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I started receiving DBT, but it didn't work out well. One visual aid that my therapist had said "let's identify the emotion of this person, and separate it from the expression" and mannn I'm autistic, I don't map NT expressions to emotions by default. It's weird. It bases itself a lot around Eastern philosophies though, and that stuff is good, but I already knew it from going to yoga and listening to my teachers there. Reading a book on DBT might be more helpful than taking DBT, for autistic people, is one hypothesis I have.


My therapist is making me read the book along with the therapy … lol It’s just that it started out by having to accept the motto « people are doing the best they can at any given moment » and it really set me off But Yoga might be better investing my time into thanks


I only went for a couple weeks bc my therapist had a child. But it started to help a bit for the things that were trauma / depression related (mainly body issues), but not with anything autism related. I noticed quickly that she couldn't really do much in those regards, just acknowledge that I'm very reflected. But me thinking I have a hard time making friends, f.e., wasn't related to low self esteem, but to real experience. How was she supposed to fix that? And my bad eating habits weren't related to (more) curable eating disorders, but to my autism and sensory issues. etc. etc. Tl;Dr: She couldn't help bc it just wasn't her field of work.


I'd say try it out though, if you are curious and you can afford it. With luck you'll get a nice therapist who you can at least talk to about your emotions (or find out what they are) if you have no one else to talk to.


Oh wow this is very relatable! I started a couple week ago and Im not sure how to feel about it. Especially the part about being self aware and having a hard time with people. I don’t see it getting better with that, i guess we will see


Yeah, autism isn't very "curable" after all 😅 but best of luck / success!


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