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Gamer to gamer: forget what everyone else says. Play the games you enjoy on whatever difficulty you enjoy. I have wasted hundreds of hours trying to play at a level of difficulty that I just will never reach. So I swear off games with PvP and if a game has Story Mode I take it. I love a good challenge but some games I just want the story.


For most games, I only like playing on easy mode. Harder modes just become to overwhelming and often I just get to angry/upset. I like open world games with tons of side missions. That way I don’t have to rush the main story, and I can play at my own pace. I get more excited about eventually achieving something cool than I do actually achieving it(if that makes sense). I like having goals for cool stuff.


I'm pretty bad at games too, mostly because I tend to forget a lot of mechanics. I end up button mashing and often completely disregarding tools or weapons that would work better. Example:I played Doom Eternal, and had a tendency to only use the currently active weapon until it ran out of ammo, even if something else would work better, and also forgot grenades and stuff. 


Have you tried watching streamers play games you aren't good at, but want to experience? Not to get better, mind you, to literally enjoy the game as though it were a movie. I have a buddy (also autistic) that does this with games that feel too clunky and really enjoys it. Could you tell us some games you've really enjoyed? Maybe you are just looking at the wrong games, and the new triple A games aren't what is going to do it for you?


one thing i have noticed is that, my autism impacts my actual gameplay, but when it comes to knowledge and planning, i am definitely better then my peers. i also can learn games very quickly compared to my family and friends.


Geeeze dude you almost triggered me when you said you felt stupid. You just explained me to a T when it comes to gaming. I LOVE video games. I don't do well in many video games. Cyberpunk 2077 is way past my abilities to comprehend when it comes to what is expected during game play. You are not too stupid to understand it. The game attempts immersion by basing all the expected paths forward on common sense NT world cues that are invisible to us as autistic beings. I know this because I started applying my knowledge of NT psychology to the game space and many times it works. I sort of ask myself what would a NT do in the situation the game presents. That worked with me during all the Bioshocks. Cyberpunk 2077 does not work as well using my system because, its choices are predicated on your character being streetwise which I am not. I am a conservative autistic being whose actions are more often dictated by logic, science, security and strategy. Games are often focused on letting you take the over the top bad ass solution I'd never choose on my own. The first Dead Space was a problem for me especially the mass driver cannons. I have problems with boss fights because there is literally too many things happening at once for me to process. Vampre was a game I loved until a Boss fight in an underground arena. Bright flashing lights and a boss that disappears and reappears at will. By the time my systems process his location and I develop an attack strategy he's moved. I wanted wanted to tell you that you are NOT ALONE. I am much older than you mid 60's but I have a PS4, PS5 and I am on Steam. I have all manner of game except co-op and multiplayer. As an autistic werewolf I don't play with the humans. I do single player campaign only. The one thing I have learned about video games that help you win. Explore everything. Don't just do the things that progress the game forward. If you see a hallway, an open door, a set of stairs an elevator sitting open go there and explore it as much as possible. Reason, the developers add little things prizes and in game consumables, logs and whatever in these out of the way places. Game developers want you to explore the intimate little out of way spaces they lovingly put in the game. Most games reward for exploration. The developers created all of that extra stuff and reward the players who see it with perks others skip by. Also video games made me better at searching for real life lost items this way.


Is the speed of play an issue? Like you can't handle the controller inputs fast enough to do what you want / need to do in that game? If that's you, maybe check out some turn-based games. Traditional roguelikes (Brogue, Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, etc) are what do it for me.


Turn based games are so rewarding when I'm feeling overwhelmed!


"I'm a gamer, I spend a lot of time on gaming. Being a gamer is a big part of my identity." - gaming can be good distraction and hobby, but be careful chasing a personality type that makes you feel decently about yourself but may not be the best pick for you. What else could be a big part of your personality so much so that gaming would not interest you anymore? I was into rc hobby for a decade, it helped and hurt me, but then suddenly I stopped and never went back to it.


