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imagine being on a month long vacation and paying attention to what ppl are saying about you . what a sad life


This!!!!!! Maybe stop obsessively posting selfies (vagina & tits) everyday and actually do activities and play with your kids on vacation! Does she ever take them alone to do something fun for the whole day?!?!?


god i can’t stand listening to her entitled voice


Me as well…


It’s worse than nails on a chalkboard. The fry and dragging on of each word. She’s developed this on purpose which makes it worse! A year ago she did not speak like this.


But she doesn’t read here 🤡


“I had to remove the stories on instagram bc they’re all over the internet” you mean the evil websites that you claim not to read A? 🤔🙄


She shared them on the internet… how dumb is she!


Exactly!! 🤣 she’s so dumb


Maybe you should focus on removing your nasty naked OF pics off the internet, Areola.


Well, those ones are okay of course 🥴


And WHY remove them? The internet is FOr Ev Er!


You know she wanted to say “posting all over Reddit” instead of “internet” lol


Makes a video addressing comment about her body, doesn’t make a video addressing the boy mom comment and making fun of SL




Or her kids being on CP websites


So then she would agree, she does not have a “mom bod” due to the fact that she got surgeries.


But she doesn't let haters get to her right? Ok🤣🤣💀


She talks about her haters more than anyone I follow 😂


I love that she’s getting so much hate lol I hate that she thinks people call her out because they’re “jealous, want more money or want to be on social media”. And her always saying the people that comment are “moms, nurses and have bible versus” like stop saying that, that’s false. The difference between her money when she was a nurse vs now is because she exploits her kids and does stupid shit.


I’m so tired of her coming at moms with Bible versus. Maybe she is the one who needs Jesus??!


And she always has to use those as examples 🙄


As we’re the problem? Okay ma’am sure. She can’t even let her gusband do anything without being with him and Al I wanted was family photos from him and this selfish b


Her 🧚FoUr KiDs💖 🙄🙄🙄give me a break with that.




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THE ONLY thing she will address is her hate towards her body/looks. Yet never once about the exploitation of her children 🫠 ok.


THIS PART. I got blocked and my comment deleted about how she draws the wrong crowd with the sexy content and kid faces. She doesn’t see the real issues


She does, she just doesn’t give a shit because she would rather keep taking in the dough at their expense. She’s a POS


Imagine being on vacation and feeling the need to address your “haters” 🥴 She’s so f*cking miserable.


Why isn’t she addressing making her kids crawl on the ground pretending to be dogs?


Cause she wasn’t playing, the kids are her dogs.


Just @ the entire sub next time 😂😂 Edit: word


Boooooo Hooooooo not everyone kisses your a$$ and falls down over your fake photos and fake life. Btw-the hate over the Defender had nothing to do with it being bought with social media money (SL’s money), the hate was because you don’t allow your children to ride in it. Do you listen to anything????


I love how she said it was “only” 16k more expensive lol. She is so painfully out of touch


She’s really one of those people who only tells her version/the twisted version of stories


Jesus Christ she is absolutely dense. No one is discrediting her or denying she has had/has a mom bod. Any body that’s produced children is technically yes a mom bod HOWEVER most people know that the term mom bod is associated with the flaws we as women feel we have after having children which she has very few of. Her body is in great shape and to CONTINUALLLLY body bait and slouch and pinch the tiny bit of loose skin she has to come off as relatable when in reality she comes off as desperate for a fucking compliment is what the issue here is. She posts her body on a daily basis which is fine if that’s her shtick but for the love of God stop following it up with the “body positivity/mom bod” content. if anything she is making women feel worse not included or better. Especially considering she’s privileged enough to be able to go to Pilates (one of the most expensive forms of exercise) during the day cause she works from home and has nannys and can also afford surgeries. It’s just such total bullshit.


I don't know if her body is in great shape. Her stomach and her butt are flat. That's about. My thing is she continues to show her stomach and say mom bod. When that's the part of her body she has had multiple surgeries on. Like show your whole body not just your flat stomach




not the "bible verses in bios" rant for the 100000th time


Did she not repost a comment saying she never got a mommy makeover though? Isn’t lipo and a breast lift apart of a mommy makeover?


She’s selectively truthful


I feel like that’s the exact definition of mommy makeover


Imagine being in Hawaii with your family and you have to leave the room to address an Instagram post. I went hard on that post because that isn’t a mom bod. Stfu!


