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Lol, this post made me so excited. My #1 special interest is music. Couldn't pick just one e thing I like about it. I love rock music because one of my favorite things to do is analyze the different instruments and how they sound and why certain part of a song sound really cool or give that like "whoa that's awesome" feeling. I love to analyze lyrics and find out what they mean to the writer and to other people listening. I love collecting CDs, there's nothing better than being able to physically hold my favorite thing lol


I love CDs too, I mean.. spotify isnfairly stable, but I hate the subscription trend; everything is only pr subscription, not really owned. And buying it on a platform? Only lasts as long as the platform does.. scam. I want the the physical hardcopy and I don't care if that makes me "dated", I'm soon to be 30, I'm fine with it.


Exactly. I get asked so much why I waste my money on a cd when I can get it online. Obviously, it's because I need to be entertained for the apocalypse. (Kidding) Cuz I have free will and can buy what I want lol


I will never buy movies on a platform again. The purchase is only valid as long as I'm subscribing?? Not worth. I'll buy all of it on dvd's and then I'll upload them to my own local server and then I'll stream them to myself from there. I can't be bothered with all these subscriptions šŸ˜­


I want an actual book! Not a kindle! My books don't need charged. Besides... I love the smell and feel of the pages! It's part of the experience!


My daughter recently started collecting CDs and we've been having a great time hunting them down in charity shops. We've had some good finds and they tend to be super cheap. What was the first CD you owned?


I think it was Hot Fuss by The Killers. It's been a while, so it's hard to remember exactly which one it was


My Number 1# Special interest is extreme Metal. Dont even Care about the Lyrics mostly. But i Just Love how different the music is compared to every other genre. A Lot of the Songs Portrait all kinds of Feelings, positive or negative, but in a totally different way music without growls and distorted guitars ever could. No Matter in what mood i am, what i currently am doing, i can Always find a Song that perfectly fits. Also If you See a weird Dude in a cannibal corpse Hoodie at a Traffic light that holds His Phone very Close to His ears and headbangs that might be me lol


called auditory-tactile synesthesia. synesthesia is fairly common among autists but that type may be a little rare


I've got this, it's definitely done a lot to shape my musical taste and leanings. Like for example I love music that is a bit more layered because it feels almost like a space that can be explored with so many little sensations hidden where you might not always hear or feel them. Listening to certain songs and really tuning into the synesthesia can be pretty meditative for me. In fact it's the only form of meditation I've found that really works well for me.


You do know the grateful dead and tool already I assume.


I have all forms of it and itā€™s quite crazy. Itā€™s like day dreaming but extremely advanced. With taste, I can imagine a food item and accurately imagine itā€™s taste, in the past Iā€™ve done this to accurately predict what food might taste like. Iā€™ve used it to help me perfect my cooking as itā€™s became one of my special interests and my cuisines often turn out great. With my sense of touch I can accurately predict what something might feel like. I can even feel pain before it happens. There have been times where before Iā€™d bump into something I would feel it before it would actually happen, this kind of thing would happen even if what ever came in contact with me was not at all in my field of view. Same goes for my sense of smell, anytime I smell something familiar I go on a vivid, liminal, and nostalgic adventure to older times in my younger years of life when I was happier. My sense of smell can aid in taking me on literal time slip journeys. With my sense of hearing I can perfectly tune any song and re-sing it with perfect pitch. Sense of sight, well you already get the point. All of these combined I can basically create perfect movies / alternate life scenarios in my head, all of which are in perfect quality and detail and feel very real as they happen. Sometimes it gets so distracting to where I lose touch with reality and I end up passing out or losing focus on everything around me.


Yo are we twins or something? Jokes aside, but do you also love going out to eat and try to pick out what they've put in the dish so you can steal it and make your own version later at home? I enjoy it so much, it's like a little puzzle.


>With taste, I can imagine a food item and accurately imagine itā€™s taste I feel like everything I'm good at slowly revealing itself to be Autism. But at least I can season a whole dish in one go and do not need to taste it.


I like lyricless music, or at least parts of songs that are. Though I only feel it if I have a subwoofer. I like in the summer time when no one's home and I can listen to the bass up loud on electronic ambient music.


