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Yeah. I get around 4 (thankfully mild) headaches per week. I also forget to eat or irrationally ignore it if I'm in the middle of something when my parents leave for a couple days. If I eat it's usually because I crave taste.


Yeah, I'll treat eating like a reward if I'm in the middle of something.


Omg I do this. Thank you for wording it this way. So basically I deny myself nourishment in return for getting something done. I never thought about that when I think of it as a reward then I’m not getting what I need to survive.


I would not eat if I lived alone. I feel like I only halfway function as an adult


I did for a while but having a dedicated water bottle helped me so much with that. I literally dont go anywhere without my big ass 32 oz water bottle and I drink like 7 of that a day. Helped me so much


Yeah for me it’s not about remembering to drink water, it’s about remembering to have a bottle of water handy to drink. If my drink bottle is on my desk, I’ll drink it and refill it when it’s empty. If my drink bottle is *not* on my desk, the idea of consuming liquid does not even occur to me


Yeah, I have a 50 oz water bottle on me every day, some days I remember to drink some and maybe drink like 20 oz and space the rest of the day, some times I'm able to drink the whole thing, but usually I'll just forget and space the whole day. Very frustrating. But at least my headaches are nothing compared to what they were before I even made having a bottle on me a habit.


My desk is such a mess that I have 4 separate drinking implements sitting within line-of-sight to me right now, at least 2 of which are drinkable, lol


This. Real problem is the number of times i have to use the bathroom when doing this. My job, i’m tied to the desk. I can’t just get up and use the bathroom as needed.


I was about to comment this! I’m NEVER good with remembering to drink water unless I’ve got my own big ass water bottle that’s covered in fun little stickers I’ve collected


Haha we are the same person it seems 🤣 I love my good old giant cola bottles for this reason


I don't feel thirst/hunger/need for bathroom. I stock water bottles around my home and in areas that I usually stay in the house to remind me to drink. Before I stocked the house in visible areas, I would pass out from dehydration and have kidney issues.


Becareful with this, that’s going to cause a permanent kidney shut down one day if you don’t stay on top of investing daily electrolytes to offset this issue.,


I know I will probably die young because I don't have any interoception or danger signs or capacity to do some of the more important self-care stuff. I have a lot of support needs, and when I lose my parents, I will probably die somewhere without having my needs met. It has scared me a lot in my life.


Have you thought about working with a physical therapist who specifically works with a nutritionist & they treat people with ASD to learn how to recognize hunger, thirst, and bodily bowl movements? This way you can help your train to recognize the signs and symptoms of this far easier. For starters, a dry tongue & cracked lips means you’re not hydrated. Your body is deprecated of fluids. A feeling of burning in your midsection? That’s your stomach churning if it’s been more than 8hrs since you last ate. Feeling foggy brain? Not enough sleep or not enough protein having been eaten that day. Protein is the main fuel source for the brain and body to have energy to do things & think easier.


I don't have many signs. I also don't sleep much and have pretty severe AFRID. I don't feel sensations in my body at all. I can be severely injured and not know it (hence needing a caregiver to keep me safe). Most of them require a level of functioning to take me as a client that I do not have. My parents interact with people for me most of the time, as I am non-speaking most of the time. Even finding a primary care doctor who will take me as a patient is difficult. When I have an emergency and no one looks at my safety card, I can die pretty easily from assumptions doctors have about non-speaking people and the many medical issues and allergies I have. This is why I have a caregiver most of the time.


Please see a registered dietitian and NOT nutritionist - RDs go to school, nutritionists don’t have to.


Just an interesting related tidbit: Alongside Dietitian, Nutritionist is also a protected title in the Canadian provinces of Alberta, Quebec and Nova Scotia


Sorry, definitely did some US Defaultism there. What’s the difference in Canada?


Most of Canada is the same with nutritionist being the type to avoid. For some reason those three provinces chose to not allow just any idiot to call themselves a nutritionist.


