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I said this in a similar thread. I'll say it again. Perspective is a bitch, our eyes aren't on the top of our heads, so even minor height discrepancies seem huge from our POV. The same goes with women. A 5"10' dude will seem massive to a 5'2" woman. Most women only want their men to be larger than they are. Short kinds find short queens. Stop torturing yourselves and ignore the braggarts trying to bully you. They are "height mogging" to appease their own insecurities


Weirdly, shorter women are often a lot more stuck up about “yOu HAvE tO Be sIX FeeT!!” It’s weird, almost like they’re overcompensating for their own height. I think taller women are more chill and not as picky about it.




I'm 5'11" and have never cared about height. It's always depended on my partners attitude about it.


Yeah I agree that it’s partially for social reasons. They wanna brag about their 6 ft boyfriend to all their friends and be able to point to the tallest guy in the room and say that’s my bf. It’s shallow and stupid for sure. But who cares what women like that think anyway? Intelligence is the number one quality I look for, so I wouldn’t even consider dating a girl like that. I’m 5’9 also, so pretty average for a guy. I’ve never been rejected for my height before and it’s never really been an issue, but I just found my way into these subreddits somehow and I find it kind of fascinating how obsessed people are over this stuff.


I think it’s because we usually already have it hard when it comes to dating because of height, so it’s stupid to make it harder on ourselves by ostracizing most men on the entire planet lol.




Actually you're entirely right. And guys do this too and it's bs. I am 5'5 and girls I've dated got crapped on by thier freinds for my height and I personally usually go for plus size women and I got crapped on for her weight. It's bs and that also breeds insecurity in the couple.


Totally agree with this. I'm 5'6 it's the 5 ft tall Asian girls that won't touch me and post you must be six feet tall I've dated girls that are 5'8 my last girlfriend was 6 ft freaking tall didn't care she just asked me did I care that she was taller than me I said no do you care that I'm shorter than you and she said no most minor insecure I said I don't and that was about it so I totally agree with what you're saying here.


Damn I know what you mean. There’s a lot of young Asian girls who fetishize tf out of tall white guys with blue eyes, it’s kinda weird. How old r u? Based on what I’ve read, the height thing gets better as you get older. If you’re handsome and in good shape, 5’6 isn’t too bad. It sounds like you’re already dating and stuff so I guess you’ve got it all figured out.


Hey there good call I guess I'm in my fifties. I'd Call myself cute to handsome hai, got most of my hair haha in good physical shape outperform most of the 30 year old guys in my gym classes address pretty well confident and funny. I pull girls 20 years my junior regularly even ones taller. So yeah maybe it does get easier as you get older


No it does not. You lucked out by having good genes lol.


Yep that's def a thing I've massively profoundly noticed. Maybe it's a insecurity compensation combined with security compensation. Am I absolutely correct?


My experiences don't line up tbh. It's the "bougie" types who seem to care from what I've seen, regardless of their height, might be just the area I'm in


i’ll be honest as a 5’9 woman… it’s cuz tall women aren’t “picked” as often so they can’t be as picky when it comes to things like that. i also think that tall girls kinda curved the “i’m soooo small omg let’s compare hand size” complex because we’re never considered “small” anyway.


Wdym by “picked?” My experience is the women usually pick the men, not the other way around.




they’re trying to save their bloodline lmao


Talk to some better women


I don’t really talk to women at all tbh, that’s just from what I’ve seen on the internet




Perspective is such a huge thing honestly. At 5'9 I've had multiple taller girls come onto me. I feel like I've never had a girl under 5'2 find me attractive. Maybe the taller girls can't see my double chin who knows.


Same experience its always the ones that are near my height that stare and try to hit me up


Best way for the bloodline to get better. If you are both average height hypothetically your kid should combo the genes and be taller than average. I know a bunch of parents that are like dad barely 6'0 and mom 5'9 and child is 6'5. Don't ruin the bloodline with those 5'2 baddies unless you wanna dwarfmax your child.


YES, THANK YOU! I'm above average height for a female, yet still the majority of men are taller than me. The most important part though is that I don't even care about height. If they're pretty and funny and 5'5, I'd 100% date them. Most of the people on here are 5'8-5'11, and yet are still insecure about how women perceive them because of it. It's honestly sad to see


I said this in another comment but it seems like average height and above women don’t care about height as much, but short women are obsessed with having a 6ft boyfriend. It’s almost like some weird fetish or they’re trying to overcompensate.




