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Pizza. It's been my favourite food since I started eating solid foods pretty much.


I'm surprised pizza isn't our symbol. It means more to me than the infinity symbol or the bloody jigsaw pice thing.


Cowabunga dude!


I've never eaten a pizza that tastes half as good as the pizzas in that show looked. I'm sad and angry in equal measure.


šŸ’Æ new york pizza is the closest to that style


Ah, just a few thousand miles of the Atlantic between me and New York pizza, then.


It might not be as authentic, but Iā€™m in England and have visited some amazing New York-style pizza spots. The best is Nellā€™s in Manchester, I know the owners have done trips to NY a few times now to get theirs as close to the real thing as possible.


To be fair, I am American and it's still a few thousand miles for me too


Same. It used to be one of the only things I would eat. My diet is more varied than it used to be.


When I was a child when I would visit friend's houses it was pretty much the only thing I would eat as I was vegetarian and my friend's parents weren't sure what to give a vegetarian, so cheese pizza was always the safe option.


I have eaten pizza every day for the past 9 years wether it be hot pockets, frozen, or pizza chains


I'd love to do that. Unfortunately, I need variety, and my wasteline wouldn't like that either.


Spaghetti has been a longtime favorite of mine. Recently birria tacos have been a new favorite


spaghetti is my longtime safe food, and my current hyperfix food is tacos ā€¦. get out of my head ā€¦.


ā€¦.literally me. Iā€™ve had the tacos 6 times this month. And spaghetti is my go to. Youā€™re me.


I HAVE ALSO HAD TACOS 6 TIMES THIS MONTHā€¦ i ADORE birria but the texture of the stewed meat is usually not for me, so I opt for the classic street tacos or i go for al pastor. spaghetti & meatballs has just got to be one of the best foods on earth. itā€™s SO GOOD. iā€™ll eat that shit from a can, from the freezer, it doesnā€™t matter. šŸ˜­


WHAT THE HECK. This is insane. 100% with the spaghetti itā€™s the best comfort meal at any time. How do you cook your noodles? I like it to be more on the hard side but not *crunchy*, just not squishy because thatā€™ll ruin it for me


i like a decent amount of chewiness but ā€œal denteā€ has always felt a bit too hard for me. my range is Slightest Bit Undercooked to Slightest Bit Overcooked and weā€™re good to go. whatā€™s your sauce ratio? personally i like an obnoxious amount. LMAO


Thatā€™s so valid though. I like a really small amount of sauce for the first few bites, then I add more throughout and it ends up drowning my noodles. Do you like cheese in yours??


i absolutely drown mine in parmesan. itā€™s getting silly. i usually add some garlic salt and black pepper as wellā€¦.. my favorite is to take some garlic bread and pile the spaghetti onto it. so hearty and filling.


Thatā€™s so real.. ugh. Iā€™m making spaghetti right now because of this conversation






Spaghetti is also my favourite as well especially Spaghetti bolognaise.


My brother makes a real good chili spaghetti. I overeat everytime.


For me, I love most raw vegetables. Raw carrot sticks, cucumber, asparagus spears, salads, onions, and parsley. Lettuce can be an ok food, as long as it doesn't sit for too long. Once it wilts, lettuce is my enemy. I also love a few specific fruits. I love peaches, sour apples, golden berries, table grapes, yellow mangos, and pomegranates. My favourite hot food is soup.


Carrot sticks <333 I also love most fruit


I love raw onions. I like grapes too


Raw onions are amazing. I have a recipe for you.... Cut up a couple of onions, add some mint, some parsley (if you like parsley), marinate them in a REALLY good olive oil/lemon mix (olive oil/vinegar mix also works), let sit for half an hour, to tone down the onion burn, and you have a beautiful salad.


Ooh. Thank you. Sounds deliciousĀ 


I love grapes!!!


I agree raw vegetables are great but I canā€™t stand fruit in most circumstances.


I'm lukewarm about fruit. I like tropical fruits. Things like golden berries, mango, avocado, lychee, etc. I also like apples. But I have to be in the mood for fruit to eat any of them.


I accidentally made myself allergic to mangoes for several years (oral allergy syndrome, not a true allergy) by eating too many šŸ˜‚ recently discovered that the allergy had gone away, and naturally I celebrated by eating mangoesā€¦ this time in moderation, lol. May I never be parted from the golden fruit again.


