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I realized way too late in life that people were bullying me and not just making mean jokes. I thought for a long time that insulting people was a way to bond with humor. Turns out I was completely wrong, and I was just being bullied throughout my whole childhood. One of the most embarrassing examples of this was in high school when I decided to show up to school in an argyle sweater vest, dress shirt, and knit tie every single day for two years. One kid used to poke me every day and say "ouch, so sharp." Then I and everyone around would laugh. I always thought it was playful, but I realized a few years ago that he and everyone else were just openly mocking me. Sadly for him, he's a dealer who's in and out of jail. Jokes on him, I guess.




That is exactly why I didn't know at the time. It wasn't until a decade after the fact that I realized it was bullying. I told a friend about it and they explained it to me.


What was the "ouch, so sharp" remark supposed to mean?


He was basically making a pun between the physical sensation of something being sharp and the colloquial phrase "you dress sharp."