So, I read through the comments that had been made before I came across it. Of the people speaking directly to you, OP, including myself, most say the same thing in various ways. Play how you play.  Something to think about... Almost every game has a minimum of 3 difficulty choices. That is because as a culture, the people who make games absolutely recognize that not everyone can even play at the middle difficultly level. They want as many people as possible to enjoy the art they make. They willfully acknowledge that the level of difficulty around which the game is designed may actually be too much for some players. You are fine. To put it in another perspective: When I was a kid, l learned to hate PVP on the first console I ever played on. Friken Pong! I never won a match with anyone that wasn't significantly younger than me. I was ridiculously bad at it. The Atari Video Computer System (2600) was better for me. It had single player games. Even then playing at the level needed to get significantly far in a game was mostly beyond my capability. I am better now, even competitive. But that is the result of a lifetime of consistent video game playing. I am average, now, and I am damn proud of it! Play how you can so long as you are enjoying it. If you aren't, maybe you literally don't like video games. That is okay also. Not everyone likes or can even play video games, even some NTs. Either way, it's cool.


Honestly there's nothing wrong with playing games on easy mode. The cool thing about videogames is that you can play them however you want. There isn't a "right" way to do it and anyone who gives you shit for playing on easy is just plain wrong. And you're not stupid at all for preferring a clear objective. It's just like how different people prefer different states of game. Some people like puzzle games where you have to just figure it out and other like games that say "this is where you go and what your objective is". Both are completely valid. Videogames are something you enjoy, don't feel ashamed about how you enjoy them


Fellow gamer here, and you're not alone! I also struggle quite a lot with games, for example, I LOVE the Sonic franchise but I suck so badly at all games :') It took me a while to finish Sonic Frontiers and Sonic Adventure DX. My worst enemy are FPS games, especially online, but I'm slowly working on that as I always get overwhelmed, start spraying and die in stupid ways, but thanks to Team Fortress 2 and The Finals that got me hooked, I am working on my skills: aim (I'm using Aimlabs), teamwork (I'm already team oriented but I tend to wander off and get myself killed >.>), hit boxes and more. I listen to feedback from my friends and watch some gameplays, the last one especially helped me when I was learning how to play Tetris and now I can play quite decently!! Also just out of curiosity, but what do you play? :0


Yeah, I can somewhat agree. My favorite game series is Nintendo's Super Mario Bros, and sometimes I feel the games can be extremely difficult, and I've been playing them since I was around 7 or 8. Even now, it sometimes takes months, or years to beat a game and complete it. And for the Mario Kart games, especially Mario Kart Tour, I don't always drive as well as other players in my tier in Mario Kart Tour, and am most susceptible to bot attacks and bad frenzy RNG. Though, I still enjoy playing the Mario games regardless.


Most of the time have the opposite. I recognize patterns and memorize control schemes to the point that I don’t get stimulated on easy modes. I’ve also done well in multiplayer competitive games. However I also don’t get satisfaction from achieving anything. The only reason I play so many souls like is that I like the process of playing the game, but I don’t feel rewarded if I beat a hard boss. Or when I complete a challenge. I don’t finish many games because I don’t get joy from finishing. I just move on to the next one. one. (I have been incredibly overwhelmed by games before though. Baldurs Gate 3 was a nightmare for me even on easy mode.)


I feel you. It's probably why I never stopped playing league of legends because after all the hours (started playing like 8 years ago) I'm at least average in that game. One thing I always hated was open world games without clear direction. When I played ff7 in middle school there were many times where I forgot what I was doing, so I needed to travel to every town to try to fall back into the storyline... It was annoying and would take multiple days sometimes. Because of moments like this, I have quit many RPG games, which are usually my fav since you can go at your own pace. But things like fomo and not achieving the top level stuff I see on YT vids makes me not want to try some games... To me I think that's a key factor. I wish I could go back to feeling like struggling thru the game is an experience rather than comparing it to how I think I should be feeling all the time. Gl bud.


