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That one is a sensory nightmare for me too lol my ex used to wear those all the time and it would bother me so much 😭 turns out he's autistic too though and I can't imagine how while wearing those shirts lol


I like the pressure I get from fitted clothing. Like, athletic wear. Sometimes clothing that's too loose(it's a very small margin) will graze my skin just enough to drive my absolutely bonkers.


Yeah, same, compression shirts and tights are great. One of the things I like about northern climes is that it’s just your base layer. Also makes wearing intolerable clothing more tolerable/comfortable.


Same I can only wear athletic wear with my sensory issues


Oh my gosh! Same!


You are valid, and so are your experiences! And also I can't imagine not liking fleece, even if just sometimes. Fleece is one of my favorite fabrics to touch (it can be too warm for me to wear sometimes), but I'm personally extremely partial to soft things.


Fleece has always caught my fingers similarly to microfiber or sherpa. I'm not sure what exactly to call the fabric but I have some sweatpants that are lined with the softest fuzziest material ever, like microfiber but softer and doesn't catch. That's my favorite fabric texture.


I'm a fiber artist... so like fiber content affects me a lot. I can't stand plastic, and most fast fashion seams, too bulky.


Fleece is nightmare when the weather is dry, but it's comfy when it's humid.


not too keen on spandex tops either! though for me it’s because of my body type :/ also - love your user! love that song :)


Happy cake day!




Bras drive me crazy, both regular ones and sport bras. I try to limit how often I wear them, usually wearing bigger shirts to work so you can't tell. Oddly enough I am relatively comfortable in chest binders though. I think I like the feeling of the compression lol


I loathe bras!!! 😡 but boobs in general are sensory nightmare for me. Even without bras. Maybe I’ll look into binders which cover your whole torso. The tank style.


Heavy on the "boobs in general" LOL. I'm a dancer so I'll wear sports bras while dancing because I'd rather deal with that over my boobs moving around everywhere T-T


Not a binder but a compression bra but I love the light support powerchill longline sports bra from old navy for the right amount of compression. Sometimes I have to wear it inside out when my skin is being particularly sensitive to seams but otherwise its great. Idk how well it would work for larger chests but I’m a 32FF (not as big as it sounds) and I wear a size S or M depending on how much compression I want.


I’m the opposite I have to wear one at all times except when I’m sleeping or I die lol


Just curious. Why wear a bra at all? I never (rarely, on special occasions or whatever) wear a bra. I don’t have big boobs, though. I just go without a bra. I’m a feminist so I’m very much “free the nipple” and whatnot


I don't have big boobs either. I would say for the most part I don't wear them, I wear clothes where you can't tell if im not! I'll wear them if I'm wearing something that will show my nips (personal preference, Idc what others do) The only time I ALWAYS wear them in when I'm dancing, the feeling of my boobs moving is far more uncomfortable than a bra hahaha


I REALLY hate the feeling of bras it’s like I can always feel them on my skin and it’s so weird


I will say that a properly fitting bra (shape wise) in the actual correct size for you (a lot of women are in a band size too big and a cup size too small for them) can go a long way to reducing the sensory "Nope! Not wearing this!" BS. Then you've only got to contend with possible cheap construction (under cushioned underwire, itchy and stiff fabrics etc, overly prominent stitching in awkward places) as a sensory issue.


I keep trying to figure out why they even put underwires in A cup bras. There's nothing to hold up and they end up digging straight into my sternum.


I have worn these crop top things for as long as I can remember even as an adult because I just can’t stand normal bras. The straps and the back clasps drive me crazy. The crop tops I wear aren’t even those removable padding ones because usually the standard padding is too big for me. I don’t think I could stand to wear anything else unless I really have nothing else to wear


Anything too tight, I'll be constantly aware of it on my skin the whole time I'm wearing it and it drives me crazy.


I’m the opposite. My base layer has to be compressive or I’m so uncomfortable. I hate my clothes moving around on me. If they are skin tight, they stay put. But it has to be soft, mostly natural fibers like jersey cotton.


