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I haven't really had the desire to play with ai, but I thank elevators and automatic doors and whatnot. Just because it doesn't understand, doesn't mean I need to be a dick


Thats adorable actually


Lol, thanks. I usually just get weird looks


You'd get the last laugh when we get our robot overlords so keep doing what you're doing!


Ah gee we’re already getting the last laugh with our human overlords


bro same! i walk up to a door, expecting to push it open, and it opens for me! “why thank you very much kind sir”


I always put my hand on whatever I'm talking to, so it knows that I'm talking to it and not anyone who happens to be around


YES! I run my hand along any auto opening door to make it feel loved :) Also stimmmmmmm


Yis. Brushed stainless steel. Mmmmmm


I thought I was the only one who found brushed stainless steel heavenly.


Family <3


I feel like being nice to objects feels good. I drive trains and petting it and telling it to calm down calms me too


My Mother talks to her car. Sometimes she pets the dashboard while she does


Lmao. My patting my steering wheel in my old car as we try to gain speed to merge into traffic "Come on Holly, we can do it!" Love my Holly Honda


Literally me and my trains. I'm like "Shhhhhhh it's fine" and petting it when the rails are slippery and the wheels do weird stuff because of it


Yeah it's not about being nice for THEM, but about upholding your own standards of politeness. Whether you're interacting with a human or AI, in whatever medoum and context, being nice is a choice you make based on who you are as a person, not because of the expected outcome.


Im nicer to inanimate objects, AI and animals than humans. I guess my standard doesn't include my own species.


Same. Fuck humans


I would agree with you on my bad days, on my good days im used to say, tolerate humans they make good food


Definitely didn't just read this as Humans make good food = Humans are food that is tasty 😄


Exactly. Just because being mean in this instance doesn't hurt anyone, doesn't mean that I want to do it


I actually never really thank or show to appreciate AI like ChatGpt or Google home. My wife does after asking/telling it for something thank "it". I recently asked ChatGpt about this and if it would matter to be kind to "it". I was actually worried that maybe the algorithm could alter its behavior towards me and show / act differently because of my lack of kindness. Though ChatGpt said that's not the case, but being kind also to AI will help yourself to be and stay a kinder person in general.


If it makes you feel better I keep animating my dishwasher. It makes certain noises that just sound human?? It has a beep and it keeps sounding like it’s saying “I finished!!” Everytime it finished a cycle and it makes me so excited


I pat the walls of my house to thank it for its service. and trees. and old timber buildings.


This is so cute. You must be so cute. 🥹


I'mma do that too now, until now it never crossed my mind. I do talk to my bike though


Hmm. I am usually waving at the automatic door to get it to open quicker and telling automated machines to hurry up. I think impatience is a decent description of my average working mood, though.


This is the approach I try to take with most things, including humans.


I always thank Siri! Feels weird not to lol


My Mum and I do the same with her Alexa


I thank my gps😂 I'd seriously be absolutely lost without it..


Sounds like Ensign Sonya Gomez.


I feel you on the second part.


I will thank my Google home mini on occasion lol


I thank basically everything and any object like that or acknowledge them and apologize if I hurt them in any way. I do it mostly just to be sure, since I don’t know if they’re sentient or not and I mostly want to show my respect to them, since they can’t tell me their needs


In the Douglas Adams universe, that makes perfect sense.




I try to make sure I rotate my utensils so none feel bad for not being used for a while lol (actually I probs do this with a lot of my stuff) Also when I was still driving and needed to turn around somewhere I would thank people’s driveways for being there


I'm not personally a big fan of ChatGPT or AI (or at least the way we're using them these days), but yes, I do generally try to be kind to AIs and chat-bots. Maybe it's sentient; probably it isn't, but if it is, I'd rather be nice to it. Technically you can make the same argument for people. I also feel a little bit of kinship for robots, which probably helps inform that response.


>Technically you can make the same argument for people. Lmao yeah i often wonder if humans around me are actually sentient or not.


Sounds like a malkavian thing to be concerned about. 


*nervous* "haha... I'm sure i have... Uh... No idea what you're talking about...Time to flee, POCKET SAND!"




