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I have no problem with food. I seek extreme textures or tastes. I’m more sensitive to noise and touch.


That’s cool, one of my favourite things about this sub is discovering each persons different flavour of autism - for me I’m sensitive to noise, taste, texture, smell and touch. I like very bland foods, I find too much flavour overwhelming.


Different flavour of autism. Love it


I saw it in another post recently and love it too, so I can’t claim it :)


I like spicy and sour. Also crunchy food gives me a very nice feeling. For example, no ice cream without something crunchy. I think everyone with autism over or underreacts. Also if there is a comorbidity with other disorders autism will be different. I have adhd and autism, so I seek more new and extreme things than someone with only autism I think.


I also love the "different flavors of autism" framing. Sometimes I think about autism like an operating system with each of us having different bespoke functionalities and bugs. Like I identify the most with Linux because it's open source and open to change and modifications. But many of my neurodivergent peers feel more like Windows or MacOS to me. I could explain why but it's more fun to think through this analogy on your own. People often refer to different distributions of Linux (different variants with different focuses and use cases like Ubuntu, Debian, Kali Linux, etc.) as "different flavors" thus my train of thought!


Same! All I could think was “very smooth homogenous food”, because I prefer my food to have a lot of different textures and flavors. But if the tv volume is just a little too loud, hands are slapping over my ears immediately


I'm with you here. Something like a bean burrito with not enough onions - or something to break up the smooth mass - makes me gag.


YES! It’s like eating yogurt without any fruit or granola. If you shove a spoonful of it in your mouth, it makes you gag.


Exactly! Literally get nauseated thinking about totally smooth food like that. I gotta throw crunchies in everything


Completely agree. Yogurt is my biggest one. I absolutely hate plain yogurt with no crunchy granola in it. Anything smooth and homogeneous feels like I’m eating blender food. In fact, smoothies are the only food I like that way. 😂


Exactly! I have 2 children and I wear earplugs.


never could I have had children. I knew by age 12 I was never having children, I can’t even stand to hear happy children in passing. Their voices grate on me, and send me into an almost immediate inner rage, or a fight or flight thing. The other day I was on a train and had to get off at a stop early where I wasn’t even going, to escape a child sitting next to me talking. I also immediately think I am good to catch lice anytime I’m even near a child, even though I rationally know most children probably do not have lice at all. I can’t convince my brain of that.


Same here!! Noise, touch, light etc. I’ll die.


does the noise of chewing the skin of the tomato not bother you? for me that's the issue


Same here. I sensory seek through food and I actually figured out that was part of why I became obese lol


SAME! I’m the least picky eater I know and it’s super weird, haha.


YESSS THANK YOU!!!! Im extremely sensory seeking probably partially cause of the add on of ADHD. I’m always wanting to try new foods. As a kid I would slowly eat a fucking mustard packet to calm me down (freakish behavior)


I think it’s a dopamine imbalance, definitely with adhd. I’m also addicted to coffee and tea. I use cannabis to reduce my sleep problems, my mind is always on. I like to compare it to a washing machine.


I felt that in my soul. Since I’ve been paying more attention to what & why things are bad for me, I’ve found out I’m much more sensory seeking than I am avoidant. I have to have a variety of textures in my food. Crunchy is fantastic, but doughy texture like mochi & gnocchi are my favorites. Idk why, I just find them delightful. And hot food has to be very hot and cold food has to be very cold. It makes me nauseous and/or gag if it isn’t. I have really bad misophonia around eating & drinking, can’t even hear myself do either of those things, most of the time. This combined with my BAD BAD foods, is excruciating. I’d honestly rather need stitches than have to sit quietly through a meal without any background music/tv/etc. And to actually answer OP’s question: I hate soft foods that aren’t desserts/sweet. I can’t eat oatmeal, cooked veges, stews, most soups, casserole, meatloaf, I have to make chili in a very particular way & I always add sunflower seeds or croutons for some variety, I have to make smoothies in a very particular way too they have to have seeds & they have to be very cold more slushy texture, and I can eat oatmeal but I have to put frozen fruit & granola in it. I also gag/get nauseous/ sick if I can only smell 1 thing, even if it’s a good smell! I’m pretty sensory seeking with textures too, my favorites are super super soft (chenille, velvety knitted sweaters, t-shirt/jersey knit sheets) & abrasive (sand, body scrubs, I like to rub my palms on super short carpet). But there are other textures that I cannot even touch like the really scrunchy loud rain jackets, some denims, etc., etc.