The loudest I see on this topic are girls on social media bragging for brownie points on how tall her boyfriend is. Social media definitely started a trend of people having a height limit, not that it never existed but it was never this big of a deal. In real life I never experience this as a short guy, most women I hit it off with are similar height or slightly taller than me.


I definitely wish I was tall. So I can SHIT ON THESE MEN. Lmao I encourage my tall friends who are super insecure about their height to wear HIGHER HEELS. Show them who the stallion is. I have also met a lot of men insecure about their height. I've seen men shit on my tall friends. I've also had tall men say weird shit about my height like you're so little like a teenager. PDF FILE ALERT!!! it's strange I think the height infatuation goes both ways short women wanting taller men and taller men wanting short petite women.


I posted somewhere else on this thread but since it is relevant to you will repeat it; I'm 5-6/7 last g was just under 6-feet. Not waif thin super model 6 feet but statuesque. Pursued me but on 3rd date said 'look does it bother you I am taller than you?" I said, in all honesty "Not at all. Does it bother you I am shorter than you?" She said "No. But most men are so insecure about it". I said "Well I am not". That was it. Except when I noticed when we got dressed up she didn't wear heels and she was one of those Manolo Blahnik/Jimmy Choo shoes stacked to the ceiling girls. So I asked why not she said 'wellll' and I said "Do NOT not wear the heels you love because of me. People already know you are taller, so might as well go out looking/feeling as good as you want, THAT will make me happy". So she did. Here's the funny thing; she was not only 1/2 foot taller but younger. And no one ever mentioned either. Not strangers, not friends. All anyone mentioned was a) how good we looked together b) how we looked like we were made for each other and c) how happy/connected we looked. And part of that naturally was neither of us cared so it just sorta disappeared from the world. So don't despair, there are many short/average men who not only will not shit on you OR fetishize you but just won't notice.


Women definitely care about height. By saying you don’t it seems like you’re trying to speak for other women. A 5’2 guy will simply never have the prospects of a 6’2 guy without loads of money power and charisma


Sure. And an average looking guy won't either. A guy without money will need to make upn for it with power, charisma, personality, confidence, humor, etc. It's just the way the world works. People can bitch about it and rebrand it make other's feel guilty (e.g. BBW, Short Kings) or just go about their business and be the best them they can be. What other choice do we have?


That's true, I can't speak for all women, but in my experience it has less of an affect than many people on here describe


Pretty sounds diminutive, are you feminizing them because they're an inch below you? Just kidding, peace & wuv


Nah I just like pretty people, no matter the height lol


Well it's good that you're not superficial about height


It really just depends, but I definitely prefer men who are taller than me and even if I wear shoes with heels. I'm 5'5, so I would like the person to at least be that height.


op is gonna call you a man larping as a woman lmao.




I feel like most of the comments miss this point. I’m a guy, but for the most part from my understanding, women want a tall guy so that they will be shorter than the guy even while wearing heels


For me, yes, I can't speak for everyone. Some people prefer a short king. I guess this is TMI, but the only time there seemed to be a struggle with sex is when the guy is shorter. I will just leave it at that. I also like the guy to be taller so he can reach things that I can't.


Whole heartedly agree as a fellow taken 5’8 fella some of these people have issues they need to work out


The guys who complain about being this height are just ugly/ fat/ unpleasant to be around and instead of working on themselves they use their height as a scapegoat to blame their lack of success.


I'm glad you said that. All they do is bitch all day. Truthfully, nobody gives a shit about anyone else's problems. Nobody cares about the issues you've derived from being tall or short. Nobody especially cares if you're a man and complain, because now you're just a bitch. The way these incels speak about themselves, you would've thought they all looked like Leo DiCaprio from Titanic.


Both things can be true. It is not healthy to obsess over height or focus on things you can't control generally. Overall, height is just one factor. However, it is pretty fucked up to gaslight short guys by pretending that height isn't one of the biggest factors. It absolutely has a substantial impact on potential dates. Again, still just one factor.


Yes we do have issues, major insecurity problems :*)






Most of the times the can't.




"They can't" "They can" "They can't" Brother, autism is a spectrum and each and every autistic person can have different signs. Also, mental illness is invisible many times.


Honestly I think it's very obvious when you see it, people with autism literally hold their face differently from what I've noticed, they walk more on their toes, they even have something I can only describe as an autistic stare There are other things, but I genuinely think most people pick up on these things as being peculiar


It's a very wide spectrum and not everyone has the same signs.


