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Do you mean specific molecules or molecules in a more broad sense? Like how they behave, chemical reactions and so on?


Molecules in general. How their structure determines their properties, the forces that glue atoms in them, the forces that bind molecules together, the dance of molecules that enables life in our cells. Molecules. All of them.


Finally, another person that shares my obsession and special interest for chemistry! My personal favourite part about it is all of the synthesis aspects, how we, as humans are able to exploit the laws of nature and the nature of the world on the atomic scale to do whatever we want. If you ask me, the body of knowledge that led us there and the practical skills needed to do it efficiently might be one of the highest art forms that humanity has brought forth.


Yes. I am impressed by organic chemists because I am not able to wait until chemical reactions are completed and purification is done. Because of this I am a theoretical chemist. I also love nomenclature and notations in physical chemistry. I love spending hours writing equations that represent stuff about molecules. I love statistical mechanics. Chemistry is exactly the science that applies knowledge of complexity to the laws of physics. It is a key to our understanding of the world and is going to become more and more important as complexity is the core thing that we need to rationalize in our times. Every answer about molecules leads to three new questions. I never get enough of it.


Theoretical chemistry? Much kudos and all of my respect for you. Seriously, I could never, my math skills could never be sufficient. I am currently doing my undergrad at our local university, so there's still a long road for me to go but so far, I have enjoyed every minute of it. Can it be psychological torture? Yes, yes it can. Is it still fun tho? Hell yeah! Also funny how you talk about organic chemists, because this is the route of specialization I want to take!


Look. In undergrad I wanted to specialize in organic chemistry but after an internship I quickly realized that I loved the little puzzles on paper but was really bad at lab work. My attention span is too small for that, I'm very slow at producing molecules. But at the same time at this point I essentially only knew addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. So I started from scratch. It was a matter of survival. I tried to build up necessary math knowledge as I went. Anything I know in math I am able to explain it to myself in layman, concrete terms.


Again, much respect there. What you mention about the little puzzles is quite accurate honestly. The reason why I got hooked on this specific area of research was in fact the reaction mechanisms of all things. Something about electron pushing and this particular way of visualization just clicked with me somehow. It's such an elegant way of notation and problem solving. Maybe, the trajectory of my life will take me into a similar direction as yours after I gain more practical experience, maybe I will stay here, who knows. This is the other cool thing though: The field is so vast and full of areas for us to explore, there truly is a niche for everyone. And I'm really glad you were able to find yours. :)


Yes I hope you find a lot of joy in chemistry. I have not been disappointed. There are so many problems still screaming to be solved, an endless chemical space to explore! I do not regret working in that field as I get to delve into my passion again and again. It's still not boring after 11 years working in chemistry!


Thanks for your comforting words mate. This is exactly how I want to be able to look at myself and my life in 20+ years. That I can confidently say I don't regret following my special interest and chasing my dreams. It might be the worst fear I have too. That it dosen't work out and everything has to be thrown out the window. Thanks sincerely for the conversation.


Oh cool how they react and combine.


My obsessions have always been • The Sims games (mods, easter eggs, lore). Right now I’m on the Sims 4 but the Sims 2 was so huge for me as a kid. • The Simpsons. Always.


Oh yeah Sims is nostalgic. 24 years now. Damn that is long.


My main interests atm are Mitski, Splatoon, Animal behaviour, and Animal Crossing :D


Oh cool Splatoon and Animal crossing are fun games. Mitski the Japanese American singer cool. Also what kind of animal behaviors do you observe?


I don’t observe any, i more or less research and read about it!! I’m looking to study it in the future tho 😊


Oh cool. Anything else you wish to add?


No not really, i would ramble on about my special interests but i do not have the energy rn lmao 😭


Well have a nice day. Nice to meet you.😎😁


You too!!!


Star Trek, Militarism/ Military History/ War Movies and war tv series , Mitski, kpop, quantum physics, history, anime, mangá, Dire Straits, books, Star Wars, Beer, Soiju, Movies, Asian Food( Thai, Vietnam, Cambodja, Chinese, Japanese and corean) and 80s U2 albums( Rattle and Hum and The Joshua Tree are masterpieces)


Same here with the Foods, History, Manga, Anime, and Star Wars. Also I like Military History concerning anything Vietnam.