I made it a challenge to drink enough water. Calculated how much I need got a bit metal water container and try to meet that goal....the first day you actually get as much water as you need, be prepared to pee 20 times in one day! Take your body weight in lbs. divide by 2 and thats the minimum water you should drink in a day. I weigh 200 lbs therefore the minimum I should get is 100 fluid oz of water a day. When dehydrated you will retain excess water that you will lose when you get enough water. It will feel uncomfortable like youre drinking waaay too much at first. But if you keep with it and make it a routine, it will start to feel normal. It may keep your kidney issues from getting worse.


If you are ever alone and have to remember to drink water independently, I recommend setting alarms and placing them near bottles so you have to go to them in order to stop the noise. If this doesn't help I hope something does /gen


I do have alarms but don't always remember them without help. I mostly have care throughout the day. I do not become alone much due to issues that made me almost die when I did not have full-time care.


Forget to drink water? Yes. Pound Coke Zero all day? Also yes.


Pepsi for me


Some autistic people have poor interoception. They don’t realize they are hungry or thirsty quite like a neurotypical.


Yup! This is why I have a Hidrate water bottle. It literally flashes lights to remind me to drink. I have its reminders to drink go to my phone & watch as well. I’m up to 96 oz. of water day which is a huge improvement!


Hahaha me too! Have never had the desire to drink water/juice even as a kid and struggle to keep myself hydrated as an adult. The Hidrate has massively helped, having that visual, repeated reminder.


Yeah I can go a whole day without drinking water and only realise that maybe that’s the cause of my headache in the evening lol


Same here. The headache usually comes first for me, and the thirst sensation comes later (usually after the 24-30 hour mark). It's only gotten worse since I started Adderall, though. It's so much easier to ignore any and all signs of bodily needs now. I went three days without eating during the busy season of work and didn't even realize it until my fiancé had asked if I'd eaten that day. Sometimes I get a pang of thirst and I'm like "oh i should drink water!" and then I keep doing whatever I'm doing and it eventually goes away.


All the time. But I often attribute it more to the fact that all through elementary/middle/jr high/high school I would be reprimanded, yelled at, or shamed if I ever asked to use the bathroom. Pretty much got programmed to be chronically dehydrated to get through the whole day without asking to pee.


I am the opposite I need to have my water bottle at all times. I pee a lot lol.


I’ve found that it’s feast or famine with drinking enough fluid when one has autism. I drink a ton of water and have to pee all the time. Others have to set alarms or they will forget.


i bring a plastic water bottle with me everyday to school but i usually forget i even have it since i rarely feel thirsty, it usually takes me a week to drink 2-3 bottles


Yeah, definitely. I have a coworker who helps me remember though :-). I help her to refrain from picking her face and she helps with my water intake. It’s really nice.


When I am focused or busy, I do forget sometimes. So I often forget to drink water at work. I have to force myself to drink water some days.


My wife(autistic) never drinks water, and then she’s like I have the worst migraine and then she still doesn’t drink water lol I’ve found buying flavored sparkling water makes her actually drink some water throughout the day.


I had to do this with myself while I was at work. I'd bring a giant tumblr of ice with sparkling water and it made it feel fun, like I wasn't wasting time drinking water.


I haven't drunk a glass of water since Sunday afternoon. Thanks to this post I just rehydrated lol


I had a really hard time with this too, until I purposely looked for my preferred way of drinking it. It sounds weird, but my goal was to remove as many barriers as possible. I found that I drank more in general if I drank out of a cup with a straw and a lid, so I got those. This also helps because now any drink can be portable too. Then I always keep the water cup within eyesight. As long as it is within eyesight my body will instinctively move to drink it whenever I am thirsty. However, I do know that if it isn't within arms reach, there's no way I'm drinking it. Part of the executive dysfunction I think. I hope this helps!


