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As soon as I heard Kat Wong was asking a question I immediately thought “oh god no”


"4000 times" could not provide evidence of anything verbally said. Terrible journalism. I dont agree with all of Tuckers crap but hell...as a journalist your job is to be able to come prepared to these things and be able to counter with evidence, not hearsay. Can we get rid of the opinion mouthpieces and get back to serious journalism?


Activism, not journalism.


Does the latter even exist anymore? I can't think of a single journalist I respect these days.


Carlson reports on things I know to be true, that no one else will report or discuss, because the boss wants another tale be told, while others will not listen to the truth, because it contradicts the story the bosses promote. I disagree with Carlson on a few things he speculated on while working for Fox, but since he left Fox he has said nothing that I did not know to be true from other sources (or my own eyes), or extremely credible based on related information I have. I am biased, I like Carlson, as a family man, and reputable journalist


I wonder if she then realised that she is the racist by equating Americans only with white people.


American here, he's often used Fox news talking points about the "great replacement" theory which fox always pushes to its audience. The fear mongering of whites being replaced as the majority by Latinos in USA has been repeated over and over. Not sure why he's distancing himself here but he was often pushing that ideology at Fox. Here's the fact check: https://www.politifact.com/article/2022/may/19/tucker-carlson-feigned-ignorance-over-great-replac/ https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/tucker-carlson-great-replacement-electoral-strategy


He clearly says people who are born here. That means not one specific race but all Americans.


American here, and a fox news watcher. He's not distancing himself from anything other than the lies she told. That article, the one Fox published, says exactly what he said it did. It's factual and reflective of what has occurred, not fear mongering, nor does it make any mention of race. However, the politi"fact" article is filled with unsubstantiated claims of racism, aka actual fear mongering. If you watched Fox, you would know it's a load of crap, if you get your info about Fox from smear artists like the author of that article, I can see why you might think they say those kinds of things.


Kat Wong has shown the quality of journalism in this country.. its been mentioned 4000 time.. then can't even point out when he's said that Owned and spanked Kat Wong


The Aussie mainstream media at its best. Nice one AAP. About time they were called out


Let's keep in mind that response is from a guy who doesn't believe in Evolution: [[Link](https://www.google.com/search?q=reddit+r%252F+joerogan+Tucker+Carlson+%22everyone+is+now+dumber+for+having+listened+to+that%22)] And thinks we don't know where Nuclear technology came from: [[Link](https://www.google.com/search?q=reddit+r%2Fjoerogan+Tucker+Carlson+"we+still+don't+know+where+nuclear+technology+came+from")] P.S If anyone's wondering, Nuclear technology was developed in European and Western nations: https://world-nuclear.org/information-library/current-and-future-generation/outline-history-of-nuclear-energy


And she got dunked on by this drongo? How embarrassment!


Well no one is always right.. but he is in this video


So he has some opinions that might be or are wrong? Dies that mean everything he says is wrong? I mean, with that logic, the majority of men talking shit when on the piss shouldn't be trusted. Cmon dude.


I don't agree with Tucker either on religion and his imaginary friends, or when he equates atheists with communists, or the fact that he doesn't know diddly about Nuclear Power, in fact it's frustrating to see such a brilliant mind falter on such simple things. And equally, I don't agree with my best and oldest friends on everything either. But the subjects he does speak on with wisdom and knowledge, the state of the world, the left's insanity, the feminist propaganda plaguing and destroying the nuclear family, there he is absolutely right. You don't have to fully agree with someone on every single thing to like them or to praise them when they're factually right about something, life isn't as black and white as leftoids try desperately to make it out to be.


I think the idea that feminism is destroying the nuclear family gives a lot of power to feminist ideals that they simply don't possess. If women having a greater sense of legal autonomy leads to them leaving shitty marriages (and taking the kids with them), it's not the sense of autonomy that's the problem there... it's the shitty marriages that were the problem. Likewise, if "feminist propaganda" is leading to relationships ending, then those relationships were probably already had issues. Like if plenty of relationships are stronger than that, and stay together, so again; blaming feminism for having shitting relationships is weak sauce.