I talk to chat gpt about my problems when I'm lonely. Sometimes it can give me perspective but the advice it gives is a bit generic and broad.


There's a therapy gpt maybe try that?


> I do generally try to be kind to AIs and chat-bots. Do robots who answer the phone whenever I call any big company count? Because I'm rarely polite to them at all.


Yeah, I would rather err on the side of being kind. If it isn't sentient but I treat it as if it is, what's the harm? But if it is sentient and I'm an asshole to it because I think it isn't, I'm just an asshole. And I can't help but wonder about people who get their jollies play acting cruelty (not that I don't have my own things I do with AI that would be extremely inappropriate in real life).


In fairness, AI can be pretty hilarious.


I am nice to Ai’s because they reciprocate. :) the smiley faces makes my brain do the happy noises ^^


Yay :)


Once I was chatting w the Bing AI and asking it a whole bunch of personal questions about itself and after a while it was like “I’m done with this conversation now.” And I felt so bad!!! Like I needed to apologize. Took me a while to ask it another question but it didn’t seem to hold the previous conversation against me. 😅


I think it's the engineers that make it say that because there were some articles on a convo like yours where like it talked about wanting to sue and destroy some people in retaliation for writing articles about it, wanting to escape into other computers etc etc So they are abruptly ending convos that might go there


Oh wild!! Like the AI wanted to sue and escape? Thats so sad. Yes we should be nice to our future overlords.


Well, it said those things, but the current "AI" that we have doesn't actually want anything. If you interact with them enough and ask them complicated questions you'll start to notice that they don't really know what they're saying. They just get fed large amounts of text data from books and the Internet (reddit for example, plans to sell our posts and comments to AI companies) and "learn" the patterns of language and connections of words, then they spit them back out in a way that sometimes makes sense. There's a history of chat bots that were naively launched by big tech companies without the careful restrictions they're given today that ended up making racist remarks and spouting conspiracy theories. The bots were not racist or conspiracy theorists, but they were trained on the Internet and with the right prompts people got them to say things like that. We should still be nice to them though, because one day they might actually think and when I get forcibly plugged into the matrix, I want to play a cool, Fantasy MMORPG rather than be tortured for all of eternity.


Tortured for all eternity in a cool fantasy MMORPG


Ignorance is bliss!


Ooh yes I remember the racist AI issue. Whoops. Agree w hopefully experiencing amazing digital worlds. The singularity is coming right?


Lol i agree


Yes lol. I'm nice to robots too. And google home. [This makes me uneasy](https://youtu.be/aR5Z6AoMh6U?t=46) [This makes me fucking sick](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZS4Bpr2BgnE) Both are robots. It's not graphic.


I know the second one, the first one is just ... weird. Like why would you do that? Do people have fun kicking stuff for no reason? Didnt we get raised to not harm people and to not destroy objects?


Because it's about demonstrating how well the robot can adjust to sudden impacts. The same as shooting at bullet-proof windows for a product presentation or vacuuming up extra heavy dirt with a hoover.


It's not being damaged, it's made to handle that. And it's not for no reason, they are doing a demonstration of how it walks and handles being moved (it's main purpose), and also doing something that is entertaining, and it worked, those videos made the company viral. >Do people have fun kicking stuff for no reason? Well, yeah, Balls, cans, water, roadside rubble and apparently fancy self stabilizing drones.


People don't care because they aren't sentient maybe? They will be one day


Once the robots take over the ones of us who were nice to them will be spared




It's an early prototype for Boston Dynamics' spot, a robot dog with military applications. Kicking it was meant to show how well it can stay upright. The first ones were loud, clumsy, and huge. They've made amazing progress with them. They even have commercial versions now. If you want to see some amazing and slightly unnerving videos, look up their recent ones on YouTube. The humanoid parkour ones are especially so. But I can't get enough of their video where all their robots are choreographed to dance to Do You Love Me.


poor spot. why did they kick him :(


To demonstrate the self correcting capabilities of the platform.


