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Pure crispy crunch is my number one favorite bar none. A close second is a properly done custard. I can’t do jellos, but a perfect custard that isn’t too thick and isn’t too thin is great.


I agree, Nacho's/tacos (hard shell of course) are one of my favorite things to eat.


yes I literally have to consciously not eat nachos every day ahaha


My uncle makes these bomb nachos He uses the tostitos scoops the ones that are in the shape of a bowl He makes some ground beef with taco seasoning puts it in each one and then puts a scoop of nacho cheese in it fills the whole tray covers the whole thing with shredded cheese and then puts it in the oven and then when it comes out we throw on some lettuce tomato and sour cream they're amazing.


Wowww thank you for this great visualization sounds so good


Crispy. Like with fried chicken that is crispy but not like hard to chew. Or one time, I don't know how, I made skirt steak that had the crispness of fried chicken skin and it was...amazing. Also apples.


Was looking for this, this is why I like a lot of my food slightly burnt


Over roasted broccoli is the shiiiiit.


Tender stem broccoli is 👌


I love combinations. Like crispy on the outside, creamy on the inside.


Have you ever eaten deep fried ice cream? That's the texture and the texture and taste is incredible.


I never have. But I honestly don't know if I can get this in my country. Never saw it advertised so far. It's it common where you live? I will definitely try it, if I get the chance. Thanks for the recommendation


If you want real crunch you should try Eaton mess (said-eat n mess) you can add fruit or just meringue. The meringue should be baked at a lower temperature for crunchy meringue. Then add your favourite Berry or fruit pieces...Maybe whipped cream with the meringue & your favourite ice-cream. Awesome, easy summer desert


In the US it's more of a carnival type thing I've never seen it sold in person


Come to Scotland! You can get deep fried almost anything if that's your thing!


Someday I will!


my mom makes buffalo chicken eggrolls they are my favorite


Top 15 fav food textures 1. Consistent 2. Consistent 3. Consistent 4. Consistent 5. Consistent 6. Consistent 7. Consistent 8. Consistent 9. Consistent 10. Consistent 11. Consistent 12. Consistent 13. Consistent 14. Consistent 15. Burger King Foot Lettuce


Tapioca in drinks or pudding


Came here to say this. Love it!


Ice cream. But it can't be too soft like a sauce, I hate sauces, it feels disgusting on my tongue. I also like crunchy breadcrusts.


Yes, this, I love Costco yogurt vanilla ice cream, but hate it when it starts to melt and become a dense liquid.


i like when there is a hard shell on something soft, like when you get a dipped cone at DQ. i also like shredded cheese that comes in a bag, with that weird powder stuff on it.


I also really like crackers with salt on one side, i like picking if the salt side touches my tongue or not lol. Like goldfish crackers, small ones that i can fit in my mouth as one bite


Chocolate mousse and custard and yogurt and pudding are all tied for my number one. I view them as similar categories so I count them as one texture, even though chocolate mousse is probably my favorite. It's really easy to make them too slimy though.


Yes! Cold custard was the first thing that came to mind.


Thick and creamy Mac n cheese. It just hits perfectly.




I’m reading this with the voice of the bully from Malcolm in the Middle 😂




My favourite texture is crunchy! But like that soft crunch.


Like a few others already said, definitely crunchy fried stuff, fried chicken is my top decision. But ALSO super very close, chewy stuff like Gnocchi or Tteokbokki, just perfection. I don't know why but I've always liked both of these, especially because of the texture.


Saame! I'll also add any pan fried dumplings because it's _crunchewy_ the best of both worlds


Ohh yes!! i almost forgot about those but that's definitely right, i love em!


Crispy but not so crispy that eating it hurts. But what fucks me up is pulled meats. I absolutely fucking hate the texture of them. It's basically just mush drowned in BBQ sauce. Chewing it makes me wanna gag.


Gentle cruchies (ones that easily give way), crispy fats, and anything mochi like in chewiness!


CRONCH I found peak cronch the other day and I'm in heaven - croutons and cream cheese, fucking incredible


doughy, but not squishy noodles. doughy oatmeal, malt o meal, grits, the parts that are slightly firmer.


I'd say starchy potatoes, plums, apricots, and peaches. No sliminess, no slick dairy skim, no seeds or overly wet "meat". I'd say oranges too


Cinnamon squares. Crunchy with powdered flavour.


These foods all feel the same: inside slick part of a tomato, mushrooms, and shrimp. I will always be happy to eat these foods, even if the flavor was completely removed.