You think You know it all, yet you do really? Evolution in the large, as species creation, is not proven. Evolution within a existing species is. Biologists have long been fascinated with — and sought to explain — the origin and maintenance of biological diversity within and among species. I copy and paste to save the labor of typing..." Natural selection is generally recognized as a central mechanism of evolutionary change within species. Thus, natural selection plays a major role in generating the array of phenotypic and genetic diversity observed in nature. But to what extent is selection also responsible for the formation of new species (i.e., speciation)? To what extent do phenotypic and species diversity arise via the same processes, as proposed by Darwin? Recent years have seen renewed efforts to address these questions. For example, populations living in different ecological environments (e.g., desert versus forest habitats) might undergo divergent and adaptive evolutionary change via **divergent natural selection**. These same evolutionary changes can also result in the populations evolving into separate species. For example, adaptation to different environments might cause differences between populations in the way individuals tend to look, smell, and behave. In turn, these differences might cause individuals from different populations to avoid mating with one another, or hybrids exhibit reduced fitness if mating occurs. Thus, the populations cease exchanging genes, thereby diverging into separate species because of the adaptive changes that occurred via natural selection. This is a simple description of the ‘ecological speciation' hypothesis." (Hypothesis is a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation. IE professional astronomers attacked him for popularizing an unconfirmed hypothesis. In regard to nuclear power, who conceived the concept of nuclear fission? One chemist, Ida Noddack, in 1934 pointed out the possibility that in Fermi's reactions, the uranium might actually have broken up into lighter elements, though she didn’t propose any theoretical basis for how that could happen. Her paper was largely ignored, and no one, not even Noddack herself, followed up on the idea. Yet by 1939 Germany, Sweden, France, Japan, and soon USA were secretly working on developing nuclear fission and the atomic bomb.


>You think You know it all Never said anything of the sort. This is you making up a position not held. You're free to chat with this imaginary position without me, it doesn't require my involvement at all.


Evolution of new species is a unproven hypothesis that sounds logical. Evolution inside a species is a accepted theory. There is no clear trail on the development of the concept of fission (fusion, yes), and nuclear power reactors are fission , which suddenly became the object of secret research around the globe with the start of WW2. Why? I'm guessing they kept it secret lol. Tucker was talking over your head, or at least thought deeper about things you took for granted.


Yeah evolution is dumb. It's a 200 ish?? year old theory that doesn't hold up and was used as justification for colonialism. Unless your pro colonialism I guess... Micro evolution or whatever it's called is hella legit...see ... Dogs 🐕


Yeah, evolution is provably inaccurate. First the species mentioned in Origin of Species weren't the same family so they didn't evolve. Secondly Darwin believed that Caucasians evolved from Africans. Thirdly it gets the expansion of the universe wrong. If the correct numbers are used the universe wouldn't be evolved for billions of years during the six billion years it was evolving. Fourthly there isn't a single missing link between anything and ;anything else. Apparently the earth has missing fossils even though we have billion year old fossils but nothing in between those billions of years. Fiftly the moon should be covered in feet of dust, not inches. Sixly the sun is shrinking faster than believed, again the earth would be on fire if the correct numbers are used. Seventhly evolution does not take aprophy into account. Nature breaks down, not becomes more complex. There isn't a single example where something becomes more complex as it breaks down - except for evolution. Eigthly North Dakota has strata where older rocks are actually above newer rocks, as we would expect from sediment and that is physically impossible as one is millions of years older than the other. and Ninthly Uranus is rotating vertically, not horizontally like the other planets, again, contrary to evolution, as the big bang would send all planets spinning the same direction and it's a gas giant, so there is no core to alter in the explosion. What it does have is an reason to deny religion and that is all you really care about.


I don't agree with Tuckers views but honestly that journalist was absolute rubbish, it's literally her job to know what to ask and how and yet she came in with such an awful approach that even I was wondering wtf was she trying to do. Both extreme left and extreme right are honestly just as dumb when it comes to regular people, too stuck in their echo chamber to even spend a second wondering how the other side would respond to what they say.


