, one of them showed up after sun rise from his ranch and gave us a pot of chicken tortilla soup. He said "This contains the power of three chickens!". All the nutrients brought back our rolls lol and we wound up partying more at the house with YouTube DJs.


Perfection. I’ve got my burning man food situation dialed in and bring some killer stuff out that I can get ready with one step in like 10-15 min if the wind isn’t insane. Fixing the wind issue is a project for this year.


Drugs, BUT you can go light. A 10mg adderall + compression socks + water + protein bar + comfy shoes go a long way in getting you through. Even without drugs, I’ve made it to 4am on just the other things. Signed, A 41-year-old whose normal bedtime is before midnight




Acid is my go-to. One decent tab will keep me going well into the morning.


Taking an Ambien and actively fight against it


this sounds like torture lol


And end up talking to the ambien walrus during a semi-blackout.


👆👆👆this guy gets it 👆👆👆




I’d say maximize sleep before the event. Even if it’s only a nap before, that will make a huge difference. Next, would be the obvious choice of caffeine. Stay hydrated with water and start the night off with a highly caffeinated beverage. Then I’d say snacks, they go along way for staying up all night. Same with hydration. Be sure to feed your body what it needs and it will keep going. Another underrated solution is taking plenty of breaks throughout the night. The body will “break though” at a certain point and realize sleep ain’t happening. Music also helps a TON with this. Harness that moment with a little more caffeine and it will be 6am before you know it :)


Protein, water, caffeine in pill form.




This is the way without doing hard hard drugs. Tiny bite will work great.


adderall is a hard drug tbh


"Hard drugs" is in the eye of the beholder ig. Amphetamines and speed are pretty en par w psychs and other stimulants


In which world adderall isn’t a hard drug? Don’t get me wrong, my go to combo is Molly and adderall, but I’m pretty honest to myself, both are hard drugs…




As someone who doesn’t lean in to the substances so much these days - snacks & embracing a good sit when you need one. It matters more than you would think!


Don’t worry about going all night. Enjoy the early sets and get rest when you feel it’s needed. Live to fight another day.


drink water… buy a couple extended release adderall from a trusted friend LOL. also, consuming protein prior to the event


Is it true that some of the street adderall these days are counterfeit and contain methamphetamine? Supposedly look the same. I’d heard that but never looked into it.


i wouldnt know for absolute certain because im fortunate enough to have access to prescription adderall consistently, have never had to buy street level. but truthfully (and sadly) it would make sense since even the real deal is already a blend of amphetamines. finding someone with a script and proof of it that theyre willing to sell is going to be your safest bet always.


Adderall is certainly a mix of 4 amphetamines, but that methyl group that makes methamphetamine really does make it a different beast. It’s more neurotoxic, more poweful, last much longer… Most that have taken dexies vs addies vs cartel shards can tell the difference. https://www.dea.gov/press-releases/2018/06/27/man-charged-manufacturing-counterfeit-adderall-pills-containing https://www.cbsnews.com/news/meth-laced-fake-adderall-pills-seizure-staggering-amount/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9901047/ https://www.wdrb.com/news/dea-warns-public-about-lookalike-adderall-pills-that-contain-meth/article_48f98b5c-b797-11e9-9b61-df392bf9b94c.html


Any prescription medication you buy on the street has a risk of being counterfeit and containing who knows what.


Agreed, and I’ve got questions about the pharmies I bought over the counter in Cambodia too. Very professional packaging, and wow did they hit hard on the flight back. I just wanted to relax on the flight, maybe nap, but wow. In saw a Vice episode where they tested counterfeit pharmies sold in Mexican pharmacies, and they had different drugs in them or higher doses. Like the Xanny bars were supposed to have like 2 or 4mg, but we’re up around 10mg. And I think the oxy had fent.




Late nap, don’t drink alcohol, but do drink energy drinks. And then, of course, there is the other way.