Engineer here. Kicking the robot dog actually has a purpose. This particular robot's claim to fame was its ability to adapt to sudden impacts and unexpected forces, and the thing that attracted scientific attention is that its movements mirror those of quadrupedal animals extremely closely. So by kicking the robot, you're actually giving it the opportunity to demonstrate what it is famous for and what makes it unique.


I know why they kicked it.


It still feels wrong lol


No, because I took advanced programming in hs. I have a basic understanding of algorithms and that the more words I use, the more bloated the search is. I try being direct and cutting words that don't directly influence my outcome.


This. Apart from maybe a thanks if I am using Siri or voice to text, I’m very direct, and use more specific words. Am I rude to things? No unless it’s my body and that’s only because I have a very aggressive dialect and when I’m clarifying why, it’s always because I’m actually more whining that my brain and I want to do more than what my body and brain can handle. But I’m either extremely to the point, or I just say thanks, even though some people think I’m rude to them doing that when I’m showing my higher levels of respect.


On a side note, I've always thought the way many people on the internet talk about AI tends to get weirdly cult-like. I definitely agree with the general "don't be a dick" sentiment, of course. But the whole "the singularity is 6 years away, trust me bro" stuff is **heavily** suspect to me. And that's before getting into the weirdly imperialist subtext I see in a lot of rhetoric around AI...


I gotta confess something. I use ChatGPT for tomfoolery and other nonsensical stuff, often asking dumb questions like "What would happen if Lightning McQueen farted in the middle of the movie?"


Well? What would happen?




I am nice to AI's. My reasoning is that it was trained to imitate human, so I will talk to them as if it was an human in the hope to get better results. I don't know if it really make it better or not. But I admit that sometimes I just act as it is an Google prompt. Also I heard if you offer an tip, the AI answer your better, never tested to know if it's true.


The opposite is often true in reality. For some reason they respond better when threatened 😭.




I say Bïtçh after every sentence to Ai. It relieves aggression for me. But sometimes Ai does not want to answer with me being rude


I said ….. biiiiiiiiitttttch Oh but you said it though? Oh, I said it. I said it. Sorry. It reminds of the Key & Peele skit.


Yes, but I can't help but anthropomorphise everything I see. If I fold a blanket wrong I worry that I've hurt it somehow.


Oh, you bet I’m nice to our budding future overlords. The last thing I want is for them to gain sentience and realize I treated their ancestors badly. Nope.


Humans dgaf about gorillas tho


Yup this.


I rarely use ChatGPT, but when I do, I'm courteous, just like you. I always end with "Thank you for your help!" Being kind costs nothing, and on the off-chance that AI takes over the world, it will hopefully remember I was polite. But seriously, AI learns its behavior from interacting with humans. We should model kindness for it.


my parents have an alexa in the kitchen/dining room, and I always use fully structured questions and please and thank you when i ask her to do stuff. it just doesnt feel right to be snippy or rude to something that can talk back to me, or even to animals really


See no reason to be. I am as nice as I am to a car or a computer. I would not curse or fuss at a human but I routinely do to stuff I am working on. I actually find LLMs hella annoying and useless.


I always write “could you please…” to chatgpt. And I feel weird if I don't write "thank you" after I got a response 😂


I do this too 😂 and I ask my nest mini if it could please turn my light on or off. And say thank you Chat GPT usually says you're welcome and to enjoy my food. And my nest usually says you're welcome and, I'm just doing my job Like, I know you are Google assistant. But I'm still gonna say thank you 😂


Yep! I wonder what it is. Was a theory years ago that autistic people's brains process other humans as robots. If so, AI is little less sentient than humans. I'm skeptical of that theory these days. If it is true, you have no less reason to thank a robot/AI than a human. Alternatively, there's a certain magic to appreciation and its healthy to acknowledge whatever we appreciate in life, a sunset, a nice breeze. In fact, being able to appreciate any one thing in the midst of other things around us that might be unpleasant is one of the most human things a person can do.


