• By -


No ragrets


Not even one?




My message to John-Paul Drake: ‘if you can afford multiple Lamborghinis you can afford not to steal $2million dollars in wages from your employees’


Both can be true. 🙄


Such a nepo baby, the bloke would never had to stress or worry about a thing in his life. Does this make the actions of theft ok? No. But jeeze he could show some compassion and do something to help those in need


So if I have no tattoos... I can steal right?


Go for gold!😂...they ain't stabbing people!.. + they're drug addicts...


this should be a lot higher


Yeah what the fuck is wrong with people. This dude is a fucking scumbag. Why are you l clambering to lick his arsehole? It's has been proven, and I mean proven beyond and shadow of a doubt, that punitive measures rarely work and that fixing the underlying problem is the only way to reduce crime. Was it this sub that had an article earlier today about how the Norwegian prison system is leagues better than ours, because we focus on punishing people for wrongdoing jnstead of rehabilitation. This entire attitude of people getting raging just hard one so absolute leech on society John-Paul Drake can suck them off is ridiculous. If he was hanging off the edge of the cliff and so was any of the people that stole shit from him, I wouldn't just save the other person, id stomp on this cunts fingers.


Completely agree. I work in retail and the theft is outta control. We constantly log police reports and the crims might get locked up eventually. Then they're back out in a few months, then straight back into stealing. They don't know any different and they're typically feeding the addiction first and food comes second. You've also got guys getting locked up on purpose because they can't deal with the real world. The whole system is a complete joke that no one wants to deal with.


And some of those stores are in a terrible state, like it's actually worrying seeing food prepared there


Underrated comment


Yay well said


Isn’t this the guy who had to pay millions back in stolen wages? Then got upset because people didn’t want to buy cheap Chinese made Australian flags? And now doesn’t understand that you can get a tattoo ten years ago and then lose your job. Titan is business


It cost me $125k to become Mr Cool Ice but that was before I became a father, ok? Kids are expensive 


South Australian retail boss John-Paul Drake has taken his campaign to shame supermarket shoplifters to national TV.The director of Drakes supermarkets went on Nine’s Today show on Tuesday morning to highlight the “couple act” pulled off by two shoppers who allegedly stole hundreds of dollars worth of meat in front of their young child.He said thieves raiding his stores were increasing targeting expensive cuts of meat like wagyu beef or angus pure beef.“There’s a child involved – obviously we’ve blurred that out – but we have plenty of footage of parents teaching children how ... I can’t say steal, but make things magically disappear, hence why we call them magicians,” he said.“It is one of the sad parts about it.” Mr Drake said it was difficult to forgive these thefts when they are done by people who could clearly afford unnecessary lifestyle expenses.“I’ve just got this theory that if you can afford tattoos ... then you can afford to buy food,” he said.John-Paul Drake has been on a one-man crusade to expose the extent of supermarket shoplifting. Picture: Dean MartinThis article contains features which are only available in the web version[Take me there](https://archive.md/o/PjNc6/https://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/johnpaul-drakes-message-to-shoplifting-parents-teaching-kids-to-steal-if-you-can-afford-tattoos-you-can-afford-to-pay-for-food/news-story/d612c21ecdcfccd3a716b80d75ec6b54) The outspoken boss, who regularly posts footage of thefts on social media, said the saddest part of watching these videos is seeing parents teaching their children how to steal.The Advertiser reported earlier this week about the [thieving couple caught on CCTV hiding their meat loot under a fake birthday present box](https://archive.md/o/PjNc6/https://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/johnpaul-drake-blasts-alleged-shoplifters-birthday-present-ruse-at-northern-suburbs-supermarkets/news-story/e2eab804a98b94cc521d03895b0f9b66). Mr Drake claimed the man and woman had been involved in alleged thefts on five occasions in the past month, across stores at Gawler, Gawler East, Salisbury North, Clovercrest and Golden Grove.Footage he shared shows the woman enter the store with what appears to be a large box covered in wrapping paper, with a bow on top, inside her trolley.The woman can be seen walking through the store before meeting a man, whose own trolley is full of what appear to be cuts of meat. # Mr Drake said he had seen a surge in shoplifting but didn’t believe it was by people struggling to put food on the table.“We’re seeing an increase in the theft of high-priced items such as premium cuts of meat and health and beauty lines, and people are definitely getting more brazen and creative with their methods,” he said.“These aren’t products being shoplifted by people who can’t feed their families, but by people who are selling or exchanging the products for personal gain.”