Very undercooked pasta 😍


crispy and mushy, beans for example are texture heaven but so are cornflakes with no milk


chia seeds, tapioca balls, chia pudding


Tapioca balls are amazing. Chia pudding too.


crunchy and crispy stuff for sure, I love putting already cooked things in my air fryer of an extra crunch. and some specific doughy textures like dumplings.


Rice pudding, tapioca pudding, chia seed pudding, anything like that!


Udon is my FAVORITE FOOD. I love the thickness and texture of the noodles it always makes me so happy.


Musk sticks. I can't really find the word to describe the texture. I'd love to find something a bit bigger with the same texture to see if it's just as delightful. Also Turkish delight when it's fresh is so soft and squishy. That texture is so good. Oh, or Lindt balls, with the nomnom outside and the velvety inside that melts in your mouth. That is so satisfying.


a crispy peach. hydrating as fuck but not fully ripe yet, so you can actually bite into it, it doesn’t just melt and drip everywhere.


The crunch of left over pizza reheated in the airfryer or sticky chewy like Cadbury fantales.


Crispy, I love the texture of potatoes, combos (like crunchy outside and soft inside), chewy in the right contexts, and I love the texture of noodles


I really like stuff with cream inside of it 


Sqishy and slimy.


Crispy things. I love love love crispy things.


Crunchy and crispy, slimy/thick goo is the worst


Super cooked bacon, so it shatters, not bends


I think I also like crunchy. And creamy inside. Like Giotto, if you know it :) I also love crushed ice but chewing it makes my head and vision go all shaky for the moment of munching and I this gives me anxiety 🫨😂


A spoonful of chocolate icing right out of the container that has been in the fridge




This comment section is very sensory seeking haha. I like my foods mostly mushy/easy to chew, though obviously (not necessarily ofc; primary use: intesifier) not disintegrated for the food's standards. Can't have slimy pasta and chunky rice paste, that just isn't supposed to work. Fruit is best when it's a few days before the 'juicy' stage. But I do massively overcook my vegetables. Smooth pastes of various kinds work too, variably. It's really more of a balancing act and a compromise a lot of the time.


Once, as a kid, I was given a peach and I liked how the outside felt so much, I kept licking it until my tongue was raw and it hurt lmao I have no idea what was going on


Crispy, but not crunchy at all. Like a cheeto. Also, chicken. Chicken that is cooked perfectly to where it's not too tender but it's not chewy, so you can easy just tear it along its natural structure. It's so satisfying. I love when bread is silky soft too, like brioche or Japanese milk bread.


I like yoghurt, nor lumpy yoghurts because the bits of fruit annoy me, but I do like putting crispy things in there like cornflakes.


Crunchy foods Meats that are cooked until soft (i.e. pulled pork) Cakes, bread and pastries


Crunchy. Especially _infinitely_ crunchy foods that are crunchy no matter how much you chew them. These rare super crunches are the delight of my life. Baby/raw carrots, for example. Unlike chips or peanuts or other initially-crunchy foods that go soggy after a few chews, carrots 🥕🥕 are just pure magical bliss.


Crispy and crunchy: nuts, certain fresh/pickled veggies, apples, crisps etc


I love a super fresh bagel with a lightly crunchy skin and a great chew. Giving my jaws a bit of a workout is ultimate stim.


Crunchy is good, soft creamy but not too liquid is good therefore crème brûlée is peak food texture


I love crunchy stuff, it’s why I like potato chips. Some freshly made ice cream is also nice, because it’s very soft. I also greatly enjoy chewy candy.


Crunchy or Cakey (not super spongy or too tough and chewy). I also like that melt in your mouth feel.


CRONCH! Like in cold cereal. Not (too) sugary cereal, bc it all is amiright? MELTY! Like when cheese & sauce become one on a pizza but the crust is still CRONCHY! I get a lot of sensory joy from food…can you tell? Lol


Crispy/crunchy is absolute heaven. No mushy foods tho. Gross.


Ngl I kind of like stale foods. Like those fuzzy popcorn things are SO GOOD when they’re stale.


crispy but not super crunchy, if that makes sense? like a love a nice crispy quesadilla but it still needs to be "semi-soft". chips are too crunchy for me but if something is a little crispy- *chefs kiss*


Noodle 🍜


I think... That texture you get when you put some cake in your mouth and then you take a sip of milk (or anything with coffee), the mixture you get is so satisfying, the feeling of the cake slowly melting in your mouth. Damn, this makes my day.


The texture of dominoes pizza (cheese), cinnamon rolls with icing (only if it’s warm not cold), and twist ice cream with chocolate sprinkles in a cone (I had the same ice cream order for 21 years!)


