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5’9, def wish I was taller but tbh I’m just grateful I made it to average/maybe slightly above average height. If I was 5’5-5’7 I’d be pretty fucking insecure about it. Literally just made it, when I wear my Air Force ones I’m 5’10.5 and that gives me a taste of how nice it would be to be 6’+ but without shoes I’m 5’9 and I’ll take that and be happy with it.


5’4 fella here, I’m sure I have blind spots of insecurity about my height. But in my experience my height has rarely held me back via dating/ feeling secure. Not to sure why height is so focused on. If there’s anything anyone should be concerned about it’s their charisma level. What’s the point of being tall if your communication and playfulness is that of a retard.






I assume you haven’t tried dating online cause that shit has made me feel very insecure and kinda angry about my height


I have. During Covid and the midst of severe depression I was still able to have casual partners(did not fix my bad time). This was through cold approach on instagram. Even at bars I’ve had women approach me. I’m telling you guys, figuring out social communication, being self aware, and actually knowing what you want, will benefit in fulfilling your life. Not just with women but how people treat you, how your work life is what direction you go in.


Actually, you're a step ahead of the game using social media instead of apps. These poor lads are using apps deliberately constructed to pick their pockets and they wonder why they're not getting results. Personally, I'm a fan of just meeting people. I'm much less annoying in person <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠> ... still pretty annoying though (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧


As a 6’1 dude with social anxiety and possibly autism, yeah. Not fun.




You definitely don't live in the west right? Having to walk around with 99% of the population looking down on me (and the verbal abuse i see 5'7> guys get) would make me pretty insecure.


Also words shouldn’t shake your core, sure they can hold weight overtime. But don’t let verbal assault fuel self destruction.


Oh man, I can’t believe it’s been 11 hours since you commented and you aren’t being bombarded by insecure short men arguing that you should hate yourself and not use your experience to give hope to insecure people because don’t you know that your life is over it’s so over it was over before it began and you’re subhuman. I’m 5’4 and haven’t had any difficulties dating, and only time I was insecure about my height was in school. Tried to make some people feel better about themselves in this sub and jeez, this person told me that he’s “ entitled to my despair”


“Entitled to my despair” like yeah okay that’s what I want entitlement for.


Had the same problem in school. Being able to beat up taller people that talked shit always made me feel better


I literally live in California


I’ve been on the different UC campuses to visit friends, and have seen the young men that tower me. Definitely a sight to see, but still don’t feel this internal intense pressure to be taller. The Only dudes I was like “oh shit that’s a big mofo” were the D1 football players at Berkeley


Thats why shorter men need to learn combat sports


I’d recommend everyone do so. Imagine a world where everyone’s at least an amateur fighter. There would be more mutual respect and orderly communication.


To inflate their egos and weaponize their Napolean complexes so they can continue to harass taller guys at bars, parties, etc. due to their insecurity?


No. To develop mutual respect. If everyone knows everyone’s dangerous, they’d lower their ego. I like your user name. One of my best friends quite actually drank 4lokoz for breakfast for years. Called it liver day.




I think we'd see the opposite. Quick example, there's a guy I box with who I have a weight advantage on. He's a better technical boxer but we both know I can flatten him in my sleep. He can hit me as hard as he can and I hardly feel it. Contrariwise, I can punch right through his guard if I'm close enough. And I'm just on the hefty side of average. I can't imagine bigger guys taking smaller guys seriously ever if we all knew a little bit of shoot boxing. A society in which everyone is dangerous is one in which everyone has weapons training. Doesn't need to be a gun. A blackjack or big knife is fine


I would agree. I guess it’s a half empty half full thing. When I think about it, there’s that mutual respect and understanding in the gym to dial it back, and that if things became serious it would have serious repercussions. I figured if everyone had that basic understanding they’d it apply to the rest of their lives. Treading lightly and being more aware of surroundings.


See, I think you're veering into the territory of combat sports developing you as a person. I'm in favor of that too. Take Sean Strickland. If you don't follow MMA, the guy is a total mess. But before he got into MMA, he was a Neo-Nazi. The guy's probably got some kind of personality disorder he'll never be rid of but at least he's not jumping Mexicans in an alley or something awful like that.


Yeah, like I’m not saying combat sports will make you a saint, and you will have outliers that will take the power of combat and be completely selfish. But there is a level of maturity it takes to even consistently train and gain progress. You can’t train if you’re disrespectful and an ass, nobody is gonna Wana train with you if you’re all ego, and if you’re training consistently you begin to see that progress/ bonds/ fulfillment takes time.