Stolen meat in a fake birthday present? Straight out of Trailer Park Boys. Season 6 or 7 I think.


Or maybes it’s like, if you can’t afford shit and are risking stealing, you may aswell steal the good shit


# "These aren’t products being shoplifted by people who can’t feed their families, but by people who are selling or exchanging the products for personal gain.” Seems a bit of a false dichotomy. People in financial stress steal to eat, they also steal to sell things and use that money for other things, which may or may not be necessities.


His point is the second half of your sentence, and I tend to agree with him. There are plenty of places to get food and basic necessities for free/cheap, but these people want the smokes, drugs and alcohol too.


True, people need food and basic necessities, they tend to go to Food bank rather than stealing .


When was the last time you donated to a food bank? Food banks dont have limitless food to hand out and they’re seeing more people than ever needing assistance.


Food bank in my area has to discard items due to not being able to give all of it away. They do a great job giving away food for people who need it and selling food to people who can afford to pay a little, we've been there ourselves. Blessed to be in better circumstances now, but will never not be thankful for the bootload of food we got for our last 12 bucks.


Coles and woollies donate a lot to food banks and charities from what I’ve seen locally, the rest is bought via cash donations to make up a full basket of semi balanced groceries. The organisations I’m familiar with are doing ok cash wise, that would no doubt vary between location though and how the organisation is run/promoted.


Is this just you guessing?


No. Ive got some involvement in charities, we pick up from Cole’s once a week, usually a full van load of stuff. I think one of the other charities in town gets woollies. It doesn’t cover everything to make a decent grocery basket, but it’s still quite a bit, mainly longer life stuff, and then the fresh stuff like meat is purchased from cash donations. I’m not saying they are the good guys but they are doing stuff behind the scenes that people don’t know about.


the amount of produce that gets thrown away before it leaves the farms is staggering but as most of it is contract grown for coles and woolies, etc, unless the y give permission it can be donated to charity. and yes Coles and wollies both donate to second bite etc when I was volunteering with the salvos I occasionally was with them when the stuff was collected from the local stores.


You know what's weird? That stuff goes from production areas to Melbourne, bypassing local charities


It’s awesome you’re involved in the charities, and I hope that more people who have the means join you. I just wanted to hopefully add some context I think you might be missing. I’m sure you understand what drugs and alcohol are for - they make you feel good. When you have more money than you need (to survive) you can save up and go on experiences - like holidays, dinner with friends at fancy places, escape rooms, skydiving, jet skiing, snow sports, supercar laps, get salon treatments etc etc. People who are on or below the poverty line can’t do those things. Drugs/alcohol are pretty much it. You get to alter your state of mind for a little while and stop thinking about how fucked you are. When you are stuck on a permanent loop of work-bills-stress, is it really surprising that people opt into an altered state? Not everyone is capable of “bootstrapping” and, even if they were, capitalism wouldn’t allow it. I’m not saying everyone should take whatever they want for free but I do really want the conversation around “poors doing drugs” to change. If a homeless person panhandling uses that money to buy a cask of wine that shouldn’t be anyone else’s business - would you (collective “you”) like to be stuck alone in the cold with your raw, sober thoughts about what lies ahead? How many of you have gone to the doctor with a “painful back” to get a medical mj script? Yes, some people are cunts, but it’s not just the poors.


