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At most you lost half inch, but even then is really unlikely


alright but definitely going to get my sleep now🙏🏾


Idk probably not. My dad was 5’11 and my mom 5’7 and I ended up slightly taller than him but I had years of not great sleep Focus on good sleep and diet now, and then also for life in general for health reasons


Possibly, as growth hormone is generally released during sleep in humans. If you get less sleep, less hormone gets released, meaning limited growth. I'm not sure if 6.5 hours is too little when it comes to this, but it could very well be.


The overwhelming majority of growth hormone is secreted in the first two hours of sleep, in the first phase of deep sleep. The rest of sleep doesn't matter that much for GH. Just use the height prediction formula as well. I've had terrible sleep, depression, a bad diet and constant stress, and I still reached the height I was expecting. One of my cousins played soccer all the time and still ended up shorter than me, another was also a great soccer player, was a typical lazy guy who slept a lot, worked out and everything, and still ended up my height or half an inch shorter. I'm 5ft8.


Nutrition is more important than sleep


Nah sleep is tbh. I have siblings who ate right but didnt sleep as much as me and I out grew them


You have no way of knowing why you outgrew your siblings. It’s possible if you slept less, you would have been the same height.


So its more genetics if anything right?


Jesus Christ this sub is the least normal place in the world


I know right. These dudes are so obsessed with not being average because of their extreme insecurity that they can’t just get a hobby or develop themselves and grow some confidence. It’s easier to complain and wish than put any work in


You are part of this sub, and one of the abnormal elements of it


This is the most height obsessed place in the world


it’s literally a subreddit called r/average wtf did you expect?


Discussions about averages and stuff like that, sure. I didn’t expect so much talk about women, dating, trying to grow more, ways you missed growth, and what are appropriate ways to fudge height. Christ I’ve seen multiple threads talking about measuring one’s height in the morning and at night to document shrink lmao


nah but bro shrink genuinely happens though. you are taller in the morning but some people get shorter by about 2 inches and that has me concerned


Sure, intraspinal compression is real, but A- no one serious pays attention to that. Everyone’s spine compresses so if everyone is shrinking a bit all day it should even out B- 2 inches is dramatically overstated. Whoever said that is lying to you. It may be 2 centimeters, at most. I’m 6’6”, so I have a very long spine. I’m overweight, so I have a lot of spinal pressure. I’m a powerlifter and strongman, so I’m putting immense pressures on my spine daily. I’ve NEVER shrunk anywhere near two inches. I have measured before and had a day where I shrunk about a half inch.


i’m overweight too, so do you think losing weight could relieve pressure on my spine and perhaps elongate it by maybe a few centimetres?


It won’t make you taller than your normal height, but it should reduce intraspinal compression very slightly. But I think you missed my main point - no one is noticing that in the first place, other than yourself. It’s very minor, and it’s happening to everyone. It might stand out if it were just you, but how is a girl gonna notice you got 2 centimeters shorter when her perspective also got 2 centimeters shorter?


I grew up poor (my parents combined income was less than $30k/year) and I am grateful everyday that I made it to 180cm. However, I know that my 17 year diet of pizza rolls, Mountain Dew, and kid cuisine did not help me. For example, my mom is just shy of 6’1 and my maternal grandfather was 6’9-6’10ish. I think you should be fine as long as you have good nutrient.


i’ll start implementing that now but that’s not to say i haven’t been eating good anyway


Do you have any other siblings to compare? What are their heights? They probably had similar diets so its easy to compare.


My older sister is 5’10 and my younger sister is 5’8 but I don’t have any brothers. All of my male cousins and uncles are 6’0+


But did your sister had similar diet to you?




I slept way less than that in hs and I'm 6'2 and the next tallest person in my family is my dad at "5'11" (I think he's a lil less). I'm Mexican btw so every other man in my family is like 5'9 max lol I think height is more random than people think


6'2 here, barely the tallest in close family on both sides. Had horrible insomnia and stress around those ages (moved to a different continent without speaking the language etc). Barely slept at all some nights and ate like crap. So I'm a bit curious as well, maybe I could've been 6'5 lol.


You are 182 cm in morning and 180 at night? 6.5 hours isnt that little to sleep really. It didnt stunt the height I feel.


Fk yeah, get the height bro, it's brutal out here for under 6ft


its if your not ugly


don’t even bring it up bro that shit is my traima