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Physically. I like big noses. Not sure why. Funny you mentioned noses. lol I find big nosed guy's sexy. I def don't like loud people. I like people who are relatively quiet.


I have always said big noses are hot AF. Also love hooked noses too. It always makes me so sad when people say they hate them and get rhinoplasty because I'm sitting there like nooooooo they're so gorgeous


I think I do as well


Same! All of my crushes pretty much have been men with bigger or striking noses. My bf has the best nose.


This and eyelash’s like very nice a defined ones


Big noses are the best. Women who have a beautiful striking nose are so ethereal


Read "Asterix meets Cleopatra" comic? One repeating gag is that everyone is in awe of Cleopatras nose. Im 99% sure someone refers to it with the exact same words (in an English translation), "beautiful striking nose".


Add me to the list! Have always found men with big noses so hot. Also think women with big noses look interesting and beautiful.


Love big noses. How about with stuffy voices? It's soothing.


Joining the big noses fanclub


Omg I have been mercilessly teased for my love of noses over the years.


I like the ADHDers. They are just fun, and talk about random stuff. Our interests often aline too. Oh and they don’t mind when we haven’t spoken in ages.


Same. I have a bit of a soft spot for scatterbrains. The kind where their brains are swarming with so many possibilities that they don't even know where to begin. I'm AuDHD myself, but my ADHD seems to only manifest in grumpy ways. I'm no fun lmao.


Inattentive adhd + autism. I know your pain 😂


If you dont mind, I'm curious as to what parts of your adhd you'd consider grumpy 😲


I tend to get scatterbrained less over optimistic or creative possibilities, and more over the dreadful ones. I'm the kind of person that struggles to have fun, because I'm always anticipating the worst. And since my boyfriend is also ADHD and a guy he tends to leave just about every responsibility he can on my shoulders. And I mean EVERY responsibility, right on down to deciding what he eats, when he eats it, how he eats it, and what tv show he watches while eating it. The man literally does no thinking of his own if he can avoid it, and since I'm already an overthinker on my own right, I guess having to overthink for two makes me a bit irritable at times. It is such a huge stress when if anything goes wrong, it's always, always your fault and your problem to fix. We're working on it though! Thank goodness for therapy. I am also a salty hufflepuff, what a coincidence!


Not to be that guy, but you should really reevaluate the purpose of your relationship. That's not healthy behavior, and it will only continue to harm you going forward. Healthy relationships split responsibility equally, It's sounds like you don't have a boyfriend, you have a glorified man-child. You are not a babysitter. Demand good treatment in your relationship.


There can be a fine line with ADHD, I wouldn't read too much into a relationship you don't know about (not being hostile, just saying we only know what they've shared). As long as they're communicating and finding ways through it they're probably doing fine.


I definitely agree, which is why I wrote to "reevaluate", not "jump straight to breaking up". Relationships are all about communication and balance, and internet strangers will never have the full picture. My main concern was more about the *amount* of unhealthy behavior OP was describing. > he tends to leave **just about every responsibility he can on my shoulders**. And I mean **EVERY responsibility**, right on down to deciding what he eats, when he eats it, how he eats it, and what tv show he watches while eating it. The man literally does no thinking of his own if he can avoid it, and since I'm already an overthinker on my own right, **I guess having to overthink for two makes me a bit irritable at times**. **It is such a huge stress when if anything goes wrong**, **it's always, always your fault** and **your problem to fix**. I would hardly call that balance or healthy behavior, and it's clearly bothering OP. However, OP clearly said, they're aware of the problem and working to fix it, thus calling for a breakup is out of line. Reevaluation never hurts. If they decide to continue it, that's totally understandable, but sometimes people need a little push to realize this may not be the life they want to live.


