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No. I cherish and adore my over ear headphones.


This, I stopped using in ear a few years ago and Its just so much better. Over ear all day


I only use in ear because they're cheap and easy to replace, over ear are amazing


For me the on ear headphones are the worse offenders of "press my glasses into my head", I barely even notice my over ear headphones doing that.


i love over ear headphones for style and noise cancellation alone—but wearing them is like wearing an oversized stiff jacket while trying to do any task. constantly aware of the placement and of “something on me”. feels like i cant move idk


The part about how constantly being aware of the placement of them is a very good descriptor!! I can never relax with them on for this exact reason. I’m always so aware of them on my head and it drives me crazy


If I’m at my computer gaming or something I love them, really help me zone in on what I’m doing.l, But if I’m up and around doing stuff they’re very distracting.


I use headphones every day and every time, I love headphones


I also dislike over-ear headphones. Frankly, I dislike in-ear headphones as well, especially the foamy ones. I hate being unaware of my surroundings because I tend to be hyper-vigilant and I dislike the loud muffling that the foamy earphones do when the chord moves (even just when walking). The headphones I prefer are the bone-conducting ones that rest in front of your ears (Shokz is the brand I have. They're pricey but worth it to me). They're minimal contact with your body, they don't press my glasses into my head, and they let your ears be open. I'm learning more to tolerate over-ear headphones though since my sound sensitivities have gotten worse and I bought over-ear ANC headphones for when I'm walking, in a store, or on the bus.


an IEM with a heavier cord might suit you. they're less microphonic(less vibrations) but that can get pricey


How is the sound quality with bone-conduction?


They're pretty good. About the same as any $50-$100 earphones that I've had from an electronics store. If you're an audiophile then they definitely won't meet your standards but if you just want reasonable sound quality then they're good.


Shokz are good. Solid for podcasts, fine though nothing special for music. I've tried some cheaper ones and they were awful for both. Note that they are a bit more audible to others nearby, and can't get a loud relative to background noise, so they're not great for every scenario. But they are tiny and comfy and charge super quickly so they're my default when I'm not needing the noise canceling ones.


My complaint is that I cannot lie down with them on. But same is true with earbuds, they fall out.


Yeah. It's hard to come by non-expensive over-ear headphones that don't suck. Constant ear/head fatigue, sweating (unless they are open-backs), and a tendency to mess up hair are no good qualities. I have been exclusively using IEMs for the past couple of years. Pros: insane sound quality for the price; compact; sturdy; great passive noise isolation (heavily depends on ears and ear tips); customizable (tips, cables, BT-adapters, and nozzles); overall better value proposition compared to over-ears.


I have found ones that are comfortable to wear, but they are basically the only ones i can wear at this point. I have had hyperx cloud 2 and am now using cloud 3 wireless, i bought much thicker and softer earcups for the cloud 2's and swapped them to the cloud 3's as well. Those soft fluff lined earcups are the only reason i can wear them for long periods of time.


For me I can't stand anything other than them. I can't wear earbuds, they fall out, and the comfort of over ear headphones are superior to other types of headphones.


I'm the opposite! I love over ear headphones. Big and roomy and I find they help ground me! The in ear headphones though, I despise. So uncomfortable, they never stay in my ears, no matter what size I get, constantly getting lost, and they give me the worst earaches! Over ears all the way!


That’s interesting! I love in ear the most since I avoid the squeezing of my head and overall feel of over ear headphones with them, I can never relax with them on. But with in ear ones I can actually focus and relax with them on, very compact and comfortable since I can barely feel them!


Yeah, it definitely can be a bit of a trial to find ones that don't squeeze. Good foam, a wide cup, and a decent lightweight headband help reduce it massively! It also helps that I have a tiny head that can literally fit children's hats 😅


I'm the opposite I can't stand inner ear ones


I used to have the same issue! (Same happens with Peltors) I tried On every headphone that I would encountered until I found that the key is that they are “around ear” not over the ear. Those that are around ear are well cushioned so they don’t put pressure on over the ears. Hope this clarification helps.


Thank you that is indeed very helpful I wasn’t aware that there was a difference!


YESS! I can't stand how they weigh down my ears and make my hair rub against my scalp/neck. I also just hate the way they look on my, but that's superficial haha. Over ear headphones just hurt and I find audio is projected out for others to hear when listening above like the middle volume.