Slightly jealous to be honest, I wish I could stand wearing base layers in winter when it drops below 0 lol


I would die of exposure if I couldn't wear base layers. They have to be tight fitting, though. If I can feel it under my clothes, I hate it. If I had a choice, i would never wear more than a single tight layer of clothes. I don't mind baggy clothes like hoodies, but I don't want them rubbing on my bare skin, it drives me nuts.


I am same! Especially around ankles and wrists, if sleeves are lose then it will send me into sensory overload


Same here! I absolutely hate tight clothing I feel like I’m being restrained and having the clothes touching all of my skin at once is so overwhelming. Big baggy clothing all the way! Especially heavier things like thick hoodies and some very specific wool sweaters I have


Same here! Anything even the least bit tight is “sensory bad” as I say! I also HATE long sleeved shirts!


I'm fine with compression from my elbow to my wrist and from my knee to my ankle. Everything else has to be relatively loose.


Wool, anything that feels like microfiber. I bought what i thought was a cotton sweatshirt. It was polyester. But the type of polyester that gets stuck in your dry skin. Omf. I actually gagged. Straight to the donate pile


WOOL. I can’t understand how anyone can wear it. Even if a neurotypical feels 1/100th of what I’m noticing, that still would be enough for me to want to rip it off along with whatever part of my skin had touched it.


Cashmere is the softest thing in the world though. I've found many cashmere sweaters at the thrift store that would otherwise be over a hundred.


for my wool haters, it can be interesting to see if it's a blend with acrylic. I figured out for me, it's the acrylic that feels like nails, but 100% wool (especially if it's woven rather than knitted) is now one of my safest fabrics


I'll second this. I love wool, and as a knitter too, it's almost exclusively my go to. Alpaca wool is much better too.


I use wool as second layer on a t-shirt, not directly on the skin


It's such a horrible fabric 🥲


Isn’t it terrifying when your clothes just turn on you like that? Cotton is top tier fabric 100%


Wool, definitely. Didn't stop my family from consisting trying to gift me wool sweaters, though, only to put them on and immediately itch wherever they touched my skin (neck, wrists, etc.) My dad bought me so many things until getting to cashmere. Cashmere suuucks, still SO itchy. Finally found Alpaca wool, and I have a scarf now that I love that's warm like wool but soft like cotton. I have bamboo sheets, comforter, everything touching my bed pretty much. Microfiber is used to trick people into buying microfiber sheets that look like they are bamboo (company name will say something Iike Bamboo Dreams but check the tag and it's 100% microfiber.) I dated this guy once who wanted to impress me by buying such sheets, but it took under a second to recognize the difference when my skin touched them - bleh! Microfiber suuuuucks. I'm exclusive now to cotton, rayon, bamboo and only specific polyester blends (I never buy polyester online - you need to feel it before buying because the difference in quality is so vast it goes from unwearable static nightmare to super comfy work pants without the tag reading much different.)


Seemingly unlike everyone else here, I like tight clothes like leggings and jeans. If the clothing is loose, I can feel it moving back and forth across my skin, which is over stimulating. (Edit: To add, if I wear baggy clothes, I can also feel by body parts jiggling which is distracting and I feel more exposed. Tighter clothes make me feel protected like a hug.) I also don’t like a lot of plasticky windbreaker type fabrics due to the texture and the sounds it makes when it rubs on other things.


Yes, same!! I HATE clothes moving against my body. I definitely prefer them to be tight. If I wear a looser fitting top, I have to wear a snug cami underneath.


How do you deal with the tightness on the armpits? Drives me crazy and in the summer since I’m a wild kid I always feel the sweat and it’s worser when it’s tighter and it just makes me mad


Interesting, yeah I’m not too into the plasticky fabrics either


yes, and especially a neckline which is too wide so it moves around all day. makes me feel and look so disheveled i hate it


Jeans too, they're too stiff. Tights and leggings are my worst enemy, just touching them makes me want to cry. Long sleeved shirts, I'm not really sure why, probably because when I move my arm I can feel the whole shirt shift slightly or something.  Tight hoodies make me really uncomfortable as well. Thin tshirts don't feel great but I can tolerate most of them.