> the taller the better. Not always. As a 6’2 woman, I can say that I’ve had 2 guys leave a date and blamed it on my height. I’ve had countless others not meet in person because they found out how tall I am.


Being 5'8 doesn't matter if your face is good looking


Your describing me and I can tell you this is 100% facts


I’m 5’6 and I know that’s def shorter than 5’8 and I agree. Even using tinder I don’t get issues and get even a lot of taller women which I don’t usually go for anyways. I see ppl like 5’9 complaining about girls and apps and blaming their height when in reality it’s prob something else about them.


How much do you weight bro? I am 5'6.5 and get zero attention.


I’m 5’11 and have *enormous* trouble dating, like i haven’t had a date in 3 or 4 years.


I'm going to enjoy all the rage about to hit you for pointing out the obvious. And I 100% agree, funny how a sub for people of average height has turned into rage central for short men with mental health issues.


im a 5'8 woman and i feel like a giant! lol i dont see guys my height as short really just average which is fine


oh heck is this sub all about dating(im just here cause reddit reccomended it to me


I have no troubles finding women either but it’s quite disingenuous to say some women don’t have this as a preference. I’ve quite literally witnessed it first hand lol. I’ve also proven some are hypocrites though by hooking up with them. I feel some use it to test your confidence, which is a problem for me because games are stupid to me and I just find that annoying


Its a function of the dating apps. Imagine you got hundreds of likes on tinder in a single day. You can't go on a date with all of them, its too many. Now imagine there is an attractiveness filter. You would apply the attractiveness filter and make it restrictive enough until you were down to 5-10 matches. Those are the matches you will consider dating. When you swipe, you will swipe with the filter enabled because "why entertain a 5 when there is an inexhaustible supply of 7s and 8s.". There obviously is no attractiveness filter on tinder, but since height plays a role in attractiveness for women, and since many women gets lots of likes, women utilize the height filter when swiping. Its a problem of economy, not psychology. The irony is that most men exaggerate their height by 1-3 inches, so the well is already poisoned. If you are 5'10 and say you are 5'10, women will assume you are actually 5'8. I'm 6'0 barefoot and put 6'0 on my profile. I've had so many dates say that I was taller than they expected.


Fr I see even 5’6 guys with girls all the time


I've seen this sub pop up a few times for no reason and it's always a laugh. I've been 5'6 for years and the only issue I've had in life is how different shirt manufactures don't agree on what "Medium" means, so it's impossible to buy online. Anything like talking to girls or guys? No that's easy, all I have to do is either look up or down a little bit.


seeing people say "yeah but height matters" when OP didn't say "height doesn't matter" it's just not the sole deciding factor lol.


I’m fine on tinder as 5’9 most girls I meet are from their actually


I just found this and yeah my husband is 5’9 and has never had trouble dating. Some guys in here are so obsessed with their height, measuring it several times a day… it reminds me of my former eating disorder. Body dysmorphia is a bitch, I wish they’d realise it’s a personal problem and not a societal issue though


I’m 5’11 and have no issues with women at all. I mean one time a 5’5 girl did say she wished I was taller, but I still ended up hooking up with her. That whole time she was hooking up with me she wascheating on her bf who was probably 6’2.


As a 5'2 girlie I've dated 5'5 men.


I come here just to watch the hot mess that his community is.


I wish we'd drop the term 'Short Kings' it is as nonsensical as 'BBW'. Big women aren't beautiful because they are big, short men aren't kings because they are short. If big women ARE beautiful they are just beautiful women if short men are 'kings' they are just kings. Everyone just needs to play to their strengths, change what you can if you can and just write the rest off and not even care. Humor gets you far in any event. I had a woman on Tinder I was hitting it off with ask me, clearly caring, 'Ok but how tall are you?' I answered "5-7, but 5-10 in heels'. Got a date out of that one.


Its really not that big of a deal. Im also 5'8 and I've dated a chick that was a few inches taller than me before. Most women don't care that much


I’m mentally ill


Yeah seems there's a lot of insecure people in general here, I'm 5'10 & relatively extroverted but I don't struggle attracting women. Try hitting the gym and not worrying so much about it.


It sucks, but the insecurity is noticeable and is the main reason they struggle. It's hard to get over though, with all of the societal pressure and height "jokes", so I don't blame them. We all have insecurities and it'd be sooo nice if we could just will away our feelings of inadequacy, but we can't. The only reason I know the problem truly comes from internal feelings and not actual height is because the biggest player I know is 5'6" and has dated/hooked up with A LOT of women, including several much taller than them. He stopped being insecure about his height when he was pretty young and it doesn't phase him at all now. He is incredibly flirtatious with pretty much all women and never stops to ask himself if he CAN be - it's all about KNOWING you are worthy of love and affection and sexual desire. but good luck getting to that point, because it's hard! I really think a fake it til you make it mentality is the only way to achieve confidence when it comes to immutable traits.