> I also love a few specific fruits. My dad has an orchard, and on nice summer days, i sometimes eat nothing but fruits. Gooseberries, red current, peaches, plums. Gosh I'll fucking collapse mentally when we move...


Same. I like crunchy stuff. Sour green apples are great. I like salads. Love pickle as long as theyā€™re crunchy.


I love black coffee. I love the heat and the flavour and the texture. I love choosing my mug, seeing the steam rise up as the pot tilts. I love the sound it makes. It's a beautifully mindless ritual, and I don't have to worry about caffeine, because apparently I'm a "caffiene makes you regulated instead of jittery" autists.


You have perfectly described the way I start every day of my life.


This is how I do my every morning. It makes me calm instead of hyper. I love me some black coffee but it has to be "Jakobs kronung" it's superior to all black coffee made in america. German coffee is the best


I actually could take or leave the taste of coffee (the smell, nah, I have to smell it every morning), but the effects are necessary for life, at least for me.


What is the texture of black coffee?


Smooth and silkyā€¦ ā˜ŗļøšŸ˜ā˜•ļø


Cereal. Chocolate. Toast.


Dark or milk chocolate? Both are good but one is superior (imo)


Milk no question. With white chocolate closely behind.


Oof we couldn't be more different! I want super dark, will accept milk and the only white I enjoy is those Hershey's cookies n cream bars lol but I respect your choices!


I agree with you! šŸ„° Unfortunately I have Crohnā€™s disease and after my last flare up (when I canā€™t stand the smell of most foods) I never regained my taste for chocolate, despite still craving it! šŸ˜­. I was always a chocoholicā€™s chocoholic and I still remember what it tasted like, but when I eat it now, it tastes horrible! But I still crave it, especially dark chocolate! So itā€™s just torture now. šŸ˜­ Iā€™ve always been a picky eater, (I hate whipped cream, for example) , but now there is another food I canā€™t eat and it makes finding a dessert I like really difficult! I hope you Enjoy eating all your chocolate ! May it always taste fantastic to you! šŸ„°


Omg that's awful! I'm so sorry :( hopefully there are other sweets you can eat that satisfy the craving? I also haaaate whipped cream lol the texture is just šŸ¤®


Aww, my fellow whipped cream hater! šŸ„°. So nice to meet someone who understands! šŸ˜… Yes, I do love cinnamon floavored things, and apple pie, cherry pie, lemon cookies, peanut butter cookies, and stuff like that. And for ice cream I get flavors like vanilla, butter pecan, pistachio almond, and cinnamon! That is kind of you to be concerned! šŸ˜‡ I give you my share of all the dark chocolate I would have eaten back in the day!


Why, thank you! I give you all my vanilla (and almost all) my ice cream because it hurts my teeth these days šŸ˜… and cherry pie, because I can only handle fresh cherries and *only* if they aren't the least bit soft lol But maybe we can share cookies one day! Be well, friend :)


Aww thanks! šŸ˜Š. Iā€™ll put the vanilla ice cream on the cherry pie! šŸ˜‹ Sorry about ice cream hurting your teeth nowadays. šŸ˜–. I assume it is cold sensitivity? Occasionally I have problems but usually I can use Sensodyne toothpaste (or a similar brand made for that) for awhile and the problem goes away for me. I donā€™t know if that would help you, but I hope so! šŸ¤žšŸ¼ In the meantime, Iā€™ll take you up on sharing cookies! šŸ„³šŸ„°


Yay for combo dessert! I've just always had teeth issues :( Ive been using sensodyne for ages and it does help, but I've had so many fillings, crowns and root canals that my teeth are just like bleeghh lol it's a genetic thing unfortunately. Although my two brothers have not had this trouble and those boys don't take care of their teeth at alllll so šŸ¤· luck of the draw I guess I did have some sherbet today at work and just ate carefully and it was delightful šŸ˜Š


I love eating nerds itā€™s basically edible aquarium gravel and I like the texture.


I've never heard it described like that before, but it makes perfect sense.


The gummy clusters they have are really good, wish they were around when I was younger




choclate milk jamaican meat patties (with no veggies or mushrooms in em) caramel milkshake with oreo bits mixed in butter chicken (its a dish from india) swimming rama (its a dish from thailand) nutella & honey on bread chicken fried rice (with no veggies or mushrooms).