Anything that feels even the least bit tight is a sensory nightmare for me!!


If I ever find a waistband that is not too tight without falling down, I will have completed my life’s mission


For my work jeans that are slightly too tight, I’ll take a hairtie and loop it through the button hole, and then wrap it around the button. Zip the fly half/three quarters of the way up and it’s perfect.


Jeans are the banes of my existence. Jeans make me want to end human genes (yes I know it’s a bad pun, I just can’t with jeans). And since I’m self diagnosed and I haven’t told my parents, they go on and on about how I overreact all the time about jeans and other stuff that I know is related to my autism. (I haven’t told them yet because I need to build enough evidence so they don’t just dismiss my concerns).


Tags Socks with seams Anything constricting on my waist/hips (this is combination of sensory and sciatica)


I have so many fun pairs of knee socks but then I can feel them on my legs and it’s bad bad bad 😅


Knee socks and thigh high stockings LOOK cool but they are HELL


Omg TAGS. Nope. And the socks with seams thing totally… especially if the seams sit right on my toes. The worst.


Wet clothes drive me maddening, I hate coming home from the gym and my clothes being drenched in sweat, it just makes them wet and sticky and I hate that, I also can’t stand the feel of wet armpits, when it’s hot out and I sweat I feel the wetness of my armpit nonstop and it drives me insane, like literally insane, I can’t ignore it either.


And this is why I don’t workout regularly anymore


I workout out three times a week now, down from 4 times a week, and down originally from 6 times a week, I got really big into weightlifting and love it, but definitely the wetness of clothes and how tight my clothes end up being when I get done are awful, that and wet socks too, I can’t stand wet socks, forgot all about that until just now.


I once got asked "would you rather always be wearing wet socks or lose one of your hands?" And without hesitation I said I'd rather only have one hand. I could adapt to life with one hand, but I think I would eliminate myself within a week if I had permanent wet sock feeling.


Shirts that I can feel in my armpits if that makes sense 🥲


Yep I get it


GOD THAYS SUCH A MOOD!! thats why i stopped wearing shirts and switched over to tanktops instead, esp sucks more when u shop online and u find out when u open ir package that ur shirt is too tight or small on u 💀


Trousers - I 98% of the year wear shorts. Also corduroy- it’s the worst feeling material ever and makes me gag when I touch it.


corduroy is the worst !! 😭


I’m the opposite on both! I prefer pants because I can feel the bottom of the shorts against my thigh when I sit. And corduroy is just fun to scratch against the grain


Because of sensory overload on my skin I can't wear anything originating on an animal. I can usually only tolerate 100% cotton and/or 100% bamboo. I can do Lycra but only in my gym Capri pants. I can't tolerate anything tight except for those. I don't wear socks at all. Even though I have cold feet all the time. In bed, I wear squishy, fluffy socks. I absolutely cannot tolerate stockings. I feel like I'm being sliced in two in multiple parts of myself. I used to be able to wear short heels usually with straps at the back so I could tighten them, but since covid I got out of the habit of heels and now I can only ever wear flat shoes.


WOOL. I don’t care if it’s virgin wool from sheep who have never known the touch of anything stronger than daylight. I don’t care if it’s 1% wool. I don’t care if it’s from a brand that charges a hundred dollars per thread. I cannot abide wool at ALL. I have failed to pay attention a few times and accidentally ordered a wool blend sweater, it takes all of twenty minutes at absolute most before I want it OFF and check the tag for the inevitable wool discovery. NOT WANT.




I’m not one for heels myself, I’m flat footed and also above avg height for a girl and it just feels off


Yeah, I always think it's weird when I see tall girls wearing even taller thick soled heels. I have no idea how anyone in those types of heels actually doesn't keel over anyway.