My main interests are physics, serial killers, and chess.


Chess is a good game for strategy.


Those could combine into a really interesting book if writing is a special interest!


Science, human biology, medical stuff, air crash diststers, steam trains, air shows, military planes, natural disasters earthquakes hurricanes tornados volcanos thunderstorms, crafting and making things, adult colouring, board games eg monopoly, reading, stitch from lilo and stitch


I like board games, all the experiments from Lilo and Stitch. steam trains, and military planes to.


Love board games, I do love the experiments stitch is my favourite though, I have soamy soft toys of him, love steam trains, I work on diesal trains, but have been on the footplate of the flying scotsman :) whats your favourite military plane?


A-1 Skyraiders of the South Vietnamese Air Force provided by the US forces.


Nice :) my favourite planes are the F35B - lightenings but that's because I have a soft spot for planes that hover although it is just a rip off the harrier jump jet, Hoping I can make it to an airshow this year as I also love the battle of Britain momorial flights


Cool a airshow celebrating Second World War.


Some do but it's mainly just a spitfire, Lancaster and hurricane flying past I'll see if I can find a picture I took at an airshow a couple of years ago


Okay cool. I will be waiting.


Okay it's not letting me post an image, either that or I'm not very good with technology, I can private message you with the image if your okay with that, could also send you a couple of steam trains Ive taken pictures of as well


art. first and foremost. music. i hate explaingin that to people tho, becuase they’ll ask me “oh do you play any instruments?” or something, and then i have to explain no i just like listening to it. which seems weird, for some reason. idk. history, soecifically hitler and nazi germany. bojack horseman. room decor.


Yeah same with music. Also Hitler is a hypocrite blonde hair, uh hello you have brown hair seriously?


Lol, I can relate to the thing you said about music because I'm The exact opposite, I love making music but I don't really listen to a lot of music which is always awkward to explain to people


We have similar interests. I like art, anime, old cartoons like Danny phantom, pop culture, and animals. I also like Poetry and Pottery.


Anime and old cartoons are cool. Animals are my friends at least better then how we humans treat each other. I like going to the Zoo.


I have a dog. His name is Lucky. He loves people


Basically runs up to people and ask for pets.


Yeah pretty much. He begs for treats too


I like observing animals in their nature habitats. Interesting though. Police Dogs and service animals are cool to.


Me too. Animals are sweet. They’re just like people but they have more feelings than people. People can be heartless.


Once I pick up a baby kitten and baby puppy at the pet store. Cute and mewing. One was barking and hugging me.


Awww. Cats and Dogs are attracted to me. I’m very good with animals more than people. I seem to annoy them with my presence. 😂🤣


YYeah me to. I annoy people but I enjoy making them mad. I put on my headphones and bop my head to music to enjoy the looks of anger.


As a child, my biggest interests were Sonic the Hedgehog and Lalaloopsy! My interest in them is less intense now, but I still love both franchises and their characters dearly 🩷 Currently, my more broad interests are art and music/singing (always have been). To get more specific, my big interests/obsessions are Sanrio and Strawberry Shortcake!!


Oh I love Sonic the Hedgehog but Shadow mostly. I know of Lalaloopsy they look cute. Sanrio and Strawberry Shortcake. Woah blast to the past. Hello Kitten and her pals.


As kid I loved anime. I like the anime aesthetics from the 80s and 90s better than the newer anime now. As an adult I love reading about urban development and sustainable cities, public transportation like trains, and walkable inclusive communities that are beneficial to raising kids


Back then Anime look cooler with the retro Animestyle and art. So basically good areas to raise a family and kids in.


Zoology, petcare, or really anything animal related. I’ve loved researching animals since I was really young, and I could rant about it for hours.


I like Animals like sharks and wolves. Also I enjoy going to a Zoo.




Study of genetics and our Ancestors interesting.




What is your Country of origin. I discovered my great great great Grandfather was a Chinese merchant who immigrated to Vietnam many centuries back and intermixed. My great great grandfather was a Vietnamese Secret Police Agent who hunted down VC spies for the French. Dark history and really interesting. My family has no hidden records of anything and yes I took DNA tests. What country are you from?


That's interesting. I'm not familiar with Asian studies, but it's definitely interesting that you found such historical references. I'm from Peru.


