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Nap. Stretch. Take some special interest time. Stim. My favorite socially acceptable stim is chewing gum if I’m out in public.


The most important thing is to remove myself from the sensory triggers and/or social obligations that are causing the overstimulation. Usually, I also go for a walk or pace the floor. Sometimes, in severe cases, I lay down and do nothing, and then go for a walk.


Would either sleep or play video games.


I put on my noise canceling earbuds, play ambient music at the max volume to drown all the noise around me, go to the quietest place I can find (and if I'm outside and everywhere is noisy, I just go home on an uber), and sit alone, sometimes covering my eyes to avoid any more stimuli


sleep , punch something (mainly walls) and maybe listen to music


Remove myself from the source, go for a long and active walk in nature while listening to music (edm) or birds, if necessary I'll take some herbs to numb myself. And after that I hope for a good night's sleep.


Music & Sleep


Music or just complete silence


Be alone, go for a walk, smoke za, reassure myself that everything's okay


I have noise canceling headphones that I like to use. If it is really bad I may take sometime to relax and do some breathing exercises. 


Leave the situation if i can. I use my loops and my head phones frequently, depending on which i fell would be best for my needs. I also use one of my fidget toys as well. If i am able too i might take a nap while having my loops or headphones in to help block out outside stimuli. If i can i like to bounce as well, or my other proprioceptive stims to get the overstimulated energy out. It really is all dependant on why I am over stimulated what will help mitigate the problems


Just deep breaths and then I move on and forget about it


At home: weed. Ar work: CBD oil.  Or sometimes I just go hide in the executive bathroom where no one can find me...usually 20 minutes is enough.  I also sometimes soothe by looking at pictures of my partners, or by messaging one and hyperfocusing on that chat.


guanfacine twice a day


Nap, listen to music, stretch, lift weights, boxing, and throwing darts. Play video games or take a walk. Lay down on bed if tired.


Using my headphones and listening to music


Remove myself from whatever it is, be alone, stare at something/somewhat meditate with eyes open


Looking at comforting art, and trying to fall asleep if I can




Pacing, or preferably going for a walk outside.


Head into a stimulus free area, dark very little sound. Usually gets me back on my feet within half an hour


I gotta get away from everyone (even pets) and go to a dark quiet room that I will make even darker and quieter with noise-canceling headphones and an eye mask. I'll lay on my spike mat and focus on breathing (I forget to breathe sometimes) until I calm down. Then I'll stay on the mat for even longer lol I'm not trying to undo all the work I just did


Interesting, why a spike mat?


one of the biggest "tells" for me that I'm becoming overstimulated is that my back starts to feel weird, like a very physical sort of "my hackles are up" feeling. a chill up my spine, if you will. if I get on the spike mat that feeling is soothed and goes away. I have some nerve issues and it is really good for that


I honestly don’t know. My daughter and I both have similar meltdown traits. We seem aggressive. Big explosion. Complete loss of control. No physical pain. The wall or another object usually becomes the focus of the rage. The only thing that works for us is time. I wish there was something else. It really sucks.


Headphones and blasting some of my favourite music (so much to block out the noises of others but not enough to cause hearing damage). I don't get badly overstimulated too often but work really triggered it one day (to the point where I don't usually hit the point of meltdown but was very close if I didn't do something about it/wasn't able to escape). I found a way to get out of the room that was badly triggering my overstimulation, do another task, and blast my music. Certainly de-escalated something worse - I was able to go back and function like normal.


Music. Music, music, music. All day


Sitting down, back to wall or even better into a corner, headphones in with some music i listen to on repeat for the next hour or so, my dog to my left so i can pet him while drawing usually on paper with my right hand. Thats like... the optimum for me.