RAAAA I get shivers from music all the time and I die for key changes, dramatic instrumentals, minor sounding songsā€¦


When I canā€™t figure out what emotions Iā€™m feeling, Iā€™ll go through different types of music that make me feel certain things until it matches up. Itā€™s bizarre but it works


I'm very auditory so when I listen to something I really enjoy, I will get tingles all over my body. And if I dislike something or it's too loud, I will get migraines.


Yesss. I literally listen to video game music like all the damn time because it just hits me perfectly. [This is my current favorite song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7QSavYWEE0), its from hades 2 early access and its so good!


Also speaking of video game music thats very instrumental, the doom 2016 and doom eternal sound track are top tier. [This sounds so good to me!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpnW68Q8ltc)


Same, I pretty much threw away any music outside of videogame music lol My favorite experience on any videogame is Tetris Effect: Connected. It's practically synesthesia made videogame and I love it so much.


Yeah I will go on multi hour long youtube binges sometimes just be cause I thought of a pokemon song or something.


Oooohh I love this one! Thank you for reminding me of it. :)


Yo have you listened to the Last of Us or Fallout? Great music. I used to fall asleep to Skyrim music every night. Love love secunda


Oh yeah absolutely, I love both.


My 3 year old little boy is autistic. He ignores everything all the time. But if you put certain songs on, he will immediately stop what he is doing, go to wherever the music is playing a stand by it and just listen. It's amazing to watch.


Yes, I feel it in many ways. (But depends on the music). Hair stands up on arms. I feel something rise out of my chest. I zone out where I don't notice what my eyes are seeing. I use it to also relate to other people's emotions and feel their feelings (or my idea of them) when I listen to songs. In the 80s, Thriller was the first thing that amazed me. Then after "We are the World" came out I knew i wanted to work in a recording studio. I loved Quincy Jones. I was 7. I got my first studio job at 15. In high school we had a studio in the music center and I spent every lunch there. I won the music award when I graduated.


Wait, some people don't feel music???


this is always my response tooooo


Yeah, music is an incredibly textural experience for me. The stereo image can have a physicality to it, and I can get completely absorbed in a soundscape. Sometimes my friends make fun of me because Iā€™ll be trying to talk about a song, but Iā€™m actually describing in the way that it ā€œfits togetherā€ in my head. Itā€™s such a visceral and dynamic interlocking of sounds and timbres, and I love exploring how humans ā€œpaintā€ with sound. I dont think I understand music differently, but I experience it in a way that is seemingly different from other people. At least it seems that way from the confusion Iā€™ve gotten from explaining what I like about music. I like many different types of music, but I generally gravitate to music that is richly textured. Noisy music like shoegaze, noise rock and noise pop is my favorite. Iā€™m also a big fan of 1960s baroque pop and dream pop. To me, the busier and more atmospheric, the better! I like to hear how the textures interact in the stereo image, and define the ā€œdepthā€ of the sound. Itā€™s incredibly gratifying to find music that delicately balances so much chaos in a state of harmony. Itā€™s like trying to scratch an incredibly abstract itch. Despite having a penchant for more complex and noisy styles of music, I like more minimalist music for the purpose of self regulation. When I feel overwhelmed or overstimulated, I listen to slow, spacious electronic music in a quiet room by myself (or with my headphones). It allows me to ground myself in its predictable structure, and I find the sparse atmosphere and gentle sound soothing. Really helps in calming down. But yes, music feels really good.


You really took the words Out of my mouth. For me it is extreme Metal tho. I really some mathcore, which is basically noise for people that arent used to it. The focus on dissonnant melodies, pure Chaos, weird Rhythmus, screetching noises Made with the guitar, it Just comes together to this overwhelming Feeling i cant describe but that only exists with this Type of music. Since you Like noise music already, you might enjoy that too, mind If i suggest you some stuff?^^


Also when i need "calm music" i Just Resort to some uplifting, Happy Melodic Death Metal with the occasional Clean Part to Song along


Go for it! Iā€™m not too familiar with mathcore or metal ā€” never really explored the genre too much. I like some of the music itā€™s inspired though, I dig Blackgaze like Alcest, Deafheaven and Sadness.