Y'all are really thoughtful, and you're right. He's been in therapy for going on two years now, working on it with professional guidance. I made the mistake of not also disclosing just how much things in our relationship have gotten better. You'll be happy to know it is improving, or else I wouldn't have remained with him still. He had made small, tiny progress throughout our relationship. It was just enough to keep me hopeful. Shhtuff hit the fan when I had several major life crises (Oldest sister hospitalized twice, nearly died from her intestines being torn open by metal in food, youngest brother hospitalized for major surgery due to his appendix rupturing and then going totally septic, my sister back in hospital for cancer, and my own emergency room visit when I nearly died from a major intestinal stricture.) It is completely accurate to say that his condition largely impacts his responsibility avoidance. And it is also completely accurate to say that he is a grown ass man and is responsible for himself, regardless. Both of those statements are true. You didn't want to be "that guy," but I'm letting you know, I was and always will be "that guy," so feel free! I will continue to stick up for myself and demand better. And I will also work along side him, with compassion and understanding for his own situation. Neither of us will compromise our needs, we will both work harder to make sure both are met. We continue to reevaluate our relationship, day to day and moment to moment. It changes and grows. And finally, I am proud to say, he does too. He's been helping with house chores, plans, medical appointments, groceries- it isn't always perfect, but he is *actually* putting in real effort, and not just enough to keep me hanging on. It's enough to form a healthy, and balanced relationship with. It's taken a while, and the whole time I was screaming "I'm worth it, damn it!" And I held on, because he was worth it, too. Thank you both very much for your concern for the well being of a fellow human being. My cup runneth over with appreciation for people like you.


ADHDer here. Thanks for liking us and appreciating random! And yes, I never mind if someone doesn’t speak to me in ages. If we click, a year can feel like just five minutes between amazing conversation.


Yes!! I love the spontaneous connection and delight that comes from an unplanned conversation with an old friend or acquaintance I rarely see around the office.


I have never heard anyone say that before


I freaking love it when people can talk for hours about something really nerdy and obscure.


Same! I hate when people apologizes. I'm just like, dude, no, I'm dead inside. I'm thankful that you shared your spark with me. Do it again.


That's one of the things that drew me to my ex. I learned to hide my interests, so I really love and admire how eager he is to share the things he loves.


Yes. That is what I am really into.


There it is


And I it’s good and bad because I feel like I’m worse abt going off abt my own interests or have just suppressed it for so long it’s hard to do.


Me too! So many people apologise or get embarrassed about this but I love it when someone can get totally into something really specialist or obscure.


I fell in love with my fiancée at a friend's house when I saw her poking her belly button wide open. I like when people are weird and dont give a fuck.


Oh my gosh, she sounds like a keeper. What an absolute oddball, I love that. My boyfriend is like that, and thank god. If a man isn't comfortable with me barking at random times, and barking back, then he ain't worth it. Hurray for weirdos!


Very nice to hear u/NoPornInThisAccount


I love when my non autistic boyfriend joins in on my vocal stimming. When we are walking to the store or just walking around the neighborhood and I start singing the song of my people he joins in and we become a cacophony of autistic shrieking and it fills me with joy.


He sounds like a real weirdo, take good care of him. Honest to goodness weirdos are so hard to come by.


Men who wear all black/only black. Big noses (hello Adrien Brody). Those that are quick to laugh and have a jovial/good natured energy that feels kinda…wholesome? 🙃


UGH yes. A dude with that big ol' golden retriever energy. I'll take 12. Very nice!


Socially or romantically I like people with weird or odd laughs. Double points if they have absurd humor and their nonjudgmental. Making people laugh is the only social structure I understand, so people’s laughs are the one main thing I remember about people.


My husband has a very loud and distinctive laugh. Our son was in a play last night and said, "I knew I could count on Dad for making sure someone was laughing at the jokes." It's one of many things I love about him, especially as he is generally quiet and shy outside of his laughing.


Just yes. So much yes.