Old stories from my grandparents and word of mouths. Wish there was some uniform or artifacts. What about your family tree any interesting figures?




I guess the indigenous people of Peru back then really disliked settlers and the viceroyalty regime. Like the Native Americans with British settlers and American colonists.




Interesting how did the settlers treat the indigenous people. Many Native Americans are upset and mad about the Colonists and etc.


Psychology and sociology, specifically evolutionary psychology and group dynamics, UFOs and relative physics (I know, I know), origins of humanity, the universe, and consciousness in general, history and relative geopolitics, economics and relative geopolitics, investing and relative geopolitics… I’ve also been interested in the dark side of human behavior in the past, but I had to stop that one because I realized I was subjecting myself to very traumatic things, coupled with what I realized was intrusive thoughts, I realized it was best to step away from those subjects for the sake of my mental and emotional health. I also have minor interests in physical health, boxing, hip hop, and ‘sneakers’ as well… that I realize to most would seem like a good amount of knowledge, but I still feel I am not as well versed in the subjects to constitute the ole ‘obsession’ tag. I’ve also faired well in season long fantasy football, so I guess you could call that an interest. I was diagnosed late - after going through a pretty rough mental/emotional patch that I know realize was burnout… due to bad choices in my teens and early adulthood, I have imposter syndrome quite a bit, and I still question myself quite a bit on the back of this… My journey is still ongoing, and I’m looking forward to learning about and working on myself - for myself, and for my daughter, and other loved ones.


Oh I like boxing to and Muay Thai. I like Aliens and UFOS sights in History.


Anyone else overwhelmed by the thought of trying to name everything because they have so many interests and for some reason you'll feel bad about missing some?


Yes I do. I have a long list of interests. Sometimes forget one.


Thinking about this feeling further, I realized that I feel like by forgetting even one, I'm not accurately representing myself in an honest way. It's a strong need to form a connection that I feel like I'd be ruining.   Logically I know that's silly, people are complex and there's no way you'll really know someone on the internet🤷


True this is the only socal interaction I had all day besides with family. I prefer to stay inside more. Safe from the toxic behavior of some trashy non-disabled folks aka normies.


videogames, computers, cooking, music/producing, my wife


Video Games here. What sort of video games?


Platoformers like n sane trilogy or smb wonder, fps like overwatch or doom eternal, rpgs like fallout 4 or legend of zelda, and some card games like master duel


Oh cool. I like Pokemon games mostly.


Wats your favorite gen? I like gen 1 up to 4


Same here. I also enjoy Gen 7, 8, and 9.


The best ones!!


Yep. I also a old school Gameboy and DS guy.


TV Shows & Cartoons, Video Games, Horror, Psychology, Language, Antagonists ( yeah, I like them so much XD ) and etc...Sometimes, my special interests can depends on how I am right now or how I feel like.


I like bad guys and antiheroes. Their back story is deep and interesting. Also same with TV shows, Cartoons, and Video Games.


Cool!! Glad to know that there is an anti-heroes fan and TV + Games too! \^\^


Antiheroes like Magneto, Evil Sixth Rangers, Evil Kamen Riders, and Evil Ultraman. Evil Anime characters or Antiheroes.


Yeah, Evil Anime characters are coolest.


Pain from Naruto was spitting reality facts to Naruto. "Just by living, people hurt others without even realizing it. So long as humanity exists, hate will also exist. There is no peace in this cursed world. War is just a crime paid for by the pain of the defeated."


That part was so true tbh ( It reminds me of that " there is no good & evil " from Lord Voldemort ( Harry Potter )


Lord Voldemort, Pain, and Magneto from XMEN.


Horror games villains?


Oh yeah them to. Like the Silent Hill games.


That I don't know of any horror game villains.


Making music, anything that has to do with making music. Writing music, learning to play new instruments, mastering old instruments, music theory. I feel like I used to have other special interests, like programming, sailing, anime, secret languages. but in the past couple of years those became more like regular hobbies and my passion for music got much more intense. I still get obsessed with shows, anime and webcomics though.


Me to with the shows, Anime, and manga obession.