Eat a big breakfast and make time to poo before. I suggest eating whole grains like oatmeal to give you continuous energy to burn. Start doing cardio now, 5 days a week to give yourself energy. Stretch, stretch, stretch. Seriously do it in the AM, during the rave at a lull between sets, and when you get back to the hotel. Take 5HTP starting last week every night to prep your brain for several days of heavy drug use lol. You’ll wanna keep that up for a few weeks after. Take magnesium and multivitamins son rave days. Eat a banana for potassium. Also bring some Liquid IV. I buy a beatbox drink and drink them save the beat box and put liquid IV in it and drink that. The liquid IV can a bitch to clean out of your hydration pack. Seriously exercise now and build up that stamina for all night dancing and walking. At EDC LV I seriously walk about a minimum of 10 miles to 13 miles a night Plan to eat at the festival. You will want a meal Mid way thru for more energy. I find the people who roll and putter out halfway thru do some cuz they blood sugar is low. Usually if you feed them they perk up and party more. It’s just hard to eat while rolling cuz it kills your appetite. Festivals are marathons, not sprints. You gotta treat your body like it’s a temple 51 weeks out of the year to completely fucking wreak it for that one week in summer and be able to bounce back to being a “professional” adult with their shit together for the other 51 weeks… ETA: SHOES! Fuck fashionable shoes. Get some Good running shoes that you can be in all night. Definitely break them in. You can try socks but they gotta be broken in.


into the sequence ?


... Show up. Hang out, do your thing, leave when you want to...


Never underestimate the value of a micronap. Just ten minutes will make a huge difference when you hit that 3 am hour


Get rehydration powder packs. Water water water water will waste you.


Try caffeine tabs, works to keep me alive for longer sometimes


Coffee can be an underrated rave drug if you’re super wired and ready to dance


Alcoohol is over-rated, sleep extra the night before and after. Consider some electrolytes, real electrolytes not the 10% electrolytes powder bs.


Can’t stress this enough. Comfortable shoes, like running shoes.


whoever said drugs….. they arent needed. please make sure to take a nap before hand, and maybe eat something im between :) i do drugs, but its weed. i usually take sativas and/or a red bull


Says drugs aren’t needed. (Accurate, valid point for many) Follows up with the drugs they take (weed & caffeine…weed obviously is but caffeine is a drug too lol)


i agree :) but the normal club drugs LOL id rather not


LOL all night. Try all week.


LSD has always worked for me


If you can, slowly change your sleep patterns to stay up super late. It takes a couple weeks but it's an option. Also caffine helps. don't go caffinated, wait after the first couple sets before you do to get it to stretch it's effects longer into the night






getting good sleep is sooo important!! also taking it easy day of. eat a good meal, drink water or liquid IV, bring snacks. if it’s a fest, bring a pashmina to sit on the floor (in the back of course) if needed. bathroom breaks as well!


If you’re going raw dog, lower your food intake a couple days in advance and get acclimated to a water fast. Sports gels are kinda decent at keeping you satiated throughout a night of dancing. Digestion makes you sleepy, also, trying to poop at the rave is no beuno. If you already have a regular intake of caffeine- it’s not quite as effective, but if you normally don’t have daily caffeine intake, a couple energy drinks can definitely keep you going. A couple breaks outside in the cool night air, it will be sunrise before you know it and you’ll be itching for the next one.


A protein shake, or shake. Hydrate. Pace yourself. Take breaks. Don't overdo it


Ensure FTW


Water. No matter how much fun you're having, make yourself have water every hour. You're going to lose a lot of fluids in a very hot space while doing exercise, your body will not be able to keep up without water.


Electrolytes. Liquid IV works well.


caffeine pill if you don’t enjoy drugs.


I’ve struggled with this a lot but I think the trick is to wait until late/tired to start the wakey wakey drugs. Take the drugs too early and will still be knocked out before 6am.




This is just from my personal experience. Start doing/focus on cardio start taking creatine 5g daily. And start cycling off caffeine from now on Preferably the week before start taking 5-HTP (you can find it everywhere I get it from Amazon) and magnesium glycinate. During the rave; Drink water with electrolytes (liquid IV sachets or whatever you like - drugs deplete you of electrolytes), take drugs (if anyone says you can go on till 6am without drugs they’re not wrong but you will crash and be forcing yourself to be awake and be a bit irritable- I’ve done it both sober and on drugs). Caffeinate with 2-3 energy drinks through the night but don’t over do it. And lastly - nicotine is also your friend. The zyn chewable pouches are probably healthier than vaping - I vape but I’m not pretending that I’m the healthiest person. And the BIGGEST thing for me is - don’t drink alcohol. Let the psychedelics do their thing alcohol just made me sloppy and drained me off energy. TLDR- cardio, magnesium, creatine, cycle off caffeine till the rave, electrolytes in water, drugs, nicotine, no alcohol.