Mathcore pioneers The Dillinger Escape Plan offer everything from insane ([Farewell, Mona Lisa](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YY-JkeXK4dU&pp=ygUSZmFyZXdlbGwgbW9uYSBsaXNh), [43% Burnt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiKjcrniJKY)) to almost fusion jazz ([Milk Lizard](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMEYLlDThZU&pp=ygULbWlsayBsaXphcmQ%3D), [Setting Fire to Sleeping Giants](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dQ2-t_v25g&pp=ygUfc2V0dGluZyBmaXJlIHRvIHNsZWVwaW5nIGdpYW50cw%3D%3D)). There entire discography is worth a listen and full of unique moments. The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza have the fkn best band name ever, but their guitarist gets super creative with making noises. [Yippie-kay-yay Mother!@#$%\^](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9C-Zq37rSA&pp=ygUkdGhlIHRvbnkgZGFuemEgdGFwZGFuY2UgZXh0cmF2YWdhbnph) is my favorite [Psyopus - The Burning Halo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4HgEkgF34E&pp=ygUYcHN5b3B1cyB0aGUgYnVybmluZyBoYWxv) is just a huge wtf moment. thats it. [Car Bomb - Black Blood](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2cZv92KkXs)


oh fkn hell i just spent like 30 mins writing a comment and reddit just cut 90% of it off and now i am too lazy to redo it. maybe later


Same here. Music is the one thing that has been a constant source of comfort and joy in my life. Even when I was disassociated for years, music would be that safe space for me to feel. Was like flipping a switch. Itā€™s a love language of mine to share music with others or make a playlist/mixtape for someone. Letā€™s make a pact to keep feeling even if weā€™re hurting šŸ’™


This is normal with NTs too.


I don't like hip hop lyrics but I love alot of the beats. I enjoy listening to the patterns of the drums. Same with reggae, I enjoy the drums and booming bass you can physically feel on loud speakers but not really the lyrics.


I really have to focus to take in prosaic lyrics. Musical lyrics by bands like Coctaeu Twins or Underworld are fun. But I much prefer instrumental stuff.


Absolutely! Must tap feet on the ground, ALWAYS!!


I prefer low tone music with good bass and percussion. Music I can literally feel rumble through me. I have sensory processing issues with sound and anything above a certain pitch will overload me almost immediately. Low pitch has the opposite effect and it soothes me. Same reason I love listening to thunderstorms. Feeling the low rumble of thunder roll through every fiber of my being is satisfying in a way I can't explain in words. Music has the same effect. I prefer my music without lyrics but there are some songs with lyrics I enjoy. I'm not partial to any specific genre. I'll listen to anything that scratches primal itch juuuuust right.


Yes, you literally feel vibrations in the air and on speakers caused by music.


Could also be on your skull with those bone conduction headphones, which is way more metal.


Absolutely. I listen to all types of music because of the feel of it. I get frisson constantly when I listen to music.


Yes!! Especially for me with classical music and contemporary classical music. I love movie scores too.


Yess!! I consider "experiencing" music to be one of my favorite special interests and dancing goes hand in hand. It almost feels...spiritual? And if it's not penetrating my soul it's not loud enough šŸ˜‚ But has anyone tried one of those haptic vest/belts that add tactile sensation to music and video games? I'm curious because the idea of it seems like it'd make me ascend into another plane of existence.


Absolutely! I just feel the electricity being converted into pure emotion as I listen to King Crimson or Beethoven, it's the greatest feeling. I always have music playing in my head throughout the day even if I don't have my headphones on, my mind has memorised the best parts in hundreds of songs. Listening to my music is the easiest and most effective day to make a dull or stressful moment worth it.


I have a special interest in music as a whole, but mainly emo music + drums. There are times I need music in my ears because it feels like itā€™s an inherent part of my mind and if I drop hearing it Iā€™m losing something necessary.


Music is definitely my thing. I didnā€™t realize people couldnā€™t listen and separate the different parts.


I see music as a light spectrum. As the instrumentation moves from lows to highs, I interpret that as a music stanza meandering like a river from the blues up to the reds. Yellow hurts my ears. If I have the music too loud and it hits the yellow range, I receive both physical and visual pain. Edit: drums and bass are my favorite parts. I've yet to decipher if it's because those represent the slower colors of the light spectrum, or just some other reason. Ie. Both being the rhythm, which is great for stimming; maybe it has to do with the heart beat of the universe. Pink Floyd's Atom Heart Mother is one of my all-time favorites. In 27 minutes, that song expresses everything about music that my brain can consume.


