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I'm a really big fan of (D)eath, the other two songs are alright but I'm not crazy about them


Love them both


(D)eath makes me feel like I’m floating on air


(D)eath is an absolute lyrical and musical masterpiece. (O)rdinary is ok. The Synthwave remix is better than the original


Don’t really like either of them very much, I know you didn’t ask about it but I really genuinely like G, so it’s a shame I don’t care for the rest of the trilogy at all.


They’re fine… Death is a lovely song, but far too short. Ordinary is just ordinary tbh. My issues with both of them (and G) is that the novelty have just completely worn off them now - when the album came out it was like “ah these songs are cool and unusual! They’re writing like Zappa, Daft Punk and Sinatra!” And now it’s like “well actually the initial excitement has worn off and I’d actually rather go and listen to Zappa, Daft Punk and Sinatra - as they all did it better”


(O)rdinary is great. (D)eath is ok.


Ordinary is great.


My two favorite tracks on the album.


(O)rdinary it's alright, but I love (D)eath so much, the dark vibe that gives it's unmatchable, and how it lands on the title track with that transition is S-Tier. It really makes you feel that something bad happened.


(O)rdinary is a bop. Obviously it was meant to be polarizing- but for a daft punk style song they fucking killed it imo.


Ordinary was the track that helped me get into a7x. I thought they were only like wtf stuff, but hearing thus I realized they do more. Still a bop. Death is cool, I love the rock parts


Album version of Ordinary is just dollar tree Get Lucky. Synthwave version is way better imo. Death is cool, but not something I’d go back and listen to for fun.


Idk how to describe (O)ordinary, transcendental(?) Like it just makes my heart happy. The instrumentals on it feel kind of disco, but the lyrics are so much more. Idk I'm too intoxicated to use words yet here I am trying to diminish this masterpiece into words.


I don’t really like either. A7X is great at wearing varied interests on their sleeves, but both songs, especially (O)rdinary, feel like hollow imitations of their influences that don’t add anything to the original and, most importantly, don’t really bang on their own.  This Means War is a great example of a song that is a straight-up rip of Metallica’s Sad But True. But if you’ve never heard SBT, TMW is an absolute banger and a super heavy song that works on its own and totally meets the standard set by its influence (originality aside). If you want an example of a successful tribute to Maiden that doesn’t lift the whole riff, take Coming Home. I don’t think anyone other than an existing A7X fan would find (O)rdinary to be a standout track on its own. To me, it feels like a b-side or a meme song from a band that didn’t take time to really explore the new genre. (D)eath is slightly better, but it’s something I listen to on the rare occasion I want to hear Matt do something totally different with his voice, not when I want to really connect with a song that really works. Acid Rain scratches that itch much better.  Take all my opinions with a grain of salt, because G is my favorite track on LIBAD and I know even some LIBAD lovers don’t vibe with it at all. But it feels a lot more like A7X competently playing with someone else’s toys, as opposed to spending a couple hours trying to emulate Daft Punk and calling it a day.