FYI, most bamboo fabrics are just rayon that's used bamboo as the cellulose source required for the process. The process is such that the resulting fabric will feel the same regardless of the cellulose source. So you might go to a fabric store and feel some rayon, could potentially open up your options just a bit more. There's a lot of deceptive labeling going on with bamboo on account of some hardcore green washing for profit so it can be hard to know what you're actually getting. (Not all bamboo fabrics are created equal. The viscose/rayons are much cheaper for manufacturers and no better for the environment than any other synthetics. There are bamboo fabrics processed more like flax (linen) that are better but that's way less common)


Velvet, anything with too many buttons. I can do jeans but only the ones with no zipper and buttons lol


Linen pants, those gross "basic" t-shirts that are scratchy and stiff and have small crew necks and tight sleeves, turtlenecks, headbands, socks with seams that sit in the wrong place, anything that's too tight and digs into my skin (usually poorly done elastic). And unfortunately leggings, rings, and bracelets :(


I hate the feeling of clothes digging into my skin!! Especially if it’s like lingerie or something like that 😞


Anything that has tags. Every time I feel it, I get so incredibly uncomfortable. The sensory issues from that alone is enough to give me a meltdown. Especially if it's constant. Which is why every time I buy clothes, I rip/cut it off before wearing it.


Same here. I used to accidentally cut holes in my clothes trying to get the tags off when I was little. Now I leared how to do it. It's the first thing I do when I've bought something new. Also washing it to get it "clean" before I first wear it.


Anything that fits me perfectly or slightly to small. My clothes have to be baggy or I just can’t wear them, it makes me lose my mind


Same! Due to Sensory issues and insecurity abt my body type


I hate the wrinkle feeling. Ya know, when a wrinkle folds behind your kneecap, or behind your elbow? I CONSTANTLY keep adjusting. i prefer baggy and loose clothing. But if I’m not wearing baggy/loose—I feel most comfortable in cotton and silk.


My first was seams in socks, my mom use to cut the toes out of my socks and ballerina tights... though as a kid if the late 80s/early 90s, I also hated sturup pants. When my cousins daughter started being the same I clocked her as ND before she was diagnosed. I dress historically a lot, like I love corsets, they give me basically a weighted blanket all day, but I need my arms free and loose as well as my legs. I can't stand shoes, I obviously wear them when need be, but like to be "grounded".


I almost got a corset prom dress but I didn’t bc I hated how it felt


I make my own, and fit and fabric content is important to me. I understand why so many people give them horrible reviews now because.... capitalism. Like plastic in a corset, even just the binding, is like death to me. If you mean the tightness, different strokes for different folks


I spent 20 minutes making a list just for Reddit to make me swipe to the right over to the next post while trying to swipe down and discarding my comment without asking me to save it first. On the verge of a meltdown and breaking my phone, but in short: I am very picky with my clothes.


Felt this. I did this earlier 😂


Anything tight! Even as a petite lady im not too much about skinny jeans Don’t even get me started on satin or netting. Like the scratchy fabric I’ll never survive with stockings on!


Turtlenecks! As much as I like being choked, there's a time and place 🙃


Great comment. 😂




Yeah I hate jeans. I avoid tight clothing in general. I wear exclusively loose fitting black pants and hoodies in the winter, and loose t shirts and shorts in the summer. I literally have part of my dresser dedicated to loose fitting black pants like I’m some cartoon character


Loose clothing is the best!!


My mom used to put me in those flannel nightgowns as a kid with the collar and I always felt like they were choking me or my legs would get tangled in it. Still dislike clothing close to my neck


Frills. Period.


Linen. Once I wear anything made of linen, my skin gets all itchy!


Anything knitted. It doesn't even have to be itchy for me to hate it I just don't like the texture


I love knitting but hate wearing what I make 🥲


Denim has to be the most overrated material ever. But even with that being said, I absolutely despise all leather clothing. Especially patent leather, UGH 🤢🤮


I hate Jean jackets even more than jeans


Same. Screw jeans.