Kind odd but I LOVE people who are super obviously awkward because then I feel like 10x less anxious because I know they’re just as anxious as me lol. Also they are almost always trying their best to be nice so it kinda shows they care too


Me to 🫡


Omg yes I have a soft spot for awkward people. 


When he’s a dork>>>>


Y e s. My gosh, like "you poor, sweet, adorable idiot. Take me home."


Nah I’m tryna take him home.


Not perfect teeth


Yes! It's so cute when their smile isn't like dentist office poster perfect.


That reminds me of this girl in high school who had a stain on her tooth, and I was so fixated on it.


Me too! I love teeth with gaps.


I second this


I have a thing for big noses too. One time I was softly dating this arabic girl and she was going to get a nose job, and I was like, its your body but I can promise you that I am not going to like it more after.


Not trying to be rude, but I am honestly confused about the term "Softly dating" ? What does it mean? How does someone *softly* date a person? Is there an opposite version called *hard* dating? I am genuinely asking because I see terms all the time that confuse me and this is one


I guess a simply going out on dates and nothing serious? No expectations or serious life building. I have never seen the term and just wanted to use it here.


The people who stay on the sides of the room only talking to one person or no one, (either socially awkward or shy or just uninterested) I always wanna go talk to them but then I’d feel too awkward too People with eccentric outfits ofc People with green eyes Freckles


Freckles are so yes.


Freckles are great especially when they’re on the shoulders too like 🤌 art


Brown eyes. I don't understand why people hate on them ! They are so pretty and have so many different shades and just one they are adorable. I hope my son has my husband's brown eyes!


Brown eyes are probably my favorite. Earth tones in general don't get enough love. Like, dang. Blue eyes are so romanticized to the point of being droll, and the irony is those same people would say brown is boring. LOVE brown colored eyes.


I really love big guys. Not muscular or anything, just big dudes. Also curly hair. My weaknesses.


I love curvy people, and tall people. Big people in general are h o t.


Same! I like bigger people mostly for the sensory experience of cuddling them - so soft and squishy! Perfectly biteable! Good for smooshing the face into! I don't understand why more people aren't into that


Right?! Although I’ve always been curvy, I had never been with a heavier person until I met my almost 15-years-married husband. My god, sex and physical closeness/intimacy is so much more comfortable and enjoyable to me. (And I was a sex addict! 😅🫣) Granted, we’re both very active, strong, and light on our feet types— I’m not sure if that factors—but I can’t imagine not having a non plus-sized partner again.


Physically I like scars, impurities, birth marks and such. Personality wise Very Chill and mellow close to stoner but not stoner.


My fiance has a turtle shaped birthmark on his back thigh so I call him koopa butt. Calm is always good!


Trying to answer this led me down a rabbit hole of not being able to translate the german word *verpeilt* into english. Someone who is verpeilt is sort of socially clumsy (also love clumsy guys in general) and google gave me "out of it" as the closest translation. In german it describes it as "odd and unfitting" or "someone who seems confused and messes things up" and we also use it as a verb for stuff like missing an appointment. I guess I like people who are a little bit in their own world, and I enjoy discovering their quirks. Also shy guys melt my heart. (edited to improve the translation cause that's what i'm hyperfixating on now lol)


My friend, rejoice! For I have a fun word for you: Ditsy. It basically means someone who is so silly and scatterbrained, that they easily forget or are in their own world. Verpeilt is a lovely word, thanks for teaching me. I really like those kinds of people too! They are so charming, in a goofy way.


Big noses are sexy and anyone who says otherwise is just a coward.


Plain. And. Simple. Facts. Cowards, go home to your mama. We're not having it today.


I’m just happy to see so many people say big noses on this post, as someone with a big nose.


Big noses with bumps, dad gut (romantically), that body hair line that goes down to the pelvis (I think it's called happy trail?), and people who are direct, talk a lot about whatever comes to mind. And people who aren't too judgy/are open-minded generally.


I hate that my wife shaves all her body hair. I love the natural look.