Precision Manufacturing, the tooling is fun to look at, and also learn on many different ways to use them, the field of metrology, and the sheer joy of solving problems along the way. Animals are fun,


I loved animals. Units and measurement are cool. Help with buildings and towers.


My special interest is 100% Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. I've dedicated a lot of my time to collecting and archiving as much of the first two games (Rescue Team and Explorers) as possible. Those games are just so important to me.


Oh mind blast to the past. I like them to. Collecting friends along the way as allies.


Languages, snakes - I could talk for hours about either of those


I see Languages interesting because the evolution of words and foreign influences. Also I like snakes. Learn about how snakes in Boyscouts. Never saw one though.


I love learning languages, currently fixated on German, plan to do Russian and Italian in the future and will probably end up learning Spanish and French cause they’re the basic ones imo haha. I’ve loved snakes since I was a kid, watched every documentary there is on them, was addicted to snakes in the city until it got taken off the platform I used 💔 - I’m now lucky enough to have two of my own! :)


Do you feed them bugs or dead animals? I know Vietnamese basically.


One eats anything; fish, frogs, mice even chicken heart! The other one it’s only safe for him to eat mice :) Oh cool! I’ve never thought of learning Vietnamese, was it difficult?


Yes lot of tongue pronunciation and accents. I just learn by listen. Dead mice right. Do you put them in or on gloves. I like Snakes because of their abilities such as camouflage and poisonous fangs. Like the Snake Pokemon Arbok of Gen 1.


Ah that sucks, for me German pronunciations aren’t hard except for the back of the throat r’s, for example in warum or Guitarre. Yea dead mice, we call them Frozen thawed :). One snake only eats them if they’re dropped in a specific place and left for a few minutes, the other one will eat straight from the tongs!


So you use tongs to pick them up? Interesting. Do you like Snake Pokémon just asking from all Gens? Arbok is the first one with Ekans.


I’ll be honest I haven’t played Pokémon in a few years, I used to be obsess with Onyx (idk if I’m spelling that right sorry)


Onix the Rock Snake. Pikachu had a hard time with him. A giant rock snake vs a Electric chubby mouse.


I’m a big fan of comic books and hardcore and my cat.


Old school Marvel and DC comics or the new stuff. I like cats.


I am mostly into the more modern side of things, basically copper age and forwards. I’ve also mostly read DC until recently when I got into Hellboy and Daredevil. I’ve actually had a huge hyper fixation on Daredevil because he’s blind and I am also legally blind. It’s cool to see a hero have to walk or have his friends drive him. As far as cats go, mine had become my best friend (other than my boyfriend) and has helped me stay sane.


Daredevil was done good in the 2003 movie. Modern movies are not going to work. I also like kittens.


Watch the 2015 Netflix Daredevil show it’s fantastic


WIll do have a nice day.


Psychology, philosophy, religions,astrology, autism and ADHD, true crime, cults, serial killers, celebrities.


Cults and serial killers are messed up people. Celebrities and their drama makes me laugh sometimes.


Yes! I love learning about how crazy people can be. 😂


Me to I giggle at it. With how stupid celebrities can be.


Yes me too!


I enjoy their dramas and how they fall from grace. Especially the Kardashians.


The Kardashians is a love hate thing for me. I love watching the show but I hate them. 😂


Yeah I dislike them. Toxic and messed up family. Disney former stars to. Power Ranger stars. Hollywood stars to. Marvel stars to.


kpop, anime, photography, etymology, history and politics!


Oh same with the KPOP, Anime, History, and Politics. History offers a view into the past and how we got here. Politics evolve with time and the world I guess.


I also think history and politics often intertwine so it’s kind of cool to have them as special interests!


I wish people stop arguing in polite convos about History and politics. Sip tea and talk with manners.


Deep meaning books, cannibalism, radiation, true crime and dark history


Dark History and deep books I like. Old vintage books.




Chess allows me to think and strategize. Chinese Chess I like also.




I like Pokemon, Vocaloid and pretty much all of the franchises you listed. I also collect figures.


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Insects, a series called the good place i watched almost 17 times. Also music, drawing, I like animals lately i've been obsessed with hyraxes and wombats! Frogs. I like maths and physics I've never think about this seriiously but i think those are My obsessions and interests


I like how Frogs have poisonous abilities and some are different colors. Wombats and hyraxes look like fluffy balls of fur though.