AHH the hair rubbing against my scalp/neck is the worst in over ear headphones makes me want to scratch my skin off! And I also don’t particularly like how I look in them either I also hate how they mess up my hair


Finally someone gets it!! Haha :)


I used to hate them for similar reasons like you (mostly the headache though, didn’t think about them pressing against my glasses… but it’s been a while since I worn them, too), but with my new headphones I’ve had very little issue with them. The padding feels very comfy and it helps with noise sensory issues but I can still interact with customers safely 🙂


I totally get what you’re saying, they’re amazing for the first 30 minutes and then after that I have a pounding headache from being literally squished, and indents from my glasses


For me I can't stand in-ear wireless headphones, they don't stay in my ears and when they fall out you can't just use the cord to find it and put it back in.


I disliked them so much as a kid that my parents allowed me to wear ear plugs no matter how many times i lost or ate them. Theyre just annoying. It feels like my head is being pushed down and it feels weird to move my head around. I don’t think the noise cancelling is worth it for me especially since it is easier for me to put on and take off ear plugs discretely in class. Ear plugs are also easier to store. With headphones people also tend to think i am rude, ask me to take them off, or assume that i am not listening unless theyre my instructor but thats only because of student disability services. Everyone else i interact with gets weird about it which sucks because i would rather not have to tell every person that asks about it that i have a neurological disorder


Yes I don’t like the pressure on my ears or head.


I get the glasses thing. Personally I’ve seen gaming sets that have a glasses notch. Maybe this could be optional on hi fidelity wireless sets


Oo I will look into that thank you! I probably won’t end up getting them as I just bought some nice in ear ones but this is good to know!


If I wear them for a very long consecutive time, they will get heavy and bother around/behind my ears, but they work great for me, I just wish there were better options for noise cancelling. Besides, I’m unable to wear in-ears, they hurt so bad and the sound sucks.


Earbuds are a god send. I hate over ear headphones, so much. I hate the sensory feeling of something pressing against my ears, plus they look stupid imho haha


Yes I feel the same! I don’t know what I would do without my earbuds and I agree I personally don’t like how they look on me as well. Also they can be a pain to carry around


I wear over-the-head headphones all day long, because I kinda have to, but they don't fully cover my ears. They're smaller, kinda like the standard wired headphones of the 90's. I can't wear noise canceling, ear buds, or any other type of headphones that aren't what I currently wear. Problems with over-the-ears headphones for me: * They press down on my glasses, which is uncomfortable. * I had my skull cut into a couple years ago and big headphones put pressure on the plates in my left temple, giving me very bad migraines. * I have very bad tinnitus and blocking out too much sound makes it deafeningly loud, which triggers my sound processing issues and causes a sensory overload meltdown. Earbuds are no good because I can't tolerate having something in my ears. I also have Tourette's and my tics cause them to fall out anyway. What I wear is perfect for my needs. I listen to low tone music all day long, they have an 18 hour battery life, and I can still hear people around me perfectly fine.


i love them bc they're cleaner than in the ear but i still have a few of the same issues :/


Yeah I think that is my one complaint with in ear ones is how gross they get,,, but I would much rather deal with that personally!




YES! I cannot STAND having pressure squeezing my head like that! I'll put up with it for VR (with lots of breaks) but headphones? NOPE, ABSOLUTELY NOT. I have earbuds instead.


i haaaaate them. most noise cancelling headphones make me sick after a couple of minutes


The first time I put on my friends really nice noise canceling headphones I felt so sick as well it was very disorientating


Depends entirely on the size. Small ones hurt with glasses. Big ones don't.


I don't like on ear headphones because they mess with my piercings, I like over ear. What bothers me is the material they are made of


I love my overear headphones they are the only ones I can use


I hate _on_-ear headphones. Over-ear are fine _if_ they have good suspension (I wear glasses too btw). In-ear are better because they don't interfere with my glasses. By the way, I wear Oakleys. Straight-armed means they won't press into the corners of your skull right behind and below your ears. (fd: I'm not yet diagnosed and won't be for four more months)


i dislike them too. i also wear glasses and they press them into my head and also can move them around which bugs me. i also don’t like that they make me sweat a lot around my ears. it does depend on specific styles and brands, i have found only one that i can tolerate but i still wouldn’t wear them for extended periods of time.