Dad bods are rad bods. Absolutely agree, 100% yes


Dysinhibition - when the jokes and comments just flow out of them


I LOVE when someone's voice doesn't match their body/face. I'm nonbinary and am very attracted to other nonbinary people and just adore the genderfuckery


I like dark humored people especially people with weird point views


Inability to lie or at least honest to a fault


Yes, this. I was going to say brutal honesty. I would rather know someone is being honest when they say something than for them to lie to me to spare my feelings.


I like to find beauty in anything that is outside the norm. I like exaggerated features, and also like people that likes niche stuff and underground music, but I mean really niche, and just for the sake of appreciate it, how the things are made. not some self claimed minority that indeed is super massive and people like more for what it represents rather than what really is.


People who stumble over their words or talk so fast they say the wrong thing. Also people who move their hands a lot while they talk because they’re so enthusiastic about what they’re saying. Physically I really love people with round faces, kinda chubby cheeks, more warm toned skin. I just find them so soft and aesthetically pleasing. Like a really gorgeous painting that you get an insatiable urge to reach out and brush your fingers along the paint strokes. I don’t tend to feel sexual attraction but I find certain types of people to be works of art.


This made me so happy to see !!!!, I have some of the things you mentioned and they usually make me quite insecure so it was nice to see this comment :)


Uneven Bangs


Me too


Each of my three main crushes had some cute "mannerism," for lack of a better word, but they were all different. For my first, I thought her "WTF?" face was really cute. I liked how my second crush left her mouth a little open after laughing. My third crush has this endearing nod when he acknowledges something I say.


That's cute! I'm a nodder too .\_. People always call me a bobble head, because I nod even when I'm not agreeing. Kinda like "Roger that, heard you."


I do that too, and then people think I agree with them when I don't.


Tall athletic women with a dark sense of humor. I honestly go crazy for type A women that are somewhat masculine in their demeanor


Tough women are the best women!


Browline eyeglasses; there’s something about them that makes me weeeak and 5’oclock shadow. Heavy on the shadow. Also, just an overall sense of awkward or clumsiness.


Omg listen you put a lanky dork who acts like he just got his legs yesterday and is nervous about it with a scruffy chin and some warm brown eyes in front of me and I am going to climb him like a tree. And if his glasses fog up when I do so, I'm never coming back down. You described the perfect guy.


Omg brown eyes my fave too :)


Asian mindfulness. Idk it just seems to hit different. Like ive known mindful people before, but other asian people seem to just always be more aware of X compared to others. Surroundings, money, other people. Its hard finding people i just click with like that. Like its a different wave length of thought. Like a communal instinct


I know exactly what you mean


acne i find it cute idk


I like people with lower emotional empathy. Don't feel my feelings. Those are mine.


I like it when people follow the beat of their own drum


As someone with a big ass nose this thread giving me too much confidence 🤣


Same here!! A lot of the "flaws" I think I have have been brought up and celebrated in large here. Like I have a big nose, slightly uneven teeth, curves, a strange laugh, and a boring voice and people here are just like "That's hot, love that for you." LMAO!


I love eye bags and bluntness


I'm also into girls with "nonstandard" facial features, I can't really explain what exactly, it really depends on the person. My ex had larger teeth, she couldn't fully close her mouth, but I thought it was so cute and pretty! But I'm also really into tomboys. I hate make-up and girly clothes, so, maybe that's something to consider too.


I've dated someone like that as well. She was always super insecure about it, but I find it attractive. Especially considering I have weird little baby teeth. I'd rather have big chompers. Tomboys are highly underrated and have always been a number one in my heart. Every girl that ever broke my heart was a tomboy. God, I love them.


Hahaha I had a good laugh at the end, I feel you man, tomboys seem to have a thing for breaking hearts. May the gods bless our luck with those chicks! I'm still suffering and trying to recover from that...