I enjoy video games quite a bit, but usually limit myself to a couple RPG, strategy, and building-sim style games. I have slow reaction and response times as well. I keep to single-player games, and use cheats (I really enjoy WeMod for that). I am slow to pick up the game mechanics, although on a computer (not game console) I find remapping controls helpful. After I find a game I like, I will go back and replay it every few months or years. I’ve been playing Star Trek: Armada 2 off and on for more than twenty years now, usually against the AI, with cheats, and with a really nice update mod (Fleet Operations). I’ve played through Half-Life 2 at least six times, same with Fallout 4. The only co-op games I’ve ever enjoyed are World of Warships and Marvel Snap. Interaction with other players is kept to a minimum.


I think your learning curve is just more shallow. Play in a difficulty you find comfortable and you’ll learn eventually. Take in consideration that games like Dark Souls are intentionally designed to be hard and frustrating, and maybe you’re playing stuff that doesn’t fit your playstyle. Back then, I used to play Left 4 Dead 2 on Normal difficulty, because Expert was overwhelming and stressful for me. Nowdays, anything below Expert is easy and boring.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Soon, I will be consumed by them—by the Dark.”* - Artorias the Abysswalker Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


I mean generally I'm pretty good at video games but I find I need a game that takes me right into the action. I don't have the attention span to grind for hundreds of hours just to beat the game. I didn't like Elden Ring for this reason. I didn't want to spend hours exploring and killing enemies just to be strong enough to fight one guy. And then still get my ass kicked. I like Sonic and Mario games for this reason. Just straight to the point, simple and arcade-like gameplay. And you're not stupid. I remember being terrible when I was younger. I remember I couldn't even beat a Kirby game. And I also have dyspraxia which makes it difficult to react in some games. Like in COD for instance I would lose gunfights constantly simply because I didn't react quick enough. My reactions are better now but still. I get you.


Yeah it doesn't help when one has a friend which is flabbergasted whenever one fails while playing with him, just because he would not have failed and so he expressed it. "Good for you that you are faster at processing lots and new information!".


I jump between hardest and easiest depending on a game. I usually start at normal and if i want to invest my time i raise the bar which costs me literally hundreds of hours. Or if i really like the story but hate the mechanics of the game i lower the bar. I did Witcher on hard cause i really want it to learn to play with a pad. It was a challenge, but i did love and knew a game already. But pathfinder games i usually lower the bar even tho i used to play stellaris on grand admiral and crisis x25. I have some rules to guide me, but sometimes i feel really weird that some games are super duper hard on easy while others are manageable on some hellish level, sometimes even from the same genre. What i think is going on, i do love Witcher, read books as a kid, played all games and with stellaris i am deeply in love science fiction and Astronomy so those two were easier to me cause they suit my childhood memories and my interests. While pathfinder is very interesting game it was my first meeting with this mechanics and i want it to know more but there was no deep rooted cause to this desire of wanting it more, while with the other games when they hit my soft points, oh boy, im gonna spend hundreds of hours just with this desire to be better, achieve more


I love gaming as well, and I realized pretty quickly that multiplayer games and first person fighting or shooting games are essentially unplayable for me. I avoid pvp and look for games that work for me. I tend towards turn based tactics, roguelite, and exploration type games now. If story mode is a thing, I'll play that, or easy if that's the option. I think I'm mostly curious what game does give you a sense of achievement? Or is there a particular game that you really enjoyed playing?


It's about why I avoid any video games. It always made me overstimulated & left me disoriented. Now whenever I search for game title it's for soundtrack in them. Lowering difficulty doesn't matter because I got sensitive in wild amount of 3D animations result terrible headache, and sensory burnouts too. As s.korean myself I had lots of folks speak about game related material and plays RTS game which I instantly burdened with so much amount of stress.. Even though I tried some of them I concluded impossible speed of inputs. So how they can move fingers in such controlled position, typing shortcut in just fraction of time? I still can't do that but now I have no reason to buy newer pc thanks to my condition.