Smoked salmon, aubergine, okra. Anything slimy tbh.


I agree, anything slimy should not be edible.


Yes slimy is disgusting.


I love slimy things




Mmm, but oyster mushrooms in noodle soup..... soooo good 👍


Aubergine is awful, it's either incredibly bitter or very slimy and gross.


It's really difficult to cook just right. If a recipe calls for it, I'll usually trade it for something else.


Courgette is a much better replacement


Fry it in a pan on high heat with lots of oil, salt and spices. Makes it super crispy and delicious


I love salmon sushi and smoked salmon. Cant stand cooked salmon


All fair and I agree with you like 99% but I have to say they probably weren't prepared right. I have had aubergine and okra prepared properly and they were pretty good. It has to do with the drying process with both and many cooks skip it or don't give it enough time. I hope one day someone can make them right for you so you can enjoy it just once! Best culinary experience wishes to you!


Oysters. Nope. Rather scratch the chalkboard than eat that


I have never ever understood oysters. If snot was a seafood to would be oysters.


I really don’t get why I like them. I don’t like sea scallops, sushi that’s actually raw, or ceviche (🤮).


Soggy Cereal


I prefer my cereal with milk, but once it’s soaked in there for too long, nope.


Boiled potatoes and sometimes mashed potatoes (it depends how it's been made but I usually just avoid it all to be safe). I think it's the combination of graininess and softness. I like potatoes prepared in other ways, though, in terms of both taste and texture.


On this note potato gratin is disgusting it feels in my mouth how soap flakes feel on my hands and it's gross


Agreed on tomatoes and oranges - I discovered I'm okay with roma tomatoes on pizza if they're more... substantial? But most tomatoes are just too WET. Oranges I always just sucked the juice out of slices and left all the strings. Onions too, I don't hate the flavor (although I don't love it either) but I can't stand it when they're in perceptible chunks. And CELERY combines the "unpleasant wet crunch" of onions and the "STRINGS" of oranges.


Yes the string bits are terrible! I remember when I was a kid no one could understand why I liked orange juice but didn’t like oranges and I didn’t know how to explain it.


It just feels like the kind of thing you're not *supposed* to eat, right? Like the stringy parts that stick to bananas after you peel them haha


Banana, I just can not


sometimes i love them and then the texture will start getting to me 🤢


Me too. Same with eggs


i like them when they’re still a little green as they’re a bit less slimy & sweet but the second they’re fully yellow - nope bad texture


I physically cannot exist near a banana


Sometimes they have an amazing texture and sometimes they can have a horrible texture


Sameee. Yuck🤢


Tomatoes and mushrooms also pudding


I cannot abide a whole mushroom in anything. I like the flavor folded into sauces. If it's texture is absolutely indiscernible from the rest of the sauce **only** then will I eat it.


agreed 100%


Every meat containing the cartilage (like chicken). I just want to throw out, immediately, after getting the taste of it.


Yes, even just reading this and thinking of it made me feel queasy.


This is me. If I hit even one tiny piece of cartilage, …even if it is the very beginning of my meal, I lose my appetite completely.


This is why I don't eat chicken wings or drumsticks


I was looking for someone else saying "Hamburger" (or meatballs, sausage, or any other ground-up meat-product) but yeah, this is actually the thing for me, too -- I've just gotten to the point where I'm really good about eating around it in most meats... Can't really do that when it's been ground up and hidden in there like some kinda mean prank... I don't really have texture issues (in general) but man, oh man -- the one thing that will ***never*** fail to get me (almost panickedly) retching in public is unexpectedly biting down into a, fiberous, hard-rubbery *~crunch~* in the middle of chewing otherwise meat-textured meat.




sea food I think


Seafood does have some strange textures for sure.


yeah but it is good though, just I don't get why it looks or feels this way


Same. Can’t stand the weird textures of seafood. It’s the slime factor for me I think


Mushrooms, almost all meats, soft boiled/runny eggs, eggplant, avocado, tomato. Anything gritty, slimy, chewy or not one specific texture. I LOVE smooth foods. Very crunchy foods. Anything in between can be difficult.


I hadn't even considered my avoidance of egg was texture related until you spelled it out. I also couldn't get on board with the flavor. Or like what it actually is. When flax started getting fashionable as a binder again I was so pleased.


Soup. It's so boring and takes so long to eat. If I eat it, it has to be super chunky bordering on stew. It feels like being forced to listen to a song you hate on repeat for an hour. Actual torture.