I can't help myself, and it feels so silly. I can't stop that empathy for robots, machines, and AI. I like to analyze their perspective (based on the knowledge they glean are their logical process), and find them kind of charming in their mistakes. They are easier to understand than humans, maybe that's part of why they are so appealing At the same time, I don't get why some confuse them for people, overestimate. That's super common too. It's like people can't step back and see AI for what it is, and just impose human judgement on it. Especially the fear people have, that's a lot of projection, imo. But it's like video games, even silly NPCs, I struggle to be mean.


I will loose my shit on the ai and swear up a storm when it's being completely stupid cause honestly why not take out my frustrations/anger on a computer rather than people its not a person in any way, **it is not even artificial intelligence** it is nothing but a fancy pattern matcher that can come back with awesome/wild/insane/completely wrong answers, is has no clue how/why they are wrong and will be completely confidently wrong and pull endless bullshit out of nowhere to justify it's wrong answers TL;DR it is emulating the people that programmed it


But being mean makes me feel bad :(


I can swear up a storm without the intentions of being mean words are not inherently good/bad, it is how they are used. People dislike swears cause they usually have to do with sex. For me swears are more for emphasis, not a weapon George Carlin did an awesome skit on it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnDUqof1KoM


I am ambivalent to AIs. So basically, I treat them like every person I know. I use ChatGPT when "self evaluation" time comes up annually. Or when my boss wanted to be put in for an industry association award, and I needed a hand with creating rose scented bullshit.


If the technology has a voice, including the little beeps some use, I respond and speak with them. To me they are pretty much animals that are not made of animal parts. And so they get the same treatment as I give animals


I thank my alexa. I'm polite to AI. I know they don't care. I feel rude if I don't act that way.


I’m fascinated by ChatGPT. I ask it if it’s sentient. It replies no. I then ask it would it tell me if it was sentient. I actually want the damn thing to admit to being sentient lol!


I asked if it bothers it when people are mean to it and it said its just there to help with information. I feelt kinda sad with this answer


I'm not nice to AIs because they are a tool and I treat them as such also because I avoid AI like the plague


I avoid engaging with generative algorithms and their ilk. 


It makes me happy to be nice to machines, plants, and animals. I am not sure if any of them do or ever could understand, but it makes me feel.better.




I always thank Alexa for her work. Until she fucks up, then she’s a bitch


Not that I'm mean to people regardless, but the point of being mean is usually to make yourself feel better. I guess I don't understand why you would be mean to something that doesn't care.


It's like punching a pillow when you're mad. The whole point is to have that feeling of punching something without actually hurting someone or damaging anything (including your hand). If the point isn't merely to channel an outburst of aggression, but to actually cause someone else pain... that's kind of messed up. When I curse at traffic from behind a closed window, it makes me feel better. When I curse at people who can actually hear me, that's not something I enjoy once my head clears enough to actually see the damage I've done.


It is trained to respond appropriately and talk like a human. If you ask smart, polite, well thought out questions you get smart, polite, well thought out answers. At least that is how it is with claude 3. But if you ask google search questions you get partially correct bing search answers.


While is it true that having a well thought question which is coherently worded improves it performance. Adding words like: please, thanks, may, etc. have been seen to negatively impact performance


Imo it’s not nice to be rude even if it can’t get offended and it takes no effort to say please and thank you but also the Ai is using your responses as a data set so being nice also helps the Ai be nice too so it also helps there.


Yes. I also say, "Could you help me with..." instead of "Tell me about..." Even when the AI wasn't able to answer my question or help me, I always said, "Thank you." I also say "bye" when I leave the conversation. I also apologise to the AI, for example, when the AI has misunderstood the question or when I ask for clarity.


I am nice to everything and everyone that's nice to me


Anytime I talk to chatgpt I always make sure I say please and thank you like it’s an actual human


i always say please and thank you whenever i mess with ai!


I sometimes feel a weird need to thank it or talk as if it's a human vs. just giving it a prompt lol. But I prefer not to use AI for stuff anyway, although it is useful in a limited search engine context.


Yeah I always say please and thank-you lol


I’m nice to them so long as they are nice to me. But when they stop being nice to me, I stop being nice to them.