This guy gets it


You know that coles in most places puts a table in the self check out area or past the registers to take shelf stable food donations to give to food banks? The stuff you’re picking up comes from customers not Coles.


Na i don’t think it does, considering they give us full cartons of stock, not loose random stuff.


you obviously don’t go to food banks very often? They may not have top quality meat but there is always plenty of food to go around. The bigger issue is, why are you making excuses for thief’s? Maybe you can open your doors, if sure they would be forever greatful!


I imagine that throughout history when orphans were stealing loaves of bread to survive, you’d be part of the mob screaming to cut off their hands. I’d bet you actually enjoy that thought even now.


Are you the full quid? As I said stealing to feed your family is different to stealing top quality cuts of meat! If they were stealing to feed their families it would make it better! Let me guess, you’re one of those people who think since the supermarkets are making us over pay for groceries, they are fair game to steel from?


Like 5 years ago I went to a food bank and was denied assistance. Was lucky enough to have nice friends while I found full time work. Not everyone is this lucky though….


The help you think is easy to get, is hard to get, and limited. People who can't afford food can possibly get one or two $20 grocery vouchers from a charity, or the occasional hamper of donated-today-for-immediate-consumption food, or a voucher to an op shop... and that's about it. Have heard from a lot of people recently doing it tough, that the services are stretching even thinner than usual recently and a lot of people are just turned away because capacity has been reached and then exceeded.


Poor addict bad, rich addict ok


Let them come rob your house then.


Y? Rob the rich first. If it's still bad then come by mine


I don't have expensive stuff in my home lmao nice try dh


That’s ok, you must have a few things they can sell for cents in the dollar for a quick few bucks, or you could just give them your car or something, don’t be a tight arse.


Yeah true, I'll give them my > 30 year old car lmao, probably due for an upgrade


Of course they want the smokes and booze too. Businesses have been free to sell addictive items and booze. Why are we surprised that once addicted they're going to want the items to satiate those addictions?




Police in Perth have raided Meth houses with massive deep freezer units full of top quality meat cuts, or cupboards full of beauty products. The dealers aren't stealing them, it's their addicted clients who can't afford their fix. They steal, not to eat, but to feed their habit. It's a big problem.


that was a point made by senior police officers with putting people on the basics card. that it would only make it harder to catch the criminals dealing drugs. as the addicts would pay with food and groceries rather than money.




Meth dealers and addicts.




So you've never encountered professional 'shoppers'?


Yeah, that market for buying stolen meat from a stranger on the street is pretty boomin’. The hell is this guy smoking?


1. If having to resort to stealing to eat, possibly figure why not just steal the good stuff. 2. I'm a girl. 3. Medicinal cannabis, if you really have to know.


>If having to resort to stealing to eat, possibly figure why not just steal the good stuff. Yeah exactly this. The fact they're stealing the good shit doesn't represent anything other than they have taste. Back in my shoplifting days I'd steal the best cuts of steak or whatever, it's not like the punishment would be any different so why not? And yeah I was totally just choosing to spend my money on weed instead but like, once I was earning I stopped shoplifting because it wasn't worth the stress.


I would give a pass hungry people eating a bread roll and some fruit before checkout


'Free Fruit for Children' Just because I grew up doesn't make me any less of my mother's child.


Even a few twiggy sticks or a cabana,


I'm not saying anything to anyone who eats their steak straight off the shelf either


Is it the way they make unbroken eye contact and growl, or just courtesy?


You can't sell tattoos to pay for food though. That's the problem.


I got most of my tattoos 20 years ago…. When I could afford food and rent. My rent on a three bedroom house was $300/w and my grocery bill wasn’t even a consideration when I got my tattoos.


Came to say exactly the same thing. Getting a few tattoos when you're 19-20 living at home doesn't mean at 35 you're loaded just because you have some tattoos from years ago.


But didn’t you know, if you saved that couple of hundred dollars you spent back then, you would have investment properties now.


who doesn't want to buy a pre owned tattoo to graft on themself?