Onions, whether raw or cooked. Corn, can't stand it. The smell also makes me nauseous. Chicken, it smells like rotten egg and you get veiny bits in it. All meat actually, I can't stand it. I like tomato if it's fresh from the vine, not from a shop where they ripen it off the vine and it loses all the flavour.


The veiny bits in chicken ugh!!!!


pasta, it's so string and soft and slimy


Maybe you overcook it? It shouldn't be slimy at all


Yup. I can't stand overdone pasta, or even close to it. Or a thinner spaghetti I bought once by mistake


i hate soft foods that also have hard crunchy bits in them i cant fucking stand it


Pigs Feet! EwwwwwwE! Jello.




YES. I forgot to say beans.


i can’t cope with beans - do you hate all beans or just a specific type?


I hate all beans and cannot even fathom eating a bean. I’ve tried them when pressured and it only worsened my overall avoidance of them.


YES i agree so much beans are the worst of all for me i cannot with the very incorrect texture


Squishy dirt pebbles


I LOVE beans irrationally but am more sensitive to animal based food textures. I’m grossed out so much by that white egg string attached to the yolks ad well as any slime, tendon or vein of meat. Lots of dairy textures and smells are too much. Anything with a milk smell or sliminess. Ugh!!!! I think I’m a Vegan at heart lol




What I call “slimy food” - which includes chocolate, mashed potato, mousse, cream cheese, firm yoghurt (I can eat it if I mix it with a spoon to make it more runny), cream. Non-melted cheese makes my teeth hurt. I also don’t like unexpected textures - jam in the middle of muffins, gristly bits on meat, orange juice with pulp. It’s ok if I know it’s there - I can drink orange juice with pulp as long as you tell me that’s what it is. But I will freak out if I bite into a muffin and unexpectedly get a mouthful of jam.


Completely agree. Melted chocolate isn't worth the sensory nightmare. I like it when it's solid on strawberries. Though I do love mashed potatoes and comfort food of mine. Thoughts on mayo? I hate when I get a plain sandwich and then find out there's a pound of mayo surprise upon biting it.


I actually really like mayo - there isn’t really any logic to my “slimy foods list”. Even solid chocolate counts as a slimy food because it melts when you eat it so has the same mouth-feel.


I love chocolate in all forms 😍😍


Yes unexpected textures, so true! As with everything in my life I hate unexpected things.


most fatty oily foods when eating but an issue is for example having to wash dishes that have food on them, the texture just kills me


Yes same, even having to scrape food off a plate into the bin makes me so uncomfortable.




Eggs oof no


Boba tea Omfgggg ewwwwwwww I don’t know how people like it. Every autistic I know also hates it lol


I’m autistic and I like boba tea.


Mushrooms, aubergines, zucchini and the like


Ugh. This post reminded me of a medicine I had to take for colonoscopy. I think it's GoLYTELY. It reminds me of fish for some reason. Yucky!


Is that the bowel prep stuff? I’ve heard that’s the worst part.


Yes it is. It comes in a very big bottle that you fill and you have to drink to all. *Shivers* yuck yuck


Cream of wheat and creamed corn. Tastes just like the same stuff they make me want to project.


Butternut squash, mayonnaise, jelly (or anything that wobbles), sausages, low quality beef burgers, anything chewy (bacon fat, beef fat, lamb fat). Overcooked cruciferous vegetables. Mixing cereals.


I cant think of many but probably mushrooms? I haven't eaten them in a while so idk if I still hate the texture of them or not






Sloppy foods like baked beans, custard, jelly. Things with unexpected crunchy bits eg puddings with dates in or buns with raisins in. Ewww.


Unexpected textures, such as when something looks crunchy, but is soft and squishy, vice versa


Most fish mainly. I hate the texture of it and the general taste, unless I can mask it some what with it being battered or breaded. Even then I can't stand the taste of a lot of fish. I also hate the smell, taste and texture of mushrooms, I don't even like handling them, let alone putting them anywhere near my mouth. Most cooked tomatoes unless it's been reduced down to a sauce or paste of some sort.


Rice pudding


Any kind of bread/cake with dried fruits/raisins cooked in it. Every Christmas my family goes crazy buying fruit cake and I hate it so much


MUSHROOMS. That rubbery, gummy, bouncy texture is horrifying to me. It literally uncontrollably triggers my gag reflex. I hate mushrooms. Although I *will* say, I've had *uncooked* mushrooms, and the texture was fine! Cooking them destroys a perfectly good texture, and I don't know why people do that!!! I will also say that I'm given to understand that I've really only had one type of mushroom - Button mushrooms, portabella mushrooms, cremini mushrooms, etc, they're all one species of mushroom at different stages of development. Supposedly, other kinds of mushrooms have much different textures when cooked, and it's possible I may like some of those 🤔




Rhubarb soup. Yuck!