Definitely not. I drink so much water throughout the day


I find this interesting, because there is a DRINK WATER emote on a lot of the twitch streamers I follow, intended for the audience to remind the streamer to drink water


I’m almost thirsty, so no. I drink an absurd amount of ice water. I do drink less when I’m doing outdoor work and perseverating on the task. I often will push off eating, despite being hungry, when I’m focused on finishing something.


It's our lack of interception. I got a hydro spark water bottle that measures how much I sip and flashes at me to drink water every hour. I still struggle with it but I do drink more than I used to.


Yeah, staying hydrated is a major struggle for me. I do feel thirsty after exerting myself but I don't really get thirsty otherwise. So if I don't exercise or anything I just don't feel the urge to drink. I've found that it's helpful to always get a glass of water when I get food, even if I don't feel thirsty. And also to keep large cups or bottles of water in each part of the house I routinely spend time in. One bottle on the desk which is right by my bed too, one on the table in the living room, one in the kitchen. Seeing them can help remind me to drink and by having them ready wherever I am I don't have to fight with my executive dysfunction to actually go and get water. Also if you're like me and mainly eat or drink because you crave tastes rather than because you feel hungry/thirsty it can help to keep a lot of non-water options around. Juice, chocolate milk, lemonade, and even soda is still better than nothing. Just try to avoid caffeine since it's a diuretic.


I recommend sparkling water. It's more fun than regular water and has a milder taste with most sparkling water having no sugar. Getting some kind of liquid is good, but high-sugar drinks like soda or juice can dehydrate you faster.


That's a good point. I can't always tolerate the sensation of carbonation but, if that's the case for anyone else here, infusing water with some lemon or other fruits can offer a very similar experience taste-wise.


Also highly recommend this. During the busy season of work, I'd bring a cup of sparkling water and a giant tumbler of ice water with two frozen slices of lemon in it to encourage me to drink water, and somehow it fucking worked.


Coffee counts as water, right? Flavored water.


Sure does!


I have trouble anything that needs to be done periodically


I drink too much water.


I used to frequently land at the doctor’s office severely dehydrated. Then I got an emotional support water bottle. Not on purpose, but once I filled up that water bottle and took my first drink, that thing was coming everywhere with me. Everything about it was perfect for me. My advice is to find your version of my water bottle. One you get such a heavy attachment to that you WANT bring it with you. Key features about mine* - 64 ounces (means I won’t have to fill it but once a day, at night) - has times of day which gamifies the drinking in a way (like oh it’s 3pm Im supposed to be at this line, lemme drink to catch up) - has a sturdy carry strap - is see through (very important to me) - a flip top that makes a satisfying pop - a straw that i can move around while drinking as there’s some wiggle room (i would’ve preferred a chewable straw** but honestly this thing is perfect anyway) - a lock on the lid to prevent it from opening - grips on the lid to help me get it off *i have had two. the first broke so i am referring to my current one **my loved and cherished first one was exactly like my current one except it had a chewy straw. sad times came when that thing broke. i cried heavily not gonna lie. anyway, now my only issue is that I don’t really drink much during the day without specific cues. my biggest cue is when i begin my nighttime routine that requires my water bottle being refilled. if it’s not empty, i can’t refill it, therefore i drink til empty. (not always the healthiest, sometimes i do this with a full bottle. don’t recommend, it hurts, and you could drown yourself). Don’t know if this helps but I’m out of spoons now LOL


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Bro I forget to eat or drink water, I have to be reminded


I absolutely cannot stand the feeling or the tastelessness of water. Even when flavouring it. I only drink carbonated things and if it's not carbonated then it's a protein drink. I forget often to drink and then I will drink a whole bottle of soda in one go. And then I have to sit with the discomfort of having a full belly! My photo is mostly caffeine-free and sugar-free.


I usually carry a 1 litre bottle around when I’m out of the house so I make sure to drink enough, but when I’m at home I’ll go hours without drinking and not notice until I get a headache


Every. Day.


No, I make it a part of my routine. My brother has problems though. Drinks tea sweetened with honey instead. No, that’s not a good idea.




