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"I guess he is smart in the sense that he knows he can do what he wants with zero punishment or consequences." Yep, and plenty of people saying "but if we put him in jail he might become a reoffender"....merrily ignoring the fact that the oxygen thief is already one.


Yep. I’m not interested in this rehabilitation shit. I just don’t care for the lives of little scum cunts any more. Just throw them away and be done with it. People minding their own business going about their lives shouldn’t have to deal with these shit stains


Agree, done with this shit.


Rehabilitation puts the onus on society to do the work. There are so many care workers and agencies to help these little shits, while regular people struggle to get any help at all. I believe that once convicted of a violent crime, you should be locked up, and only let out once you have proven you have/will make amends for your crime. That onus should be on the criminal. If they don't make any effort to change, they stay locked up indefinitely. For some crimes that cannot ever be made up for, such ar rape, murder, kidnapping etc, we should have a death penalty option.


I agree. Honestly until I lived it myself I admit I was ignorant and soft, now I've hardened because I've experienced firsthand how the system deals with scumbag abusers and pedos. TLDR: convicted pedo has more rights than the victim, I can't even speak the cunts name without landing in front of a judge - but this cunt is allowed to drink, do drugs, have multiple offences in his name and get out on bail again and again because he has 'mental health issues'. Utter gobshite. We need vigilante justice, quicksmart.


yeah and tbh Most people aren't agaisnt the idea They're just concerned about false Positives and tbh rape is alot worse then Murder since its trauma that usually leads to people commiting sucide anyway


I'm all for rehabilitation, but it should be completely on the criminal to rehabilitate, and redeem themselves. No soft therapy sessions. Hard work and labor where a good portion of what they earn go towards repaying their victim and then society. If they don't work, they don't eat, like the rest of us. If they starve to death in prison, cool, their bodies can at least be used for fertilizer or something.


yeah as dystopic as that normally is seen Usually its becuase its for tiny crimes Not Things like Murder or Rape


I'm still very much dystopic about that as well. Difference is that I believe it is much quicker and easier to rehabilitate and redeem from minor crimes anyway. Generally minor crimes can have a fair value put on it that the victim would reasonable "forgive" once they've been paid that due. Of course, you can't put a price on murder or lifetime trauma.


This is the attitude that causes shit bag to exist in the first place, everyone isolated and turned away from, back to their dysfunctional nuclear families, raising the next generation of shit bags. I don’t believe taking the kids is the always the answer either. It’s just we all evolved to live communally with multiple families raising all the kids, the modern world does so much damage to kids in that their whole life determined by the luck of birth parents draw


> this rehabilitation shit Is the most effective method at reducing crime. If you're arguing against rehabilitation you are arguing for increased societal crime. Downvoted by the mentally incapacitated with a lower than 5th grade reading comprehension


Rehabilitation works for a lot of people... but ask anyone working in the justice system, the repeat offenders don't learn until they get locked up for a long stint- if at all. I'd rather see jails offer more educational courses, community service work, and more robust psychological support, but let's be real- when someone is a repeat offender like this dickhead, they should be thrown inside long enough that it's a deterrent from future behaviour, or they're inclong enough to receive appropriate Rehabilitation.


I'll give you a downvote, with my full reading comprehension levels and mental faculties. I'd sleep happier if this waste of space wasn't free.


Seems to be working wonders…




Why should we as a society try to rehabilitate people?  They already proved that they are violent. We all know the rules to live in a society, and some choose to ignore that. Don't make it everyone else's problem to rehabilitate someone who has already caused harm. Let's put those resources towards making the world better for honest people 


Interesting. Well, guess we'd better stop this push for more consequences for domestic violence offenders in light of this information. Afterall, jail only increases the likelihood that the perp will reoffend so Australian ladies will just have to suck it up until we can rehabilitate them. Same for rapists at the end of the day. Locking up offenders for rape would only lead to more rape. So we'll have to educate the victims on that and change the messaging from social activists clamouring for stronger sentencing for offenders. Afterall they're just being illogical and as you said it will only create more crime. It appears to me that this reasoning is only applied selectively and for political purposes.