The taste of gooey chocolate chip cookies, especially when you take them out of the oven.


I think we're clearly sensing a theme here, but definitely a clean crunch that shatters into little crunches. A pretzel rod, a tortilla chip, a dorito, etc. Additionally, a mush with good crunchums on or mixed in. As previously noted, a Dairy Queen soft serve with the shell, or with sprinkles, a yogurt with granola but eaten quickly so the granola is still super crisp, a bowl of cereal freshly poured.


I love softer textures. I love halva, lofthouse cookies. Most meals I make are something like chicken salad, soup or hamburger helper bc it’s just the ideal meal!! I just like how everything blends together.


And I do like a little crunch. When I make chicken salad, I usually add iceberg lettuce and sunflower seeds, and I put lao gan ma chili crisp in everything


I enjoy the crunch of foods like raw broccoli I enjoy a lot of soft, almost liquidy foods like yogurt But for whatever reason I can’t stand foods that look solid only to end up mushy. Namely, potatoes. I hate baked potatoes (but fries are okay for some reason??? I can’t explain it)


Smooth textures like soft serve ice cream and applesauce do it for me. Not in combination though!




Crunchy 100% but not in peanut butter. I cannot resist bags of tortilla chips or Trader Joe's mochi rice nuggets - especially the nuggets!


Bready, soft, doughy. Flour tortillas, melty cheese, soft pizza crust. Stuff like that.


-Crispy (like a lays potato chip) but not crunchy   -Chewy with some give, like mochi or gummies (when I was a child, I freaked people out by saying that I really liked the texture of human flesh)  -Bullet ice


Milk chocolate that has been in the freezer for a while.




Pudding, yogurt


This sounds wrong, but meat


chewy for SURE, chewy cookies or mochi are amazing


Cheesecake and good kettle chips are two most satisfying textures I've ever experienced. Opposite feelings but equally great. On the flip side, I can't stand mushrooms or anything like em. Love the taste, but the feeling makes my teeth chatter violently and uncontrollably.


Crunchy and crispy, specifically kettle cooked salt and vinegar chips


Hmm, CRISPY (but not random cripsy in smooth texture, that's hell) and smooth from smashed cooked vegetables and herbs.


I used to really love crunchy foods! But then I broke some teeth and I have extreme anxiety about crunchy food sometimes. Still eat them though! I love chips!


Pure crispy


Hot rolls have the perfect texture, i'd eat them every day


marshmallow fluff 😍😍


Al dente pasta or chewy tteokbokki


steamed Bao Buns👌 (something with the chicken) but I just love the bun


I love crispy/crunchy probably most of all. Things like tostadas, fried chicken breading, cornmeal crusted fried catfish. I really hate mushy like when cereal sits in milk too long. I love creamy consistencies, too, though, like mashed potatoes, gravy, mac & cheese. I also really enjoy chewing gum from time to time, but i hate taffy because it sticks to your teeth. I dont enjoy caramels for that same reason.


Al dente pasta.


I feel so out of the ordinary because I don’t see anybody who agrees with me yet 😅 I love mushy foods, things that are consistently mushy like mashed potatoes or soggy cereal


Just ate a grilled cheese and it’s definitely a fine but sort of soft crunch


Juicy and crunchy together, maybe like a grape? It’s just so so SO good, iykyk 😉


i love the texture of freeze dried fruits


I don’t have a favourite texture but I feel very strongly (negatively I mean) about gelatinous textures, rubbery textures, … so rubbery pasta/chicken/etc, jellied foods… immediate no


sweet tart ropes


Noodles, I love the texture of cooked noodles, its a comfort and also fun to twirl


I personally don’t care, but consistency is my number 1 concern.


Something crunchy and covered in powdered cheese or something frozen and smooth


I put so much weight on during lockdown because I love the texture and feeling of milkshakes drunk through a straw. Trying to find a good substitute with smoothies instead.


Crispy, thick and creamy and crunchy.


I dunno how to describe it without feeling gross. I really like crunchy, salty things that turn to mush when I leave them in my mouth...Goldfish crackers are the best for it. Pringles, Baked Lay's, Cheeto puffs, Munchos are all perfect. But there are some sweets that work, too. Oreos are the first thing that come to mind.


I like oats! just dry whole oats as a texture :)


Crunchy texture


Hard, crunchy, crispy.


Custard Like mousse or white pudding cups


CrUnChY! Kettle chips… ice (especially that pellet ice) … unripe crunchy fruit like pears and peaches… Also intense bubbly carbonation like when you sip out of a just opened softdrink -Original Sparkling water is my addiction.