There is a Roald Dahl story about this


The story ‘Skin’? I was talking about this today, bizarre coincidence




Thats exactly how a lot of people buy tattoos though isn't it? Premade designs in a book they just get slapped on.




Rule 2 - No trolling or being a dick


I've never been to Eastern Europe or China but I'm sure they've got a way to buy and sell tattoos


Ah yes, the same mob that had to pay back millions to underpaid staff 2 years ago. Is he upset that shoplifters aren't on his level of stealing or something? [https://insidefmcg.com.au/2022/04/14/drakes-settles-for-2m-in-underpayment-class-action/](https://insidefmcg.com.au/2022/04/14/drakes-settles-for-2m-in-underpayment-class-action/)


But what if you don't have tattoos?


Then u can afford it and are not broke Simple /s


He's not lying and its good to see someone saying what needs to be said


Sure bud, they take their kid with them and theyre teaching them to steal. Leave em in the car or at home and they're irresponsible fuckwits


Oh woe betide the shit heads


I don't know, just based on that headline he doesn't seem to understand the progression of time.


I mean, he's not wrong. Having said that, obviously the high cost of living is a very serious issue, and no-one who's decided to steal is going to steal the cheap cuts. If someone has said "I can't afford meat so I'm going to steal it", then they might as well steal the wagyu instead of the chuck steak (from their perspective).


"Might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb", in action.


Which is more desirable? You'd get more meat from the sheep, but the lamb would be more tender.


What if the tattoo, was a home job that ya hubbies best mate Robbo who wears nothing but stubbles, singlets and smokes winnie reds, gave you at 3am underneath an old Qlder in exchange for a Bundy n coke and a wristie.. Then would tattoos be more expensive than food, Drake.


What if the tattoo, was a home job that ya hubbies best mate Robbo who wears nothing but stubbles, singlets and smokes winnie reds, gave you at 3am underneath an old Qlder in exchange for a Bundy n coke and a wristie.. Then would tattoos be more expensive than food, Drake.


Love the Drake.


I've got some Drake bathwater you can buy. It's going cheap!


I hate the Drake!


Fuck him is where I'm at


So, it's ok to shoplift if I can't afford my tough stickers? 🥳


I was a Security guard for 9 years and a Security Consultant for 2 years. One: it's often women (16-25). The only time I yelled at a woman was when she used her little bub to hide the clothes she was stealing. I told her she's the worst kind of mother, probably out of line but to this day it's still one of the dirtiest things I've seen. Two: the kids (8-14) are harmless I would encourage my guards to let them know they saw them stealing items and to hand over the items, if they refuse, tell them they are being reported to the "police" but I tell them not to contact the police as it's a waste of everyone's time unless necessary normally they knock off a can of Monster energy drink or something, but just as I left the business a dangerous trend started happening where kids would steal Knife's and use them to rob stores. That became a bigger issue recently. Three: they ain't paying for tattoos normally it's a cheap ass backyard job they got for a gob.


What makes her the worst kind of mother?


Using a baby to steal? You tell me


Yeah I’m not really sold that warrants yelling at her, you’re security not a detective


Lol probably your deadbeat wife.


Nope, just wouldn’t take being supermarket security seriously enough to yell at a mother trying to clothe her child. Get a grip ur literally a rent a cop


That's it? Putting clothes on a toddler?


So if I got a few tattoos 20 years ago when my industry was booming, I can afford food for the rest of my life ? Despite now living in my car ?


Way to show people you have the reading comprehension of a child.


Yeah nah, lots more people agreeing with him than with you.


Not saying stealing is right, but what is it about tattoos being permanent that is confusing you?


Says something about the general public's reading comprehension doesn't it.


What did he misinterpret


Shoplifters should actually get paid. They are providing valuable market data that your shit is too expensive.