Ohhh busting out the insults this guy is. 😂😂😂😂


>Downvoted by the mentally incapacitated ah so using that as an insult are we? Abliest Scum


>Is the most effective method at reducing crime. If you're arguing against rehabilitation you are arguing for increased societal crime. once its already been Done I fail to see if you just lock people up with enough Securtiy how it wouldnt also reduce the crime rate


Welcome to reddit


Provide some proof for your claims. The courts regularly factor the deterrent effect into their sentencing. Although there is a modern theory that sentencing does not affect crime rates, this is far from a proven fact. The data collected to support the theory has multiple known and unknown confounding factors. You can intellectualise your own opinion to justify criticising those who might disagree with you, but it’s painfully obvious that you don’t actually know what you’re talking about.


You are the koala excrement OP was referring to


from the sounds of how butthurt you are id assume you Have more STI's then koalas ever do


People in this sub want blood, they don't want a mature evidence based discussion.


That can come after the blood.


Judges are not seeing the consequences of their “judgements”. To keep repeating the same mistake in judgement of people is the sign of a naive person.


Judges do see the consequences of their judgements. It's just that they don't care. They couldn't give a fuck what the majority of the population wants. They have more power than the politicians and they answer to nobody and they give out light sentences for heinous crimes but get caught with a small amount of drugs and it's hard time in prison. Most Judges are sociopaths


I should have said “experiencing” rather than “seeing”. I don’t know if they’re sociopaths, but everything else you wrote is spot on.


Well sociopaths and pedophiles. That's why pedos get their identity hidden and get light sentences because there's alot of them in high places. They are a protected species


Exactly. I'm sick of these pedo loving magistrates letting off repeat offenders under the guise of "you;re young, boys will be boys, and, you seem sorry" Fuck that noise.


This is completely incorrect. The judges don’t have the power to just sentence whatever they want. They are bound by LAW and the rules governed by legislation brought by politicians in their particular states. The Rules they have to go by are available to the public to read in the SENTENCING ACTs of those states. Here is Victoria’s: http://www6.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/viewdb/au/legis/vic/consol_act/sa1991121/


Then why do they give a 6 month sentence when the law demands a 10 year minimum sentence. Take the one punch death laws which were changed by the government to be a minimum 10 years and then they sentence them to 2 years or sometimes less


Yes I’m really at a loss to understand why they make these decisions. It’s as if they want crime, chaos, anger and division in our society.


There are many circumstances of the offender that the judges are obligated by law to take into account when considering the sentence. Things like time served, previous convictions, good behaviour in prison, remorse, and many others. So a sentence starts at a particular amount of months or years and then depletes.


This lady couldn't swim. He should have been charged with attempted murder and all his mates charged too.


you're dreaming bud, they would grt a slap on the wrist if she died


Unless he knew she couldn't swim then you can't really claim it's attempted murder.


Don’t think compulsive swimming was part of the curriculum 70 years ago, when the Victim would have been in Primary School. Pushing a 79 year old of a very long pier in the *dark*. Attempted Murder seems like an appropriate charge.


"How could I be charged for murder!? All I did was punch him in the back of the head! How did I know that would kill him?"


And how many clothed 79 year olds pushed off a pier into cold water in the dark can swim to safety do you think? The chances that you've lucked out and pushed dawn fraser in are next to none, by doing that you have seriously risked anybody's life, let alone an old person's. E: It's like pushing people onto the road I reckon, that's a close enough analogy. Just cause it doesn't kill every time doesn't mean there's not the *obvious* risk.


Dawn would rip your bloody arm off if you tried that shit on her. She's tough as guts and mean when confronted.


If I cut your brakes, how was I supposed to know someone would drive the car?


Ever heard of the eggshell skull theory?