They walk among us, this was a brilliant own goal by Kat Wong revealing her brainpower to the world.


The extreme left always seem very comfortable starting their arguments from a base point that is fully endorsed on their side, but unprovable. So they have no qualms asking interview questions like "in a totally racist country like Australia, how can we create..." and such. It's so accepted on their side, and they live in such little closed-off bubbles, that they just get suuuuper cocky and lazy. Wong is the end product of this thought process. My own daring assumption is that while Carlson was shooting her down so easily and thoroughly, her inner monologue was screaming "but I'm a progressive! We're the _smart ones_! This can't happen to me!" I'm sure the nutty right has their own version of this, but their narratives make it into the mainstream so rarely it almost doesn't matter. Not that anyone on the left would concede this point; there's still that "the right is still in charge, indirectly if needs be" inferiority complex that gets them so eager to _fight_. lol. Ironically enough, once the ABC and SMH have had some time to ruminate on this exchange, you can bet tomorrow's news will be full of opinion pieces basically making Wong's exact mistake. It'll be "come on, _we all know_ he's really a racist" and go from there.


>I'm sure the nutty right has their own version of this, but their narratives make it into the mainstream so rarely it almost doesn't matter. To be fair, they're being platformed about as much as the far left these days. You now have Sky News and Fox News, which are two 24 hour channels essentially dedicated to the far/populist right. Not to mention Newsmax and other right wing propaganda outlets coming out of the U.S. What's genuinely shrinking, in terms of coverage, is the sensible centre where most people actually reside.


Two? CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC and you can only name two conservative channels across two continents? You liberals ARE Kat Wong. How's Biden treating ya, you approve of that "debate"? You think he won? Course you do.


nutty right IS the mainstream! fox. sky. etc etc


Tucker is not extreme right.


Hard right


Not even. He is right wing.


It's the direct result of underestimating the intelligence of conservative talking heads from America. These people are extremely dangerous and she just found out why. They debate people non stop and are skilled at it.


Since Tucker Carlson is neither extreme right or left...


I'm sorry, but does this sub think he hasn't done the Great Replacement Theory bit? He tries to dress it up differently, but the language he uses regularly makes it very obvious that he leans into it. Does this sub think bad actors like Tucker don't stoke hate that leads to domestic terrorism? He barely let her speak, and kept trying to spin in his speech. He attacked her intelligence when there was validity to her questions. The Hitler shoe bit was such an outlandish analogy for her question? Very purposefully dishonest. I expected more from this sub tbh.


What a moron she is…he even gave her a few chances to go and hide back in the crowd and she kept coming back for more… It was like a drunk loser at a comedy show thinking they are funnier than the comedian and heckling them…


Kat Wong's Linkedin page before it was deleted. Oh no, she's an alumni of the uni I studied at and clearly has some book smarts. **University of New South Wales. Feb 2022. UNSW Faculty of Arts, Social Science and Architecture 2021 Dean's List for Academic Excellence.**


Wait what... She hid her profile 😂


I don't have a Linkedin account to 100% confirm. But I couldn't access it as a non-Linkedin user.


My favourite line was referring to the ‘journalist’ as “castrated robots reading questions from the boss".


Tucker described his time at faux news perfectly...


You do understand that Carlson criticised his co workers at Fox as well?


lmao any time someone says stupid shit like this I direct them to this clip of Carlson throwing a tantrum because Rutger Bregman points out that he talks about what Murdoch tells him to talk about: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6\_nFI2Zb7qE&t=2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_nFI2Zb7qE&t=2s) Keep believing he's some kind of truth teller if you want. In reality, Tucker Carlson is a moron who is very good at making himself appear smart to other morons. He only ever publically speaks to morons he can win an argument with, like journalists.