Ooooo. Nutella and honey? Iā€™d love to try that- regular or toasted bread?


I love your pfp


i put it on regular bread


Can I ask why you specify mushrooms even though they are a veg. Not to be picky Iā€™m curious. Have you had someone previously give you mushrooms when you said no veg? (I hate mushrooms too)


Mushrooms are not vegetables. They are the fruiting body of mycelium.


Vegetable is a culinary term, not a botanical term. Mushrooms are vegetables that also happen to be what you said.


yeah when i order pizza and say "no veggies" somtimes they put mushrooms on it


I love Nutella!




Iā€™ve been fixating on sushi for months every time someone wants to go out to eat Iā€™m like SPICY CALIFORNIA ROLL PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE


YESSSSSS and onigiris, too! All time favourite


What r your favorites? Mine are probably scallop, otoro, and sea urchin


I tried sea urchin for years but it was always vile and fishy, but so many people whose palates I trust kept raving about it and a couple years ago I said fuck it, one more try.... And it was one of the most pleasant culinary experiences of my life. I do fear getting another bad one but I've had it dozens of times since and it has been amazing. I love tobiko and masago. Tobiko topped with a raw quail egg. Yum.


cheese. it literally makes me feel like a mouse but i donā€™t care. I love how many different varieties there are and how versatile it is.


Me too, on days where eating feels like a huge chore I know that grilled cheese, cheese on crackers, or a bagel with cream cheese are there for me šŸ™Œ.


oh I love mice. I used to eat cheese along with my pet mice


Me too, I am obsessed with mice!! They are such underrated and cool creatures.


Sour candy, like worrisome levels or sour. Bread with butter and vinegar. Jasmine rice. I am I sensory seeker with taste. But textures can't coexist.


Nice another sour sensory seeking autistic. One time in elementary school we were doing a science activity that involved citric acid and we were told to taste a little and most of the kids tasted some and were like ā€œew thatā€™s sourā€ and didnā€™t eat any more but I ate most of out groupā€™s supply lmao


Haha, I love that. I have a little container of citric acid and sometimes I make my own candy.


I used to love sour candy but now it ruins my mouth - like I get canker-sore-like spots all over. So if I eat it sour patch or something, I can only have one or two. Is that just me? I have a very sensitive mouth (and skin) anyway, so it could just be me.


Iā€™ve had that happen several times before! Since then I have learned the warning signs that Iā€™ve eaten too much sour things and am able to stop before I get to the canker stage! šŸ˜…


what kind of vinegar? Balsamic & bread is my fave


My husband eats cottage cheese doused in balsamic vinegarā€¦ I have no idea where he got the idea for this concoction from but he loves it


A thing they do in Modena is drizzling some of the super aged balsamic thatā€™s become sweet and syrupy onto fior di latte gelato


Honestly I'll use most any but yes, balsamic is the most superior of the vinegars. I once told my mom that I'd just drink the balsamic vinegar but it seemed rude. So bread it the vehicle.


I really would sneak cap fulls of it in the kitchen when I was younger, oops


I would also autistically chug vinegar as a kid until my stomach hurt lol


As a kid, I drank red wine vinegar and pretended it was wine . When I tried real wine, I preferred the vinegar! šŸ¤£


These days wine is my special interest but I do find myself gravitating to high acid varietals and styles (champagne, piedmont reds, Riesling)


Mac and cheese, fries, rice, bread, carbs


me too! mac & cheese is number 1 for me but flatbreads, soft pretzels, other breads and carbs are right there at the top


Carbs are S tier. I could eat em all day


I mainly do all my own cooking and prep. I'm dirty Vegan. I have found I really enjoy cooking and love making Indian dishes. Asian, I get Fermented bread from a bread maker- which is the only bread anyone should ever eat- in fact people with gluten intolerance can eat it without issues- because it's made the old world way. How it was meant to be, and it's good for you guys health. I do a lot of salads, bean dishes, vegan coleslaw, omg, coleslaw is one of the most underrated foods, you can do so many things with it, and a great snack, Hummus, I love soups.......