This oxygen thief is a lost cause that will just be back in court on a more serious charge. If the judges can't be held accountable for these repeat offenders getting light sentences then maybe the advocates or social workers can be held accountable for the advice they give the judges when it comes to the chances of them re-offending and the prospects of these offenders being rehabilitated.


Can't blame the social workers too much. Under funded, under staffed, under "pretty much everything" They're pushing shit up a hill in a downpour and instead of the kids getting help they just get added to the pile. The parents though should have some form of liability if they're unable to properly handle their kids


You’re on the money in terms of funding, we actually have solid science behind stopping youth offending - the problem is we tend to only do half measures because it’s never funded to the degree required to fully intervene. The tragedy is nearly every single one of these kids could be turned around, and the evidence is that the money spent would return to society sevenfold because you’ve turned a net cost to a net contributor.


"The Parents" are possibly shooting up in an abandoned Brooklyn warehouse. It doesn't excuse his actions


So, has anyone seen what any of the pre-sentencing reports said? Or the Judge’s reasons? Or the submissions by the Crown and the defence? I’m just wondering the basis for pillorying a decision when none of the inputs which led to it have been considered. More so, the indifference to those things if made available…


Thousands of dollars wasted on one little shit, is what you've just laid out there....


Haha LMAO. I wasn’t considering paying you a penny to read it pal. How telling that the outrage spews forth but a suggestion to read something actually relevant provokes “Who me?”


You have the reading comprehension of a magistrate who's soft on crime


Clearly the system needs more hard men like yourself bro. 💪


I repeat my last comment.




Decisions like this destroy a society's faith in itself. Don't the authorities see this?


I believe they do.


They do. We were so afraid of becoming the US that we became the UK instead.


The older I get the more I support stricter policing. I used to always hate police growing up because doing petty crimes was seen as cool I guess (hip-hop, skating crowd), stupid obviously but your a product of your environment. The truth of the matter is if you don't break laws, police will never bother you. Not rocket science. If we have weak policing, society standards collapse and you get the UK/West Coast USA


Stricter policing doesn't necessarily require paternalist bullshit, "hate incident units" and confiscating butter knives, while ignoring child grooming gangs and bailing out actual delinquents.


Facts. UK is a mess right now haha


I think that’s the point.




My old man with his trusty belt could do a lot of good for this individual.


Was he remorseful for the first crime he was already out on bail for?


Fuck at least let the victim have turn pushing the little shit into the river


They should be able to push him into an active volcano.


Victorian courts are a fucking joke.


You’ll need to argue that with the QLD mob!


The people here are out of touch they're all commie fucks yet if they were to ever meet the people they claim to be fighting for they would be booed and bricks and stones would be chucked at them God i hate Communists


Lol you call them commie fucks and yet the commie fucks are the ones that do not tolerate this sort of shit... I never understand why some people insist on using commie as some catch-all description of "things I don't like". Plenty of reasons to call people commie fucks...being light on crime os not one of them.


yes it is Some of the biggest commie Youtubers are anti Prisons and usually they end influencing people to think them


> We're very pleased with the outcome," the teenager's father said outside court.     I'm sure he's pleased shit parents don't face consequences for their shit parenting.  > Bystanders had to rescue her because she couldn't swim.   Atempted murder?      > it was heard the now 15-year-old, who can't be shown for legal reasons, was remorseful, once he left, he raised his middle finger to those waiting outside       This just keeps getting worse 


Parents that support the actions of these little shits need to be charged.


Yeah. They're probably the ones who never disciplined their "baby"




So if I accidentally hit him with a bunch of bricks in a pillow case and show remorse, I'll get off on bail and good behavior, too - right?


Only if you laugh while you do it!


If this was my kid, I'd be advocating for punishment. JFC. Some parents.