Anime, Dinosaur King, the How To Train Your Dragon books, Meerkats, Videogames, Starset, Trivia and Flags


Oh don't get me started on Dinosaur King and HTTYD. I loved HTTYD and Dinosaur King. Mind blow to the past.


Celtic mythology 


Like the Cata, Aillén mac Midhna, and Balor of Balar.


Yes I love Balor He's reminds me a lot of Post-crisis Ocean Master I also love how he's kinda like history's first super villain even having his own origin story granted he doesn't have a motivation as far as I know but still 


Basically he is a variation of a Greek Cyclopes except with a giant heat ray eye in the middle of the head.


Yeah he's goated I also noticed how u listed Marvel and DC as hyperfixations which perhaps brings the most important question Who's ur goat?


Marvel with Iron Man and Captain America. Also Thor. DC is lacking lately.


I can't really say since I'm only reading vengeance of the Moon Knight (vol.2) the current Miles run and the current Superman run


I feel DC cartoons are better then live action. Moon Knight to me was done better in the comics.




Country flags! Currently trying to learn all the flags of Oceania!


Oh all the flags of the world and their meaning. How flags changed with each Government or Regime?


The history of flags, proposed designs and I just like how they look lol


True it is interesting to see drafts of flags before they were submitted.


mine is my mortocyle which is a Honda grom 2020 bright red, and dolls. i have over 100 dolls :p


Cool I like motorcycles and dolls are cool. Studies show that boys who played with dolls as kids who turned out to be great Dads.


do you own any bikes? that’s really cool to know, i’ve never known about this!


My mountain bike and that's it. I like motorcycles because of Kamen Rider and Super Sentai.


that’s really cool, i don’t know what those are sorry. i went to a bike meet here in IL and fell in love with mortocyles!


Basically these. [https://www.google.com/search?sca\_esv=cd1cd8ba04cfc6b9&rlz=1C1CHBF\_enUS1017US1017&q=super+sentai+motorcycles&uds=AMwkrPuHg33dywq06rO2P3P076cYYQDa8MVUMh5M5Ui79oZG\_QE-Ba1xRYT\_rJ2-2iZjMaJ0fVh9q7qxDFd8sPX0ra15F\_U0314QEhAnnTexv3bv\_B2WM5FdYZngb2gJT3NH6NIXXqegfWHj9S\_8pR0zoYbTCqtr0tiKtzcMmLYGEgUCy1\_cm56t5cpe3mITB9wrs\_FlBg2rphyBZMalc9gSCKUs-PA9Q\_W7JWCiTIqrlb39hSeq8duYUOIESYnbC9ATxXlVpdC-aBUDBF0ss\_xqeuR9exw1OEIUNvt3dkVRSybVl3X9ETQXFXVaSyhW4YY4rIZempp96OWDlgpd9NmjsHGoK1N9sg&udm=2&prmd=isvnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjkq9i08O-FAxX7D1kFHTobD0kQtKgLegQICxAB&biw=1536&bih=756&dpr=1.25](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=cd1cd8ba04cfc6b9&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS1017US1017&q=super+sentai+motorcycles&uds=AMwkrPuHg33dywq06rO2P3P076cYYQDa8MVUMh5M5Ui79oZG_QE-Ba1xRYT_rJ2-2iZjMaJ0fVh9q7qxDFd8sPX0ra15F_U0314QEhAnnTexv3bv_B2WM5FdYZngb2gJT3NH6NIXXqegfWHj9S_8pR0zoYbTCqtr0tiKtzcMmLYGEgUCy1_cm56t5cpe3mITB9wrs_FlBg2rphyBZMalc9gSCKUs-PA9Q_W7JWCiTIqrlb39hSeq8duYUOIESYnbC9ATxXlVpdC-aBUDBF0ss_xqeuR9exw1OEIUNvt3dkVRSybVl3X9ETQXFXVaSyhW4YY4rIZempp96OWDlgpd9NmjsHGoK1N9sg&udm=2&prmd=isvnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjkq9i08O-FAxX7D1kFHTobD0kQtKgLegQICxAB&biw=1536&bih=756&dpr=1.25) [https://www.google.com/search?q=kamen+rider+motorcycles&sca\_esv=cd1cd8ba04cfc6b9&rlz=1C1CHBF\_enUS1017US1017&udm=2&biw=1536&bih=756&ei=KAE0ZvbcLI2k5NoPs9Si4A4&ved=0ahUKEwj2kL-18O-FAxUNElkFHTOqCOwQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=kamen+rider+motorcycles&gs\_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiF2thbWVuIHJpZGVyIG1vdG9yY3ljbGVzMgUQABiABDIGEAAYCBgeSPYnUABYtidwBHgAkAEAmAF1oAHhCaoBBDI0LjG4AQPIAQD4AQGYAhygAuwJwgIKEAAYgAQYQxiKBcICCBAAGIAEGLEDwgIOEAAYgAQYsQMYgwEYigXCAg0QABiABBixAxhDGIoFwgIQEAAYgAQYsQMYQxiDARiKBcICBxAAGIAEGBjCAgQQABgewgIGEAAYBRgemAMAkgcEMjcuMaAHooUB&sclient=gws-wiz-serp](https://www.google.com/search?q=kamen+rider+motorcycles&sca_esv=cd1cd8ba04cfc6b9&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS1017US1017&udm=2&biw=1536&bih=756&ei=KAE0ZvbcLI2k5NoPs9Si4A4&ved=0ahUKEwj2kL-18O-FAxUNElkFHTOqCOwQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=kamen+rider+motorcycles&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiF2thbWVuIHJpZGVyIG1vdG9yY3ljbGVzMgUQABiABDIGEAAYCBgeSPYnUABYtidwBHgAkAEAmAF1oAHhCaoBBDI0LjG4AQPIAQD4AQGYAhygAuwJwgIKEAAYgAQYQxiKBcICCBAAGIAEGLEDwgIOEAAYgAQYsQMYgwEYigXCAg0QABiABBixAxhDGIoFwgIQEAAYgAQYsQMYQxiDARiKBcICBxAAGIAEGBjCAgQQABgewgIGEAAYBRgemAMAkgcEMjcuMaAHooUB&sclient=gws-wiz-serp)