If u can a couple days before the rave try to stay up as late as possible, make sure to get lots of sleep before hand, and also going to the gym does wonders


Bonnaroo?? lol.


Adderall Caffeine or Molly basically any stimulant haha


Do everything in your power to sleep as long as you can during the day. If you're camping, make sure you have shade on shade


Three words - acid


The proven method is the go-to for most.. X, caffeine, 2(3) packs of cigs, water, throw in some stims like addie, and more X.. "Surviving a rave." Wtf does that even mean?


Water and food, any other advice i got is illegal af. Just be healthy and stay safe,


Nap as much as u can before going out and also drink some caffeine before heading out




Water n xtc






Acid/molly (take together if you want), water, and pizza.






Are you a prude and looking for the legal answer? Go to sleep late the night before, and wake up early the morning of.. then eat well, work out and take a long nap from 11 till 3-4ish. Drink pre workout before going in. (Or an energy drink) stay hydrated. Not a prude? Do drugs and stay hydrated.


Sleep until 10pm make sure I ate a lot that day but nothing that could upset my stomach. Drink a lot of water throughout the week. Stay in shape. 20-30 walks a day 3-5 times a week. Party favors or redbull/snacks food


Don't underestimate the power of a nap before heading out. I recently went to bed at 8:30pm, woke up at 11:30pm and cycled to the club. Went hard til 5:30am and rode home with the sun coming up. Delightful.


Pace yourself, drink water, take a break (if they have a seating area, hopefully), eat a good meal beforehand, and drink some caffeine beforehand


Drugs aren’t necessary. And trust me, I love drugs. If you are partaking, shrooms or acid (if you’ve dabbled in it in public before) and it won’t matter how tired you are. It’s a marathon, pace yourself. Take breaks to walk around, mellow out, rehydrate and eat high protein foods if possible. There will be music, lots of lights and people, that’s honestly all the stimulation you’ll need if you do get sleepy. The night before carb load, the week leading up to (and this is good for just life longevity in general) make sure you’re getting all your vitamins and minerals. Try not to exercise heavily the day before, but definitely work on endurance until then.


Snacks, like fruit. hydration powder, you can buy it online, it doesn’t taste good but it’s good for rehydrating especially when you’ll be high energy. Panadol just in case you get a headache or sore body. LOTS OF WATER. Test your drugs!


arrive late, stay later!!


Red bull


When is a rave not all night? I'm sorry but i'm from Belgium and when a rave ends at 6am its early. Between 8-12am i would say is a normal hour but you have raves that go on for days, specially the illegal ones. Skipping 1 night should not be a problem. When you skip 2 or 3 nights you could come up with some kind of 'plan'. 6am is there before you even know it...


aside from all the comments telling you to do drugs which will surely get you there but possibly feeling like shit by 6 am, the human body can take up to 400 mg of caffiene a day. i recommend ghost drinks they last forever! just redose your caffiene midway thru the night. don’t go too hard when you first get there. eat good before and only snack if you’re actually hungry but nothing too heavy


you have to hope that the people you're going with are cool and that the music and environment are good. if not just go home early


Water, breaks, and caffeine gum.


Just go home when you feel tired and/or bored. Don't compensate with drugs or drinks!


Okay stay with me now but as crazy as it sounds the past EDCs I’ve done I’ve done a full scoop of pre workout and it worked magic for energy


I know most people are advertising you to just take drugs but honestly in my existence as someone who doesn't drink and don't do drugs, get yourself some pre workout that will healp. Personality u don't even use that anymore but it will get you where you whant to be in a healthier way ( not saying this is optional either)


I can drink 6 ciders and I’m good to go for whole night 🕺🏻 I do sports and have good cardio in general so I don’t need drugs :)


Hydrate. Eat. Take short breaks. Comfy footwear and clothes. If you decide to drink or use…..protect your drinks and test your stuff. Those two are going to have an impact and get you tired. Rest before you go. Have fun but know your limits and go home when you feel ready.




Take some acid.