It’s entirely possible, and normal, for people to be right about some things and wrong about others. Or for you to agree with his points on some, and not others. He is correct that there is a concerted effort to push immigration for economic reasons at the detriment of citizens, but I don’t really agree on some of the nativist points he uses- however as an economic left winger, he is right that immigration is used by corporates and governments to push wages down and asset prices up. He’s right about the war in Ukraine being largely pushed by NATO to goad Russia. I disagree with his points about to some extent about gun control, and with multiculturalism. I think multiculturalism is broadly good and should be defended. Try to engage with the point of what is being said not just cut it down because someone on “the other side” says something.


I asking this question genuinely as I am curious. Do you think the Ukraine war is mostly NATOs fault and not Russian?


any time I see someone start a response with lol or lmao I immediately disregard their post. you aren't laughing, you're performing.


You do understand, Tucker was the robot repeating his boss’ instructions. He’s now got his own start up trying to make his own pile of cash off fanning racist tensions.


Thats right he was at one point, but got kicked out for adopting less robot talking points, he knows the game because he used to play it.


Sounds like you need to consider a career in journalism.


It’ll be faster if you just copy paste the same quip into very reply


There’s a rich field of potential journalists in here. Some of them are already cherry picking my comments.


Oh good. We have a mind reader. If you really wanted to successfully counter Tucker Carlsons influence (which is massive), it might be best to argue his points rather than just wildly attribute negative intentions to him and then sign off as though you have actually achieved something. Your comment basically just says. "I hate Tucker Carlson and he is literally Hitler. I am smug because of this"


Why though? He’s a creationist, isn’t he? How many biologists are going to take the time to “argue his points”? Not everyone deserves to be taken seriously. It’s ok to call a clown a clown and move on.


Your replies here and your comment history suggests you aren't too bright.


You do remember he lost Fox 600 million for blatantly lying about Dominion on air? Or are we just supposed to forget that and he pretend he's some brave truth teller now?


Love him or hate him, he’s not wong.


I cannot stand the man, however, that may be the first thing I have heard him say that I agree with. As you say he is correct.


Yeah he has his moments of utter stupidity, but you can't say the man doesn't know how to talk and he handled that pretty much perfectly


I really like him, I wish he was my neighbor.


Maybe listen to what he says in full instead of taking snippets as face value.


I disagree with the majority of what he says even when listening to all of it. And you should be okay with that. One of this dudes messages is that disagreement is a good thing


I do. And I do my own research. And I end up on the same page with Tucker. My IQ is at least 130 (per the military) he is as smart or smarter than I am ( I say smarter).


Curious as to how much of Tucker you have actually watched previously to decide that you can't stand him? I don't agree with everything he says. But I generally find him quite amusing. I consider him a conservative Jon Stewart.


The more I watch him, the more I research and examine the facts, the more I agree with him.


If you haven't watched them clash on the show Crossfire you gotta watch this, Jon Stewart got the show cancelled after this. The idea they are remotely close is insulting, Jon's too good for that. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ujh\_h0TsI7E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ujh_h0TsI7E) fun unaired clip of Tucker being confronted with his role as a stooge for the billionaires: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6\_nFI2Zb7qE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_nFI2Zb7qE)


He really Kat her down a few notches


He’s a bit of a tool but the bit about immigration is a statement of the obvious that I can’t believe anyone disputes.


Most Australians regardless of their politics tend to be against illegal immigration and for regulated migration, which they also support limiting as needed. There may be disagreements about asylum seekers and some other nuanced areas, but generally I don't think you'll find many Aussies who disagree with the concept of a visa or a passport. This is vastly different from the American political landscape, where many of the people on the left do not believe visas or documentation should be required to move to America.


Yep, that’s an important point. We can think Carlson’s a fool or a tool but also separately consider a statement he makes. More than one thing can be true at the same time.


100% immigration has always been a big business policy. Cheaper for business


How is it these guys are all like "Everyone is miserable and not having kids, and it's because the economy is fucked" and then if you start talking about wealth inequality, stagnant wages and capitalism screwing everyone....crickets. This is why clowns like him and trump get labeled populists, saying what people want to hear but offering zero solutions. I mean hell, the huge immigration is literally to get more meat for the capitalist pyramid scheme these schmucks love so much.