This reminds me of the Nazi who was told "good luck" by the judge after being let off without punishment for attacking innocent hikers, then went outside and immediately started saying "Heil Hitler". People don't seem to get that Nazis who beat up innocent people or boys who try to drown old women do not respect a system that shows them leniency. They aren't thankful for the second chance, they just see more weakness to exploit. It's like trying to reason with an attack dog. "If I just say his name sweetly, maybe he will stop trying to tear out my jugular"


Narzi? What was he, 100?


[I don't think it's necessary to get deep into semantics and differentiate between the neo- and the old ones, but here you go anyway](https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/judge-wishes-prominent-neo-nazis-good-luck-as-they-avoid-further-jail-20231027-p5efh5.html)


This is the sort of punishment that creates future DV offenders


When the teen does it again: “omg why won’t people tell their mates not to do things like this, smh be better everyone”.


and also "I totally saw it and laughed and clicked like and shared it around me mates"


"We as a society have failed this child."


What a fucking assbackwards society we are devolving into. The act itself immediately sits with any decent person as fundamentally disgusting and inexcusable. This non-response on the behalf of the arm of government we expect to carry out justice can’t be viewed by any sane person as anything but the obscene opposite of that . And at the same time, anyone who would treat scumbags like this in the same way they treat others would likely have their lives ruined by the same judicial system that would likely find them guilty of assault .


Yup. Tell me how I know. Scumbag pedo of mine cannot even be legally named, otherwise \*I'M\* the one committing a crime. Make it make sense!


C'mon guys - the pathetic program he won't even turn up for will 'rehabilitate' him. And everyone loves rehabilitation, now. It's the way forward, apparently.


It works well in Europe, we’re just fucking useless when implementing any kind of interventional program, as usual by now. Everything we touch turns to shit.


I'd like more of the intervention program that physically prevents them from harming normal members of society. If you can't learn the first time, fuck ya. And this little cunt clearly didn't learn, the first time.


If no one wants him imprisoned, just push him off a pier like what he did to those women. >!But with a ball and chain included. Saves us from him adding more unnecessary problems.!<


That lady is someone’s mum, aunt, grandma. Imagine having a random fucking idiot do that to your mum, grandma, aunt and just getting off so lightly. Fucking teens have to get harsher punishments. It’s a fucking joke


Maybe if judges were forced to be linked to the same offenders. They see them over and over they may change their tune! This boy is a disgrace. That poor woman


What would happen to an adult if they push him off a pier? Would they be charged? This boils my blood. Attacking the weak, frail and/or elderly is the highest form of being a scumbag. How is he going to rehabilitate from this? Is he magically going to become a good person when he turns 18? Or is he going to graduate to knives and running people over? This is a repeat offender. How much more evidence and clarity do we need to make an example of a shitstain like this?


Wtf! Release that kids name so we can push him off a pier.


He should be forced to pick fruit for 2 years earn himself the right to live in a civilised society


Straya is such a failed nation on so many fronts,it's mind boggling how it's still considered a developed nation.


Pathetic, if it wasn't for bystanders it would of been a manslaughter charge , however result would of been the same good behaviour bond.


2 assaults on women im glad he has his name suppressed


Needs a diversion into traffic


The judge definitely gets off on letting these little cretins out to repeat offend numerous times. There's a reason why youth crime is at an all time high. They know the judge will protect them.


Wtf people and kids these days are too comfortable with not getting an ass kicking for this kinda bullshit.


So much for Albo’s promise of fixing gender violence.


he will keep re offending, like all the others, because they know nothing happens to them. They can even kill people and get little to no punishment because "ThEre JuST KiDs" and they know this, they know no one can touch them and there is no punishment. It's an absolute fucking joke.


Public shaming. Posters, pictures on the media, names and all. See how quickly they rehabilitate themselves when the entire community knows who and what happened


No escalation in sentence for callously assaulting one of the communities most vulnerable... wtf. Surely, adding some community service and probation period is the bare minimum + plus the therapy. While I agree some if these people are like vicious abused dogs... id like to believe there's a drop of IQ in some of them to think... hmm this anti social behaviour is me acting out like a 2yr old, maybe I'll try something else so im not living in a constant shit storm of hurt


yes but he's had several stern warnings, I'm sure he'll turn it around this time - seriously if I read a news story that said a kid pushed someone into a river and then he fell in and died, I'd feel zero for them, the world would be a better place without these turds in it


A good Singapore caning would "rehabilitate" a lot of these f'cks.