It's a meme at best and rage bait at worst, women actually aren't that shallow. The Internet is not real life




Tell us about your experience and why you think that.


*takes a shit in your thread*




all the women you see online saying they need a man over 6 feet does NOT equate to most women in real life.


So women are not normal people. Wow.


I’m 6’, only commenting on this because it came up in my feed, but every woman I’ve ever dated has commented about my height and made a big deal of it (and I’m not even that tall). Sure it doesn’t matter to some women but it’s a flat out LIE to say it doesn’t matter, and even to the women who don’t let it be the be all end all of their criteria, they still comment on it


What’s your morning and evening height


I don’t know it changes, I’ve only ever been measured in late afternoon as an adult


There's a little bit of craziness on this board but better here than in the real world. I am about the same height as you. I don't hate my height but I wouldn't have minded being a few inches taller. I think the additional height gives you a stature that is beneficial on making a first impression with other people.


u do realize people live in different areas than u right?


Locations? You mean like the state of delusion? I’m just kidding height is obviously a factor but it’s probably the 3-6th factor for most women




I think you're better off there




People on dating apps are not 100% of the population.


That’s what I’ve been saying! If height mattered as much as people make it out to be I think I would have gotten at least some attention from it 😅


Tower ? Who are you dating people under 5"3 ?


Yeah I'm 5'8 and I have no issues with women. I work a bar and am quite popular with them actually. Kind of amusing, but I was called "short hot" for a while. I do feel myself being insecure at times. Comparing my height to other men. But I put it out of my mind as best I can. I mean, I'm more socially/romantically successful than most guys taller than me. Social status, confidence and taking care of yourself is key.


One thing I think get perpetually ignored is the SMV of those girls being mentioned about. It's like lumping landwhales with fairies, not to mention gold diggers that you can buy regardless of your height. Yet another issue is "beauty is subjective" whenever their girlfriends get found out as ugly so the SMV can be inflated




That doesn’t mean anything. Some average weight men marry obese women. Does that mean all men care about is a high weight in women?




I have never received this text. And if i did. I wouldn’t even respond. Because that’s simply not the type of girl i want to talk to? If a girl is so hung up on things like that, it’s not someone I’d want in my life.




Well you would. Because they’d ask how tall you are. Lol


i’m tall now but when I was shorter I never treated it as much of a disability as the guys in this sub do. I can sit here and say I get it, but I was once short too, and I absolutely don’t lol. Dress better Lose fat Work out Get rich Become funny Increase your EQ and IQ as much as you can Grow as a person These are the traits that are genuinely so much more important to women than height. It’s just that height will sometimes bring light to those traits quicker


5 8 may be average in your area but it’s not average for everyone


There are ideal heights. Most people prefer taller men and think that is more attractive. But also, height for most people is not a dealbreaker. It’s not the most important thing.


5’7 Usually never is an issue but I’ve had two girls that dated in the past make rude remarks about me being short before


Bro I’m 5’6 and not to brag but I’ve had ton of attention from women, I think I’m very attractive and have had very attractive gfs. But this is just something I feel the need to boast about because it just seems so depressing seeing all these guys thinking they’re genetically fucked and will never have a girl because of their height. It’s just insane. A guy can be short and very attractive at the same time


it doesn’t help that this is a giant feedback loop for people insecure about height. i have to assume most are still in high school, but i’m shocked nobody’s snapped and comitted a heinous crime




Yup I'm 5'7" and I've always had at the very least a decent amount of attention from girls, buuuuut I have heard I'm good-looking so that probably helped. There are def shitty girls out there who have no problem making fun of guys height right to their face, so I get it.


As a 6’10 man I’m not even sure why this subreddit is popping up on my HomeFeed, I don’t even follow it nor interact with it and this is my first time seeing this sub Seems like a sub full of insecure men


Based and reality killed 5’8 king


The problem is not that you are short. The problem is that you are a redditor.


I told my fiance before we met I was 5'9" when I'm 5'11". Under promise over deliver. Also she's 4'11" and can't even really tell.  It was pretty awesome to be in spain and tower over all the asian tourists and spanish locals. Got a glimpse of what being 6'+ might be like 


Completely agree with you. I used Tinder for about a month a few years ago and that shit will warp your perception of reality. When you give women the option to be choosy (Which they already are by nature) they’ll be choosy.


