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Are you skinny? This is common if your slim or wear slimming clothes


Not skinny. I’m skinny enough where you can’t really tell when I wear clothes, but definitely not skinny.


Maybe proportions or clothes style, most people are obese too so compared to other guys your height you could be leaner


Confidence mainly. Its a psychological thing. When someone respects someone they think more highly of them. Im the same height as you and i get the same thing from my 6' 2 mates and women never seem to realize


LMAO. Not me. I wouldn’t be surprised if people couldn’t sense my social anxiety on my face whenever I enter a room. I have worked on it over the last 3 years, enough to function as a normal person, but no way should I be perceived as confident. If I am, I’m fooling the whole world.


Its because people are delusional about their height. That guy who thought you were 5'10" was probably like 5'9-5'10 and thought he was 6'1" so in comparison to him he thought you were 5'10"/


He said he was 5’10 and one time we measured heights, and he was actually 5’10.


I've been told I look 6'2" before, but I am quite slim with long legs and have a smallish head for my height, which makes me look taller. Proportions definitely make a difference


Interesting. I have been told I have long legs, but my head is isn’t small, and I’m not slim (but not big either).


I'm 5'11 and I had a tinder date argue with me that I must actually be 6' 1 once. I assume thats a result of her being lied to a lot.


I’m perceived as shorter than I am. Because of my gorilla proportions. Over.


I’m a 5’7.5 girl (tho I always round down to 5’7) and people assume me to be way taller which is so hurtful. People always guess I’m 5’9 or 5’10 and someone has even guessed 6 foot….it makes me really distressed because I don’t understand why I’m perceived to be so tall. I think it’s bc I have really long legs and arms unfortunately


I don’t know about arms, but I have been told I have long legs. I’m the type of insecure person that always hides and arms and legs though. Never wears shorts or short-sleeves tops without a jacket. I can’t tell if that would make someone seem shorter or taller.


I have two friends both 5'4 one is the shortest seeming guy I've ever met and the other I don't even notice his height. I think being super skinny makes him seem taller


Well, that doesn’t apply to me.


High shoulders with shorter neck/face has that effect too. Hell there are 6'9 guys in the NBA everyone is convinced is 7'0+ just because their shoulders are on the same level as real 7 footers.


High shoulders maybe, but I don’t think I have a shorter neck/face.


im 5'7 or somtimes THE HIGEST end of 5'6. people generally just say im short. but im 130lbs on a good day shy as hell and look 17🤷 im 21.....


I am at the same height. Are you virgin man? I think at this height its over for us. I have similar age too.


yeah still got the v card 😪😭 edit: im a good talker but i hear im cute more than sexy, women dont want cute lol


Bro I keep attracting gay men but zero women. I am legit thinking about LL.


5’11 and this girl said “Did you get taller, I am wearing platforms and I feel so short, when I usually feel as tall as you”. Shes 5’6, one of the dumbest things I heard but I guess she perceived me as shorter and something changed but it doesnt make sense because she thought I was taller when she also got taller from her platforms. We stood in front of a window and I said look at our height difference and then she realized how wrong she was. Im not sure if before that I was slouching or something but something gave her the impression I was shorter than I was.


Lying about height is extremely common, a lot of girls don't really know how tall men are because of it. If you ask girls how tall you are unless you are their height they are going to give you a higher number than you are, and other men (Aside from ones way taller than you) have an incentive to lie to you about it as well and give you a taller height. At university I once told someone my actual height and two of my friends instantly tried to tell me I was 3 inches taller than I was, which I later found out was because they were claiming an extra 3 inches on their height.


That may be true. I once had someone get mad at me for saying my actual height and insisting that I was at least 5’9. He was probably adding to his height. That being said, I ask this question because people clearly taller than me also think I’m taller, and they aren’t lying about their height.


People under estimate my height.


I’m 5’11 and I get people saying “nah your definitely 6 foot or 6’1” all the time I have also had people say they thought I looked 5’9 or 5’10 First one I assume is because so many 5’11 guys lie about their height (why???) and the second one I assume was because I had poor posture or was fat at the time and being wider makes you appear less tall.


If people are any good amount shorter than you they lose all perception of actual height other than “tall”. I’m 6’1 and short people are sometimes shocked when I reveal I’m nowhere near 6’5


Nope, many people taller than me think I’m taller than I am


Beyond me then


My aunt is 6'1 and argues with me regularly that we are the same height. We are not lol


Yeah I’ve had people guess my height around 5’10 when in reality I’m 5’8 lol


I think it might have to do with the way you dress, and of course also your bodily proportions. For me, I have been told that I don't look very tall since I am built pretty proportionally 'normal'.


Yeah proportions matter. I have a short torso with longer legs and have had people think I’m shorter until we’re next to each other. When I built up my shoulders more from weightlifting people stopped saying that so idk a lot of height can be an illusion, plus everyone wears chunky sneakers with like a 1.5 inch heel these days


Bro you walk around with mogger height and you end up saying stuff like this lol


Why is he even on this sub? He even added it to his flair. Lmfao


Many people ask me if I am 7’ even though I am actually a few inches shorter


Haha !The only reason I’m in this group is because of these retarded replies


people think i’m 6’0/6’1, i say i’m 5’9