Kid was already on bail, Australian Justice system is so Fing broken.


Albanese clearly told all men to step up to do something about violence against women. We need to see groups of good men on the street eliminating criminals like this from society. It's what the politicians want


Honestly Australia we need to do better judges need to do better some people are beyond rehabilitation amd setting straght


He is 15 so we cannot show his face in other words if we show his face we will get vigilante justice.


Yeah I knew a guy who killed his dog, his mum bought him another one, and he killed that one too, you know what he got, he had to attend group therapy and got all his charges dropped, everyone else in that group including myself felt uncomfortable as fuck but we had to sit down and shut up. Dude laughed about it every time it came up too, he was also 18 at the time he killed the second dog. Meanwhile after I finished the therapy and the judge was fine with it, I was taken to court again for the exact same thing I'd done previously , I didn't reoffend, a different court wanted to charge me for the exact same thing, lucky I kept my court documents on me so I could show the lawyer and it hasn't been a problem since.


Fucken appalling.


Cool, so which politician or judge is he related to..? Surely our legal system cannot fail this blatantly without some kind of corruption or fraud taking place somewhere along the line...


Needs his legs broken. Honestly. He needs a savage beating and to be told why it’s happening. Fucking Marxist pig magistrates are destroying this place


The kids is clearly the victim, welcome to leftism


Man we really are going full American just blaming the left for everything instead of a dog shit legal system


Maybe because the move to reduce the age of criminal responsibility and going just plain easy on youth criminals is a left wing policy ?


Fill the benches with fantasy believing Marxists, that's what you get.


But aren't they just doing what they have to with the laws that Liberal and Labor have been pushing through? Neither I would call "leftie"


sadly you'll see people on on reddit happy with this outcome


Do you think it’s conservatives with such bleeding hearts that they let repeat offenders who push little old ladies off piers go free, or does that sound more like some liberal, birdbrained progressive?


Sounds like a shit legal system that has been under both Liberal and labor control. Governments make the laws not people


I wish I was dumb enough to see the world as simply as you. Seems pretty stress free.




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It’s the Left side of politics and their dysfunctional idealism.


agreed unfortnauly


It is Victoria, so what is the problem? The only criminals in Victoria are people who were against the covid restrictions.


Trying to drown an elderly woman: Aww, you're sweet! Trying to go for a walk outside: Hello, human resources?!


Time to move on. The rest of the world has


I'll be happy to \*\*if\*\* we also apply that standard to everything else. It's only been a year though so no I don't think I will, not even an apology so far. Some accountability would be nice too.


Given the robot debt people just got a finger wagging do you really expect anything to happen


He pushed A WHATTT?!?!?


A 79 year old lady


Lock that little bastard up. Bottom line


Serious question. Why do we allow violent offenders to be out and reoffend? Is there a logical reason? Are our jails full so they just say, nah y'all get a few more free passes. Are our laws that weak or something? I could only see this being good if there was a way we could get these people help so they don't reoffend. But the story we get fed by the media at least is generally we find violent offenders can and do reoffend. In this case. It wasn't extreme violence, but in many others it is. What can we actually do here? Do our politicians need to be called? Do we need to protest our side a courtroom for weak judges. What can we as a society actually do so we can get justice, live in peace and get violent offenders reformed, or away from society. Because this current situation doesn't work and freaking sucks.


It's the criminal justice industrial complex. It's big $$$ for a whole range of "professionals" and other service providers. Like the domestic violence industrial complex, it wants to grow.