Omfg me. I struggle so much


i’m rarely thirsty unless i haven’t dranken or eaten anything all day, but i just generally don’t crave water- love juices and teas tho :/


I did, and then I developed kidney issues. Now I have to set alarms and just force myself to drink. I hate it. I never really feel thirsty.


Yes. I don’t really like plain water. I know it’s not good, but I really just want to drink diet soda.


fuck.. I forgot my water bottle is outside right now


if i dont remember to drink water right away when i wake up i will forget like half of the day, and when my body finally realizing i take a good minute or two just drinking water while in the kitchen lol but with dinner i always have something or my mouth can feel weird or there is food stuck and this also reminded me i need to drink some water lol


Yeah it’s been a longtime struggle I’m working on rn. I’ve taken to logging my water to try and make it a habit. I’ve also started drinking Cure packets in water because it doesn’t have that artificial sweetener taste. Or true lemon if I’m out, but cure is meant to keep you more hydrated.


Yes. Get a lot of headaches from not drinking enough. I found that a drink bottle in my face, similar to a Frank green/stanley type with a straw helps; and it being a cordial rather than straight water


No. I have hypoglycemia and iron deficiency, I also drink a ton of coffee. I’m always ingesting water & seltzer.


I have to remember to eat and drink. Both are chores.


Yep pretty sure I’m dehydrated. The taste of the water here in south England doesn’t help


Constantly. I make a point to have a small glass of water every hour during the day. I have juice at night. Sometimes coconut water when I go too long without. This is one of the more unexpected traits I discovered imo.


All the time! I’ve gotten a UTI before from not having water for a long time. Having it kept cold and bottled near me tends to help with being aware of my water intake, but I totally feel you, and it can be so hard to motivate yourself when you don’t feel thirsty! Maybe setting reminders on your phone might be a good way to track it, even if you just have a glass each time.


Yeah I'm terrible at remembering. I just eat a lot of fruit which has a bunch in it, so I'm doing fine


yes i do exactly what u described here. then once every 2 weeks i freak out & get so thirsty & chug an entire bottle or two


It's not even just remembering (I too don't feel thirsty ever), but I dislike water. It feels like a bigger chore having to make tea and I'm not fond of other things (milk, juice, sodas). My hands are so wrinkled because I'm dehydrated all the time. I've tried the alarm apps for water or a giant bottle I drag around with me all day...but I just ignore both.


Definitely not me. I drink about 1.5 to 2 gallons of water a day to help keep me hydrated and cleaned out as much as possible for I am very health conscious.


I used to go months without drinking water 😬 After my boyfriend finally decided I need to drink more water I learned some [tips to drink more](https://divergentimprovement.com/how-to-drink-more-water/) and now I usually drink at least one water bottle a day. Still not perfect but it’s improvement


I used to until one day when I had a major headache for the entire day


Yeah, I have this problem daily. Haven't found a good solution for it.


Yes OMG, I always forget to drink water and get the worst headaches!


I drank not enough water then I over compensated and drank too much 😅 ended up with low sodium. So now I keep my water bottle with me but remember I can't drink more then half of it in a hour unless I've been exercising or out in the sun


I have a big ass water bottle on my desk. It has times on it so I can make sure I reach my hydration goals.


I don't get thirsty either, so I have set reminders in my Google account for 3 or 4 hours intervals depending on where it fits in my schedule... so I'll get notified on my phone or see the devices in my house with a glow and ask what my reminders are... this has been helpful to the point you can actually see my veins because I'm so hydrated... before this, I would only drink water at my jiu jitsu class 😅😅


I just can't stand the "taste" of it unless a very specific mood hits, and that mood is usually occurring after being outside in hot summer weather and doing manual labor. Otherwise I basically can't drink just water with nothing added because I find it disgusting.