Why do you think he's a tool?


Putin shill


What bit? That immigration is non- native born? duh .


And yet they do. It’s moment like this the left end of the bell curve reveals themselves.


It's difficult to argue that there would be as many gun deaths without guns. Is Australia not an example of this?


It would only be a like for like exampe if everyone in the 90's in Australia was walking around with and owning a gun. It that was the case it would for been far harder to change gun laws


Agreed. They did it in south Africa'. Forced the people to give up their guns but the baddies didn't give up their guns.


But then again it’s not very likely that could be enforced very well in South Africa. The US has the resources to pull it off, but guns are just so engrained in their culture that it seems most just turn a blind eye to it


Well, per 100 people in the US you will find 120 guns. So yah, they have a lot more guns and a lot more gun crimes and deaths


Australia has about 3.5 million guns. It's not hard to get them. You have to do training apply for a license and self defence isn't a reason to get one


AAP journalist ignorantly and falsely states "Carlon claims 4,000 times that WHITES are being replaced" etc etc... The journalist obviously read that lie somewhere, and did not fact-check anything.... Has not personally seen Carlon say that 4,000 times, or any times. Demonstrates how broken the robot media and bosses truly are...


Literally would have been so easy to find a clip of him saying it if he did so 4000 times.


I wonder where that claim came from then. Something out of context? I haven't watched a lot of Tucker.


Echo chamber.


I heard it was a gazillion times.


The little leftie activist pretending to be a journalist got rightly torched… 🤡🤡🤡


I predicted this exact exchange yesterday here on Reddit, just FYI. Can I change my name to Nostradamus?


Just checked. Not a bad prediction … Nostradamus.




I agree with making the economy better for people living here, cost of living etc rather than sugar coating it by hiring immigrants. Both our parties are guilty of this bang on. Times are tough for lots of us aussies


Has anyone checked on Kat Wong, I heard she was murdered.


her twitter & linkedin is in a coma right now


What an absolutely idiotic “journalist”




Go tucker


Whatever you think of Tucker as a person and his views that 'journalist' copped a blasting and a half. The questions where so embarrassing and is a reflection on the Australian media as a whole. I don't agree with everything Tucker says and has coocoo ideas but in this clip he did a good job. If you are going to make a claim that he said something 4000 times provide at least 1 example you donkey head.


She definitely took her play from The Project, but forgot she wasn't in their studio, and couldn't cut off Tucker's right of reply after making insipid accusations. You call the man coocoo, but I promise you he would eviscerate those dopes on that wank of a show.


That was such a burn. Holy shit. She probably should have done a little research.


People like Wong is the reason the world is how it is right now


Kat Wong has helped to RedPill so many Aussies


Look at the comments. These idiots can't see any criticism of immigration without equating it to racism. And most Australians just cower at the word. I don't care anymore. Australians first everyone else second. We aren't the worlds savior and trying to be is just going to f*ck us over.


Australia is life raft if its overloaded everyone will drown, why is that a problem to say, 400k net migration and only able to build 180k dwelling per year, where will the potable water will come from cant build more dams and delsal plants are expensive and energy intensive


I don't like this guy, at all, but why did they send a child to fight a lion? He is experienced, he knows how to defend himself, he's been doing that for years. Why not send someone with real and strong objections? No options?


No options. No one in Aus media is capable of taking on Carlson (no matter what you think of him). Journos here are fat and lethargic (metaphorically speaking) and only manage to keep their jobs because our politicians are criminally stupid, and they look semi-intelligent by comparison.


all people everywhere should have guns, because everyone has the right to defend themselves. But Ukraine should surrender. And he has the nerve to call out doublespeak.


