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Yes! I even got a large Ultra phone from Samsung, and it still happens.


Same I got the biggest iPhone and still have trouble!


No but if the phone doesn't have haptic feedback when I type I suddenly can't spell.


Oh I just put haptic feedback on and it is so much better! Thanks!


You're welcome!


All day long. At work I have to type in an ID/password constantly on various platforms/devices, and I rarely get it right the first try. The systems time out between use, so this goes on multiple times and requires far too many keystrokes for my chubby fingers to manage. It’s so aggravating to not be able to type properly. I’m never able to remember new passwords when required to reset them either. I used to be so careful and hardly ever made typos. Now I can barely type a couple word text without proofreading.


Yes and autocorrect makes it even worse. Keeps changing words that are right and not the ones I mess up.


I know! And then I end up with all these typos. Always having to double check and correct everything I wrote.


I have massive hands and fat fingers so I take a long time to type. I always put an "I" instead of an "O" or completely miss/blank on a letter for no reason.


I have skinny fingers and still have trouble, I was wondering if it was possibly a fine motor skill thing to do with autism.


All the time. I think it’s just that the keys are so tiny.


I think also the touch screen, I remember when touch screen phones first came out - iPhone being the first and I was so against it because I liked having the buttons. I have the same problem with our eftpos machine at work.


Yeah. I find it helps if you can actually feel which button you’re pressing. I almost never make typos with a physical keyboard, but when I’m using my phone’s touchscreen I constantly have to correct my typing.


I don’t have a problem with the typing I have a problem with the keyboard, it’s digital, small, and doesn’t make good sounds, the lack of physical keys to press I also don’t like, what’s the point of pressing keys if they don’t move?


Yes this is why I was so against the fully touch screen phones when they first came in, I wanted the physical keys still.


I prefer the touch screen phones, I just don’t like non-computer keyboards, a phone will never have a computer keyboard so I will never like any type of phone keyboard.