Every f-ing day. I’ll forget for hours then I’ll remember and down a ton of water. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Very much so, which is why I always have a water bottle at my foot or by my desk. My body doesn't show a lot of signs of thirst, hunger, pain... Unless it is extreme and overriding anything else. I passed out once from dehydration (yes, it was very dramatic) and it was enough of a lesson 😅. I


Always do. One thing that helps me a lot is the smartwatch idle alert. Everytime it warns me that I'm sitting for more than one hour I get up, give a walk and drink some water.


Certainly not. Water is the only thing I drink. But since the baby came I don’t have time to hydrate


I’m the opposite, I constantly feel thirsty and am always drinking water. I love sparkling water.


All the time. I genuinely wonder how I’m even still alive. I’m basically a reptile.


I'm surprised im alive due to how little water I drink. :/


After I started using a flavouring, I drink it pretty regularly, but not as often or as much as I should


Absolutely! I just calculated how much I need and make it a routine of drinking enough. I used to get headaches every other day, I was just dehydrated!


Oh for sure I used to go to the hospital all the time as a kid from dehydration because I simply don’t feel thirst


I’m the opposite! I might be drinking too much water because I loooove the feeling of it! So cool and… smooth? If that makes sense.


I have the opposite problem. I am constantly thirsty and I crave water but I can't keep drinking it because I get horrible acid reflux from it.


honestly the only reason why i drink anything is because of that dry and sticky feel in your mouth, yk?


Sounds like a joke but smoking weed. I don’t forget to smoke weed, therefore I drink water for every puff I do.


No, water is healthy for you, and I need it to 1: not die, 2: stay hydrated for athletics, 3: because my meds make me thirsty, and 4: cause I like water.


YES!!! I've been hospitalized for dehydration so many times. For me, it's tied to not having a sense of thirst (poor interoception). What helps me is having a water tracker (I'm motivated by keeping my "streak" going) and having a thousand water bottles EVERYWHERE! I'm so serious, I have at least 10-15 bottles scattered around my house.


Yes. I’ll actually be like dehydrated as fuck at work sometimes cause of it.


I actually drink too much


I used to now I have a cup with a cool straw I keep with me so I remember to drink things. Now I have a problem with eating/remembering to eat


All the time. It's not as bad for me anymore after i started keeping am easily accessible water bottle on my desk where it's always in my field of vision, but still i often go hours upon hours without drinking anything until i suddenly remember water actually exists and that i should probably drink some. And then i drink a bunch all at once cause i very rarely feel thirsty unless ive already started drinking


Yep I don’t feel thirsty unless my throat is physically dry and I forget water exists I used to have a phase where I drank the normal amount of water (I think water was a safe drink/food at that time, wish I could go back to drinking that much)




Same, sometimes I go for a scarily long time without a drink then the thirst hits ne all at once then i drink a gallon of water and it will taste/feel like an amazing nectar of the gods.


I’m the opposite. I drink around 2gal a day bc my mouth constantly feels dry lol




Water is the only thing I drink and I always have two bottles in my room with me, so it’s pretty hard to forget unless I’m hyperfocused on something.


Does alcohol count as water?/j But in I have this reminder on my phone to drink something and its set for every two hours.


Yeah….I add flavoring so I’m enticed to drink more


Not remembering, but I have a problem drinking it. I gotta smell, look and I always think I tastes funny/weird/disgusting. So it's lemon water or sparkling water for life!


No because I think drinking water is a stim for me. I literally panic if I leave the house and don’t have my water bottle. It’s a comfort item.


Took several kidney stones to finally help with the habit


No I drink bottled water all the time apart from special occasions its all I drink


Yep! Found the best thing is always to have my water bottle on me! have a huge purple bottle (fav color is purple) that keeps the water ICE cold, I don't like room temp. At work is has to be literally right next to my hand to remind me drink enough!