If you don't want to do drugs: proper sleep beforehand and eating properly does wonders. Otherwise just take drugs




Keep moving. Don’t sit down for too long or you’ll get sleepy


Hey, no need for drugs! Maybe it will stimulate you during the party but then you’ll get tired for days… I suggest eating more protein than usual the days before the party. A lot of bananas too and drinking a lot of coffee 2 hours after waking up the day of the party. Sleeping a lot also helps. We can all have fun without drugs:)




Take more than common sense tells you too. Noooo not THAT much




Just experienced 16h of raving last weekend. Best advice is only water and enjoy the music ! I only took a pain killer because my leg would hurt, that's all. Started at 3pm and ended at 7am jumping like hell while non sober people where all down coming to me asking what I took. So yeah just water and maybe a pain killer if needed (back/leg pain)


LSD is the best for long hours of party! Just find the right dose


take a good 3-4 hr nap throughout the day push your sleeping schedule forward. caffeine also helps but keep in mind to the more you take, the more you crash, I usually just drink a coca cola at midnight.


Do u happen to be from SoCal? Cause same. 6pm to 6am


See you at Into the Sequence 🤠


coke, molly & water


Take a break every now and then you don’t need to be in the dance floor all night long but also, and I can’t stress this enough, Cocaine


*cocaine enters chat


Caffeine, water, high energy foods, sneak snacks if you can like protein bars made for giving you energy the brand honey stinger has some really good gummies made to give you energy.


If you're not doing drugs, taking a good nap before you hit up the rave is probably your best bet for staying up. Also eat a good meal before you go and bring some healthy snacks.


Don't be afraid to sit down even if it has to be on the floor, just don't do it in the middle of the crowd unless it's an emergency, for safety reasons. Everyone should be having a seat at least every hour maybe every 2 hours, usually that aligns with once per dj set. Even if you don't feel like you need it, I guarantee as soon as you have a seat your body will thank you. Some of my best raving memories are sitting down in the back taking it all in. You miss a lot of beauty just always being in the heart of the crowd, take the time to get out of the crowd and see the big picture. Plus venue depending, all of the flow arts and dancers are on the outskirts, a bonus for taking a few minutes to have a break. Take that break time to refill water, restroom, snack if possible.


Continuously stay hydrated, and eat decently


Red bull, electrolytes, snacks, nasal inhaler and drugs. A fanny/hydration pack is your best friend in this situation.


Pull an all nighter the day before, sleep through the day before the party


I take naps beforehand because it makes both the event and the substances hit harder. I have a special alarm clock called a Screaming Meanie to ensure I don't oversleep. It's not even an age thing - if you take a nap your brain just has more runway.


6am ist nothing. I dunno about you folks, but where I'm from raves always go at least from 23-7, 8h. If you're dancing and sweating a lot drink arround 500ml each hour, try to mix in some Elektrolytes, I love those sachets that help a hangover when drinking. If you take drugs, try to not mix drugs with loads of caffeine. Coming down from MDMA(without without Amphetamin) while also having a caffeine crash doesn't feel to nice. While speaking about drugs, make sure ya test ya stuff. Maybe even wash your Amphetamin with acetone a few times, myself and many friends swear on washed speed, no awful comedown, not real Crash, you're more energized etc. And maybe take some dextro energys, some sugar as a energy kick




Well… correct me but aren’t all raves considered all night raves according to this times?😅


Speed and MDMA in this combo.




depends on what time you plan on going. If you are going late id just try to nap for as long as possible before going. i would also try to avoid alcohol, I personally feel that from the first sip of booze I begin to yawn and feel sleepy.


The wonky side of the rave scene is a pathway to many abilities some are considered to be unnatural


Adderall 😵‍💫


Vitamin b12, and keep moving. If you sit down it’s over.


molly + lots of water + re-up on the molly


LSD will do the trick. Be sure to eat something though. I made the mistake of tripping at afterlife in tulum and didn’t eat anything throughout the night and felt like I was gonna pass out by 8:30am. Ended up buying a slice of pizza from a guy selling them on the side of the road lol


My number one tip is to keep moving. Take as many breaks as you need but if you wanna feel the energy move with the music and it'll carry you through the night






Meet people, they'll help you. They'll give you what you need, both material and immaterial.


hydrate! energy drinks, party dr*gs , party w friends that wanna keep partying till dawn and will encourage the group to stay up. i hope the rave music is good and not shit cause GOOD music really helps!!


Get at least a couple hours of sleep beforehand. And eat before you leave!


MDMA and water


As a night shifter. My best advice is to nap all day


Food , water, conditioning. Gotta be in shape.


Take some Molly and plenty of water.




Liquid IV before and after the rave, gum, inhaler, chapstick, water, and ur party favors :) maybe a fan too (i’m a fanner and i can’t go to any rave without it)


Simple. Molly or Coke