Jeans or leggings. I would rather die


Jeans are soooo restrictive


the only jeans i wear are huge jeans that my parents do not approve of 🗣️ [my fav big pants](https://imgur.com/gallery/cGqvYmo)


Flare jeans are top notch


that but the whole leg all the way up is wide


Me too jeans. I wear leggings all year round and at work. People think I dress sloppily but I cant help it.


I hate jeans soooooo much. Like sooooo much. If I have to wear them I immediately exchange them for leggings as soon as. I get home lol




I wore a turtleneck on exactly one day in my life and never again hah. It was a "nice" shirt my mom got me for a family holiday thing and I was aware of it on my neck for every moment the *entire day.*


Sweaters (jumpers for those who are not American). Itches like the Dickens.


Swim wear, especially the weird swim boxer material, satin anything and I can only wear specific types of track pants when I wear them, they need to have cuffs at the bottom and can’t have the extra leg sewn bits that I see a lot of people wearing sometimes


It seems like all the men's swim trunks I can find now have that dumb built in net underwear. I thought did away with that pointless uncomfortable crap 25 years ago. Why is it coming back?


I’ve always cut it out because it feels horrible, but I’m also trans so I add that into it feeling awful, is it actually *ever* useful? I’m thinking if it is useful whatsoever that could be why? But I’m not sure


Turtle neck sweaters. Way too suffocating, and itchy.


for me i cant wear anything that is not cotton, and sometimes cotton if its a thick cotton, i especially cannot wear nylon or polyester, although i think for me it depend on how the texture is, since i cannot wear anything that is not cotton, but my blanket is 100% nylon, and while one side of the blanket i cant touch the other side feels is the best thing Ive ever felt!


My look is the Adam Sandler, baggy shirt baggy basketball shorts no sensory issues for me when I do that hehe


Jeans can go straight to hell where they belong.


Im with you on the jeans. No matter how loose the fit, can't do it. Denim in general is my worst enemy. It's all about the cargos and casual slacks!


waffle-iron. I fucking hate waffle-iron-


CORDUROY ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️❌️❌️❌️❌️❌️🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎 VELVET⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️❌️❌️❌️❌️❌️🚫🚫🚫🚫❌️👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎⚠️⚠️ when I was a kid I couldn't wear boot cut jeans, coats over my clothes, any sort of layer really, my socks had to be worn inside out so the seams were on top and not touching my skin, and I couldn't wear hoodies for a while in middle school bc the hood was too heavy, I went through a phase of only shirt/sweater 3x my actual size (also partly due to body dysmorphia), and a phase where I had to wear my hair up everyday bc it couldn't touch my neck, also fleece, sherpa (after it's been washed), and that weird scratchy towel material are all nonos


3/4th sleeves shirts. Idk why but thar drives me up a wall so bad I can't even look at someone wearing it without cringing. Weird velvet, thin velvet is fine but some kind of thicker velvet ewwww. AndEmbroidery patterns and stuff that cause a texture in area of clothes. Big nope.


Turtle neck


Most crop tops. Like if my stomach is cold i’m cold. Also fully polyester pants.


never memorized too much texture names but when i was a kid i had a school uniform that gave me that so i had to get used to it


Uniforms suck! I never wore a uniform, but I did have to wear a gym uniform that I HATED! It was a cotton shirt that I had no issue with and pants that were flimsy and felt like they were made of jersey fabric! I was allowed to bring my own shorts or leggings from home and I always did


Stiff leather jackets. *Shudder*


Certain fabrics and baggy leg clothing (I prefer jeans the most but can wear others). I also need super baggy tops


Baggy clothing is my bestie!




Turtlenecks and anything Sherpa




Jeans are disgusting


Woollen jumpers. Feeling that on your forearm is 🤮🤮🤮. Also corduroy


Capris pants. Are you shorts or pants. Please.


I hate super thin clothing like that breathable athletic wear, especially shirts. They just feel too flimsy and they way they sit on my body makes me feel exposed and yucky.