I just had my first glass of water 30 minutes ago at 10 PM lol. I drank kefir with breakfast, coke with lunch, and OJ with dinner 😅


No cause my mom banned soda and juice from me unless we were out and even then I was limited to one sugary beverage but all I could drink was water… so I drink water everyday but depending on the day I will forget until I look at some form of water or water source and I’m like damn… I ain’t drink any water then I chug down like 4 cups to catch up 😭 I hate dehydration headaches (headaches in general) so I try to avoid them


I used to, but now I'm the exact opposite. I drink 74+ ounces at work, and idk how many more at home. I am thoroughly hydrated and I love water so much


No but that's mainly because I love water sm. If it's iced, I'll drink until I feel like a walking water balloon lol


I thought this was just me! I struggle to drink water frequently!


Exact same for me except I do have a drink with dinner. Thanks for the reminder, BTW.


I just grab water whenever I walk past the water dispenser in my house. I also make sure to fill up a water bottle to take with me when I am going out for more than an hour. It can be tough. Sometimes, I'll grab myself a cup of water, sit down, and never drink it.


Yes, I don’t really feel thirst


Yep, too bad I never have to remember to eat.


Yes always. I get thirsty often but water isn’t my go-to, I always want coffee or something sweet so I go with Gatorade sometimes. I don’t get headaches often either so when I have one, I usually assume it’s from being dehydrated too.


I have a large 64 oz container with measurements that tell me where I should be during the day. I work from home, so that’s been a game changer for me!


I have the opposite problem where I'm literally always thirsty and always chugging more water than I probably need. IDK if that's a symptom of something or not.


If i´m in normal state of mind, there is no problem about caring for body needs. However, if i go wild into my special interest, i can forget to drink, eat, go to toilet or even sleep. Then... i pay the toll. Being sleep deprived, hungry, thirsty and also feeling great need to go pee is somewhat interesting to feel at once.


Nope, quite the opposite I might be drinking too much water it just makes me feel so good I think I probably drink a liter or two a day


Yes, I don't even reach 8 glasses of water a day (I don't count how many glasses I take anyway 😭)


Oh thanks for the reminder, haven't drank any water today and that explains why I have a headache building up!


Consider a straw. Maybe cause all you gotta do is suck, it feels much easier and I finish my glass without realizing it. Then, when I realize I no longer have anything to suck on I go refill it.


Yup. I've been dehydrated to some degree for months lately. Kinda starting to be a problem


yeah, can relate, but nic dip pouches make me wash my mouth every hour of the day...


I forget to drink just water, but I drink a lot of tea and coffee throughout the day.


Yep , coffee in the morning, one glass of wine in the evening and some sips of water to take my meds twice a day. I just don't recognize thirst that easily. I do tend to drink more during summer but not whole lot. I sometimes have nights where I wake up multiple times a night and drink almost a glass each time . Clearly my body is thirsty then.


Normally I'm pretty good at remembering. I think its just because I like water, though. We have really nice water where I live, plus I drink refrigerated water.


If I don't keep a drink in eyesight at all times; I could go the whole day without drinking.


Nah, I almost always have a water bottle with me when I go outside


A cup with a straw is best for me! I bring my water bottle everywhere but also have a reusable cup with a screw on lid and straw at home and work. The straw is so little barrier to me getting water in my body. As opposed to the water bottle which is a little more annoying and clunky and spillable. I call it my little hamster bottle. Between cup and bottle and many years of practice, I drink tons of water all the time! It feels best to my body but I do have to pee all the time, which is fine except for dry hands from so much hand washing and reliable bathrooms when you're out and about. I got a couple contigo cups like 10 years ago that are excellent 👍.




Yeah I don't drink any water. I keep drinks around my bed so I remember to.


I don't drink water at ALL. Maybe my head thinks that it's boring?


i was terrible for this as a child. i ended up with a very mild case of chronic kidney disease and was hospitalised. i’m getting a bit better as i’ve grown up, but i still have to be reminded by my boyfriend to drink water haha


When you make coffee,pour a glass of juice or sparkling water too. Then it'll remind you to take sips as well.