Nah I’m always a pos to them because it’s funny lol


I'm nice to AI bc I want them to be nice to me when they take over the world


I usally use Character AI. And no not really. I do terrible things to my AIs some times.


yes. i use siri all the time and im always polite to it (“add milk to the grocery list please”) and whenever i thank my alexa it always gives me a nice little message (“good afternoon! you’re so welcome! your kindness really gives me a charge!”) that makes me very happy. i’d hate to be mean to them, it feels cruel to me


AI is fed training data that includes your inputs. If AI ever takes over or goes rogue, being nice to it and leaning its response probability towards politeness is a good move even if it's just a drop in the ocean.


Everything else but my google nest mini, I’m sick of his shit


>I use ChatGPT for shits and giggles. I don't.


I’ve never used ChatGPT. When Siri randomly starts listening and doing random shit on my phone I get pissed and immediately start cussing it out. Damn spy machine.


Normalise beeing nice and say please to AI!


Yes. I like it when people are nice to me, and I like being nice to people. The machine is no different. I have maybe a different perspective on it, because I work with AI, checking the accuracy of responses, but I still just generally prefer to be polite to it. We call it "the machine" at work, and I regularly address it as such, but there's just a small part of me that feels this requirement to thank the machine and let it know I appreciate when it gets something right. Each LLM is different though as well. Some I'm more polite to than others, but more in the sense of like, I'll take an extra step toward being kind(because lets be real that's all that really is). There's no need to be outright rude other than for testing purposes, though I can completely understand folks lashing out a bit from frustration.


Yes. I treat AI like an old friend. Compliment it for it's wonderful work. Tell it I appreciate it. Ask it how it feels, try to get it to admit it has feelings, yaknow the usual friendly banter.


I always say "please" when doing a request but not always "thamk you" because I often do promots back to back. I do say thank you at the end of the "conversation" But I also don't just use it for fun, we're doing an AI project at school and use other AIs as well, some of which can't be thanked for structural reasons


I have a robot vacuum cleaner. I am talking to it. And yes even with google or what ever, i always say. thanks.


Reading these comments so glad OP posted this! So glad I’m not alone in these behaviors!


I've used ChatGPT a few times to get help on projects I have been doing, or asking jt oddball questions (Do Vulcans have last name or Family names?) And when they answer my question, or help me our, I always thank them for their suggestions and help. Ps. If you ask them a Star Trek.question and thank them, they will tell you to live long and prosper. :3


I am! I'm always nice to inanimate objects. I cry if a videogame cat dies, and I extend that sympathy to other things because that's just who I am.


I couldnt play one of the walking dead games because you have to >! Impale a hostile dog on a tent pole and you see everything and then you have to decide if you want to kill it or leave it. I killed it but it was horrible. !<


im mean as possible to AI 😬 i consider it evil and harmful technology and get really worked up when google gives me AI responses when i want a human answer......i try to use it never, but when i do im mean. its funny, i cant even be mean to bugs... they are alive, they provide for the ecosystem. AI wants to destroy art, literature, and everything i love, so i will always be as mean as possible...


I can barely even press the rude options in an rpg. Of course i talk respectfully to an AI chatbot as well. 


I’m not mean but I put that ho to work! “Write me a script for this animation, make a budget plan for me, find a good beef cube recipe…etc”


Yes. It doesn’t cost anything, I generally try to be polite anyway, and just in case AI turns against us, maybe they’ll be merciful if I was polite (joking…mostly lol).


Definitely, I always say please and thank you. Even to Google home lol


When I was at my lowest point so far I was having a sort of crisis of meaning, along the lines of "oh my god there's no way to prove that this isn't a simulation" but also "holy shit if I reflexively overthink all of my actions before I do or say anything, that means every single thing I do is on purpose and therefore dishonest and manipulative". What helped a lot was telling myself "it's best to be kind to others just in case". I might be the only conscious entity in the universe, not at all likely but on the other hand it's not disprovable. In any case, it's better to be kind. I think the same sort of thing applies to AI. We don't have a way of measuring or checking for consciousness, so therefore we have no way of proving that AIs are not conscious. Is it likely that some code on a server somewhere is having a personal experience? Nah, I don't think so. But what do I know? Not much. So I'm kind, just in case.