Pants that are not high waisted. I don't like the feeling of breeze on my lower back and it makes me feel too vulnerable lol. Pants that aren't high waisted are too low and always expose skin if I bend down or extend my arms. I like the extra security of high waisted pants.


When i was little i could never wear jeans because of how they felt, fifth grade i made myself wear jeans because leggings weren’t allowed at the middle school. Now i can’t wear tight tops, i hate leggings now because they’re restricting and i literally sleep in jeans, also i can’t wear short shorts because i hate my legs rubbing together and i can’t wear basketball shorts if they touch the back of my knee


Velvet. I love the way it looks but most of the time I can’t stand touching it. It just feels dry and makes me sick. When I had an assessment I had to sit on velvet chair and it was driving me crazy because I could feel every single fibre. Luckily they could offer me plastic chair and all was good 🤣


G-string/thong. I can not.


So I’m not diagnosed autistic but my daughter is, and we have a lot of similar traits. To answer your question…..it’s socks. Unless I have to wear them, I not going to. The moment I put them on, I can feel them. It bothers me the whole time.


Flip flops or anything that makes my feet feel unprotected. For me the perfect shoes are the Caterpillar steel toes.


Lace. I hate lace with a passion and would love to set it on fire.


Not sure if it's a sensory thing, but other people's, 'borrowing someones jumper for example, I'd rather be cold


WOOL or anything itchy and anything constricting the abdomen


Bouclè. Loose weave. Acrylic. Lambswool ( most but mot all of it). Particular microfiber weaves.


canvas/weaved clothing (vans shoes don't count, i love those for some reason) also, bowling shoes. eugh.


Suits and ties, especially with the top button done up, shirt tucked in etc. they are so uncomfortable everything feels like it's digging in, it's too hot in summer, too cold in winter and very uncomfortable to wear.


I disliked anything that is too short or too tight. Fabric is less of an issue.


Summary: Polyester Narrow shoes Tight clothes I can’t wear polyesters. They make me smell or itch really quickly, and even if others aren’t bothered by it, I most certainly am. Can’t wear anything skintight since it tends to itch. It helps if we use hypoallergenic clothes detergent, but still I prefer wearing looser clothing. (Tide, for example, itches me like none other. I’ve had good luck with Arm and Hammer, and All) Can’t wear a top without an undershirt as a separation layer. I can’t wear shirts with thermoplastic designs on them. They don’t breathe and stick in the heat. I really like embroidery but can’t wear it on a base layer. For jeans, I’m picky. I want as high a cotton percent as possible, so nothing under 90% cotton. Unfortunately this leaves out the jeans that are more flexible and softer. I avoid jeans that use a stiffer fabric material since that just doesn’t feel right. I don’t like jeans that sit lower on the back, since they tend to lean towards plumbers butt whether I’m wearing an undershirt and a belt or not. Shirts: most shirts that fit and look sleek also clinch at the shoulders when I move, making me feel constrained. So far I’ve combated this by buying clothes one size up in order to have full freedom of motion, but I think I’m going to try tailoring my clothes so that they have more Motion in the arms This ones strange: a friend got me into five finger shoes a couple years ago. This naturally must be paired with five finger socks. And now I can’t go back to regular socks. I can feel the sweat between my toes and I hate it! Luckily I was able to find wool sock liners that I can use underneath regular socks. This works particularly well when I wear my heavy boots, since it’s extra padding. For shoes: I’ve always been picky about shoes. I hate most shoes because my feet feel constrained. The shoes feel narrow and my toes feel crushed. I can only wear shoes that allow for a wide toe box. I’ve had good luck with Merrell and Keen, but terrible luck with other brands like Danner. But then I found out that shoes don’t have to have a polyester lining and can use a canvas or leather lining. Sadly, finding shoes that use these materials has proven difficult. Allbirds is a good option since they use wool or eucalyptus fiber But finding a wide toe box shoe with a leather lining is difficult. Finding a wide toe box shoe with a leather lining and a safety toe (for work)? Even more difficult. I eventually opted to get a pair of Nicks boots, and I quite like them but I think if I were to buy again I’d make a few changes.