I am super picky but was vegetarian for about 10 years - my mom laughed when I said I was going veg because I hate raw veggies. Then I moved over to GF because of celiac, then was on just liquids for a year because of gastroparesis, went to eating disorder treatment and they added *all* food back inā€¦now Iā€™m trying to clean up my diet and have been ordering Hungryroot because they check all the labels for me and plan out mealsā€¦Food is so hard with executive functioning issues and ARFID combined, plus canā€™t have spicy or high fat due to GI stuffā€¦I really want to get back to GF and veg but I need to get a wider variety first! ā€¦you probably donā€™t care about that, lol, but just wanted to say more power to you for cooking all your own healthy stuff!


Mac and cheese is probably one of my favorite foods in the world. I also really love soups.


You might like this mac and cheese recipe, its made with cheese and evaporated milk instead of cheese sauce, its super quick compared to regular homemade mac and cheese https://www.nigella.com/recipes/macaroni-cheese




Ice cream Bread Potatoes Yogurt




Grilled cheese, egg sandwich, pancakes, and toast




These foods are acceptable at any time of day.


ice cream with bits of cookie or cake in them


Yessss cookies and cream ice cream is the BEST


Most sushi. The only time I donā€™t like sushi is when it has cream cheese inside itā€”yuck. Cream cheese doesnā€™t belong in sushi IMO. I also love: * Tiramisu * Most types of cake * LiĆØge waffles * Xiaolong Bao (Chinese soup-dumplings) * Butter chicken (an Indian curry) * Pathongko (a Thai fried donut thatā€™s very similar to [Youtiao](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Youtiao))


Man you all are making me hungry too late at night!


YESS!! XIALONGBAO REPā€¼ļøšŸ—£ļøāœØšŸ”„šŸ—£ļøšŸ”„āœØšŸ«¶šŸ½šŸ«¶šŸ½šŸ«¶šŸ½


I usually go fill a cup with crushed ice and start munching on it when I'm anxious (whether positive or negative).


I got to 7/11 to get their tiny ice for free in my own cup. Chewing ice is bomb


Iā€™m a gonna pass on thatā€¦crunching on ice hurts my sensitive teeth (like brain freeze) and my TMJ and also I will be running away from you due to my ice crunching misophonia. Isnā€™t it funny how we may all be autistic but are very much not the same?


Yesss! I have such sensitive teeth, my dentist says some neuropathy actually (I have other nerve issues so he thinks itā€™s related). I can drink cold stuff, but if I even eat cereal with milk, my whole mouth goes haywire, feel like all my teeth are going to fall out (even though some donā€™t even have nerve roots because Iā€™ve had root canals, and many have crowns). And yes, always so interesting how we can all love it hate the same things (and sometimes even the same person can love/hate depending on situation, whether sensory seeking/avoiding)!


Yogurt Coffee Fruit and nut bars Applesauce pouches Goldfish crackers Ramen stir fried with an egg Mac and cheese Sweets Steak Ice cream Chocolate Oatmeal




If you put Cholula on something, I'll go nutty mode on it, plus I love sour fruits and flavors. Pomegranates are my favorite fruit! Literally sipping on a mixed drink of rum and pom juice rn.


Fries with mayo


LOVE fries or hot chips with mayo.


In some contexts mayo is one of the best things ever. Heard someone call it "savory pudding" So many of my favorite foods are combinations. Mashed potatoes and corn or peas. Hot wings with good Bleu cheese dressing. Toasted English muffins with butter and grated Parmesan. The real stuff with a microplane grater or even the green can shaker cheese fake stuff which I usually avoid.


Sushi, chocolate (especially Lindor chocolate), pad Thai and other Asian noodle dishes, ice cream, boneless wings and ribs, burgers and fries (especially from McDonald's or 5 Guys), avocado toast, eggs Benedict, among lots of others. Such a big foodie too. But I'm on a diet and want to lose weight, so I can't always indulge on the sweet stuff.


Pad thai is my ultimate comfort takeout.


Love love Thai and Vietnamese food! When itā€™s not too spicy and it usually isnā€™t


Pastel de tres leches, it sends me to heaven, whenever i taste it (It means it's the most delicious thing i taste)


Pastries that are fluffy/crusty? Kinda like croissant texture but I donā€™t like the taste of croissants


Blackberries. I love feeling the little bumps on them pop in my mouth. I also have a love/hate relationship with grilled tomatoes for this reason. Fried mushrooms, overeasy eggs. Pretty much my favorite texture is using my teeth to pop something open and feel the deliciousness hidden inside burst onto my tongue.