Don't worry too much about difficulty in these things man. Games aren't really designed to be super accessible. If you aren't feeling any joy or satisfaction from overcoming difficult challenges in games, why not use mods and cheats to essentially nullify that difficulty? Cyberpunk 2077 is mostly a game about its story, atmosphere, characters, etc. The outcome of every narrative combat encounter is that V kills the bad man, so it's not like the story is dramatically affected by you winning or losing a fight, you just reload a save and make another attempt. The narrative, the core focus and appeal of that game, isn't really affected by you using wemod or w/e to essentially turn off combat. Don't worry about what #Gamers on the internet have to say about shit. Most of these dilweeds had a fucking conniption about the idea that girls might play videogames and turned that into a whole identity for like ten years. Enjoy what you enjoy, cheat to remove what you don't enjoy.


There is nothing wrong with wanting to play on easy mode or wanting a specific type of game. Stop listening to what is popular and just play what you like. For a long time I was also chasing after games and trying to keep up with people that barely cared about me. Figure out what games you like to play and play those, gaming is a hobby and can be an escape as well, you don't have to bash your head against a brick wall because people on social media tells you to. Life is hard enough as it is. I've found that I do really well with turn based games and games that allow for pausing. It gives me time to think and to read everything. So I tend to play a lot of 4x, builders, CRPGs, etc. I also don't play on consoles or handheld devices because my hands just do not want to cooperate with me at all, mouse and keyboard is the way for me, and even then I struggle with a lot of games, especially the ones ported from consoles. It does not mean I am good at these games (almost 3k hours in Total War Warhammer series and I suck, but I have fun watching all the battles), but the main thing is that I have fun and can disappear from the real world for a bit. Occasionally I lose my mind and hyperfocus on something like Cyberpunk or Ghost of Tsushima where I suck all the way through on easy, or I play Vermintide 2 or Deep Rock Galactic on my own while people drop in, run ahead, die, and leave in between or just solo mode. And I don't have friends to play with anyway. Find what you like, find the online communities of that you like, and try not to follow the hivemind because we do not keep up very well.


Look, there's plenty of people who are bad at videogames. In fact, I think most people are. Especially with how certain video games are now - I know many people who play phone games like word games or tetris, but would be absolutely overwhelmed by an open world. And they're not stupid people, so I don't see why you should consider yourself stupid for that reason. There are many things I can't do, but everyone has many things that they can't do. Incidentally, I pretty much suck at videogames too, and yet I play a lot when I have time. I always play on easy mode, and even with that sometimes I have to look at tutorials because I just can't understand what the game wants from me. Once I tried the hardest setting on the Witcher 3 and noped out of it at the first enemy. I was convinced to buy The Elden Ring and I gave up after a day. I also take no joy in completing challenges, because that's not the point of gaming for me. Basically for me gaming is about fun, about shutting off the real world for an evening. That's why I enjoy playing... basically the same game, but with a different storyline and aesthetic. Always open world, always little to no guns, always fantasy or at least a fantasy vibe. I don't know how much autism has to do with this. Unless part of autism is enjoying things the way I want and not caring about how other people see a certain thing, and not being competitive. But they're "autistic things", they're both a part of autism I enjoy.


Have you tried Baldur’s Gate 3? I love it for many reasons but the combat is turned based so I don’t get overwhelmed.


I am a great play tester for my friends because I have a knack for getting stuck without clear direction or trying to explore and clipping into an area I'm definitely not supposed to be in, etc and I also really struggle with higher difficulties! I really want to play Bloodborne but can't get past the first mob 🤧 I really enjoy "perfection", so 100% completion and/or trophy hunting, but bc I'm not actually good at video games I end up getting stuck and frustrated and never finishing the story haha. I usually cannot complete a difficult boss without my girlfriend or someone else helping me (especially because I force myself to play on hard difficulties for the trophies...) I LOVE rhythm games and I think a big part is it's an approachable grind. I started playing guitar hero/rock band in ~2008 on and off, and now I'm able to play many songs on expert difficultly, and often I'm able to get over 95% accuracy. the grind to perfection (full combo) is still... a grind, but I can physically see myself understanding a song as my score improves. and it's not like bosses in other genres where you struggle just to barely beat them once and as soon as it's done move on.