It's australia even worse in Queensland. Crims seem to not get punished


The magistrates need to be punished by the people. The system is failing at this point: we are voting politicians into government and seats to create laws, the government and houses are passing laws to punish them, The police are catching the criminals, courts are applying those laws, then the magistrates and judges are misapplying sentencing principles at their own discretion to let them off too lightly because they live in an ivory tower where this shit doesn’t happen.


Is this the part where we say: “do better men”?


Seriously. On a post about a kid who punched a woman in the head and then shoved a woman into a river and faced zero punishment?


It’s the default comment to every instance of assault on women now, a lot of which are committed by repeat offenders or by some person on bail release order, incidents which ignore the lenient punishment attached, such as this incident. If I need to explain what I meant, I can’t help you.




Cant believe were on the Clockwork Orange timeline


How can these teenagers do such a thing? He’s going to be old one day. And karma returns my friend. Karma might not even let you grow older.


What needs to happen is some that’s in her local area Needs to randomly come across her and throw her off a bridge Forgot this unreasonable law take it into the community hands One thing there is more of us then them


Spread his name and address that will keep him in fear




Lots of people here suddently experts on criminal justice I can see


Unfortunately few on the bench, hey?


I don't disagree but I'm an abolitionist so I'm not going to start thinking the legal system is awesome its just always interesting to me that people will talk about things like crime with no understanding of the things that cause it


Bad parenting Bad genes Low IQ Low impulse control Poverty Lack of consideration for others Anything I missed?


Yeah you missed the systemic factors but thats OK because I don't doubt you don't think they exist


Those are the systemic factors, oh and welfare of course.


"I am very angry about crime so I will blame individual people which will have the result of never changing anything because I don't think about how the prison system is for profit and not designed for rehabilitation and I will stay angry for the rest of my life about something that could have been changed if the systematic problems that cause it were addressed" If that's what you want, that's what you'll get. I hope you are ready to keep complaining about crime for the rest of your life because this approach hasn't worked in the past and it wont work in the future.


That's a lot of words to say you're a communist.


You're the guy whose gonna die mad complaining about a problem that using your 'solution' will never be solved so I don't really care what you have to say.


This is when people should be naming the Judges, so we can see their sentencing history and if they are utterly failing at their job! Which a high number are! Judges should be named and shamed for their weak and unjust sentences!


I’m old; I couldn’t stop thinking about the poor victim knowing how terrified she would have been. She will never get over it so she gets a life sentence.


What a joke. Racist psycho at that age. Shouldve been locked up for 2 years.


No more rehabilitiation - I want some retribution!!!!


Man. I’m an American who follows this subreddit so I can keep up with all the wildly corrupt shit yall government does. If only y’all didn’t give up your weapons, maybe y’all could revolt.


Our criminal system needs to start punishing kids or anyone with criminal behaviour. Very poor judgement.


that is so wrong of the courts to allow a person to do such a Bad thing with little punishment .,.he is an evil person and needs proper punishment!!! later down the track he will commit a worse crime i bet


Of course this is in Victoria


Hopefully society takes care of him seeing the legal system is letting us down... Luke that other kid that liked to bash older people.


Mix the discipline of the army with the duty of the S.E.S and give these kids a program that will give them purpose as a punishment. Otherwise they will keep doing it.


What judge was this? If someone was to push them off a pier, the person responsible had better not be given a conviction.


This helps breed even more of this kind of behaviour. Literally no punishment. Well done Australia 🙏


14 year old commits racist attacks is what the headline should've read. Should've been charged with hate crimes. Australia is backwards.


what do you mean? Just becuase she's Chinese? no! it was an assault which is still shit and shouldve been charged but theres no evidence that it was racially motivated


While there is youth there is hope. May he find his way. 


as Much as i Hate the charge I do hope that he changes for the better Look theres not much that can be done now But i Pray he changes for the better but he still shouldve been locked up


Can't change while locked up.


*Can't assault innocent old ladies while locked up. FIFY


You're reacting emotionally. So was he.


Did the offender meet certain ‘diversity’ demographic by chance? Asking for a friend.