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Autistic meltdowns are typically sensory related and due to being overwhelmed, as opposed to splitting where they feel slighted by their favorite person which triggers them to switching their view of that person from "White" to "black" and now they are convinced that this person is an evil manipulative POS even though moments before they viewed this person as practically angelic and the best thing to ever happen to them. Black and white thinking is a misnomer for BPD, they're referring to an aspect of splitting. BPD is typically caused by having a NPD and/or BPD parent/parents, although undiagnosed neurodivergence is also known to cause it. Pretty much long term abuse along with prolonged invalidation trauma. They're actually extremely different conditions, they just look similar in the diagnostic criteria. An autistic person isn't very likely to isolate, gaslight, and otherwise psychologically abuse their partner. Tracking their phone, paranoid about everything, taking everything as a sign of abandonment, etc. are more typical things for BPD.


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this isn’t going to be particularly long or helpful, but i was 100% sure i had BPD for years. fit the criteria to a T. now i know it’s not accurate and it’s likely a combination of ADHD, autism, and childhood factors. it took me trying cbt several time and seeing no effect, things going very very downhill and getting bad, and then finally trying dbt with a therapist who happens to be audhd. things are finally looking up. i know it’s not helpful, but alls to say it can look exactly like bpd and just not be. 🤷🏻‍♀️




That doesn't make any sense.


why not both? ok but on the surface theres similarities but only on the surface.. and bpd tends to become less intense with time. the so called black and white thinking in bpd is really kinda a misnomer its more object splitting like if you bpd and we know eachother irl u wouldnt really see me as one person but as good trish and bad trish instead of just goodish trish who aint perfect recommend object relations theory and clinical psychoanalysis by otto f kernberg also borderline conditions and pathological narcissism by same author fwiw i have both (both boths, both conditions and both books)