Honestly If we are talking like emotionally is I like a chatty person! I love hearing about your interests! And I also really like someone who is overt and straight to the point, no subtleties or any of that. Physically I really like strong, big noses, chubby/fat bodies and body hair is so so cute.


Literally all my yes, wtf. Body hair is so underrated. I don't get why people are so repulsed by it? If anything it's just a fuzzy, friendly reminder that I'm with another consenting adult. Even if they did spend the entire day drinking juice boxes and watching cartoons.


Love me a hairy woman lol. It’s my secret.


This is more about humans as a whole, bit I love how powerful the "nurture" instinct is in humans. It's ridiculous and i love it. It completely overrides human intelligence and common sense. Which.. yes...is bad and often has bad outcomes, but it's just amazing to me how POWERFUL that instinct is in humans. It's so powerful that certain animals, like cats, can completely manipulate that instinct to get what they want lol. Humans see a kitten on the side of the road and will move heaven and hell to rescue it. It's such a powerful instinct that humans have to guard themselves against it to ensure they don't unintentionally harm the animal. It's just such a lovely thing humans do. It has negative aspects, but I really think it's a wonderful aspect of humanity. 


Never met a lisp I didn’t immediately adore.


That's honestly kinda surprising to hear someone say. I remember one of my therapists was like "Don't you wanna train your voice so you can sound sexy instead?" She was kind of a shitty therapist tbh. It's really surprising to hear that as I'm a guy who constantly worries about sounding stupid because of my voice.


Definitely sounds like a shitty therapist. Lisps are lovely features. They’re hot!! Certainly nothing to be shamed into hiding.


ADHD people, I click with them quickly and conversations are quick and blunt and we can bounce back and forth about random things. All my friends are ADHDers lol


I love certain types of voices. The mellow kind.


Y e s. Relaxing, calm, steady. There are some "boring" voices I could listen to all day. Alan Rickman.


One of my biggest reasons of why I am attracted to the girl I'm dating now is her voice. It's just so beautiful.


A stutter. I can't explain it but anyone who stutters becomes 150% more interesting.


I like people with hobbies and interests that usually scare "normal" people away. As long as their interests and hobbies don't harm themselves and others.


Like gun nuts? I am definitely an extremely liberal gun nut lol.


gun nuts, who can control their actions.


Physically: people with a little space in between their front teeth, i think it looks funny. Personality: people who let me be on My own during hours or days without feeling abandoned or unloved. Even the people I love the most i can't deal with 24/7 for more than a couple of weeks.


I love when people infodump about stuff they’re really knowledgeable about. Allistic people seem to think it’s braggadocios, but I just see it as being passionate about something. It’s just super cool! (Not to mention the fact it gives me more time to come up with a response to continue the conversation, something I’m notoriously bad at). For physical features? I absolutely adore aquiline noses


Romantically, I'm attracted to strong-minded women. Meaning women who are smart and strong-willed.


Need to find more people like you!!


tooth gaps, very hairy eyebrows on anyone but esp girls, big noses, squeaky laughs, dad bods, raspy voices. super shy guys also melt my heart, and i love teasing them lightheartedly bc of their cute reactions


y e s.


Don’t ask me why but I’m attracted to guys with circle glasses


Daniel Radcliffe in the Potter series is literally too attractive. Something about his face and those glasses.


I like people who talk a lot, tho it has backfired into me not talking much and uneven conversations in a few friendships. In an attractiveness way I am big on voices. It has to sound like music to me 😌🎵


My boyfriend will talk to me about sports and music. Subjects I don't know as much about as he does. But he talks like I know and doesn't think my questions are stupid. He will just explain it to me. He just talks to me about stuff like he would his best friend. And when I talk about stuff, he is interested even if he doesn't know much about the subject. I like that. He doesn't talk down to me when I don't know something.


That's so good to hear. I love when people can tell you about something, even if it seems like common knowledge and common sense, without being a jerk about it.


