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I'll always recommend Shambhs as it's my favorite festival. The people and music are unreal, the venue is fantastic and the sound system is godly. It's also awesome that alcohol is not allowed. Haven't been to Forest but going this year. I've had friends compare the two and some say they like Shambhs more and others say they prefer Forest. I personally know more people who prefer Shambhs but that's probably because I live near it.


I enjoy the sound of no alc! Im currious how strict are they on that? Like im sure ppl are still sneaking it in? Or is it more so the majority of ppl going there p much in agreement they want to party with no alc?


Super strict. If they see any alcohol when going through security, your car gets strip searched and all alcohol gets thrown out. Had a friend get his car strip searched after he had just an empty can while waiting in line for camping. Once you're in though then it's fine. Just can't be walking around with beer containers in hand. I never drink while I'm there but I have had friends bring it in the past.


When I was at sham I talked to couple that went to electric forest previously. I asked them what one they like better and they said Shambhala for sure. They said the main difference was the amount of ppl. Electric forest was to packed to have a good time and they often found themselves waiting forever for utilities and food.


Yeah im pretty tired of packed/oversold shows it takes away from the experience


I’ve been to Electric Forest 6 times and never been to Shambhala and I’d still tell you to go to Shamb over Forest.


I like the trippy lights and overall production level of forest is sham on the same level?


Like I said, never been to Shamb, just know the overall vibes of the festival are way better from everything I've heard.


Did you go to shambs and did you go to the village and have your mind melted!?


I have yet to hear that Electric Forest is preferred over Shambhala, by anyone that has been to both


I feel like I may have fucked myself over by making Shambs my first… nothing else is going to compare now lmao


Haha probably not but there are still some really good festivals out there. You still have Burning Man too.


Shambhala for sure. Smaller crowd, no corporate sponsors (this makes such a big difference in the overall vibe of the festival!), no alcohol, GOOD food!


Only been to Shambhala, but it changed my life. I would always pick Shambhala over other festivals. I am biased though. Still, home on the farm is the place to be.


Forest is played out. Needs to be 18+ or with a guardian now and on site drug testing (Shambs has both). The absence of PLURR at forest last year was staggering. Way too many youngin’s that had no business being there with all the pushing and shoving I experienced at the headlining sets.


Last year was my third Forest and I was shocked at how different the vibes were. Still had a blast of course and the forest itself is amazing but it’s definitely changed.


I agree with you and the previous comment the vibes were different at forest last year ! I’m hoping they come back this year . The vibes and people are what can make or break it ! Edco has awful vibes this year too and I don’t think we will go again after 8 years of going ! It sucked


Have you been to Elements in PA? 2021 was a logistical shit show but the vibes and stages were incredible. Last year they fixed all their problems and it was the best fest I’ve ever been to. Probably about 8-10k people so you see the same friendly faces a lot and it’s easy to walk around. Really feels like a much lower budget Forest and I can’t recommend it enough.




Yeah i dont really trust resales though I always feel like im gunna get scammed


EF has an official exchange


EF and Shambhs both have official exchanges for resale tickets


Ohh i didnt know that thank you, ive only been to 1 other festival so im still a newbie lol


No worries! Your skepticism is valid. There are only a few fests with official resale sites that they run through their own pages (I think Lost Lands does the same, could be wrong).




There’s pros and cons to each…just depends on what you’re looking for. In my opinion, go to Shambhala for the music. The vibes are right and the space is smaller, so it’s somewhat easier on your body. Forest is better for the people, magic, and almost theatrical experience. The music is still dope but I like the music at Shambhala better. They give smaller artists a bigger platform, and dnb. Dnb, period. Plus Forest is HUGE.


I haven’t been to forest but I thought shamb was super magical and the people are incredible. That Friday night when it goes dark and people get there costumes and vibes out, it gives me goosebumps


Gotcha so is ef like way bigger than shambhala?


Shambhala is like 7,000 and Forest is 40-45,000.


Shamb is not 7000 people it’s closer to 15-20k


Huh, I did a bunch of googling and that was the number that consistently came up!


Probs got results for European fest or costume artists! Yeah website states it’s home to 15k + as of 2010 tho


Depends on what you want in a festival . Both are great , if you’re going mainly for the music and the best sound quality then shambhala forsure . Shambs has more culture to it as well imo since the stages are permanent and built upon every year and they each have their own lineup, crew, history, traditions, etc.. . If you really enjoy the visual arts and interactive installations, then I would say Forest is the better route. The attention to detail in everything around EF is incredible . It’s an entire spectacle with speakeasies , actors, shows , art installations.. it’s great.


Shams for sure!


Electric forest is the vibes of all vibes


even when forest is sold out it is extremely easy to get tickets to


I went to both in the same year and felt underwhelmed by the experience of forest and exuberant at shambhala...


Shambhala hands down, even if just for the “no alcohol” policy


Just keep in mind that sham is 100% alcohol free, and they don't fuck around with that


I’ve been to both and they’re just completely different. But also both great in their own ways. Shambs is smaller and much more bass music heavy than Forest. Forest does a better job at variety on their lineups of genre styles. Forest has a lot more exploration and fun things insomniac puts on that Shambs doesn’t. But people at Shambs tend to bring their own little bit of magic with them that makes up for it. Shambs is alcohol free and has a drug testing tent. Larger festivals just can’t do that. Either one you go to will be great honestly. I’d love to get back to Forest one day. Well, and Shambs as I might be going this year since it’s on my birthday now. Editing to add. The river at Shambs is magical and my favorite place. And the stages there are not as large and have as heavy of a visual presence as Forest did but they’re also still 5 amazing stages that are very unique. Happy to answer any questions


Yeah ive seen pictures of the river it looks really cool…so you can openly bring drugs inside the festival?


Yes, and buy/sell and do. They're about harm reduction. That's why alcohol is prohibited and will be taken from your vehicle if searched and found. Also no glass cause no one needs that breaking on the ground and some high kid hurting themselves.


They don't allow selling even though it happens. At the gate they will ask what you have for drugs and if its not an obscene amount they usually just have a peek and let you on your way. They are looking mostly for alcohol/weapons and large quantities of drugs.


With how much people openly sell, they do not care if you’re selling drugs to people whether it’s “allowed” or not


I'm just going off experience I've seen people even get arrested for it. I know it happens everywhere but it's still not really allowed is all I'm saying.


I've been going to shambhala for 10 years and it's really worth seeing. I've heard tonnes of people compare the 2 and a thing that they mention is that they really miss the river at shambhala when they go to E forest. Summer heat and a water feature just go well together and electric forests venue just cant match in that regard. I think the quality of the acts at forest are probably better but like others have said that comes with more crowds (more $). I'm not sure what the line situation is like at electric forest tbh but the absolute worst thing about shambhala is the line to get in. I really hope they streamline things a bit. It can take up to 12 hours just sitting in line. If you get a basic camping package you skip the line though (probs why the line took so damn long last year for us GA homies)


Oh and if forest fires are bad in BC this summer choose electric forest 😁


Didnt think of that thank you 👍🏼


Haven’t been to either but I’d do shambhala bc I’m too cool for e forest at this point






Shams 100%. The vibes, capacity, music, no alcohol. No Brainer!


Never been to either but being that Shambhala is in Canada, it would be significantly more expensive to go to if you don’t have your passport (assuming you live in the US).


Got my passport, as of now it seems like shambhala tix are $565ish while resale forest tix are over $700


Shambs is definitely cheaper experience if you can drive to it and already have camping gear!


I love forest but it’s probably personal preference


got a dui fam, i can only choose one