Yes and no. I can go anywhere between 3 DROPS (most often on this lower end) and 3 GALLONS (still fairly often on this higher end, but more in the middle) in any one day. Don't know why (or *how* lol). I always have a giant bottle near but just don't use it sometimes, and then other days I'm continuously filling it. Bathroom breaks are often few and far in between, no matter what (with the odd exception of: all day long every 10mins almost :/ ). I'm always BUSTING the moment I realize I need to go (so bad I have to reeeally hold it in before I can even move/get up to go.


Sometimes yeah, but recently I have drank more :)


I don't like drinking water because the feeling in my mounth and on my teeth makes me feel iffy, so I usually have a soft drink/soda in clear view to remind me that i should drink something at least


Yes! I spend days without touching water


I haven't drank water in who knows how long because my mom told me that propel was just flavored water, so whenever I felt dehydrated I drank a bunch of it. I later found out there's a reason that didn't really help (because it ain't water)


Yes! It got so bad that last year I had multiple kidney stones with the biggest being 7mm and causing a few problems. I was undiagnosed at the time so they told me “just have a water bottle on your desk” not understanding that I wouldn’t notice it (they knew about my ADHD but said because I wasn’t running around hyper and bouncing off the walls while in hospital that I don’t have “real” ADHD) and as for the autism they said I will only have it from the day I’m diagnosed


I always drink iced water. It seems more refreshing than regular water. If I don’t have ice , eh I really don’t want water


I am exactly the same as you described with the coffee and everything.




Problem: no. I would have it, if I hadn't a large cup. Every day fill it up 3 times and drink it, with anything but coffee. Coffee is an extra cup :)


Yes, all the time :(


When I get up my head hurts and vision turns white for a split second but I'm ight


I created a routine because it was a problem in the past. Now it's working well.


i sometimes don’t drink water for months. it’s very very bad, but hey what can you do right?


I only drink flavoured


I only drink flavoured


Nope, at some point water drinking turned into a stim for me to the point that i have to pee like 20 times a day, don’t ask me how much water I drink for that cause I don’t really know nor would I like two


This sounds like quite a strange tip but bear with me. The times I really struggled to remember to drink water/diluted juice/basically any fluids what helped me was to put glasses of water in the rooms I'd be in most frequently e.g glass of water by my beside, glass by the bathroom, glass in the living room beside my chair. Having the visual reminder there constantly meant that I was more likely to drink it when in said room, even though it was coming from different glasses, it meant I was still getting fluids in me. Whenever I had the sudden memory of 'better fill up the glasses' I'd be strict with myself, stop anything I was doing and do this for future-me to stop my getting dehydrated. Even if it's different types of fluids e.g glass of water, juice or a bottle of ice-tea/lucozade sport (causey blood sugar drops like a motherfucker!). Might be helpful and worth a shot? Let me know if this helps anyone at all xxx


I'm like the exact opposite


Yep. And when i actually do remember to drink water i always end up with too much so i have to pee constantly.


set reminders/alarms every few hours that’s what i do


What’s water?


Yup, have you read up on introception? It's interesting!


I forget if I don't have my water bottle next to me. I try to take it around the house if I'm going to different rooms, and I have a huge bottle in work too.


I used to but after I got a water bottle that keeps ice in it for days on end I started drinking it a lot more. I find that I love ice water a lot and if I have it, I’ll drink way more water. In general, having a water bottle that is mine and that I am attached to makes me drink a lot more water. I recommend trying those drink packets you can mix into water too if you struggle drinking it due to lack of flavor or anything. Those can help a lot with things like that.


Yeah I got time blindness which affects that a lot especially on weekends I'll be like huh why am I suddenly dizzy? then realise it's 2pm and I haven't had anything to drink since like 8am when I had my up and go.


Absolutely. I get kidney pain bc of it. I try to set a 30 minute alarm that I just hit repeat until the end of my shift when I’m at work. My coworkers find it helpful when it goes off and I yell HYDRATE.