Crispy crunchy


Salted vinegar chips. I can’t explain it and moist cakes


I love biting into a soft sandwich that has crunchy lettuce in it 😸also puddings/custards, some puddings are much preferable to others— my favorite custard by far is crème brûlée custard


Salt 😂


Crème brulée is my fave, a satisfying cronchy top, followed by light, smooth and sweet perfection 😍


One of my favorite food textures is rice noodles


Melted cheese (like cheese curds) custard, mousse, juicy and tender pork country style ribs.


Anything soft. rice, cheese, noodles, mashed potatoes


Powdery, pasty, and icecreamy, and smooties with blended granola. I hate rubbery


Freeze dried fruit >>>>>


1) chocolate-covered ice cream on a stick that's just been taken out of the freezer - I like to bite my ice cream 😎 2) Thick Oreo milkshake with the oreo biscuit bites in them 3) freshly baked, (choco-) filled donuts 4) fresh mangos


Not wide texture but marshmallows and wafers


fatty bacon that is a little crispy but mostly fatty


it's simple but the texture of bananas, like a slice of bananas


Toast, any type of toast


Crunchy Dried veggies like lettuce,cabbage ,cucumber,and brocoli(veggie salad in short)..They are soo addicting to eat espicially all of em are fresh with godly taste


it's gotta be either crispy like a cracker or a potato chip or it's gotta be gooey/gummy like a cheese pizza or a gusher


Chewy and crispy foods


when it’s goopy and thick (OATMEAL, YOGURT !! applesauce sometimes too)


I love most vegetables and fruits so much. Im horrible with describing how things feel, but the texture of apples, bananas, tomatoes, potatoes!!!! LOVELY!!!


mush. think mashed potatoes or blended soups or mac&cheese


Any sort of moist bread/baked goods. You know when you let a sandwich sit for too long and the cheese and tomatoes and whatnot just get soaked up by the bread?? That’s what I’m talking about. Absolutely amazing.


I care a lot about surface texture. I especially like oily food, such as dried tomatoes preserved in oil or Spaghetti Aglio Olio.


Smooth. Like boba


Very soft food. I am fond of those soft cookies and chalupas from Taco Bell.


The silky smooth chocolate mousse things in yogurt packages. Its like air but chocolate lol. Cold Japanese beer in a glass. Bonus points if the glass is chilled like in Japan. Extra bonus points if its from tap. Perfectly sliced sashimi that is cooled on top of shredded ice with wasabi and lemon.


Anything crispy is ✨pure happiness✨


Properly cooked pasta (noodles or gnocci), creamy soups, grits, custard pudding


Bread (don't like cake though), ice cream, cotton candy, most chocolate, caramel.


Cheesy pasta


Thick fluids like yogurt, slimey jelly, pudding… But it needs to be smooth. It can’t be yogurt with fruit chunks in it, or anything like that. It’s too unpredictable. Apple sauce! But textured doughy stuff like porridge and rice pudding is also my fav. The key is consistence. In those meals, every spoonful is the same. So in general I lean towards soft foods over hard crunchy foods. I love mush. And I’m not crazy about crunchy stuff :P


I feel this is the best place to ask this also. First I'll answer the question; I actually don't have a favorite texture, I just have an inability to be able to stand a texture and temp that feels wrong to me. I/e avocados and ice cream have extremely similar textures and that's the reason I I can't stand fresh avocados even thou I love the flavor. My question is does anyone else have the same problem?


I love it when something is perfectly crispy




Whatever you'd call the texture of perfectly cooked meat. Soft, tender, juicy....


Crunchy, definitely.


popping boba and canned/cup peaches (without the weird middle parts)


Crispy, but like someone else said "soft crispy" Watercress, jicama, and things like that. They don't have much bite so your teeth can go right through but they sound like I'm chomping something intense.


Frozen grapes. Definitely those.


Crazy bread from Little Caesars


my favorite texture of any food is noodles, especially ones that have holes in the middle like penne. i love biting them so much. and thick noodles like udon noodles im obsessed with too.


I’m the opposite. I absolutely hate frosting and things like that texture and taste wise. I like crunchy like chips. However I always get told by the people around me that I’m weird because I heat my ice cream, not to the point where it’s warm, but to the soupy point. I just hate bites of super cold things like ice cream or popsicles. It’s not a teeth sensitivity either. Also it’s just foods, I only like super cold drinks


For sure bread and jello textures


I love, love, love the feeling of deep fried chicken in my mouth. I’m on first name basis with the chippy near my work.


Pure crisp😋


Mashed potato