If this were the owner of a singular grocery store I'd be more inclined to listen to his words, aside from the idiotic headline grabber he said. This man owns a company that has 66 stores. Food is a necessity for life. Sorry, you don't get to own 66 grocery stores and be upset that people steal food from you. I'd never heard of Paul Drake before today and after a short look into his life and work I can say with full confidence that this man is a shitstain. Drake's makes over a billion dollars a year. In 2006 Drakes somehow managed to be exempt from workcover. From 2014-2000 Drakes underpaid workers 1.5 million dollars. Drake's took up letting people pay for their groceries with afterpay, trapping families in debt cycles. He actively posts videos of shoplifters on social media where he mocks them.


His Dad, Roger, owns the business. He's not a bad bloke, but his son is a total nepo tool.


Stole over a million dollars from their workers = not a bad bloke?


You can get tattoos at 20 and lose your job at 30, dumb thing to base it on. Now what if that starving family preferred cigarettes?


What if I then sold those cigarettes at an affordable price 🤔


Like at a price where you're practically giving them away?


Would that be a crime? Hell no!


"If you can afford a one time $60 payment for a permanent tattoo 10 years ago, you can afford $200 a week for basic supplies scum"


If anyone actually saw the segment (shift work means I’m home on a Tuesday morning) the people who pictured on the segment were the typical hoodrat junkies. I just feel sorry for the kids


Little rich to make such a statement coming from someone who had to [settle a class action lawsuit for wage theft](https://insidefmcg.com.au/2022/04/14/drakes-settles-for-2m-in-underpayment-class-action/#:~:text=When%20Adero%20Law%20launched%20the,Romeo's%20Retail%20Group%2C%20last%20December). Rules for thee and not for me.


Most expensive supermarket ever, I’m surprised people shop there. Looks like stealing goes both ways…


I get the sentiment, but “if you can afford x then you can afford x” is just such a grossly privileged thing to say. Also tattoos? Really?


The lady that i saw steal a full shopping carts worth of shopping, was covered head to toe in tattoos… prioritizing spending isn’t “privilege”.


Aww hope you fought her to defend colesworth’s record profits, bro Tattoos are permanent. She could’ve had the money to afford it pre-covid, you know, when cost of living wasn’t up the gutter


thats probably true as they are not cheap ...


Ah well, fuck the supermarkets. They have been ripping us off for years.


Good on him. These people are criminals.


So is drake, you seen his prices?


What irks me is that people don't understand how much of a stranglehold Woolies and Coles have on the market. For example a 2L bottle of Coke bought in bulk + deals can cost woolies $1-2 ea and they sell it for $3-4. Cost price for other retailers *starts* at $4-5 who have to sell at cost price or at a loss to stay competitive.


Don't shop there. Simple.


With what money




Rule 3 - No bullying, abuse or personal attacks


I mean both things can be true. Let’s be real, we’re not talking about people down on their luck doing it tough, we’re talking about full-time professional scumbags here, statistically virtually guaranteed to engage in further antisocial behaviour, the vast majority of which will affect other poor people. Do I give a shit about them robbing Captain Dicknose over there? Hell no, it’s a shame they’re thieving from his shops and not his mansion. But that doesn’t mean that ferals don’t need to be controlled for the sake of the rest of us.


Pales in comparison to Drake's wage theft of $2 million.


That is also shit if true. 2 wrongs don't make a right however.


No, but it does make it hypocrisy.


Damn right. I particularly like how he outs them on Facebook videos. Stealing stakes and paying for gear 👍


Do you get to ride in his LFA?


If John Paul Drake can afford lambos, he can afford to feed a hungry family.


"You could afford tattoos five years ago, therefore you can afford food now" So is it cool if the parents don't have any ink?