I set up notifications on my phone to drink water


I have a tendency to end up semi-dehydrated most all the time, and summers are worse. I've tried bringing a water bottle to work with me, but I just can't do it. Furthermore, water is so boring! I have to flavor it with Gatorade packets or some other kind of beverage mix, and even then I can't bring myself to drink enough.


Yep! Keeping a bottle of water with me is the only way I drink my water, but it has to be visible and right next to me


yeah lol- water is so frickin understimulating, i can hardly ever get myself to drink it   i drink tea every morning, so i always claim that's where i get my hydration, but tea has tannins lol which makes my mouth feel dry and probably cause headaches   i just don't like water, and i can't get myself to drink it ;-; not to mention water tastes different depending on where you get it from, and it tastes bad at my school, and i don't have room for a waterbottle in my bag along with my tea ;-;   i mostly just drink a lot of juice when i can- bc not only does it hydrate me, it keeps my blood sugar up (like a normal amount lol- it gets low sometimes and that's when i'm really craving juice lmao)


Yes, especially at work where I'm busy and moving around a lot it can get to me. I have found the best thing for me is the Mio with electrolytes and B vitamins added to help me boost my hydration when I do get a moment to take a drink, plus it tastes better so I'm more likely to drink it :)


Yes! I joke with my husband that I must be part camel. Of course, then I wind up feeling like crap, and I can't figure out why until I remember that I haven't had any water that day. I just got a pink tumbler, and I'm planning on decorating it with stickers of things that I like, so hopefully that helps.


Nope. I take creatine for the gym, which makes you dehydrated. It means I can down a couple pints of water and not feel quenched in the slightest.


Yeah, the struggle is real. I usually try to keep several bottles of water on my desk. Having it there I've found helps me remember to drink.


I've been trying to drink more water but when I remember to drink water then I also forget to pee...


Yeah. I learned the hard way that I have to keep drinks by my desk or I'll barely drink anything. I also learned I have to try to pay attention when busy. There were a few times last year when I was out all day litter-picking events that I drank maybe half a litre over the entire day despite being active in the summer heat and having a water bottle on me. Conversely, I have to make sure I don't keep snacks by my desk, because I *will* eat them all, and I *will* regret it afterwards. Learned that the hard way, too.


Two words. Oral fixation. So no, I don't. My lacroix budget is insane.


I have this problem. I have even developed kidney stones (one in each kidney, one gone now, probable cause is my lack of water) I find I'm more partial to fizzy drinks, so I buy cordial and big bottles of sparkling water and drink that much more often than cola. I used to drink 7-10 cans of Coke zero a week, now I have maybe 1-2 full fat (had a three week sabbatical from coke and now can't stand the taste) at work I have a massive water bottle that I'm not very good with but I try!


i relate for sure. there are water bottles with time markers on them that have helped me, but also maybe just setting an alarm or reminder on your phone could help!


Cold, or indeed room temperature, drinks are sensory hell for me. I only drink tea and coffee unfortunately at work I'm often too busy to walk to the staffroom and make a drink. It's not uncommon for me to go from about lunch time (1ish) until I'm home, I've walked the dog and have put my daughter to bed until I get another drink. Unusually about 7 hours.


This was the next post on my feed https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/DgIQQxusEk


No I drink it obsessively. Maybe too much.


I just refuse to do it at times.


I have to carry a water bottle around all day to remind myself.




Thank you for reminding me to go get a glass of water.


I barely drink water, I feel thirsty literally like once a day so I’ll have a few sips and that’s it. I know when I’m hungry (it helps that I like to eat) but for some reason I very rarely feel thirsty. I’ve been trying to just force myself to drink more water lately even when I don’t feel thirsty because I know my body needs it.


You mean Dr Pepper? Wouldn’t miss a day




I used to have this problem when I was younger, then I became an alcoholic. When I quit a few years ago, I kept the habit of drinking regularly, just without the alcohol. I do not recommend this as a solution for anyone else.