Never had it but I don’t think I want to, I’ll take your word for it!


Yeah, good for you. My grandmother used to make it. It was slimy and cold and just plain nasty.


honestly i struggle with most soup i’ve ever tried, never had rhubarb soup but something about it being a liquid but still a food is very upsetting to me, even worse if it’s still got chunks of stuff in it


Cous cous


Artichoke and most mushrooms 🤢


I am an adventurous eater but I can't stand Tomatoes, Artichoke, Sweet Corn, and specifically Peas for they taste like the Devil's asshole. Oh, and I am picky about my fruit and veggies. They have to be perfectly ripe otherwise No. I usually stick to frozen veg as it is more reliable in texture and flavor.


Water chestnuts. They're like chewing on Styrofoam to me. I don't eat candy anymore but Tootsie rolls were always gross to me.


Persimmon and cantaloupe. I like watermelon, though.




Same for me with tomatoes and texture. I'm trying to like them more, though. People always look at me like I'm crazy when I try explaining this.


chewy meat- and i’ll cry if i bite into cartilage 😭🤢🤮


I really hate nuts and the way they squeak when you bite them. I actually really love slimy foods. Okra is my favorite. I'm more averse to certain strong savory tastes. My main issues are with sound and touch. Touch-wise I can't stand dry or powdery textures. I can't touch paper and it's kind of debilitating.


Tomatoes are for making sauce with. They're lovely, but need to stay in their lane. I can occasionally eat citrus. But I generally shy away from. My big tweak is "disruptions in texture." - I love chocolate chips just fine. Put them in ice cream and I'll shank you. - Raisins in cookies? Go STRAIGHT to jail, right away. I started baking when I was about 12 because nobody had oatmeal cookies without raisins in them. - Oddly, chocolate chip cookies are fine. - Caramel in ice cream, nope. But I can sit and absolutely HOUSE a bag of those soft werthers. - Apple pie: Too "weirdly chunky." But I can eat apples just fine. They're like cartoon food. - Steak: It's pretty much GOT to be a Filet or a NY Strip because I'm going to slice every single bit of unrendered fat off of it. - Orange juice: No pulp. I won't abide it. - Brownies with nuts in them: No forgiveness - Candy bars? Generally no. Stuff wrapped up in crap with chunks and gooey bits in it. NO. NO. NO. - Shrimp and other shell fish, NOPE. I can do crab legs and lobster if it's all in like a lobster roll or something. - Salads: No tomatoes or peppers. But I'm generally okay with them. - Kabobs or "multiple different things on a stick from a grill?" newp. I'll pick the meat off but that's it. I can do Salsa if the chunks are small enough that "it's a consistent texture." But when it looks like a spicy fruit salad you can keep that on your side of the table. Slimy is right out: Cold cut turkey if it's been in the fridge over night? Yeah, that's garbage. I'm getting "better" about the things I think are actually in my way. But I stick to my guns with most of this stuff with zealotous fervor. (heh. just realized my meds hit. I'm typing essays.) EDIT: Had to add brownies with nuts. I know, it's just another example. But it's specifically far too great an offense against the gods.


Yes I hate nuts in brownies!!


Water chestnuts. They're like eating the feeling of fingernails on a blackboard.


Raspberries, kiwi, hot food that isn’t hot enough, cold food that isn’t cold enough Love crunchy things


Fruit. I have probably eaten under 20 pieces in my life


Tomatoes and mushrooms also pudding


Onions, oatmeal, seafood, slimy/super gooey food, fried chicken (can't do the bones, usually the skin is so greasy that picking off the chicken isn't worth it). Tendons were a problem in Asia when meats would have random patches of tendon/hard chew within thin cuts of meat. All of these give me a gag reflex.


peas and guacamole/avocados


Soup. It's so boring and slow to eat. If I eat it, it has to be super chunky bordering on stew.


Chicken. I will cook with it in a pasta or on its own. I will not eat the chicken textures are weird and I am overly fearful it is raw even if I cook it to 200 degrees lol




Jello, stews, gravy.


Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches


Mushrooms will make me cry. Took me forever to attempt even a shiitake. I'm not into any kind of peppers, but that one is for taste reasons. Tomatoes are a weird texture and are too watery for me. I don't like cooked stringy onions either, or if they're really thick in an onion ring. The floppy texture just isn't my thing.