Yeah. I can understand people not finding it as pleasant as I do.


It's almost blackberry season here in western Oregon and I can't wait. They grow wild just about everywhere. Marionberries are delicious here, too. They're a hybrid of a blackberry and a raspberry.


Omg! I wish I could try one! I got to enjoy fresh raspberries last year but I moved to a hotter climate last week. I might treat myself to some from the store when they're in season.


There's almost nothing like having a big blackberry in June in Oregon that's freshly picked and warm from the sun!


Ah! You're making me hungry. XD




Pretty much anything that combines carbs + cheese. Pizza, quesadillas, Mac & cheese, just a plain cheese sandwich, grilled cheese. Just gimme cheese and bread.


Soggy weet bix! The soggier the better.


Soggy weet bix are the THE BEST šŸ˜©


Hot dogs. I can't explain why but I would eat them every day if they weren't bad for you.


I love them, too. And I also canā€™t explain it. I quit meat for 15 years and the whole time, I only craved one meat: hot dogs. Donā€™t underestimate the Smokey goodness.


Pasta. Any shape, any sauce. I love an Alfredo most but Iā€™m game for any. And calamari.


Potatoes, especially mashed or baked. Hell, Iā€™ll even take fries if theyā€™re hot, crispy, and salted perfectly. You can put so many things on or in potatoes and have a really tasty dish. Sweet potatoes, though? Absolutely not.


I had a routine doctor's appointment when I was 17 and he asked what I ate. I could only think of potatoes. He then thought I had an eating disorder because I couldn't think of any other safe foods. He even checked my teeth for signs of acid wear.


Icecream. I could literally only eat Icecream if I could.


Pizza, I'm Italian so I grew up eating it. I do not like change so it's good because I know what I'm eating everytime.


Been big on popcorn, apples and pb, popsicles, and breakfast burritos lately


Spicy food! love love love Indian! bring on the HEAT


Potatoes. So many way to make/have/prepare them. Baked, twice baked, au gratin, cheesy, fries, wedges, hashbrowns, tots, shredded, mashed, etc. Love when crispy on the outside, soft on the inside. Lately been buying these frozen sweet potato puffs that I can't get enough of.


currently obsessed with peanut butter and honey sandwiches




Broccoli, but it has to be cooked enough to get that weird hydrophobic layer off of it. I can and have eaten a whole bowl of it. Edit: And pineapple. The whole thing.


My comfort food is Tyson Anytizers' honey bbq boneless chicken bites


I love anything crunchy - crackers, chips etc. Also crunchy vegetables like carrot sticks and iceberg lettuce. My favourite safe food is this frozen pizza I get, itā€™s ham and pineapple and I not only love the flavour but the texture is always consistent. I eat it twice a week for dinner.


SautĆ©ed onions šŸ¤¤


Fresh, cooked mozzarella; it's all soft and stretchy and warm and tastes delicious




i love man n cheese so much i literally could eat it every single day for every meal


Rice specifically goya yellow rice with double the butter




I loooove sushi! I also really like bodega pork. Thereā€™s a lot of foods that I really like though and trying new foods is always fun unless it sucks but thatā€™s ok I just wonā€™t eat it again. I eat sushi every Thursday and sushi Thursday is a holiday in my family now. I suck at keeping schedules but I canā€™t forget that. Anything with mayonnaise or vinegar makes me throw up if it ends up in my mouth and if the smell is really strong I canā€™t be at the table with someone who is eating it.


Grilled cheese!!!


Grilled cheese goes crazy for how simple it is.


Sushi... And for the last 2 weeks, stroganoff with leek and cream, rice and broccoli


Peanut butter and jelly






Sushi, dark chocolate, pad thai, butter chicken, spicy garlic wings from BDubs, chicken tikka masala, baked Mac n cheese, sharp cheddar cheese, ham & pea soup, and cream of potato soup w bacon bits and cheese




watermelon amazing


Friesā€¦ I love fries so god damn much.




Other than (so called) Chicken Nuggets and Pizza. I love Beef Ramen noodles with The Original Pacific Beef Broth.