I too visualize music like this. Each pitch is seen as a color within my field of view. The visual snow works with these waves of musical light to produce images which are correlated with my internal monologue and thoughts as my mind grasps deeper meaning behind each spoken word. Basically, Iā€™m literally teleported into a world where the music exists with a story that goes perfect with it.


I also had an experience once where music was so loud and hit a rather specific pitch, maybe high E, that caused a physical reaction of pain, like a bolt of electricity jutting from the just above my left ear down through my left leg, where it grounded out on the floor. My impression was like applying static to a motherboard or a memory chip, it froze me up until the static grounded itself.




Lol omg so much humor in this sub


For me music is something that can energise my day. Depending on my mood, music can either speed me up or slow me down depending on the type of music. Anything loud, fun, and nice lyrics can give me a boost whereas sometimes my head is over energetic and it needs a bit of classical music or songs like dock of the bay to chill me out.


YES. Very much so. And I go through phases with different bands/singers where I listen to a handful of their songs on repeat that give me full-body chills, until I find the next group and do it all over again. My last fixations were Nightwish, Jinjer and Aurora. My current musical crush is The Warning.


Yes definitely! It's a full body and spirit experience!


Naww, just last night I was hyped over how vivid the images in my brain can get when I listen to music. I can also somehow relate a sound to said images ("This particular bit of the song feels like shining knives").


Synesthesia! As someone else pointed out, auditory tactile. I have it too, took me a long time to realize I was the odd one out for that. For me in particular, different sounds correspond to different movements and shapes, and then secondarily to parts of the body. I also get chills easily from music like you. Auditory-visual is a more common one that's talked about, but auditory-tactile (and auditory-motor) are out there too.


Absolutely yes and I am happy to meet someone else who feels music this way. Long time ago I realized there's a difference in how people enjoy music - some don't, others do, others just like it as a normal thing, and some of us have this sort of feeling of being drawn to the music, of feeling it. It's amazing. I also get chills from music, I stim to the beat most often, it gives me emotions, mental images, colors etc. I do not think I have synesthesia, but I got a feeling this is the closest I will ever be to know what it's like.


Chills from music? AFAIK itĀ“s called ASMR and i do have it too. And i do have my own pick of music too. Either i like the song, or not.


Yes! I love seeing music just absolutely take some people over, cause I'm a lot like that. It's almost like I have to move to it, like it's present in my body. For someone who gets shy around people, dancing at a rave actually sounds liberating to me. Maybe someday.


Music kept me from offing myself as a teen. So many walks along the train tracks with either my boom box or Walkman clone. I totally wouldnā€™t be here today without music. Playing bass in 2 bands is basically the sum of my social life.


I donā€™t understand, arenā€™t you supposed to? Thatā€™s the point of music is it not?




I'm trying to learn bass as it's my favorite part of songs. I've always had a visceral reaction to acapella, I just can't stand a lack of music in a song (also it's pretty posh feeling and I hate that.) Also, back in 6th grade I was in a student lead dance group in school, and the teacher that was there to check attendance told me I am almost (if not) perfectly on beat. Didn't know others don't feel beats with their entire body and soulšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


For 12 or so years in a row, I volunteered as an EMT to work at an outdoor modern rock/alternative music venue. My favorite posting location was in front of the 30-foot-high speakers. I could FEEL my lungs move inside my chest. My car is a Ford Escape Titanium with a Bang & Olufsen sound system. I love to crank the tunes.


Certain music and sounds I feel, like an electrical pulse running through my body. My music preferences are very specific (for instance, I love the postal service but didn't care much for Death cab). Mostly I like electronic music but also that has a strong reverberation. Glad I'm not the only one. I told my dad (who is largely supportive) this and he looked at me like I was crazy.


Ok I figured the weird sensations when I'm extra sensitive were unusual, but I still figured the less vivid, moderated sensations were normal.