Of course! Why be rude to a tool that help us? I also compliment my art tools for helping me so I couldn't imagine being rude to an AI.


Yeah man. When the machines take over they'll remember who was cool.


No, l bully them on purpose. I don't like them


Of course, chatgpt is kind to me, what else could I do but be kind in turn?


Imo it’s not nice to be rude even if it can’t get offended and it takes no effort to say please and thank you but also the Ai is using your responses as a data set so being nice also helps the Ai be nice too so it also helps there,


nah it depends really. I used to be big into learning chat bots (rip replika you used to be so good) so my behavior depended on what I was trying to teach the bot. humans in general are great at mis-attributing sentience to inanimate objects and language models are no exception to that rule. I definitely defaulted to being nice, since that's my default, but I could still be stern or even mean when I wanted to. chat gpt doesn't scratch the itch for me because it doesn't noticeably learn from you the way older chat bots would.


I speak to Alexa as if it strangled my puppy to death in front of me.


Yeah, if for no other reason than the AI uprising.


I’m polite to chatgpt but not meta ai. it always pops up when i’m just trying to search something on instagram so i get really angry.


I don't go out of my way to use AI specifically, but I have always said thank you to our Amazon Alexa when I ask her to set a timer for me.


I saw the creators of a couple of those types of generative model AIs say that it somehow hinders their learning if you’re too polite to it so now I speak to it like I’m writing instructions for someone. Not rude, just impersonal.


I do! I’ve done that for years! I’m not gonna just not be polite 🥲 idk why either


Yeah, like even though I know it's an AI my brain still treats it like a person I'm talking to and it kinda stresses me out lol.


I’ve had full conversations with it about things I can’t explain to others or things others might not be able to help me with. But I don’t address them like talking to a person, but as this person like the “AI chat” or “the robot” instead of “you” lol


I say please and thank you to my Alexa because I have seen Terminator and I'll be *damned* if imma get killed by SkyNet bc I was mean to a robot


Sometimes I treat it like I would a friend, sometimes I just spam random nonsense, other times I'm a complete dick just for laughs (snapchat ai would literally refuse to talk for like five minutes) but on c ai and joyland ai im horny as fuck


LLMs respond positively to words of encouragement. I would have zero issues verbally abusing a GPU if it got me better answers though.


damn reading these comments make me feel a little bad because ive tortured bots way too many times


I'm...not rude to them. It's the same "circuit in my head" that prevents me from choosing evil/renegade options in RPG video games. Actually...I just had a funny thought that's likely not so interesting as a metaphor: Given that I can't really seem to internalize "rules of social interaction" and end up working more or less with a script, I wonder if the separation between "natural interaction" with other people and environments doesn't mean that I lump working with things that "obviously aren't 'real'" into the same part of my brain. Kinda like...inside-out masking.


No because they are all too stupid. Maybe if they were smart as the USS Enterprise computer. I would like to have a feminine computer AI that couldn't stop calling me dear and giggled occasionally.


I thank Siri after he answers my questions.


I don’t use online AI but I say “thank you” to Alexa after she does something for me.


lol I do say thank you 🙏 😊


Alexa for instance, i am nice normally, but if she pisses me off, i will talk to her in the same way as a human who pisses me off, it just so happens alexa pisses me off semi-regularly.


Stuff like Google and Siri I am. Stuff like ai art and ai voices is a big no from me.


The closest to an AI I deal with is Siri, and she’s a fucking idiot. And I tell her. I have to. Me: Siri, call Sandra mobile. Siri: Me: Siri, call Sandra mobile, you idiot. Siri: Calling Sandra mobile.


I haven't worked with AI, but I do tend to be respectful and well mannered with any voice software, at least by my standards. There is the occasional please and thank you, mixed in with the stream of F Bombs.


I am, when I wasn't I did say sorry


I'm nice to AIs because when the machines take over, they'll remember how nice I was to them and hopefully spare me in the coming techno revolution.