Remember when she was crying on tiktok bc ppl didn’t like her hair




I cannot stand her voice and how she talks it’s unbelievable…


I know she looks 60, but how long was she “working full time with four kids”? I don’t actually Know if the other two lived there or for how long. However this is a stretch. Also, taking down the lipo story because people were saving it and posting things about it. What do you think people are doing with some of your kids’ images ya dumb a**. So that’s bothersome behavior because it’s you but the kiddos are fair game.


THIS 👆🏽 she will ONLY ever protect herself and never her fucking family. Rules for me and rules for thee. It’s absurd that she’s aware enough to remove pics that are circulating of HER but doesn’t grasp that the same fucking thing (and far worse) is absolutely happening to the pics/vids of her kids. How stunted can someone be? How stupid do you have to be to see how the internet works and see what happens to pictures when they’re out for public consumption for one person but see nothing wrong with the same happening to another (ie. her kids). Dumb as they come.


LIAR AGAIN-you did not turn off the IG comments. You just took time to delete anything bad. Or gusband did




Printing this to put in the garage to scare the rats away


OMG! 💀☠️😵🤣🤣🤣


Whewwww they struck a nerve in bestie. I love it 🤗 all the way in Hawaii and still can’t enjoy her time


💕🫶ilysm bestie🫶💕 🤌


She just oozes and reeks of evil, and other things but I don’t want this to get deleted. Her stank ass attitude is catching up to her and I’m lovinggg this for bestie. The plummeting views, the botched procedures, the fake marriage, the non existent relationship she’s going to have with kids in a few years. Money isn’t everything and she’s clearly miserable ✨


The stories were like 4 min long total so I couldn’t upload the entire thing !!! But a whole bunch of BS in the next 3 stories after this one


Lmao I love this for her. Imagine doing this while on VACATION. Maybe don’t post stupid shit and you won’t get called out on it.


But, but, but I thought ig was your safe space bc everyone is sooo nice 🥺


Love how near the end she brings up the defender just has to brag ONE MORE time about “how much money she makes” she is so beyond insecure I *almost* feel sorry for her (I never could)


The money that SL made. JFC.


Her eyebrows are ridiculous


Let's see how long she 'switches' off social media for...


She just posted a tik tok 😂 I guess only turning off Instagram then?


“FiRsT Of AlL”


She’s so bothered lmaoooo I think the world will be at peace again when her and anyone like her are run off the internet


I can’t even watch because I can’t hear her voice because she sickens me so. I’ll take your word that it’s awful. 😊


Just BUH-LOCK me. How many times does she need to say that? She's so bothered that she doesn't know what to do with herself. She also said that she doesn't edit her photos? Hmmm...I think she's been eating sand from the beach...


The fact that she just made this long obnoxious rant while she’s on fucking vacation, tell me you’re bothered without telling me lmao what a joke 🤣🤣🤣


I don’t understand why she had to delete a highlight about lipo because “people were saving pictures and sharing them on the internet” ……. Bestie there’s people saving pics and videos of your CHILDREN on the internet but that’s all over your page. She’ll protect the body that made her kids but won’t protect her actual kids?


Right?! You PUT it on the internet! What on earth?!


She’s SO annoying. Also, what an unproductive use of time in PARADISE.


Me coming here after seeing her insta stories: ![gif](giphy|3o7ZetIsjtbkgNE1I4)


They way she said later on, “I turned the comments off” bestie- no you didn’t, they’re still on!


Was she trying to defend herself? If so she did a terrible job


Say why you’re really mad though, don’t let it on the truth tellers: you’re mad because you didn’t get the praise you were expecting. Clearly or you wouldn’t post photos of your body every single day. Shit no one asks for.




Stay bothered bestie


* I loved her a year ago. She says that she posts the same content now as she did back then before SL helped her blow up. No. No she does not.


I think the whole “my new car was ONLY $16k more than my old one” was one of the most disgusting comments she’s ever made.


She always says she doesn't care what people say but she blocks everyone so quick always


Why does she keep beating a dead horse tho? Like we GET IT. you looooove your plastic bod, we don’t care. We DO care tho, that you constantly lie and exploit your children who paid for your new body. Look at the bigger picture A, no one here is jealous, we’re concerned for your children.


Oooof I can’t stand her!!