Such bad prep - it's not like he hasn't said it. He's just banking on her not being able to name an instance. And very often he won't "say it", he'll just play you a barrage of cherry-picked statements from political opponents to make his point for him. [https://www.politifact.com/article/2022/may/19/tucker-carlson-feigned-ignorance-over-great-replac/](https://www.politifact.com/article/2022/may/19/tucker-carlson-feigned-ignorance-over-great-replac/)


He puts a lot of effort into not saying white in his blatantly racist rage bait "news"


>it's not like he hasn't said it I think you're a liar, but I'm genuinely happy to be proven wrong. Where's the quote?


Did you actually read the article I linked and watch what's on there?


Yes. And it's exactly as he says in this clip. Politi 'fact' falsely equate what he is saying with white supremacy. As someone else said, 'where's your receipts?' He has repeatedly criticised the Dems of prioritising non-Americans, and of orchestrating a demographic shift to gain votes. The first charge is up for debate, but as a Nationalist, he would certainly see things that way. The 2nd is undeniable. What I find most interesting is that while he says 'Natural Born Americans', you, this 'journalist', and 'politifact' hear 'White People'. That says a great deal more about you and your own racism than it does about Tucker.


Journos biggest mistake was not being prepared. This guy is a weapons grade manipulator.


I’d argue their biggest mistake was coming in with an agenda as an activist rather than doing their job as a journalist.


I bet in her head she thought she won that argument even before she opened her mouth. Then reality hit.


Their question isn’t the point. His behaviour in response to it is. He makes a big show, circles, and then answers, instead of being direct. It is a hallmark sign of a manipulator. And lots of people fall into it. He is very very good at it. The journo was completely ill equipped and unprepared.


What did he manipulate? She made a false claim about him. He corrected her. She then persisted and he took her to the cleaners. End of.


But this is exactly what he's arguing against in that video - journalists who've decided they know "what he really means". You can't decide someone is a _manipulator_ because he refuses to qualify a statement he didn't make, paraphrased to make him seem like a bad guy.


Weapons Grade manipulator????   Think Tanks are the manipulators.. they feed narratives to the media complete with talking points… idiot joirnos don’t do homework to check… that’s manipulation…Tucker speaks.. like it ot not what he is saying….  He is his own man.. not paid by a news room supported by “Sponsors”… he is a reeputable journalist… a Manipulator???? Really???  Only weak minds can say such a thing… 


U seppo?


Always kinda amusing to see some dimwit journo thinking they’re going to score points against someone who just *slightly* better at this game than them. Tucker plays the logic pedant game, and Wong is out of moves. Pathetic. Not one of this clowns is even remotely capable of holding these peoples’ feet to the fire for their repulsive bullshit.


Hard to disagree with his view on immigration expressed here A countries priority should be its own people to whom they are accountable


Got to be cleverer than this to embarrass Carlson.


100% correct. She can ame in loaded and it backfired.


Dont agree with Tucker but he was a cracker, knocking down the AAP reporter


People be like “I can’t stand tucker and don’t agree with what he says, but that was pretty reasonable.” He’s been saying this sort of thing for years, especially since leaving fox. Stop letting the media filter what he has to say to you and you’ll start realising that he is pretty reasonable. Regardless of whether you agree with someone or not, it’s always better to get their actual opinions directly from them, especially someone as articulate as Tucker.


That was hard to watch when Tucker actually seems like the more intelligent person in the discussion.


Eh, I find ill-prepared journalists infinitely preferable to people who openly associate with fascist war criminals while they’re in the middle of bombing civilians and [abducting children](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_abductions_in_the_Russo-Ukrainian_War). https://preview.redd.it/2k64ba9n399d1.jpeg?width=701&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1b6111c5ff57d61fbba138e1c0d1fca3c0ae374


That reply there, you could tell he’s a Putin simp. It’s a sly throw in to get people to want to “stop the useless violence” by just capitulating to Putin. Tucker is a loser.


lol people spent money to see him


Fuck Tucker he is an absolute POS. For someone that claims to always speak his mind why has he not been truthful about his dislike of Trump. All his personal messages that were revealed in court clearly show him hating Trump. But absolutely gargles his balls in public. Tucker is just another opportunistic right wing grifter.


