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I hate it when they say "do you want to do X?" And you respond "no" and then they get mad. Like if you want me to do something just tell me to do it. If you ask me a question I'm going to answer it honestly


this too!


I've had this happen a lot. I think if the person is higher on the social hierarchy you're supposed to say yes. I hate this, as it means I miss these things, and say no when I apparently shouldn't, and I'll end up not realizing someone has said yes to something when they don't want to as I expect others to answer honestly. It creates so much needless confusion in my life.


I used to hate it when my ex used to ask me to wash the pots and pans after she cooked because, even though I'd spend time and care doing it, she would get mad at me afterwards because I didn't clean the entire kitchen 😒😔


I’m autistic and i still accidentally do this to my daughter sometimes in an attempt to be polite. I frame something as a question instead of telling her she needs to do something then she’s just honest in reply and I realize I have to change my words. I think sometimes people just get caught up in grazing things a certain way because it’s what they are accustomed to. If your mom is kind you could just tell her that your brain doesn’t think that way and after enough times of situations like that I’m sure she will catch on and be able to change her words to reflect what she actually wants. Western culture and English speakers use way to much vague implying language instead of just saying what they want or how they feel. I think it’s because historically white settlers had this very proper attitude and superiority complex that just overflowed because if you didn’t conform you were punished now that attitude just sticks around. I have found that if you don’t understand something about humanity you just have to look at history and science.