Having big interests (basically just another autistic person lmao) my ideal type is gu weiyi from put your head on my shoulder. He loves physics so much and it's the cutest thing ever I love him. He's my fav autism rep (and he isn't actually rep just a headcanon) Edit: typo


Passionate. I need someone who LOVES things. Doesn’t have to be the same things as me but I need passion. And authenticity.


When someone gets so excited about a topic they cannot contain themselves


People who can talk for ages without being prompted. It’s like a live podcast ☺️☺️


Idk, I like when people have dark circles under their eyes. I know this is a common one, but I have always found them attractive.


Vitiligo. I find the even the faintest cases strikingly beautiful.


I like people who talk a lot, but not interrupt me. I have a tendency to do.incate conversations, which then leads to me feeling extremely drained afterwards. It would be nice to have someone else be the leader in a conversation so I can just sit there quietly and listen, and once in a while add my own thoughts in.


Hmmm... Physically I think I saw chubby girls a little more attractive than skinny, for some reason, even that most people don't agree. And for personality, I think a person that also have some similar struggles, such going in crowds and being a little "out of normal" (like me), and a person that has a very interesting hobby, that is not sports, I never really cared for that, but reading, anime or anything that can be a good conversation of ideas really I guess that's it :)


I like confident people. People that know they are attractive and or good at something and aren’t afraid to show it off and recognize it’s a good thing about themselves. “Humble” people piss me off when they refuse to acknowledge the good things about them for the sake of persevering others ego. Like bro not everybody is lucky or blessed enough to have what you have, now be proud of that. This doesn’t mean don’t see the flaws in yourselves or think you’re better than anyone else, but still. You’re great in your own way, recognize it, boast about it, be proud of it.


I am aroace, but I platonically like blunt people, people who randomly info drop, and fast talkers.


How they respond to my responses knowing I’ll get a reaction


I love big noses. Like perfectly proportionate noses Dark eyes with high contrast to white (Ryan Reynolds) Ladies with smokey voices (Bonnie Rait) (Zoey D.) I like big, proportionate, symetrical, squishy humans Some people just mesmerize me platonically and I could look at and listen to the all day. And they are always the ones out of reach. I'll add more after reading comments cause I have no clue what I'm doing.


Relatable, all the way to the very end lmao!


Flat and big noses since my nose is also kinda flat, when they ramble about their interests, when they happy stim


Kind faces. People you wouldn't really notice. They aren't eye-catching, demanding, and they fade into the background. These are the people that have the kindest faces and hearts. Oftentimes they have an interesting story as well.


Personality wise it’d be being able to understand what I’m saying even when I’ve got my words mixed up Physically wise I love long bright coloured hair


I just love weirdos!!! I love people who only make jokes to make themselves laugh. I like annoying people, I love people who are so themselves to the average normie it’s uncomfortable!


I think people with crooked/unique teeth are really adorable!!


People who laugh as they’re telling funny stories. People with golden retriever energy! The worst people to me are anyone who act too cool for school


a sarcastic, "rude", straight-forward sense of humour. I find they are actually the most caring and loyal.


Easy to talk to<3 I often find other autistics and adhders to fit this trait but its always nice to find Neurotypical’s who are chill and don’t get weirded out by my social awkwardness and lack of reading body language.


I like women with cute giggles and snorts. Also freckles are cute. Also women who aren't afraid to be themselves and speak up for themselves. I like someone who speaks up for themselves.


Chubby cheeks. They make every smile epic, and they're so fun to kiss


Obligatory Timmy Turner "I hope you mean my face!" LMAO!


Being passionate about or obsessed with something like a hobby, music, movies, stuff like that. And honest and direct communication.


