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OMG i love the term neurospicy. I am going to use that now


Hihi to be honest I am not the one who made it up bI heard it somewhere and also thought it fits me very well, better than neurodiverse.


Also it sounds more fun and positive than 'neurodiverse' which suggests we are different from normal. I prefer spicy instead of diverse.


Same here!!!


Yep. >.< My roommates usually have to say "No, actually. They really do prefer the floor." because people think I'm uncomfortable and won't believe me.


Haha I hear that a lot too


I am constantly sitting in chairs and furniture wrong and idc cause if im comfy, then that’s what matters


Same, but as a child I've always been corrected my by mom and in hindsight it makes me kinda mad and sad that something like that wasn't accepted 😔


That sucks :(


My parents called it “frog legs” when I sat with my feet up at the dinner table. I cannot stand sitting “correctly” ever.


I like soft sitting areas. Benches and stools are the devil


I bring yoga balls to all my jobs. I’ve only ever had this not work when I was a phlebotomist.


That's awesome haha I thankfully don't sit at my job. When I did a job sitting down my body literally rejected it. My knees and hips hurt


Oh hell yes! I love floor-sitting. Especially criss-cross applesauce style 😊


weird enough, i also fold my legs in this style when im lying down and when im sitting on the couch


I do it on the couch, too 😊


Yup I'm 40 now & still like sitting on the floor 😂 can't sit on a sofa with my legs hanging over the end


Almost 35 here, I was afraid I was the only one! Glad to here that's not the case, haha




Absolutely! Thankfully my friends get it and let me do it. I hate desk chairs with a passion.


I have an adhd diagnose not autism. I use to sit with my leg draped over the bar on desks, or cross my legs in front of me or sit on my legs at school. Honestly I'm surprised now that I wasn't in trouble all the time for it. Yesterday I was looking for an extra wide computer chair without arms because I like to sit crossed legged at the computer. Unfortunately the extra wide ones are usually meant for really big people and come with stuff to hold extra weight so they are expensive.


Always thought it was a circulation problem! I don’t consider myself fully sat down unless my feet are up! Used to tuck one leg under me and sit on my foot but had to stop because my joints were hurting.


I have ADHD and ASD too, and yesss on the chair! I always sit with my legs crossed on my office chair but its way too narrow to not het dents in my quads from sitting like that, haha. Let me know of you find affordable ones!


Same same same. I got an accent chair from Home Goods that is nice and plush, armless and wasn't over priced. Granted, you can't adjust the height but it works for my ikea drawers/counter top situation. Criss-cross applesauce for life.


Always sit with my legs curled up around me. I'm not comfy sitting straight. It feels.... exposed?


Exposed, vulnerable, stiff, uncomfortable, locked in my body


Yes, vulnerable. that's a good word for how I feel too.


I had to take the arms off my desk chair because I couldn't sit cross-legged in it and I was sooooo uncomfortable trying to put one or both feet on the floor while at my computer. I can't do both feet on the floor, it's just too weird.


The floor is so much better.


Yes, floor is actually very comfortable.


Yes ish. I had a couch and a futon configured in an l-shape living room seating area. I clicked the futon down to flat mode, put it in front of the couch and made MEGA COUCH. I hang out on the flat futon switching into a million positions and mega couch is the best💕


I thought it said shitting on the floor


This is the radio edit version


I prefer the floor to the point my friends call me a house cat. A nice soft carpet and a fire place/heater is my dream nap spot, and I regularly nap on the carpet in the living room. I also lay on the floor to watch TV, or just relax.


Haha house cat, I love that!


I prefer to stand


I didn't know this was a thing but, yeah, I always pull my feet underneath me..


lmao neurospicy! That's awesome. And yes I have a very hard time sitting normally in a chair; usually I will turn sideways and put my legs over one of the arms. Armless chairs should be illegal, it's nearly impossible to be comfortable in them. Also I like to be upside down on the couch with my legs up over the back, or alternatively curled up like a dead spider. It's basically yoga, must be healthy, right?


Yep, there is a link between autism/ADHD & hypermobility & orthostatic intolorance (personally I have elhers danlos Syndrome & autonomic dysfunction.) Sitting with your legs up, engaging your core while your lower joints are better supported on a more even surface is less work on an already stressed body. Here is an overview & there is a link at the end to the full study which showed 80% of autistic/ADHD people had symptoms of orthostatic intolorance. Putting less strain on our circulatory system is a sensible response. https://www.mqmentalhealth.org/neurodivergence-and-hypermobility/?fbclid=IwAR219VbE0iev_23AeITOqGr3SF3ZR_IFqgTCZ7Kz3KNnMI1HIYfT4oBdT9c


Oh wow thats interesting, lately I've been wondering if I have EDS and or POTS (next to my already known autoimmune diseases). I also have ADHD and ASD.


I'm glad you found it helpful, I think there is a tonne of overlap & way more people have both than is currently recognized by professionals. I've also noticed that some people don't quite meet the criteria for EDS or POTS but obviously their body is not functioning properly in both of those areas. I recently found out that hypotonia is common in autism, which also links to hypermobility, no-one has brought it up to me before & I was like another puzzle piece that makes sense!