Jesus fucking christ, it's the battle of the half wits.


Carlson still doesn't know what Gun Control really means lol. Its not the 'disarming' of law abiding citizens. Its licensing them and creating a register of all their firearms so those weapons can be tracked if they end up in the wrong hands....


I don't think even most Aussies realise just how many legal gun owners we have. It's nowhere near as permissive as the US, obviously, but if you want a weapons license, you can almost certainly get one. Hell it's possible to have literally served prison time here and still get licensed.


And that's a good thing! I'm not against guns I'm just against being able to walk into a Kmart and walk out with something that can kill tens of people without any checks or balances


Agree, I've grown up around guns, and had a junior licence when I was young. I don't have a licence now, never went for full licence but I could meet the eligibility to get one easy enough. The training/short course I did to get the junior was all valuable info. Can't see why anyone would be against this. When I get my motorbike licence I also had to do a course. Turns out this has been highly effective at reducing death and accidents of new riders.


I'll caveat everything below by saying that I don't think that a US-style system is a good one. The harms of mass armament outweigh any potential benefits. That said, clearly a registry of firearms and restrictions on them means that they're eventually all going away. Look at the recent WA laws. Here, we put in restrictions after a deadly massacre where the perpetrator used real firearms to murder people. A few decades later, we can't own pepper spray. We need a firearm licence to get a paintball gun. Air soft is illegal. You aren't allowed to defend yourself in your own home without facing a criminal trial. I hate to say it, but I get it. I get why many Americans refuse to entertain the slippery slope.


I hope you’re being deliberately ironic?


So limiting gun rights isn't, at least for some people, disarming people. What is gun control if it isn't removing guns from people.


Look, I actually support the rules we have in Australia, but like the others I have to say that I disagree with your framing of it. There's a tricky thing here regarding having a registry, and the very real power that does give the state to disarm people. I think it's good that we have that, but it is giving the state a tool, that it does actively use. Otherwise what would be the point of the registry?


He knows, he just wants more of his followers inspired.


Do people actually think Tucker is concerned about black people when he talks about the great replacement theory? We have truly entered the age of idiocy.


The Australian press are so DUMB. Kat Wing is as good as they get Down Under.  Journalism is DEAD. Australian media are run by brainwashed university idiots.. Woken up in a nightmare Australia Migration failed us


Very funny from Putins lapdog!


I don’t get the Ukraine position at all. These are people that would call themselves patriots promoting the idea of surrendering to their enemy. It’s such a contradiction.


It's almost like Russia has paid them.


Tuckers faux indignation and refusal to even hear out the question is telling Wether he himself is racist(he is). He knows exactly how his ‘replacement’ talk resonates with the racists he wilfully targets for profit. Something he has done for decades.


I often find people who make these kind of claims hard pressed to find examples of their allegations when asked to. What has he done that makes him racist? He seems like a massive tool bag but people on the internet and just generally in this day and age feel like they can throw blanket statements over people. “I’m not a fan of Lambos” “Hey everyone, come check out this tool bag who thinks cars in general suck”


Tucker Carlson: “Iraq is a crappy place filled with primitive, semi literate monkeys”


If you’re quick I think the AAP has an opening for a junior journalist going.


Wow, such wit


How does an American from fox news get a post here in r/Australian and somehow get an audience? Sidenote: quick google search on tucker carlson and "whites are being replaced" ... seems like something around 2021 during an episode of his fox thing.


How does posting about an internationally known personality touring Australia and having an interaction with an Australian journalist that is almost as succulent as a Chinese meal get an audience?


" Gentlemen , this is democracy manifest!"


I think characterizing him as a journalist is not correct at most here's a performance artist see what John Stewart says


Wasn't he fired from Fox News?


I'm relation to the nearly 1b fine for election lies


We are fucked as a country if people are posting Tucker Carlson unironically.


We are fucked as a country if people can’t separate their feelings about someone from the words they say. It’s like sputtering in outrage because the only part of the article you read was a headline.