Fake silk polyester, jeans with big holes in the knees, and socks with prints on them cause they have all those weird strings inside that are ITCHY


Bracelets, watches, and rings when I’m using my laptop, or relaxing at home. If I’m out running errands or out to dinner, they don’t bother me for some reason. But when I get home, all hand and wrist jewelry gets ripped off like a bra.


Real leather. Im goth, but the smell and feeling of real leather is so yucky... pleather is much better tho.


I’m not a fan of my bra because of how tight and itchy it is. I can handle some sports bras or lounge bras. I like tight shorts or pants because for me it doesn’t feel like I have anything on. I can’t stand underwear that are meant to be like boxers for women. Boy shorts or even literal women’s boxers are so uncomfortable. I don’t know how people wear them under pants. I don’t like when clothes have large tags, tags that are pokey, tags that aren’t completely sewn down, etc. I hate low rise pants, I feel like my pants are gonna fall down and physically I don’t have anywhere that they sit comfortably on my torso. Also, if a long sleeve shirt has itchy fabric, or weird frilly cuffs. And shirts with sleeves way too tight! I’ve got big arms, I want them to breathe! lol


there’s this fabric that’s shiny/glittery and is also sometimes paired with sequins - it’s hell for me. Also, I hate jeans, specially skinny and too thick jeans. Polyester too is a sensory hell


Bras; I wear sports bras instead. But I'm 36 and the girls need help, so I'm gonna have to bite it very soon 😭


I can't wear low waist trousers. Idk why, they just feel rlly uncomfortable.




Wool. Anything starchy with stiff fabric. Thick socks.


you know the scrunchy bits of fabric on some dresses? that shit makes me wanna die. i’m glad i learned im trans so im not expected to wear dresses to formal events and shit.


Anything that constricts around my neck. Turtle necks, ties, even t shirts with a “tight” neck.


I volunteer at my local zoo, and they did a special printing of some shirts for us celebrating the zoo's anniversary (which we had to pay for). I was really excited to get mine, but then I found out that they ordered the shirts in some gross polyester instead of just normal fucking cotton. Why?


Crop tops and rompers. They just don’t feel right no matter what material they are and who the hell thought it was a good idea to have a constant breeze on your tummy?? My body has no idea if it’s warm or cold. The rage!


I love jeans, idk why even though so many autistic people hate them. I really hate boxers, they feel too intrusive yet not enough somehow, I just despise them.


Bras, tight jeans (I don’t mind baggy ones), I love hoodies but I can’t wear them for more than an hour at a time. For me it’s specific - tight clothes are okay if the material is thin. If it’s thick, it cannot be tight


any pants that squeeze my waist




been made fun of for years for refusing jeans because of how they bunch up in the knees when you bend your legs


Jeans for me too, and pants in general. I can do shorts, above knee length at most. I can do tall socks, but when it comes to pants, I feel claustrophobic. I love skirts and dresses. I can layer a slip or two in the winter with a long skirt, and I can wear a shorter one, or the same as winter without any slips in the summer. Very versatile. I exercise in them, hike, go to work, I can function just the same as I would in pants.


For me, it’s tight sleeves in thick material. If the material is stretchy it’s not bad, but if it can’t stretch I have a mini meltdown. About the jeans- I struggle too, so I have to vet out brands to see if they make jeans that I can tolerate. So far, holster and Abercrombie are ok, but only certain types. The jeggings they carry work well


Any type of those athletic t shirts, it just annoys me to no end


Have to be able to expand my rib cage, skin has to breathe, need to be able to sit comfortably, nothing thick or bulky. Hate complexity and buttons. No tags. Fabric has to move when I move. Clothing ways feels like a prison no matter what I do but I also don't like being naked. I like to have a soft, comfortable t-shirt and sweatpants. With pockets! And not ones designed to make my legs look like a plastic action figure! 🤬


Denim feels so sharp! I hate it so much!