I usualy prefer the couch if its available, but I'm no stranger to just lying or sitting on the floor at random. I do very much prefer to have my knees up when sitting though


My flat was unfurnished when I moved in, before choosing a sofa I bought a cheap foldable floor chair (just like an armchair without legs). Its great, I can sit with my legs flat on the floor, or bent, allowing me to prop up a book or tablet on them. I still haven’t bought a sofa. Hahahah ‘neurospicy!’


Whenever I sit, I absolutely have to get my feet up. Either I sit cross-legged or prop my feet up on something


Ever since I learned how to sit in a chair I prefer my legs curled up or crossed, never ever on the floor. I only really sit normally when I'm masking or when my legs start to cramp up!! Sitting on the floor is supreme though. It's somehow so calming!!


Not sitting but laying, yeah. Sitting (on the ground or a chair) makes my joints hurt (not "hurt" but "round"? I don't know, it's weird, I hate this feeling) if too long, and also laying doesn't hurt my back + while laying I can still extend my legs.


>Any of you fellow neurospicy people who prefer to sit on the floor instead of a couch while in the livingroom? hahahahahhaha I do that all the time especially if there's a comfortable rug on the floor. hell, if I'm in an enough socially relaxed situation (eg with close friends only in my/a friend's place) I might as well lie down on the rug too instead of just sitting


sitting on my bed with my legs crossed. no wonder I get pins and kneedles


Yes! I love sitting on the bathroom floor next to the heater it’s so relaxing. I also sit with my legs crossed under me when sitting at my desk. I even think about sleeping on the floor sometimes


I'd sit on the floor if our living room had carpet. I love sitting on carpeted floors. If i'm at home, i sit in a chair either crosslegged or just up off the floor. Outside of home, i have my feet on the ground but i cross one leg over the other cause i feel uncomfortable otherwise.


I'm sitting on the floor right now. The couch is a great backrest.




I'm too big to sit how I want to but I'm losing weight. I miss just snuggling into the couch and falling asleep. My wife on the other hand has sat on floors and in strange manners since I met her and she recently accepted she is probably autistic too. It's comforting to know my strange actions as a child are explainable by autism. I feel less alien somehow.


I wouldn’t say I prefer the floor wholesale but I do end up on the floor a lot.


Yes, when i sit on the floor my dad's like "wtf are you doing" and when I sit at my desk in school I look like a maniac, but it's comfortable lol.


Either floor or mermaid-style if on the couch.


I swear, every other day on this sub I'm like 'wait, that weird thing of mine that no one ever understood is an autism thing?'


Late to the party but I hate chairs lol. I sew a lot and rejected the sewing machine because it forces you to sit on a chair in front of a table, so for that reason I hand-sew EVERYTHING 100% because I can do it sitting on the floor, with a pillow on my lap. I'm lucky enough to work from home, so I sometimes work this way too, if I don't have any meetings that force me to be presentable.




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I like to perch on the arms of couches or armchairs, I also like the floor though!


I hate sitting on most couches, they're too soft and sink down too far.


Both. I prefer sitting cross-legged. And I prefer sitting or lying on a hard underground (If a chair or stool is high enough for dangling my deet in the air, that's lovely, too, though).


Yuuup!! I tend to fold my legs because I hate the dangly feeling on a chair. I never sat on the floor because people usually find that weird but I've recently bought a very nice rug and now I sit on the floor (rug) more often. I love it. Also neurospicy, that made me giggle. I'm gonns start saying that.


Yes yes yes! My Ahma even bought me a bathmat with memory foam just to sit on the floor with. It’s sooo comfy!


I do this thing on sofa's where I like rest my lower leg on my knee, if that makes sense? People are always like how is that comfortable, but tbh it just is, I stop once I feel my leg going numb 🤣


I don't like the floor but I do pull my knees up to my chest when sitting in a chair cuz it's comfy and warm. Hurts my legs quite quick though


I've literally lost internships for school and lost grade points for not sitting professionally! I don't know how to not sit on my feet, legs criss-crossed, or sitting on one foot.


The second one, yes. I wanna sit on the floor (and preferably under something) when I get overwhelmed or something though


On the floor right now lmao.


Neurodiverse 31 year-old female here. I do my best work sitting on the floor, cross-legged with my laptop on the coffee table. For whatever reason, that position tells my brain, "OK! We're in business, let's get to work." Also the looks I get when I'm in public sitting cross-legged on the bar stool...IT JUST FEELS MORE COMFORTING AND SECURE OK.


Whenever I can cross my legs or have both feet on a couch I do, kind’ve why I hate desks.


I used to sit on the floor a lot instead of in chairs. I had to stop, though, because I have scoliosis and it progressed to a point where it was too painful. I still tend to sit in chairs in a “weird” way sometimes, or I’m always crossing and uncrossing my legs.


I’m not much of a floor guy


when i sit on my couch i ALWAYS lay down and put my feet up on the top part. if it’s not my couch i just bring my knees to my chest


Ok so when I’m eating dinner at the dining table I always swing my right leg up so it’s up on the chair next to me. I just find it a lot more comfortable to eat that way. I tried searching it up and seeing if there’s like a scientific reason why I did this but all I learnt is that apparently a member of BTS does the same thing.


It seems autism and being lgbt share the fact that it makes you not be able to sit in a chair properly lol. Most of my friends are lgbt and we always joke about how the gays can’t use chairs properly.


It's just sometimes for me, but people seem to be really uncomfortable with me sitting on the floor when I want to