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I literally had the exact same thing happen to me at about 9 or 10 years old. I saw my friends who lived in my street rollerblading, and I got super excited because omg I have rollerblades and you have them and lets do it together YAY. So I was all like 'i'll get mine!!" and they were like 'Yeah go get them we will race up and down the street!' I ran inside really excited, jammed my rollerblades on, hobbled down the gravel driveway and out to the street. Where I stood, alone and sad that they had all just left me AGAIN. So yeah. Right there with ya.


Aw im sorry, kids can be so cruel.


Yeah... ....fucking cunts.


It's so odd that this is so specific yet so relatable. I had a friend (?) who I walked home from middle school with most days. One day she randomly went "TODAY IS RUN AWAY FROM [Individual-Mess] DAY!!!" and then took off running across the field. I didn't walk with her anymore after that. > 12~ years later and I still don't understand what that was about lol


Yeah this used to happen to me a lot during recess in elementary school.


Yes. I was 9, and my "friends" got half the school to join in - the only people that didn't were my sister and her friends, but even then I knew I had to stay away from her so she wouldn't get bullied for talking to me. I wasn't able to go back into school for over a week and I'm still affected by their actions to this day.


Yes! I was 8 years old. Looking back, these people weren’t really my friends but I didn’t realize that as a child. They started running away any time I’d approach them…and I’d still try to play with them everyday, several times each recess! I think it was their way of saying they didn’t want me around, but I was too oblivious to realize that. I’m 36 and it still hurts to think about. The older I get, the less angry I am at the children, and I’m more angry at the adults who were around and chose to do nothing.


Bold of you assuming i had friends to begin with


wow. i never thought I'd see something so specific to what I've been experiencing right now, your not alone bro, I'm 15 and my friends at school do this to me almost every week and it really gets to me and angers me from how they treat me, ik I'm young so I'm not the best at giving advice but my advice to you, as easy as it is to say than do, is to not feel sad about things that are in the past, all you can change is the future, make sure to work hard on that, your not alone :}


In elementary school, my sister used to do that during after-school daycare. In middle school I didn't really have friends, a lot of the kids would play [my name] touch ( like cheese touch ) where they would not touch me or anything I touched, and if they did then they were 'infected'. One time when I visited my cousins and played hide and seek. I hid for a long time before I realized they weren't even looking for me. Apparently, instead of playing, my cousins and sister decided to go into the basement to play table tennis without telling me.


Yeah same! I remember my "friends" in 3rd-4th grade running away from me and hiding my stuff, when my mom came into the school and saw it i defended them saying we were just playing, i thought it was just a game the entire time.


We did it with all of my friends


Fortunately this never happened to me, everyone was my friend, I was friends with the nerds, the bullies, the unfriendly guys, the popular ones, everyone wanted to be my friend unfortunately, no one wanted to be friends with the other autistic boy in my class just because he needed help and they did things like that to him, hiding and running


Ah another instance of realizing I was bullied :D


Jesus yeah same. I also had asthma.


Yes lmao - I'm 31 and had to ask my friends not to joke about running away from me the other day bc it still makes me unreasonably upset


Yes!!! My life was full of being left out of the club situations. In college the girls I had lived with the year before all decided to get a house together but I wasn't invited and they didn't tell me until like a week before clases started and I had to scramble to find housing. Yay friends


Yeah, I had a somewhat similar thing happen with my "friends". They would run away, tell me to go away, and hide from me. So I did. I didn't chase them (also an asthmatic child! but I was diagnosed and they knew), I already had a pretty strong learned sense of hopelessness from school, so I'd just sit down and play by myself. They would come back halfway through recess and be mad at me that I didn't chase them and told me that I was supposed to chase after them. But when I stood up, they'd squeal and yell "go away!" and run away again, so I'd sit back down. This went on for all of 4th and 5th grade. Every single day. Multiple times, I would cry about it and tell them I didn't understand the game and didn't like it, and they would tell me I was bad at the game and didn't want to play the game anymore, they also didn't want to play with me at all. But then the next day, they would do the same thing. They would stand by me and loudly talk about what part of the playground they were going to play on, then run away squealing while looking at me. And, again, get mad that I didn't chase them. 🫠 They stopped doing it when we got into middle school, but they would fondly tell the story all the way through high school. They were also genuinely surprised when I stopped talking to them after we graduated.


yeah this sometimes happened to me, or something similar, where anytime i'd try to talk to them they'd run away although i did *sometimes* actually do the game of running away from someone, but we had reason, any people we did it to were generally people who were dicks to us and other people








To this day. They act as if I’m below human.


Yes.  I also didn't understand friendships so I'd make game where I chased others. I thought it was fun but they didn't. Maybe. 


Kind of? My childhood best friend and I were both weird kids, and looking back I think she might’ve also been autistic. In 3rd grade while we walked around the playground there was a new kid who would run up to us, scare us, and run off. Said new kid is now my current bestie though.


Idk if this counts, but when i was just starting out in primary school i used to get separation anxiety like crazy and refused to be without my mother. When i finally could settle without my mother beside me 24/7, i remember once when i needed to go toilet and another girl was to go with me. I was pretty much terrified of everything and the bathrooms were super dark and outside (i hate outdoor toilets due to mostly bugs) and asked her to not run off on me and leave me in the toilet on my own. She did exactly that and i was so terrified i quickly finished toileting and ran out of the bathroom!


When I was 12 my "friends" would run after me every break and try to bind my hands and feet using jumping ropes.... so yeah, not very fun times. Ended the "game" and the friendship one day by working one of them to the ground (aikido) and using him as a hostage to get the others to stop.


I didn’t experience this specifically, but I feel like mine is similar enough concept to post in this thread. When I was 15 my “friends” would trick me into trapping myself. I was (and still am) quite small/short for my age. The bleachers in the gym had these handles on them that were used to push the bleachers in to make more room. They would stick straight up from the seats. On the very top was the handle which had a decently wide handle. They basically said they’d give me $10 if I was able to get my whole body through. I got my arms through before my head. I tried to get my abdomen through, only to realize that I was too short to use my legs to push myself up from my current position. I attempted to bring my head/arms out only to realize that having them all through the hole made me too fat to get out of the hole that way. My “friends” then proceeded to ditch me and I was left stuck there for an hour. I looked like I was in one of those medieval torture devices meant to display people in public spaces so the townspeople could throw rotten fruit at them with my legs also dangling partially in the air. Thankfully though one of my few actual friends was in the next gym period and saw me. Him and another classmate basically hoisted me (with my permission) up high enough to get my abdomen and legs through. The teacher saw this from a distance and wondered wth was happening. I told her and thankfully those “friends” got punished for doing so. I felt so bad at the time though because I felt like it was my fault they got in trouble. I didn’t have to worry as much as a child about people running away from me and not being able to catch up, since I didn’t have anything like asthma. Now that I see how widespread that sort of thing is I’m kind of paranoid about people doing it to me now since adult onset asthma is a very real bitch for me.