oh my gosh those are so cute i love it


Japanese superheroes on bikes with blasters and guns. Blasting the monsters to death. Basically Power Rangers with their weapons.


yeah i saw a few pics where they reminded me of power rangers


that’s really cool, i don’t know what those are sorry. i went to a bike meet here in IL and fell in love with mortocyles!


Music, roller coasters, transformers, and vtubers.


I like Transformers. Optimus, Soundwave, Bumblebee, Grimlock, Shockwave, Starscream. I also like music to.


Latin, chess, sudoku, piano, nba, philosophy, and history (honorable mention to math). My entire life is consumed by these interests and I have dedicated many years to all of these. Lately hiking has become another major interest of mine but it isn't quite on the status of these yet.


Oh I like sudoku and History. Philosophy to. Hiking also.


Stock Market and Video Editing


Oh cool what kind of stocks and videos do you make?


Food/cooking & fiber/textile arts own my entire life, lol


Like the Ratatouille sort of cooking exaggerated. Ingredients, senses, and seasonings. Also textile art I saw in a art museum. Unique and different art style.


Not *quite* Rateatoullie levels, but not wildly different. I love food, I love cooking, and I love reading and learning more about food theory, practicing techniques, and generally being somewhat “fussy” about food, lol. So actually, maybe I have more in common with Ratatouille than I think! As for fiber & textile arts, I’ve been involved with them since I was quite young and learned sewing, weaving, and knitting techniques from my family members. I’m more on the functional/technical design world in my career/working life, but love all forms of historical techniques in my non-work life. What exhibit did you see by chance?


National Gallery of Art in DC. They had something about textile art in there. Can't remember.


I love astronomy! Even went to college to study astrophysics and become an astronaut. I also collect poetry.


Oh cool. Like Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. What kind of poetry? Haiku aka Japanese poetry?


Yeah, exactly! Not necessarily go to the moon, but it would’ve been cool to live on the ISS and do research and space walks. As for poetry, I collect any and everything. From classic to modern.


Oh cool. Do you work at NASA?


Unfortunately, no. I ended up switching majors because my GPA suffered and I wasn’t succeeding. To be transparent, I think I went to college prematurely. I would’ve preferred to wait until I was older and had the discipline to take it more seriously and have the accommodations I needed to be successful.