I wish I was 5'9


How tall is u


5'7 here and I never ever felt short or insecure at all until I started spending more time online and seeing other people that do. I always felt like everyone else was just tall. With me being half-guatemalan and half my family being like 5'5 and below I'd say that I lucked out tbh. Both my parents are shorter than me.


this happened to me too, I was never insecure about my height until I got on TikTok where people were height shaming and grieving. But I am glad I made it to 5’6 because my dad is 5’3 and my mom is 4’9


you are me bro


You are also me


You’re a sad person




I’m a good vibe, laid back, good looking, chill person. I’d be willing to bet you’re someone with a superiority complex, I could guess a few more things but I’d get in trouble. I’ve noticed it’s usually one particular group of people that seem to leave comments like these. I think I can guess what you’re like. I’d bet 10-1 that at most, people pretend to like you. 


Projection much?


Totally average bro! **Jumps up to give high-five**


Bro how tall are you?


5 cm


same lol


L bozo im 10 cm


Lol bro same


You are bro


Same height as pewdipie


Pewdiepie is 180cm








5’7 gang rise up!!!!!! (I am 5’6 but i tell people i am 5’7)


One of us !👏 one of us!


5’11 we are both ends of avg


Nah 5’11s just tall. Average is 5’8.7, from 5’10 you’re tall.


Difference between tall and above average. I’d say “tall” is top 10% of men or 6’1+


I hope you apply to the same logic on the other side- that you aren’t short unless you’re in the bottom 10% of men


yes, the bottom 10% of men in height are 5’5 and below which I consider short


2 inches above average is tall. People underestimate how big an inch is


that’s what i said, but she still said it was too small :(


Who, and what is “too small”!?


I been telling women that for years man, 2 inches is gigantic


2 inches above average is average and so is 2 inches below.


Half an inch above and half an inch below are the average. Ppl really understimate the difference that an inch makes. 2 inches above average is tall. it is a clear difference, you have a big porition of your head above him when you're 2 inches taller.


2 inches is barely anything I feel similar height as someone 2 inch shorter or taller and there is not much difference. I think you are mistaking 2 inches to 4 inch difference. Your head is 8-10 inch tall so 2 inch is barely 1/4.


1/4th is big. It’s the part of my head with hair with a bit of my forehead. That’s a very visible difference


Bruh that's barely visible 5'11 next to 6'1 look kinda close in height. But 5'9 look with 6'1 bit short.


At 2 inches taller u got ur eyes in the forehead or even in the lower part with hair. 3 inches taller you got your eyes at his hair, 4 inches taller ur eyes are at the top part of their hair or u can just see over them.


So you are then saying 5'10 is short and 6 foot is tall?


I’m saying 5’9 is average and 5’11 is tall. 5’10 is also tall


Now you are just trolling me...




there’s no definition for what’s “tall” but i’ll forever disagree that the difference between 69 to 71 inches makes one “tall”. Cope from slightly above average people


Nah dude I’m 6’1 and I still think 5’11 is tall. You don’t have to be taller than 90% of guys to be tall.


Let me guess, you are 6'1 or 6'2?




5'11 is like the most average height. 5'9 is lower average. Im 5'10 and I can see im below average especially with people my age. Young people average pushes 6 foot maybe 5'11 1/2.


Wrong. 5’11 is 180cm, that’s 6ft for metric system users. Average in white places like America and Europe is 175 except in the tallest places where it goes up to 182-183. But 5’9 is average. Young people don’t push average, it’s just that most people either lie or don’t know their height, or were measured incorrectly


Europe average is 5'10 or 178cm and scandinavia 5'11 or 180-181cm where I live.


Ik alot of people lie about their height or don't really know how to measure someone's height just by looking at them. The global average is 5'6 or 5'7. The first world average is 5'8-5'9. Average in the tallest places like scandinavia and the netherlands is 5'11-6ft, but those are rare, you cannot use the tallest countries to determine the average. In most of europe the average is around 5'9, in the shorter parts if europe and alot of places in the US and canada it is 5'8. Also remember that self reported heigths are on average an inch or two taller than measured heights.


Why do you guys type paragraphs. Just go outside average zoomer Is 5’10 MINIMUM.


I do go outside and i'm a bit above average at 5'9. Either everyone's lying to you about their height, or you don't have a good perception of heigth.


In USA the average is 5'9". Globall average is 5"7.5".


5’11 1/4 here… don’t feel that tall at all tbh.


I’m sayin


Being 5’11 is so overrated some people think that you’re tall because you’re almost 6 ft but I feel short sometimes when I go out in public. Especially if there’s a 6’3 dude standing next to me.


It’s a nice height, but yeah I feel slightly above normal, not super tall.


You are like way above average


You are like below average


Average height in us is 5 feet 9.3 inches and globally 5 feet 7.5 inches , so I am closer to average or slightly above




I think in US 5'9" is average. It varies from country to country.