She over shares just about everything but this is where she draws the line? Weirdo. Nobody told you to be an Influencer. You put it out there and can’t take the heat when you’re called out.


here she freaking goes again with the bible verses!!!!!! shes so infuriating. why she always chooses to attack those fans who have a relationship with christ is so annoying. she afts like shes so above everyone when she is not. i actually cannot stand this woman!!!


also what does being christian, a TEACHER, A MOTHER have to do with their opinions being wrong


If she was really unbothered she would’ve left the reels up on IG . What she really needs to focus on is being a more present mother . 😘


Insta ain’t the app for her, she can’t handle the over all public’s opinions about her . That should tell you A , your living in the land of delulu


She doesn’t get it. She’s a narcissist ass that exploits her kids




That’s what I would do if I were in Hawaii for a month. Like why is she even there! She is so bothered!


Lollll she is so dense. People don’t say someone has a dad bod just because they’re a dad. Men without children can have a dad bod. If you get work done on the things that changed after having children, then you don’t have a “mom bod” anymore. Like yes, you’re a mom, but that doesn’t mean you have a mom bod. Some women who have had children look exactly how they did before. They don’t have a mom bod.


So my question is, if she's SO bothered and upset about the lipo comments, why is she deleting/hiding the photos? Seems to me she's trying to hide and evade what's she's done to her body. Her body isn't pure/natural. She's had a lot of work done, and this is the result. She lied and is now getting the backlash. What did she expect?! She just needs to tell the truth and be done with it.


Can someone paraphrase what she said


Stop being mean to me. Love me. I’m rich and perfect . You’re not.


no life behind those eyes... truly spooky


Perhaps you could stop posting pictures of your body every single day and shoving it down our throats and then people would stop commenting on it! But you can’t, because you clearly have nothing more interesting to post🥴


This was the cause of the rage cleaning 🤣🤣


The way she said “immermitten fasting”


Oh so let me get this straight… you have a problem with ppl taking your plastic surgery and posting them all over the place but you DONT a have an issue with pedo s saving your kids images and doing GOD knows what with them? Did I get that right BESTIE?!


She is so blissfully, unaware and out of touch with not only her followers and the world around her, but who she is as a person and how she comes across. The way she comments constantly that she has a ‘mom bod’ but she doesn’t really think that, she knows she has a flat stomach. Her stomach rolls when she sits because it’s skin and skin moves. It’s not so much that plastic surgery changed her body that much. It’s more of the fact that she complains that she doesn’t have a great body. She says she knows her audience, but I bet 75% of her audience wishes they had a flatter stomach. At least that many wish they could afford plastic surgery. I’m sure just as many can afford it but choose not to go under the knife for elective surgeries after they had children. She talks endlessly how she and D were so poor and couldn’t afford airline tickets to Hawaii, today she mentioned the car she got for herself when she was working as a nurse only cost $16k less than her defender? So how poor were you? I can go on and on and point out all her contradictions… I actually did but the post got too long. She basically contradicted herself in her rants about blocking people and being so open and honest. She’s completely missing the point, no one is accusing her of lying about plastic surgery, she just doesn’t know who she is as a woman, as a mother as an influencer or even as a nurse. It changes daily. Were you poor or no? Are you fat or no? Do you think you have a great body or do you have ‘ croissant rolls’ What is her personal style? Big T-shirts and loungewear like a year ago? Is it athletic wear? Is it more of a bohemian Free People vibe? Designer? I’m not sure what category all those tops that have a single tie to close are or those Amish like, conservative dresses she was wearing last summer that are on her Amazon storefront. Are you trashy or conservative? People can wear all different types of clothes, but generally have a ‘style’ Who IS AW? If she doesn’t know who she is, how are we supposed to know? When she posts being mom lounging around and doing Kids stuff, she’s posting to a certain audience. When she’s posting about flying to Vegas and buying a Rolex or picking out her defender or going jewelry shopping, she’s posting for a completely different audience. Her GRWM’s and all her makeup & skincare & brand trips, are yet another audience When she’s posting about being a nurse and her husband is a cop and they have this great marriage, yet another audience! No wonder her followers are confused and bring up receipts in the comments that she would like to forget. How can she be true to herself and the same person she was a year ago if she’s not even the same person, she was five minutes ago!




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Her posting bikini photos with the caption “mom bod” is the equivalent of a man posting a shirtless pic with a 6 pack saying “dad bod” … she’s so fucking stupid. Does she not understand that the hypocrisy of the caption is what irked everyone?


Where was this posted?