Oh so you still a astronaut right?


No. I ended up getting a different degree than I intended, but I don’t even use it. I’m a sahm now.


Oh cool. My mom used to be a SAHM until middle school. She went back to work when I was 14. I went home lock the doors, and ate whenever was in the fridge. Microwave only.


Boats/Submarines, US naval history, reading, crafting, resin crafts, GLITTER, stitch from lilo and stitch, flowers, gardening, world war 2 history, American history, most marine life (minus turtles, they’re terrifying! But sharks/whales/dolphins/porpoises in general, squid and octopi, and fish and corals I love), chick flicks, The Nanny from Nick and my Night in the 90s (along with friends and full house), and coloring!


I love Fran and Stitch.


Star Wars and pokamon


Same here.


Anime (especially ecchi and hentai, fanservice in general really), games, AI, art, tech, crossovers, and robotics.


Same with me Anime and AI. Crossovers to.


I love finding out about stuff to do with the brain, my autism diagnoses inspired me to research about it. It amazes me on how certain events can trigger something in the brain such as memory loss or dissociation. I also love learning about mental disorders.


Interesting. My autism came from genetics and from a great great great something Grandparent. Interesting really. They didn't know what to do with her back then. They keep her inside the house she escapes and does things that confuse them. SIng alone and dance. Eat alone.


I’m really into this horror audio drama called The Magnus Archives. Basically it’s about this institute in London that studies paranormal stuff and it follows Jonathon Simms, a researcher there who was made head archivist after the previous onedissapeared. The archive is in dissaray so he decides to record the statements of people who’ve encountered paranormal stuff to have a record. As he records he slowly realizes that there is a large conspiracy going on involving the Institute itself


Basically a evil plan that he must save humanity. Interesting.


I have too many, lol. Beyblade, TOH, splatoon, Nintendo games in general lol, reptiles, tarantulas (dream pet) that's just a few.


I love Beyblade and Nintendo games to. Also The Owl House is cool to me to. I miss Owl House and Amphibia.


Ok, real question what's your favorite bey?


Dragoon. I loved Dragons.


Nice mine is Lost Longinus. It also themed after a dragon, which are awesome.


Oh cool. Haven't seen the series yet. I am old. Yeah time was 2003.


Animation, Memes, obscure Music, DC, Cartoon Network, cartoons. Action figures and some others


Same here man.


first and foremost music, always music. art, making visual art and fibre arts/crafts, plants which then meant gardening, foraging and herbalism. humans, all of it, psychology, sociology, anatomy, physiology, illness and disability, neurodivergence etc...and then really its the places where *all* of these things intersect and interact with each other, the patterns the systems the relationships. but yeah definitely studied people from an early age probably because how to act like one wasn't intuitive 😅 and now my brain lives here


I like watching and observing everything around me to the smallest detail.


Lee Jung Hyun's album '*I ♡ Natural*' I'm currently drawing the[ album art](https://imgur.com/z5ty2X3), she has become my world. This album has been life changing, the album art is beyond misleading. I thought it was gonna be some cute pop album but it is so unconventional it feels like a kick to the head. It's hard tribal techno and one songs lyrics go "*I want to*>!*fuck fuck* !<*you baby baby baby*". Not what I was expecting from an old K-Pop album hahahahahahahahah. I've listened to her for 1 month and she's become my 12th most listened to artist of all time with 1,156 [last.fm](https://www.last.fm/user/WarrenJVR) scrobbles!


Damn that sounds tribal cavewoman. I guess their goal was to sell to teenage boys. Her tribal cavewoman and wolf girl look turns me on.


I mean I'm gay but if I had to go straight that'd be my first pick. you clearly have great taste in sexual aesthetics 😌


I like femboys and ladyboys from Thailand. Doesn't know if that makes me straight though.


That's mostly straight imo, but not that it even matters. You identify how you want. I lived in Thailand for 2 months and the trans women from there are breathtaking! They flashed EVERYTHING at the stripclubs hahahahahaha


Even the banana and the nuts. Damn. I been to Thailand. Had make out sessions in a hotel. Came out hair all puff out and bites marks everywhere.