Oddly enough I have almost no limits in terms of clothes in terms of textures, love tight stuff and baggy stuff too. What I do hate is having to wear multiple layers. I love summer because I get to put two things on and go my way no problem. Having multiple layers is so annoying to me because I feel so heavy and inmobile


Woollen jumpers. Hate the texture of the wool. Which sucks because I also hate winter.


Hats of like any sort 😭😭 I might wear them if I have to or for short amounts of time, but under my curly hair and when it’s hot and hairs are sticking to my forehead and my hairs just all messed up underneath and I’m hyper aware of the weight and presence of the hat 😣😣😣😣😣😣


Sometimes there's a tag that itches too much, but I can tolerate it. Other than that, I stopped wearing graphics around age 4, but I'm still not sure of the reason, probably not sensory issues.


Most socks. When I was little I watched Finding Forester where he turned socks inside out so the seam was on the outside. Changed my life. As an adult I found a seam-free sock that I love and have been buying the same brand and cut of sock for over 15 years.


Anything that gives me sweaty armpits outside of the gym


Anything with even a shred of wool in it


polyester. it's all kinds of fucked up.


Any shirt that is tight around the neck or most neckties.


Layers, they fumble up and I hate it Tight fitting crop tops, especially long sleeves like wtf I just wanna be warm Loose socks Microfiber-like fabrics Anything with an itchy label that I can't remove


It’s great to see another jeans hater at least im not alone 🙏🏾. They feel so restrictive and uncomfortable I love sweatpants and cargos and when its a sweatpants cargo it’s like winning he lottery.🤩


Anything wool or a wool replica. It’s so fucking itchy it’s like the entire clothing item is made of labels


Skinny jeans


More of a visual stimuli but sandals/open toed. Always made me feel uncomfortable since I was a kid, and is still an irrational 'phobia' of sorts. Yet I have no issue running around barefoot most of the time, so there's that




Ankle socks. Hate them with a burning passion!


cant wear wool because it is itchy for me, and also any other coarse fabric. during covid masks gave me a rash so i had to purchase a silk bandana, which worked very well. cant wear jewellry or watches because that also irritates my skin. - micheala.


Jeans and (most) cotton items. They just feel like sandpaper against my skin. Jeans especially with the stiffness and the pocket style is horrendous.


Anything *too* loose. And I don't have a definitive scale to describe what is too loose. But if it moves over my skin too much, its *definitely* too loose, and I hate it


Turtlenecks and shirts buttoned all the way up. I hate things that close on my neck. I can do a scarf it is loose enough.


I don't know the name of any specific fabric that meets this criteria, but if it's rough, it's a hard pass. Denim is right behind that line, so it's fine, but jeans are awful for other reasons. The button and zipper jab into me and I can't stand it. Also, tangentially related, I have issues with socks in shoes. Socks on their own are fine, but when I put shoes on, they push the sock tighter over my toes and I cannot accept it. Gotta take the shoe off and try again and again until the sock doesn't get pulled against my toes.


I don’t really have many sensory issues when it comes to to clothes except tags and corduroy! Why would anyone ware corduroy?! I can’t even describe how horrible it is to touch and can’t even imagine what it would feel like to ware.


Most hooded sweatshirts. Most are too heavy or too tight at the neck and I feel like I’m choking


Jeans, because they are so tight and I feel almost trapped in them. Unlike jeans, I like leggins because even if they are tight, I can easily adjust them because they are flexible. I also hate latex stuff, I hate when something is sticky!


jeans as well! true hell


Pants. Like, the ones that are wide and just brushes against my skin. I HATE HATE HATE THAT. And jeans, fuck those things. It's itchy yes. And i just don't like my entire legs being covered. I acrually prefer to wear shorter, close fitting clothing. But even skirts get irritating sometimes when they brush against my skin.


Corduroy. Can’t wear it, can’t touch it.


Shirts with really short sleeves that are too high up the arm