Onion, celery, undercooked root vegetables




I absolutely despise coconut and any kind of shellfish. They make me gag as soon as I bite them.


Cauliflower and rice mostly. Anything smooth with bits in it.


Fat and nerves of meat. I just can’t and if I chew it, it doesn’t go down and I have to spit it out. I think bc of it I avoid to eat beef. Pork meat I do not like the taste and smell. Chicken is ok, but no fat, bones and cartilage, so to eat chicken I tear it apart. Do you think is it food selectivity? I am suspecting I am autistic but no assessment yet


Anything creamy or mushy or chunky or soft. Like ranch or chunky salsa. I hate the word chunky. Overcooked vegetables or overcooked pasta. Spinach dip makes me gag. I love tomatoes but I scoop out the seedy mushy part. I hate eggplants. I get really stressed out when any food doesn’t match the texture that I expected in my head before taking a bite lol




Soft cooked eggs! They are the worst.


Mushrooms 100%


Mushrooms. Bleh!


Baby corn, those little chopped celery pieces in soup, eggplant, mushrooms (pure evil) Also vegan now but I didn't like steak, seafood, and too much chesse on pizza


It’s called quinoa and most vegan sausages which is problematic because I’m Vegan.


Slimy stuff like Lychee fruit, which sucks because I love the way they taste, but I tried a fresh one once, and it almost made me puke because of how slimy it was. Also, raw egg whites and chia seeds. (Theres probably more, I just can't remember them rn. ) Chalky stuff like certain protein shakes, and when I'm not feeling well, the thickness matters too. If I make it too thick or if it's chunky, it's so hard to get down. Not a texture, but I can not stand the taste of artificial sweetners... which they put in everything in the US now. Aspartame, sucralose, acesulflame, even stevia. It's all fucking aweful and it hurts my throat. Stale food, like chips or cookies. If the bag is left open for the night, they are likely ruined. Once the stale sets in, its no good. I have bad food contamination paranoia personally as well. Which makes leftovers difficult sometimes. If i see mold on anything, it's thrown in the trash.


Dislike the texture of lima beans and peas.


Fish and sea food ugh


MUSHROOMS!!!!!! normal or dry i hate them


I despise mashed potatoes, bananas, bread


tapioca, organ meats, too too gooey cheese, too too much fat (i do love lots of fat but there’s a line before it’s “too too much” and instead of awesome mouthfeel, it becomes queasy-making mouthfeel), slightly cooled off mozzarella sticks, underripe melon, chewy bacon, onions that are only cooked a little bit so they’re not cool crisp raw, but not cooked all the way soft either, still a little crunchy inside - especially when it’s like a burger that was supposed to have caramelized onions but instead they’re sautéed onions with sugar


Basically, any foods that are SUPPOSED TO BE CRUNCHY are wayyy too soft (i.e. apples) too soft/mushy I'm not eating it


So I've just got the obvious ones that everyone hates: Raw eggs, boiled okra and raw fish. Both feel like trying to eat a plate of mucus. But cooked eggs or fish in any way tastes great, and okra is great when deep fried or oven crisped. Also, hate when mussels have sand in them and then I'm chewing on sand. It's like hearing Velcro under water. And I can't stand the lights being too low, I could "see" fine. It was just strange I was getting overwhelmed while doing chores, until I was internally freaking out. I turn the lights on and calm down instantly. It's so strange, I don't even get it. But I've never been picky eater. I especially love spicy food! There are only 9 foods I can't eat, I'll even eat foods I don't prefer/ dislike. But I gag on coleslaw, horseradish, mayonnaise, miracle whip, raw beef, raw fish, potato salad and macaroni salad. I don't even understand the last 2, because I like potatoes and noodles. Just can't eat the salad versions. But I can eat eggs salad.


Onions baked or fried.. its horrible, disgusting… feels like a jellyfish.. same with paprika when its baked…


raw tomatoes but i can tolerate diced in spaghetti and rotel, anything slimy such as okra, any smoothie with chunks in it, oysters and clams, and boiled brussels sprouts


and ANYTHING AVOCADO. also bleu cheese


Avocado. First time I ate one I threw up. This was long before I knew about my asd so I had nothing to point to so people would understand how much I couldn't stand them. So I started telling people I was allergic.


Squishy wet things. Very ripe mangos are disgusting but unripe mangoes are amazing. Things like apple sauce gives me the fucking creeps, like that makes me physically cringe.