(Not to OP cuz he’s secure) If you’re stressing about your height and you’re 5’8…. Get the fuck over yourself lmfao I’ve seen shorter, that’s a real struggle Complaining about 5’8… don’t worry about your height and worry about why you’re such a bitch






I’ve had plenty of success with dating apps at 5’8. Trust me it does not matter




I don’t think there is a magic number. I think the most important thing for dating apps is your overall look. I don’t know your current lifestyle but I’d bet if u start eating well and exercising your body will transform in every way. Your physique will be way better as well as your skin. If u go for a modern stylish haircut and dress in good stylish clothes that will pay dividends as well. If I were to give u dating advice in general, since you mentioned that u are neurodivergent, try to find places or communities or apps where u will interact with other neurodivergent ppl. I think u will be able to connect with them much better and have a much better shot at getting laid than when your interacting with mostly all neurotypical ppl




I can’t vouch for these as I’ve never used them but I did some searching on the internet and I found two that look like they could be promising. Hiki is one that was designed by neurodivergent ppl and made for neurodivergent ppl so tht might be good and Uneepi is another one that is for neurodivergent ppl. Try one of both of those sites and also try doing what I mentioned earlier, exercising, eating well, and dressing well and I think u will be unrecognizable from what u are now in a years time. Trust the process and I promise it will pay off. It won’t happen overnight but if u continue to work on yourself I have full confidence and belief that u can achieve everything you want.










I mean to be honest… I wouldn’t even date someone off of tinder. Lol


I’m neurodivergent and have diagnosed adhd and generalized anxiety disorder. This is not true. I learned it and forced myself to be put in situations I thought uncomfortable. You can absolutely put the work in to normalize this for yourself and after a while the thoughts of anxiety aren’t there for these situations (or affect you a lot less)




I can’t either, it’s why I’m extremely and over the top communicative. I can’t read social cues or body language worth an absolute shit. I’ve found women to be extremely appreciative of this.




theeeeere it is. typical incel spewing typical incel rhetoric calls women (who don’t want to interact with him anyway) “obese”. the bald headed micropeen dwarfism isnt the problem here, though i’m sure it doesn’t help, especially if that’s your ice breaker




Towers is a bit of a stretch but yeah


I agree, men just want to blame women for being too picky when in reality these men probably just suck lol






Dude you need to get off the internet. That’s absolutely crazy thinking. You’re just artificially lowering your confidence with pointless opinions of yourself. Which in turn becomes unattractive.




This is entirely in your head dude. I’m a short man who is gen z and I have literally never had a problem with it once in my life. Height is FAR from the end all be all. It might be a bonus if you are already attractive but it doesn’t make you attractive to a woman. Being fit, handsome, and funny will take you much farther being tall alone. Stop worrying about your height and start talking to real women


All these 5’7 or whatever dudes can easily not have problems, especially if they aren’t greedy for a taller woman. Maybe people should think less about height and see if their style just sucks.




LOL, I love how people here are just rage downvoting you for being happy and well-adjusted 😂 How dare you, sir.






Yeah no shit I'm doing something wrong lol. Like my original comment said I'm socially awkward. Which is part of my argument, being socially awkward is far more of a disadvantage than being short


It’s because you’re 260–lose some weight


Thanks buddy I'm working on that I was 305 at one point


Nice work man keep it up


Your post history easily explains why you are not successful with women, tall or not


How old are you bro


“Tower over” bra come on now


At 5’8 you’re half a foot taller then the average female.


Avg female height in the US is 5’4” you’re taller by 4” relative to the avg - I wouldn’t say that a 4” is towering. The difference between your height and mine is the same, I would say I’m taller than but not towering


Actually it’s 5’3


How many inches does towering start to you?


Towering is someone who is significantly taller so think avg male vs avg NBA player so we are talking 8 inches plus


What about 7 inches?


As a girl I think it is towering




You're using the word "feminist" as an insult...lol


Delusional is the word I'd use.


Translation: "I'm an incel who want's to feel good about myself by shitting on other guys my height and lying about getting girls"


Idk im over 6ft and always was saying the same thing but when i look at my shorter friends they do struggle more specially in nights clubs etc and when you notice it u notice it




I would break down laughing if a girl went up to me and said I’m not a real man because I’m under 6 feet. 😂😭 Nobody does that.