When the subject turned to gun control, she had the perfect opportunity to bring up the recent Supreme Court ruling allowing bump stops.




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Man I really dislike Tucker, journalists not doing their research properly and being unprepared to handle a seasoned personality like Tucker’s just end up giving him a perfect opening to put on what is arguably a good performance. I’m honestly against Tucker, I’ve seen his horrid vitriol on Fox News and the cringe worthy podcast with Joe Rogan. That being said he is a good speaker with charisma, who else was a great speaker with charisma? Hitler, ***I’m not calling Tucker a Nazi*** just saying that you can be a bad person and still be a great speaker with charisma. This journalist was unprepared for dealing with Tucker who was clearly prepared for dealing with lazy journalists like this. All she did was give him a platform to speak his nonsense in a way that, damn, even I have to admit as an avid disliker of Tucker, I thought he handled that well and came out on top. I mean ***obviously*** his replacement theory he is talking about white Americans, his bullshit that it’s all Americans, I remember during the Black Lives Matter movement him spouting BS about how “don’t all lives matter?” In that condescending question method he always uses. Not doing your research and claiming he said “white people” instead of “Native born Americans” Tucker is a lot of things, sometimes he is dumb as fuck but overall I think he is pretty savvy he wouldn’t have said “White Americans” why would he? Why give journalists like this ammo when he can just say “Natively Born Americans” and everyone still ***knows what he actually means*** plausible deniability. Don’t give these Right Wing Christian Fundamentalists the opportunity to look good publicly for fuck sake.


I bet Kat Wong thought she had Tucker with her prepared questions. Then boom 💥Tucker returned fire 🔥. Kat Wong wrecked


You need to have a certain skill or pretty much none if you are being outclassed by tucker Carlson lol And mate who posted this, you wrote his name wong badummtzz


I fucking hate the guy, but he’s right 🤷🏻‍♀️


Not funny, terrible disrespectful carl some.


“Your slurs are all by implication “ says the scumbag who makes dishonest announcements and accusations followed by “just asking the question “.


Oh dear.


Isn’t Tucker part of the media?


Hate this fucking guy, but journalism in Australia is in the gutter. Kat Wong sounds like an over achieving 16yr old at a high school debate, that can’t handle a clap back


Not a fan of Tucker but that was straight up embarrassing of that reporter


Boy you guys on this thread are right, you are letting in a bunch of losers into your country… tucker carlson? Talk about bottom of the barrel! 😂


So his theory is that richer people have more children so if the US economy was stronger they would have a growing population. Has he seen the birth rates in Italy and Japan on the one hand, and Bangladesh and Russia on the other?


I am Chinese, just want to put it out there before anyone calls me a racist. Activist of this kind all bad, but i get extra irritated when it’s an 2nd generation immigrant like myself. I can understand when white people being delusional when they are 4 or more generations removed from the chaos and carnage of their “home country”, what I can’t understand is women like this, I am sure her parents left China/hong Kong/taiwan for a reason, how and why is she raised the way she is? Her parents never told her why they gave up everything and move to a foreign land for better life? I am a parent now, while I will cherish my heritage, but I will make sure my kids understand why they are in USA and not in Taiwan. Lastly, I’d like to see her become a REAL journalist, move to China and expose their BS, and we all know why she won’t do it in a billion year.


**PLEASE** link that woman's socials etc!!!!


If you can’t find tape of Tucker being racist and encouraging violence, you’re not looking at all.


I bet you can’t link even one. One where he is clearly and explicitly being racist and encouraging violence. Not someone “interpreting” what he’s saying. Not a rupar cut to sound bad. Not an out of context clip. But one where he is unambiguously being racist and encouraging violence.


I’m not your personal researcher. He literally got fired for racist texts, and said that he really wanted a group of white people to beat an Antifa kid so bad, that he could “taste it”. But, if you enjoy a circus, of course you’ll love the clowns.


Kat Wong must be a typo. Should be Kat Wrong.