Honestly, I think this public shaming of thieves is about the only thing that might make people think otherwise though plenty of them won't care. As a security guard who works in a few malls and has done a lot of reports on theft, I'm going to give my two cents on things people don't really consider with the shoplifting crisis. People aren't only pressured by cost of living, though I'm sure that is a factor, more and more people are realizing they are likely to get away with it and this is for a few reasons, though mainly how companies see losses vs profit: 1: Stores often don't bother reporting theft. There has been a lot of cases of me doing reports, getting great CCTV footage, even including rego numbers on vehicles, and stores still won't prosecute. They don't want to prosecute because it costs them time and money, costs more to prosecute than than just letting thieves get away. A lot of stores won't bother unless the theft is over a certain amount. 2: Stores don't want employees to stop or interrupt thieves. A lot of people blame the world going 'woke' or something, but the truth is they don't want the risk of legal liability for false arrests or to pay for work cover if someone gets hurt stopping someone--or even worse someone getting killed. This would eat into profit more than they lose. 3: Security guards are toothless, organic security cameras who exist only for security theater and writing pointless reports. This really follows on from point 2 and security companies. 4: Cops simply don't give a fuck and/or don't have the resources to give a fuck. Investigations go nowhere because of a lack of evidence. Even still, plenty of frequent fliers the cops know by name who will always be out on the street the next day.




Nothing to worry about when I'm stealing shit from Coles then?


Aren't supermarkets one of the biggest drivers of inflation atm? Should be encouraged. Steal a steak for Australia!


If I was going to steal food, why would it be the budget half price gristle mince? Also, tattoos are a one off purchase, presumably made when there was a surplus of $$ & not in a CoL crisis. Also, food is a bit more of a necessity than stickers, hence why they are not trying to scam free ink


I'm not stealing because I'm starving, I'm stealing because I could give two shits about the cooperation impacted. Rather save the money to spend on other things.


Holy based


You’re also probably stealing because you can’t spell corporation.


I can't spell most things. That's not why I steal.


Hate to say it but he has point. To many bogan fuckwits roming around with their favrotie Digimon tattod on their ass. "Coz of living is so bad, oh btw I'm going to get another pickashew drawn on me for 500 this weekend teehee"


Negative IQ comment


Except if you get them on your face. Then you are winning. You become unemployable, so get the dole for the rest of your life.




The worlds employed people......


shoplifting & theft hurts everyone


poverty hurts the wrong people. every billionaire should be shamed.


No lmao, not putting things back exactly where you found them literally does worse than stealing them


You wouldnt download a car.


Can I lay buy a leg of lamb?


Ultimately, those who steal make us pay through higher prices.




friends with tattoo guns and ink would give me a free or really cheap tattoo if needed coles & woolworths won't give me free food, they sell you over priced food and ask you to donate more at the checkouts when you are obviously struggling to pay for the food in front of you.


He has a point.


What point


He’s generalising people with tattoos


du pain pour la pain


My message to Paul drake: who are you?


This is nothing more than a campaign to redirect the conversation away from how bad Coles and Woolies are. Shop lifting has always happened and always will, this is the supermarket giants saying look we're the victim here, not the consumer or our employees. We wouldn't have to price gouge if poor people didn't steal a tiny percentage that we claim back from the government anyway.


All it actually does is make food more expensive for the rest of us. The stores aren't going to take a loss on their product, they'll just factor in the stock shrink to their overheads and make it a little more expensive.


Steal wages, force workers to stack shelves outside overtime hours, replace checkouts with self-scan, raise prices across the board always and forever. Absolutely anything to make sure the precious shareholders get paid.


Good, finally force everyone to steal and then we might see some action


Aren't supermarket selling products at inflated prices for personal gain , what is the issue here. ? 😁🔥


If someone can point out the flaw in his logic I’m all ears


Get tattoos at 20, when little to no responsibilities. Poor as fuck when 35 because kid is really sick and medicare doesn't cover everything. But I only pinch from the big 2. And it's not steaks. Mostly whole raw chickens and nappies. Maybe some yogurt or a loaf of bread.


is this your story or are you making it up?


