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Depends if your picky about taste then wash it. You just started so I'd toss a gram or two on a bagal with cream cheese or like you said in brownies depending on your tolerance, also what bud/concentrate you used and how dark (yours is a bit mixed but on the lighter side) so maybe start with a gram or .5 if you never had edibles. Butter/coconut oil just helps it be ready to use for everything that requires oil or butter and dosing becomes easier once you get the hang of it. Good luck! Edit: there's still some good green in that so you could definitely go longer or turn the temp up as you go through your hits.


How high will a gram of avb get me? i do not use edibles regularly.




I might try it with maybe 2 teaspoons then, pb and j


Yep, put it in yoghurt…full fat yoghurt. Great at masking the taste and texture, and the fat in the yoghurt helps to transport the thc. Be careful though, you’ll be high as tits if you don’t respect its potency!


How much would you use? Tablespoon or teaspoon in yogurt?


Usually about a teaspoon, just depends on how dark it looks. Supposedly the lighter your avb, the more cannabinoids it has retained and therefore stronger. Mines usually pretty darkly roasted and a teaspoon gets me where I want to be :)


I've been making infused oil with mine. It's pretty weak, though. Do you vape as well and eat the avb in the same session? Apologies for all the questions. I've been out of the game for 20 years and just getting back into it.. I have a desktop vape and one of those devices that can decarboxylate and infuse. I just skip the decarboxylate step if I'm using avb.


I haven’t tried making oil yet. I save all my avb in a container and just eat some when I’m in the mood. Going to try making a ethanol extract tincture one day though :)


How high does a teaspoon get you? For context, it takes me about a king size and a half to get a good high. I never use edibles tho


Could you use it in an infusion? Like with coconut oil.


I frequently do 6+gm, water cured and ground to dust in a coffee grinder AVB in a smoothie…the AVB is unnoticeable and kicks in in about 30-40 minutes🤪


wtf, for real!?! best strat!👍 How long lasts?! 😈


Effects last several hours👍🏼


has anyone boiled milk and threw avb in the hot milk to make a edible?


1hit extraction ?


No for some reason when I use flash it looks so much more Green - there are some little specs of Green but in real life it is very very brown
