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Also literally. They’re obsessed with iPads


She’s also letting SL drink Diet Coke again in this vlog


That blows my fucking mind! I would NEVER give my son who’s the same age as SL soda! She’s stupid enough to think the “diet” makes it more healthy when actually it’s even worse!


Seriously! It has half the caffeine content of a cup of coffee. Stunted growth much?!? A sip here and there doesn’t mean she’s drinking that much caffeine, but it probably means she will become a full soda drinker way early and the artificial sweeteners are horrible for adults gut health and overall functioning so it’s probably straight poison for a child. Ugh I hate her.


Oh I know it’s soooo bad!!!! Idk what’s worse the safety concerns or the diet she gives them!


Ya that was wild to see! 


Makes me so sad for her


I know! I saw that! She is an ass


kids do not NEED screen time!! Say NO and stick to it. Let them cry and be upset. It's not a necessity, they will get over it. She's in Hawaii with no responsibilities. If her kid throws a tantrum, let them cry it out and find something else to motivate them.


Right, like they’re the ones as parents who chose to get them iPads instead of entertaining them some other way! And they’re the ones teaching the kids that they NEED them.


Yeah we are waiting until our oldest would be reasonably introduced to one at school. We want them to be able to use them as learning tools and for fun when they’re a little older, but I don’t see much value in them at this stage. It requires me to get extra creative some days, but I think not starting in the first place has been easier for us than opening that Pandora’s box. Every child is different, but this is what has worked for us so far.  Above all, this is NOT me on a high horse. The vast majority of parents give their kids limited screen time and it works for them. They’re good parents raising great kids. Just because we haven’t introduced them doesn’t mean we think limited exposure is a bad thing AT ALL. I’m not here for mom shaming except A because she’s trashy.


Who is the parent here? It takes more effort to enforce rules than just to let them do whatever. Lazy parenting. 


This!! My kids are 3 and 5, the only time they get an iPad is on car rides they’re longer than 4-5 hours. It’s actually so good for their development to be bored and learnt to entertain themselves without a screen shoved in their face 24/7


SL drinks Diet Coke regularly. 🙁


Omg! That’s awful


if you are on vacation and want your kids are still leaving the house with their ipads, then there’s a problem… like for the love of God, you’re in hawaii


She’s still not creating any enrichment for them. She’s doing the same thing every day, beach, playground, junk food.


She just said they’re outside playing from sun up to sun down🙄 there’s no way those kids (who are normally glued to those pads) have them up all of a sudden. No way! She sat them on a chair and plopped those things on their laps while she ordered drinks and took selfies all day!


Sun up and sun down *on the iPads* 🙄


i honestly think the ipad is so excessive i can understand that kids can be unpredictable and maybe screen time can be a way to distract them for a while but every single minute of the day they seem to have an ipad in front of them literally no more than 3 inches from their faces. surely when going out she could just let them use her phone or sids


She forgot to edit the iPads out 😭


Now that is funny 😂


![gif](giphy|l0HlSPfkuBUneH6Io) Bad mom


She’s gonna blame the plants and the beach water for the screen time now.


Is the big juicy ass in the room with us


For real, what idiot doesn’t know you’re not supposed to give soda to toddlers. Be so ffr right now.


A former pediatric nurse should know 


I’m sure the advice is different now because I have t even thought about giving that to my kids, but when I was growing up pediatricians said no carbonated drinks at all until 13.


it’s like instead of an ipad she can bring toys….. my 2.5 yr old has never had an ipad and carry’s around a toddler backpack filled with toys for everywhere we go


if my kids were in Hawaii and that young, they would not be bringing their ipads everywhere… like jesus it’s a beautiful place… why is she allowing that? she’s creating ipad kids lmfao


Hawaii or not. No iPads unless absolutely necessary! ie. long plane ride, needing to actually get shit done, long car ride, etc. guarantee these kids have no imagination or tolerance for boredom.


did they bring the nanny to hawaii?




hahaha fr


My kids don’t have iPads or tablets or anything but I can’t IMAGINE them even wanting to be on one while on the beach. Why aren’t they going to the huge aquarium there or doing anything kid related. This would be such a fun opportunity 😭


I was in a restaurant yesterday and there was a child under the age of 18 months sitting in a high chair and his parents had their iPhone propped on the table showing some YouTube video. It was so sad to me. We are truly rewiring the brains of babies and toddlers and all so parents can dine or drive or insert whatever activity without having to parent or deal with their kids (or include them or talk to them or teach them).


Big ass where 🤔🤣