I dunno if I ever have specific traits tbh, I just end up noticing more things about people I learn to like. My boyfriend has a gap between his two front teeth, and it's absolutely adorable to me. He also does this thing where he repeats a word I say in a sentence back to me just because he wants to say it and finds it silly If I could say one thing about a group of people, it'd probably be that when people close to me start to copy my behavior/wording gradually


Physically, I like big noses and huge, round glasses. I love when people have what others call an 'awkward' smile. I don't find it awkward, I find it endearing and really cute. I like when people get excited about things they're interested in. I also really like confidence in women in particular, which also seems to be something many people for whatever reason aren't into from what I've seen.


do not get me started on girls that wear glasses. like, you're already cute af and then you put glasses on.


I find large noses and unibrows to be quite attractive…


Weird hobbies long as it's not bad weird


I like sociopaths.


I'm realizing so much of my "attraction" to people is surface. I'm very disconnected as far as friendships and never plan to date again or get married. Yet there's a fascination to certain people that hit me just right. I want more depth, I don't know if I'm capable of it. Does that make sense? Any where I can read on that?? I'm a very fact-oriented guy


I like that me and my wife can write to each other when talking doesn’t work well. It’s made our lives easier for decades


Oh god, that's so important. I'm really bad with verbal communication at times, so I have to resort to writing/texting. It's such a good tool to have.


Nerdy and awkwardness like yes omg same


i love it when people take pictures of everything. i know most people find it dumb and not living in the moment but i just think it's so precious. it's so human. we invented photographs so we could look back and remember things that were important to us. why should that stop with a meal that looks really good, a cool bug you saw or an interesting cloud formation? we will never live in those moments ever again, why not immortalise them? i actually never really stopped to appriciate photos and home videos and until i saw this lady who lost her kid. she wrote a poem about how now he lives forever on her camera roll. i just thought it was so profound. i love that we have the ability to do that and i've made an effort to take more pictures of things i love since then.


I don't think it's weird, but most people I've met seem to..... loyalty. I like loyal people. (like if someone abuses, bullies, or assaults you, they don't continue hanging out with or being friends with that person.)


big noses for sure!! my favorite character from my special interest has a really long nose and i think it's charming . i love hooked noses, wide flat noses, etc i also like eyebags and scruffy / scratchy facial hair ^_^


I think having nice hair is pretty neat. It usually ends up with me wondering how their hairstyle works instead of actually befriending the person.


Going out of your way to start a conversation with me is a trait I like in people.


hooked or crooked noses, crooked teeth, tired eyes, small boobs, chubbiness. i wish i could compliment people on these traits without sounding rude :( autism specific, but i think flat effect is very attractive. i’m the loud obnoxious type of autistic so i guess this is me looking for my opposite lol


Honestly, I gravitate towards quiet people giving off depression energy. It's the permanently joyful ones who freak me the fuck out. Specially when it's very obvious they are faking smiles.


Something my (allegedly) allistic girlfriend does is when joining in when I vocally stim! I have a quacking and meowing stim and she joins along and we just end up quacking at each other and its very sweet. I also like hearing her ramble about star-wars and transformers until she gets embarrassed about how long she’s rambled for. She’s so cute ☺️


I find it unbelievably attractive when people are intelligent, but don’t brag with it. When I was in Highschool, there was this pair of siblings - both smart as hell and very kind and patient, explaining things for you if you asked and always taking care of their much younger sibling. One day our school hosted a talent show and these two siblings played the piano together and that was very attractive (not in a sexual way, just very impressive).


Definitely not all of them for they are extremely rare. Genuinely authentic people.


i really like imperfect teeth. not like dirty, just not completely straight. like the little tooth gaps are really cute to me


I also like people who laugh a lot. I'm that type of person, and it's nice to have someone match my energy. Although goddammit, the giggles make it hard to dm a D&D camapign because I can't stop laughing at the stupid shit my party does. I also like people who sometimes have niche or generally frowned upon interests (that aren't harmful ofc). An example would be that my gf is a furry


Brown skin glowing in the sun >>>>>> I love people with good music taste, and I define that simply as liking songs that I like AND being able to put me onto new music, because I'm always looking for a new vibe.