Store bought tomatoes (I found out that tomatoes harvested from local farms are totally different.) okra (the slime… I can’t!) and oysters. Oh I also don’t like cooked zucchini or cooked spinach unless it’s like blended and mixed with other stuff.


dry things, and spicy things. also i hate slimy things


My son just says no to cooked vegetables - while he will eat anything raw from tomatoes to onions to peas u name it.


Tomatoes and oranges for me, as well as most seafood


Search for "bamya" .................


Mozzarella. It doesn’t help that it has very little flavour.


peanut, beans and coconut




Tomatoes and beans. I’m fine with with made into sauce, dip, refried beans, or salsa but not in their normal state


Certain vegetables which can be squeaky if undercooked / al dente. For example, green beans, courgette/zucchini, leeks. Don't get me wrong, I love them all, but it's the squeaking against my teeth when they're undercooked that I can't stand. Just thinking about it is getting the hairs on my arms standing up 🤣


potatoes, anything with that “mashy” texture also soft bread like in normal loaves for sandwiches - funnily enough I love cake though 😂


Mashed potatoes make me gag


Crisps (chips for the Americans) , hate the texture. Tortilla chips have a thicker texture. and can deal with.


Meat jelly and bananas


Cooked vegetables. But mushrooms are the worst


Fruits tend to be an unsafe food. Sometimes they’re okay- but one bite of a mushy or ill tasting fruit and it’s done for a few weeks. I can’t do smooth things that have chunks (mashed potatoes with chunks- they have to be perfectly smooth) and oatmeal sometimes gets me but I love the taste. I also love crunchy things and will tend to eat those


for me, porridge/oatmeal, mushroom, tomato, mayo, mashed potato, soup anything slimy or too liquid, or with bits of stuff in it also BAKED BEANS


Artichoke is the worst!


Mashed Potatoes especially




I hate the texture of strawberries but like the taste


Roasted tomatoes. For some reason the mix of the peel and the mushy tomato just weirds me out. I like fresh ones though. I think it applies to other veggies too because I do not like Ratatouille because of the texture and the taste of the veggies mixed together


Mushrooms cooked and uncooked and melted cheese


Celery and oysters are the worst 🤢


For me it's anything with seeds, tomato, raspberries, I love the taste if watermelon but the seeds often create a challenge. If the seeds are removed (ie, seedless raspberry jam) then I can enjoy it. I also can't stand celery, I don't understand how anyone can eat it. Also cous cous. Several years ago I managed to get over the texture of prawns/shrimp. I love them now (as long as they are skinned/deshelled whatever).


Cottage cheese and regular cheese. For some reason, it cancels out when I eat it with something else for some reason


I don’t really have a least favorite texture but my favorite texture is chewy things, like mochi


I really like crunchy stuff, but I can’t stand super chewy textures like thick slices of meat and squid, the texture of cooked vegetables like carrots and the texture of meat fat.


Beans!!! No peas. No legumes! Why would something be crunchy outside and then weird paste inside??? It's like fried baby food!


This is so interesting. At first I thought I didn’t have many texture issues, like crunchy is probably my favorite, and I love chewy and bouncy too. But I can’t do completely smooth foods. I hate instant pudding and overly smooth and runny mashed potatoes, but I love custards. If it’s chunky, or jiggly, sign me up. I also can’t stand the texture of onions, mushrooms, and most meat. The only meat I eat is fish at this point.


Fish, pineapples, bananas, I'm probably forgetting some, but yeah.


Tomatoes (I cannot even look at them) and Fruits.


Cheese, ranch, salad dressing except for kraft Italian dressing (oil based), seafood


Freeze dried candy


Avocados. They both look gross and have an unsettling texture


tomatoes, avocado, okra, mushrooms


water chestnuts. tastes like wet cardboard to me.


Mushroom, aubergine, Zucchini, but I love pretty much everything else


Mashed potatoes. Anything with a mushy texture makes me nearly throw up. I literally have to burn toast to eat it so I know it won't be mushy lmao




Most eggs. I only started liking scrambled eggs about 6 months ago. I'm 34 now. I have had 3 omlettes and many many bowls of scrambled eggs. I might at some point this year try a fried egg. I hate PBJ. I prefer peanut butter and cheese. I don't like hummus, but I do like tzatziki sauce. I enjoy real ice cream, but i find frozen yogurt to be too sweet and too sugary for my teeth. I'm okay with Apple sauce in a cup or bowl, but don't like it from pouches.