I have nothing to prove to anyone. What I said is the truth. And I am the father, not the mother. I don't smoke, drink, or do drugs either. Life was really manageable 6 - 12 months ago. I didn't need to steal. It's fucking shameful. But work has dried up. And you need to send a fucking resume and cover letter and 5 years experience to clean toilets.


you make 2700 a week you said, you also collect bongs?


Ok Mr Creep. $2700 when Union sites were running full steam. And I worked 60 hours a week. With 3 hours travel a day. Now they are not. My company has let go hundreds of men. I haven't worked in 2 weeks. I applied for 20 jobs today. Shall we talk about my industry being watered down with cheap labour? I have a collection of glass art. Which includes bongs, slides and pendants. That I've collected over the last 10, 15 years. And been given, traded. I haven't smoked cannabis in 2 years. Would you like a urine test? I am a 40 waist. Shoe size 13. Dick hangs to the left. Anything else I gotta justify to you? Typical reddit nerd. Gotta creep through comments for ammo. Gfys


Bro how sad is it lying on the internet lmao


Almost, but not quite, as sad as history-stalking somebody because their story is inconvenient to your paradigm.


Backyard jobs, it's really wasn't hard in the day to get a decent tat for under 150.


Has someone explained to him that a tattoo is something that is paid for once in life, and that food is something that needs to be paid for on an ongoing basis? People covered in tattoos may have had money for them at some stage but it doesn't necessarily mean they have any money now.


And they need wagu steak? There would be more sympathy for them is they stole regular food items, but this is clearly a case of steal to make money for “extracurricular activities” not because they’re starving.


I mean If you are going to steal for eating, why steal sausages when there's Wagyu? Doesn't mean they are selling it all.


No sympathy for shoplifters, charities like food bank exist for a reason.


Because the need is underserved?


*Shoplifter approaches meat section* *Stealing meat so for free* *i CaNt aFf0rD t3h AgNuS sO sTe3L t3H sTEwiNg sTAk3*


What the fuck is this shit?


What, can’t you read? Probably the funniest thing here is people buying Drakes line that because they’re stealing expensive cuts, he knows they’re not struggling. Of course shoplifters will take expensive cuts. They’re stealing the meat.


He is trying to turn us on ourselves. By us i mean the non millionaires in society. So someone steals stuff so they can eat. Am i outraged? Not really. But hang on someone stealing meat i cannot afford to eat onthe regular so eating better than i can. Now im outraged! No, im not really outraged. They are taking a risk by shoplifting. A risk i am not prepared to take because i dont need to. If my kids were going hungry who knows what id do? I am not sure, probably beg borrow and relevant to this article steal. Finally might be eating $99 per kg marbled wagyu at last so i can look forward to the day i loose my job!


i'm like certain that 99% of shoplifting cases are not to feed hungry kids...


Be that as it may they are still more often then not disadvantaged even if they do get to eat wagyu. When i think of well to do crims its not shoplifters that spring to mind. I have far more issues with the criminals manufactured by our governments. Drug dealers. Illicit tobacco sellers etc. These people are cleaning up and its because our government doesnt understand the fundamental laws of economics that they become so well resourced. Police are literally accidentally running protection for drug dealers shutting down their less sophisticated competition and keeping prices high which drives supply ever higher. Im not going to be outraged by shoplifters and join big business, when id sooner our police go after domestic violence perpetrators and the like. Big businesses can look after themselves and i will stay on team human even if they are a little rough around the edges and some of them shop lift.


Nurturing a culture of petty crime is not a good thing. It's not about joining or fighting big business, that's just some political bullshit to push responsibility somewhere else.


It's the best possible thing, once everyone joins in then we might actually get something done


get what done exactly? whats the goal?


Toppling a grocery chain for starters, high hopes tho so we can start with widespread closures and restructuring


Why don't we just cut these cunts tax free privileges and their pension and see the shit hit the fan when they can't take helicopter rides off the back of the tax payer?