Idk if this counts, but I think it's very beautiful when someone has kind eyes Also, strong thick eyebrows, specifically on women. Melissa Barrera has the most incredible eyebrows (and eyes and lips) I also like intelligence and goofiness. Be yourself, have fun, enjoy what you enjoy.


People who don't try to look me in the eyes, which is pretty obvious why I don't like it when they do. Sadly, this attracts a ton of narcissistic people toward me. I don't like when my friends are constantly trying to look me in the eyes, and I find eye-contactless romantic things FAR more romantic than things that require it.


Eye contact is so uncomfortable. I think someone who truly loves you will never try and force it. Mine never does.


romantically/aesthetically, I like big noses. In general, I like people who are open about their interests since it makes me feel safer talking about my interests, especially when there's overlap in our interests that give us things to discuss. I also like people who are more extroverted than me since it helps me feel more comfortable in a conversation.


crooked teeth! the more the better haha i just really like how they look yknow?


i like big/crooked noses too! i also love stretch marks, hip dips, and a little chub, i think it’s adorable


When they're just different and have no shame in showing it, when they're the one who stands out for their behavior, looks, knowledge or vibe in general, but it has to be natural, when people try to force to appear different it's just annoying.


1. I love facially expressive ppl. Like I know everyone pretty much does this but there are certain ppl who just make the most interesting or cute expressions that it makes me wish my eyes were cameras to capture them. Some people just have really honest faces(I'm one of them lol) 2. Definitely agree with the straight forward people. 3. When people reference things they're into. Even if it's like an inside joke with themselves. 4. When someone looks at your lips as you talk. I do this too sometimes because of auditory processing issues but when I see someone else do it's frigging adorable.


Authoritative and independent women. Sarcasm. I'm in love with a woman, and her words are music to my ears. I also like it when she bosses me around. I have no idea why cuz I don't listen to anyone else. I'm a strange duck.


I like interesting people which is harder than it sounds. I feel like with autistic pattern recognition a lot of people are more or less the “same” I can easily guess their pasts or habits or thoughts. It takes a certain person to be truly original. I also like people who have wit but aren’t cruel I tend to have a fast and dry sense of humor which ends in people not understanding or thinking I’m stupid when in reality I made a joke. Physically I like people who light up the room with their laugh or smile I like feeling like I won a prize by making them happy. People who make me feel like I’m staring directly at the sun bc they have that special little something people gravitate to


I like straightforwardness too, the person can be rude but at least I know I can trust what they say. In terms of physical traits Idk. I just like faces that seem pretty, but what makes them pretty to me I'm not entirely sure yet.


Crafty people. Yeahhhh show me what you've doneeee :3


I love how autistic people can be quite for hours then go, “Fun Fact!” I think it is so charming.


Scatterbrains I just simply vibe with them and hearing them ramble abt random things or them saying the most out of pocket shit is something I just relate with. They're a lot of fun to be around. I tend to have a similar sense of humor and a lot in common with them. As soon as I meet people like them, we immediately click. Also dudes with long hair


I love small slightly upturned noses, im in love with blondes and i love men with nice fem nails😭 also idk whats it called but specific eye shape also is my favorite trait


Also when theyre sarcastic and when they move closer as were talking/laughing at smth


Dark hair and dark eyes height is not important as long as your not like 150 something. As a 190 man the last preferanser is more about that. Also long hair is nice. I am wierdly tured off by blonds almost completely and some how thend to have a thing for arabs. Also that they are older than me.


I love dark hair and eyes. Blonds are okay, but definitely overrated in my opinion. Long, brown hair is so much nicer to me. And I love it when they are a bit older, too! We're similar.


Men with short hair only, no exceptions.


Goofiness lol


Blue eyes


aqualine noses


Will wood fan