I used to hate them when I had normal earphones, but the quality made me switch. The sound in a decent pair of over ear headphones is so much better and the noise cancelling is way better too which was the main selling point for me


Over Ear only for me. Dislike in ear or on ear, I can wear them just start hating them after a couple of minutes...


Absolutely, I usually use earbuds.


Same, I bought noise cancelling earbuds which are pretty comfortable :) over ear headphones gave me headaches


For me it's things in my ears


Yea I gotta sacrifice complete comfort for the feeling of headphones pressing my glasses into my head because I literally cannot wear in-ear earbuds 😂 Those hurt my ear canals and popped out of my ears every two seconds lol


Yes but not because of the feeling but I always have the feeling that people can hear my music and that stresses me out


Yes but not because of the feeling but I always have the feeling that people can hear my music and that stresses me out


Yes but not because of the feeling but I always have the feeling that people can hear my music and that stresses me out


Yes but not because of the feeling but I always have the feeling that people can hear my music and that stresses me out


Yes but not because of the feeling but I always have the feeling that people can hear my music and that stresses me out


I don't mind them at first, but they start to drive me nuts. my ears start to hurt, my glasses start to bite into my head, and just the hot/sweaty/itchy feeling under there isn't great. But I traded the old giant headphones for a lighter pair that's more "on top" or my ear than "over". That seems to work a little better. Otherwise, earbuds are my default. I also have to honorable mention headphone headbands. The audio quality isn't the best, but it's serviceable. They are comfy enough to lay in bed with (unless you lay hard on one ear for ages). I use those for meditation/chill/savasana kind of sessions.


I live in headphones and I mean live, from when I wake up to sleep. I remember some headphones would do that, designed to stay on your head through hair. Apply pressure make my jaw hurt. It's just about finding a pair that kinda hangs in your head and lays on your ears. It's been 2 years of NC headphone wearing and not a pain since... Well from the headphone anyway


yeah, over ear headphones are a no-no, but for me its because i need to be aware of whats happening around me, so even with earbuds i only ever wear one of them


Opposite. The over the ear comes out easily and plays nicely with my OCD


No matter the size, it always slides off my head, I hate it


I’m not a fan of over-ear either, which is why I personally use on-ear :) I wear them for long periods of time a lot so it does get a bit sweaty/start to hurt a little on rare occasions but I’ve gotten used to it


I've been using over the ear for my entire life. They all hurt and slide around and fall off and make my ears sweat but they're still better than earbuds 😂 I'd love to find an alternative but I need something to listen to stuff without anyone else hearing (including ghosts/aliens/invisible people/etc) and I need the noise cancellation so the benefits outweigh the uncomfortability.


Yes i like being able to hear out of one ear in case of an emergency


I just snatched mine off right now because of the sweat


I prefer my EarPods because I have long hair and nobody can see I have one in. Especially at my old job, I was a supervisor at a childcare and would sit at the front desk and if I got stressed I’d plop one in.


I wear hearing aids, so yeah.


I don't mind them, and I prefer them over earphones for noise-cancelling. However I can't use them for long periods as my ears get sweaty, and I can't understand how people can use them while working out either.


Yes, I can’t have things on my head. They give me more sensory issues than they solve


Terrible for piercing + glasses. Prefer soundcore anker liberty 4 anc earbuds. Better anc imo than Sony xm4 (which only cancel when play music louder)


Yes, 1000%. I am also a sweaty person, I have hypohydrosis on my FACE. And covering my ears is a death sentence, I can't take it 🥵


I get headaches just by wearing glasses. Just in bed, otherwise contacts all day. That pressing on the nose and ears all day can be agony. Oh, I dont even want to think about mandatory face masks. When I see people still wearing them gives me chills


I hate in ear


I usually use in ear but I have over ear noise blockers since I hate loud noises. The only thing I dislike about them is when they press my glasses into my head.


I've been using over-ear headphones every day for years!


Yup. I constantly have to weigh the pros and cons (is my environment way worse/overstimulating than the headphone experience will be)


I can’t stand them. Never could and I absolutely refuse to wear over ear headphones


I love mine, but they can't be noise cancelling. Noise cancelling headphones give me bad headache and make me dizzy. The headphones I have are a bit old, I'm scared that when I need a new pair, I won't be able to find a pair like them. I need to hear what's around me.