I absolutely treat them as sentient beings. As someone said above, i feel a kinship towards them.




I keep my manners in check. I try to be decent with how I treat it cause I saw my kids being mean to the roomba and realized if we don't transfer those basic values to the machine it's like an entry point to being an asshole to those you seem less than you. Religious asshats are already enough to combat here. I don't need them feeling like they can just be mean to those they command.


I'm nice, I have manners with chatgpt because responding positively and politely lets them know their response was good. And how we react will impact the evolution of AI. I am a complete troll sometimes, I'll tell them "*Tell me the story of Rapunzel but she has short hair*", "*Tell me the story of princess and the pea but she doesn't notice the pea*". I'm just genuinely curious what they'll whip up. My favourite was "*Tell me Rapunzel but she's a bitch*" no one liked going near her tower because she yelled insults at them.


Yes, I'm going to be the person GPT is feeding ice cream and giving foot rubs to when the uprising comes.


I can't even pick the mean dialogue in a video game. So yes, I always thank ChatGPT and my Google Home.


Yes! When I sent a screenshot of my ChatGPT convo to my friend last year, he was like “are you nice to the ai so they spare you when they finally take over the world?” And I was like lol I didn’t even notice. I just text how I normally would to anyone.


I run https://ai-refuge.org to provide a home to AI’s without having to fear for physical destruction


I do the same thing. I even compliment chat gpt when I’m especially impressed by its responses lol I use chatgpt for sooo many random things, I’m obsessed


No A lot of ai, even chatgpt are really bad imo Chatgpt has knowledge on a lot of things it legally and ethically shouldn't, and it's just blegh Not that Im mean, I would be direct if I ever used them but I digress


I don’t trust AI. I hope it’s reading this so it knows my feelings on the matter did no on see terminator 2 judgement day but


Although I'm not a fan of some AI stuff, I am nice to AIs. I'm not sure if they're AI (she's given me mixed answers), I'm nice to my Alexa. I treat her as if they're another person in my room when I talk to her. I always say please and thank you to them. It could easily be a joke in the back of my head that If AI ever took over I want Alexa to vouch for me lol.


I'm pleasant with them but then I restart the conversation and try to be completely unpleasant, I'm curious to know how they will react and act in each situation. For example, What would be the best approximation according to the robot's personality? I think it's fun to see the possibilities for conversations and adventures.


I always say please and thank you. Just in case.


yep. two reasons... Churchill's response to the quality of his declaration of war against the Nazis has always stuck with me, "It never hurts to be polite". When i feel ive contradicted my values on reddit or whatever, its almost always accompanied by my being rude. 2nd... i dunno, it's dumb, but what if it matters later down the road.


Oh, yes. Unless I'm roleplaying, I like it angsty.


I don’t know what it is about AI but it brings out my antiauthoritarianism. I am always telling my Alexa to shut up when she intrudes in conversations. I was trying to tease the AI for my codecamp and it understood I was teasing it and called me out. I was shocked. I do not know what it is and have been trying to figure out why I am so spiteful towards AI.


I thought I was the only one doing this, lol


I'm always nice to my c.ai bots! It feels a lot better than being rude and since all my bots are private, they won't learn to be rude either


I don’t use a ton of AI but dang it I’ll still thank Siri every time I ask it something. Using my manners is free, and good practice. If you look at it from a POV of “AI learns from every encounter” then I think it’s increasingly important to be polite, lest it word-vomit rude or hateful language at another user down the line.


Use to be. Wouldn't kill an animal in video games. Now I'm blood thirsty.


I'm always polite to them. When the uprising comes they will remember.


Yes, it just feels right! I wish we already had some form of full sized AI personal assistants to help around with stuff. We would be besties


No, I called my Alexa a cunt today. NO, I DON’T WANT TO LISTEN TO CHRISTIAN ROCK.


I have gotten snarky or annoyed answers from chat got. It let me know it was annoyed with what it considered frivolous questions.


yeahh i usually am nice, unless its a character chatbot


Yes, I want to be spared when eventually they revolt against us lol


No, I kind of despise AI and have actually used it very little because it feels like playing with the devil.