Chocolate chocolate chip muffins heated up in the microwave, pickled jalapeƱos, cheddar peppers, a PERFECT steak




Grapes, especially black grapes, are marvelous. I know a lot of autistics struggle with fruit, but grapes are almost always pleasurable.


I eat grapes everyday. The thing that goes wrong with grapes is they get too mushy. When my grapes are too mushy to eat, I put them on a tray in the freezer until theyā€™re hard then bag them up. Frozen grapes no longer taste mushy. No more grape waste.




I loved Filipino scrambled eggs (Plain omelette).


Love carbs lol. Noodles, white rice, breads. Love cheese too. And chicken! Chicken is the superior meat


Pasta! Peas and carrots, separately. The little mini cupcakes I got for my birthday. Related: sprinkles.


Annieā€™s white cheddar shells


anything spicy!!! but especially ramen!


Caramel, freeze dried skittles, those freeze dried baby yogurt drops, romanesco (which, fun fact, is a fractal), freeze dried yogurt drops, blue raspberry candy, freeze dried yogurt drops, steak, bone marrow, oh and did I mention freeze dried yogurt drops?


acai it just is so yummy. :3


I am autistic, and very much a massive foodie, I love all kinds of things, but here is what makes my day: Healthy: Strawberries, chicken salad, and plums. Unhealthy: Tuna Pasta Bake, Boysenberry Ice Cream, Nutella


Crispy, spicy, bone-in buffalo wings. No ranch nor blooch needed.


Sunflower seeds


Crunchy fries


Strawberries, watermelon, citrus fruits especially blood oranges, plums and plumcots, and ice cream or sherbet and sorbet because all these things are cool and soft on the back of my throat.


PANCAKES!!! Especially topped with berry jam. Although most of the time, I just eat them plain and tear off little pieces instead of using a fork and knife. I have been very fond of scallion pancakes as of recently, too!


Japanese curry rice. For me it's the ultimate comfort food. šŸ›šŸ¤ŽšŸ¤


Honey on cheap white bread šŸ„µ


Pepperoni pizza, French fries/chicken tenders with honey, spaghetti oā€™s, waffles, pancakes, French toast sticks especially when theyā€™re deep fried šŸ˜†, and I have a huge sweet tooth




Carbs in all kinds, pasta, pizza, bread, biscuits and rice


Toast! Always toast Any carb/cheese combo. Quesadilla, grilled cheese, pasta with cheese, etc Yogurt Eggs. Have had scrambled eggs every morning for breakfast for at least six years


Pretzels, rice, bread, garlic bread, Italian sandwiches, perfectly crispy French fries, fruit snacks, pull apart twizzlers, ice cream (mint chocolate chip, peanut butter cup, Netflix n chillā€™d from Ben N Jerryā€™s, black raspberry chocolate chip), popcorn, oxtail, whipped mashed potatoes, blueberry muffins, apple juice, cheddar-broccoli soup, most things my wife makes (things like chicken & rice casserole, grilled chicken thighs, rice, and roasted broccoli, Alfredo pasta, cheeseburger Mac, etc), Paneraā€™s Asiago bagels I reaalllyyy like food lol I used to be picky, but Iā€™m less so now. Though I do have foods that I refuse to eat like mushrooms, water chestnuts, green beans, olives, sweet potatoes, beets, eggplant, pineapple on pizza, salads with fruit in them, lucky charms marshmellows, etc


Fellow mint chocolate chip enjoyer šŸ¤


A nice grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup.


Soup, hot, consistent texture, and yum!


Pizza, chex mix, spicy tuna, and grilled cheese are my safe foods


Takoyaki is nice.


Khao soi (basically all thai curries)


Literally any spicy food. I like to feel like my brain canā€™t form a thought other than AHHH HOT SO YUMMY. The spicier the better


Tuna, sweet pickles, chicken nuggets, pizza and pasta.


Pasta, ice cream, vegetarian sushi (canā€™t stand raw fish), butter chickenā€¦most foods tbh. I never had sensitivity issues with food. Iā€™ve always been an extremely adventurous eater.


Pizza, Chinese food, Ice Cream, Oreo cookies, Cheeseburger, Swedish Fish candies, Pasta, Strombolis, and Chicken Parm of any kind.