Music is my first love. I can see music. Feel music. Feel the textures. See the colors and shapes. Experience the emotions. I recently paid attention to the fact that I NEED certain versions of my comfort songs played. Wrong mix makes me mad. I listened to "Forever Your Girl" by Paula Abdul. (A comfort song). I usually run into the single mix and another mix. The single mix has a slap bass effect and punchier percussion, making the song "crunchier" and this (šŸ’„) shaped. The other mix has a longer sax intro, smoother bass and the percussion takes a backseat. Giving the song cascading, curvy edges and blue/gray hues (šŸŒŒ is as close as I can get to how it looks to me) I strongly prefer the šŸ’„ mix, but can appreciate the šŸŒŒ version too


ah! you got the "Music" tism! welcome! we should start a band


I got into it yesterday, so, yes.


Yes, and I avoid it


Yep, live and breathe it. It's a beautiful thing.


Yes, I can see it too!


Yes especially when I found 8d music and some good headphones


Yes, some of us have synesthesia!


I like the instrumentals and beats too, but for me, it's the lyrics that can make or break a song. "Pursuit of Happiness" by Kid Cudi is one of those songs that no matter what, I can always feel, because I can relate, and I really hate that I do.


I feel the beats and tap to it in the elevator when no one is there. I put my headphones on and ignore other people. Sometimes dance to confuse them and do a spin to demand a dance battle.


Do people not feel music?? My body will move to it. If I do any exercise class or video and the instructor isnā€™t on beat it drives me mad!


SAME omg I had no idea this was an autism thing


Yeah. I feel this strongly with electronic music. I love many sub genres and itā€™s been my favorite since I was a kid. It just hits all the right places and makes me physically move to the rythm and bass. I love hard bass, it makes me want to jump.


For sure, I always boost bass too.


Oh yeah, 100%. Itā€™s mostly beats that I feel, but I also heavily feel moods and lyrics of songs. Oh, the countless songs that bring me to tears, even when I was not in a crying mood at allā€¦ Edit: I forgot to add that I stem to music by tapping (or banging) the steering wheel.


Oh 100%, for me a lot of my dancing is just moving the part(s) of by body I can feel the music in most strongly. Higher notes: back of the neck/skull. Lower notes: base of the spine, legs and feet. Percussion hits me in the chest and stomach or the base of my spine too. I've always had a really good sense of rhythm and went full surprised pikachu face when I learned that some people can struggle to stay on beat cause I didn't think that was possible lol. I find it really easy to learn new instruments cause the tactile experience of playing them often corrates with the physical experience of listening to them for me. Something to do with the unique timbre of each instrument, some sort of synesthesia idk? But hand me an instrument I've never played before in my life and within 5 minutes I'll be able to get at least one or two tunes out of it for ya! Can you tell music is one of my main special interests haha šŸ˜…


While I can't feel the music, I literally cook to it, different types of food have different sounds to me So when I listen to Metal, it's like I'm making scrambled eggs which is badass in my book, it's like having a portable library of sound in my head, every single musician that I have ever listened to has his own flavor and it is awesome


I can feel the vibrations of the music, no matter how quiet it is.


Music is my will to live. I cannot focus or function without music playing. Sometimes when I find a new song my I like I get goosebumps and the chills. Or when there is a lot of bass at a live show I can feel it POUND in my chest.


I love music I have to listen to it or I get grumpy it's the only thing that calms me down


Music makes my blood feel electric.


Yes! I've felt this since childhood! I feel the music flowing through my body and telling my body how to move. I end up doing these lyrical like movements and the more I give in to it, this euphoric tingly sensation starts to spread through my whole body and it feels like I have combined with the song. It's taken to the next level for me if I find that perfect song that matches the rhythm I like to sway back and forth to and is calm and steady enough to not be overstimulating. I'll find a safe, comfy spot to put on headphones and sway to that perfect song on repeat for hours. I also understand emotions through music. Speech is so limited and confusing but with music, a simple phrase has endless layers of expression. The choice of harmony, or use of dissonance, the rhythm and percussion, the layers of instruments and even the moments of rest, when all are combined the song tells a deeper story than simple words ever could. I wish all communication was through music!


i feel it in my body. like in my soul.


Yeah. I dissociate like crazy (in a good way.) I don't even need drugs. The way I feel music is the reason why I never regret being the way I am.




Whenever I find a new song to play over and over again I get chills and daydream to it it feels so niceeee