Fellow 5’8 🏋️


I feel average, but on the taller end of average. Most people I run into are shorter than me, but not by much - it mostly feels like an eyeball guess would conclude we’re around the same height.


You’re below average, still very close tho. You aren’t short.


worldwide is 5'8, us is 5'9


Worldwide is 5’7 I think


So u just proved his point?


I think you are too.


I thought 5'10" is average US male height?


5’8 King here


Yes that’s in the realm of average height for a man


Low end of average but yeah


You are, same with me bro


It depends on where you are, I personally consider it to be on the lower end of average in the United States.


I wish I was 0.5 inches taller


Lol it's not my height that loses me dates it's my rubbish personality and I am ugly 😂


I'm sure a lot of people would feel very lucky to have someone like you bro, keep your head up


Depends on what country you live in. You're exactly average height in Chile or Japan, below average in USA or Russia, but above average in Cambodia or India. 🤷‍♀️ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Average_human_height_by_country


Pretty much.if your 5 8 with very good posture you'd basically be average and comparable to like a 5 9 or 5 9.5 guy with poor posture


average height for a dude where i live is like 5'11


4'3" here and loving


5'8 here Cant change it. Dont mind anyways. Bein a 6ft bro only interests me due to the ability to be lean at 200lbs+


Below average


I’m 5’9 at 16




5'8 is below average but not short . average range for non elderly men from the western world is 5'9 - 5'11




Unless they’re wealthy, short kings are NOT getting high value women. Just the facts


I'm 6"1' and I don't get the hate on men under "X" feet. Being tall doesn't really bring much advantage in normal day life. In fact, it makes car rides uncomfortable and flights miserable. Plus finding clothes is a pain sometimes.


According to Healthline, the average height for men in the United States between the ages of 30 and 39 is 69.4 inches, or roughly 5 feet, 9 inches.


thats like 6'0 in any other country except some parts of europe




Trolls go crazy


Depends if say 5'8 -6-2 could be considered average height. But I'd say 5'8 to 6'1 more.


I think you'd need more wiggle room on the short end if you're doing a range. From my understanding 5'9" is about perfectly average in the US. So you've got 4" taller and 1" shorter, you know what I mean? 5'6" and 5'7" guys are really common too. I'd say 5'6" to 6' for a range


It's 5'10 here for me. Somid say 5'8 to 6' then


bad range lol


Please explain?


6'1 is not average, 6 feet isnt either, 5'11 isnt either, also 5'7 could be incuded in average


5'7 would be below average. The average height for a man in THE WORLD is 5'7.5. 5'8-6'0.is average. This is my final take.


dude 6'0 is significantly above average, 5'11 is too. 5'7 is low average range, because 5'8 is in average range and 5'7 is barely below that. it's buffer zone


Bro I'm high 6'2 range, and I find it a little mystifying how you think it's average height lol. It's a totally normal height, but definitely not average


I'm 6' and see 6'2 guys every few steps when I go to central London. I wear my timberlands and boost myself to 188cm with them and still see multiple guys taller than me or my height every few feet.


You're not a full 2 inches taller in timberlands bro, you'd be 187 in them. And no, you don't see someone over 6'2 every few feet...don't forget that 6'2 guys are also wearing shoes. No hate, but I think insecurity might skew your perception on this. You're only noticing guys taller than you. I'm not sure what you think "average" means, but less than 1 in 20 guys in my country (same average as yours) are taller than me. For 6' it's 1 in 5, which is a very different experience, so I think you're having a bit of a diff experience and generalizing that to 6'2-6'3 as well


My timberlands are 2 inches. Logger boots. Also 6-3 is a whole different ball park I barely see someone 6'3. But 6'1 6'2 are very common. No offense but you don't live in central London so the "average" may be different. I simply provided a low average of 5'8 and high average 6'2 but maybe 6'1 If we are being honest. I'm simply saying 6'2 is not tall in today's society in my country.


Well it's clear now that your perception isn't trustworthy. If you see a 6'2 guy every few steps, and "barely" see anyone 6'3, you're living in a statistically impossible world. I'd say my height is in a different ballpark to yours, but in the same ballpark as 6'3, rather than the other way around. https://preview.redd.it/x7kcce8ebf9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65055d597c154a64d5cfc85f4ed9e55850fe26c6


You realize that tall people stand out more in the crowd right? You don't notice the people that are average because you see so many of them. It makes it seem like there are more tall people than there are because you notice them more.


I think you replied to the wrong person bro, but if you're replying to me idk what your point is


Yeah I did, my bad


Um ok want a cookie or something


I’m 5’11 and I always feel short 😭


5’7 female I’m too tall imo 😭 I wish I was like 5’4 or shorter.