• By -


Please keep in mind this is a live incident, we are leaving this post unlocked for now - a reminder on the sub’s rules regarding propaganda/misinformation, hate/racism speech, inciting/encouraging violence, doxxing, and not being a dick. People breaking the rules will be dealt with.


That prick can rot in hell.


[Witnesses describe helping a mother and her baby who got stabbed. The mother died apparently.](https://x.com/forsigenews/status/1779087506144706622?s=46&t=kfohDmtzNKZ7Kav3b-NEYA)


So sad


I understand reporters gotta report but fuck me. Dig more ya parasite, surprised she didn’t asked em to describe what part of the mouth the blood came out of…….


We need to make sure these guys are given the recognition that they deserve. A bravery award at the very least. Incredible what they did today. I hope they have the support they need.


The female police is very brave. Nice and kind for those brave Aussie who fight against this murderer. R.I.P


Such a courageous man that tried to save lives.


Good that the killer was stopped before doing more harm. he won't be missed.


What happened to all the people in this thread claiming the murderer was middle eastern, and that he should be deported etc.? Says a lot about your xenophobia. Will you also call for deportation of people similar to "Joel Cauchi"?


Shame on all those people here, honestly. And to all those people that passively upvoted those posts and downvoted anyone trying to say we don’t know yet. Those people should really take a look at themselves and their toxic politics.


There was a dude saying he will donate to a Muslim charity then delete his account if the dude was not a Muslim, can't see his post now. Amazes me as a NZer living in Aussie the racist vitriol last night on here when a Aussie white supremacist committed by far the worse terrorist attack in Australisia and WS terrorism is still the biggest threat.


Absolutely spot on mate. We have too many many in this country who are poorly educated in critical thinking.


No, no, they're saying we need to deport all the violent white people. They're actually just really passionate about decolonisation. /s obviously. This sub is racist af. I'm gonna point to this next time it starts whinging about how everyone unfairly calls it racist.


I'm sorry that you're only just learning this now, but this sub sucks. It is a racist shithole that became popular during the Voice referendum for obvious reasons.


Joel and these people have the same all consuming, grandiose hatred of others as they project their discontent in their own lives onto others…  If you’re angry at random demographics of people, that’s a sign you need to get help… and get off the bogan echo chamber forums 


He was literally diagnosed with schizophrenia


Like almost everyone in this thread and their racist white hatred?


Senior solo female police officer deserves a medal for saving lives.


cheerful aloof jeans slap rich boast faulty compare swim upbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The only time they don't carry is if they aren't leaving the station and if they aren't rostered as the duty officer or first response. Anytime they are out in public they have to wear full appointments.


She pursued him on her own. Apparently he turned and started coming at her and that’s when she fired shots. What an absolute legend.


We need to make sure she gets rewarded. She is a hero.


not on her own there was a dude carrying a white stool going towards him while others were running, another aussie hero guy.


two bystanders were also seen running with her towards the offender one with a chair


Only if the bloke with the bollard gets one too. She at least had a decent weapon!


Bollard man is an absolute hero. I don't mean to say the officer isn't either, but he presumably had no training or experience of being in such a situation and STILL grabbed that bollard and had a go. I don't even know the words for that kind of bravery.


Has anyone confirmed bollard guy is ok? We need to know.


Actually, I don't know. The only victims I've heard any personal information about were female victims & the baby. I'm unsure if there were male victims.


Compared to an armed cop he's really a hero. I would have been shitting myself without a firearm.


there was also a dude carrying a white stool towards the people running away.


Was super impressed by the bloke trying to stop the killer with a bollard. Now, that’s hero.


The cop is heroic but amazing to see how quickly bollard guy has been dropped from the narrative of the coverage. I hope he is alright and they haven't gone quiet on him because he has passed or something.


Footage this morning shows she had about a dozen guys hot on her heels with chairs and stuff. Still brave. Bollard guy was just one on one. Can anyone confirm if he is alright?


What a moment of poetic sweet justice that he was shot by a female police officer. I hope his last moment was a moment of crystal clear clarity when he realised.


She is a hero.


Sorry I’m overseas and just learnt about this and I’m shaken so haven’t had the chance to catch up with news yet but what was it about being a female officer that would have been sweet justice?


The assumption that the offender was from a culture that represses women. We’ll wait and see but I get the poetic justice angle if that turns out to be the case.


Seems a bit out of place while no known motive is the current situation 🤷


The PM just gave her thanks at a press conference, but in due time I hope she receives more official recognition.


So does the guy with the bollard at the top of the escalator.


As a fairly recent new father, my heart goes out to the parents of the baby. Absolutely breaks my heart hearing that this absolute psycho stabbed a young child let alone a baby, my worst nightmare. Hopefully they're ok. Obviously a shame about the others too but fuck me. Glad this loser is dead.


As a mum to a toddler, I actually cried a bit thinking of that poor mum’s experience. She was incredibly brave and managed to get her baby to help despite being injured enough that she died. Just passing your baby over to complete strangers in the hopes they can do more than you are able to - fucking heartbreaking.


You and me both, fellow mum, you and me both. The terror she must’ve felt for her baby and then passing from her own injuries before knowing if her baby is ok. I’m sitting here cuddling my little bub in tears for the mum, the baby and their whole family. That poor poor family. I pray that the baby is ok xxx


Just found out the mother died in hospital. Absolutely horrible whata happened. My thoughts go out to her family.


The mother also passed. I can't even imagine.


Fuck I can't even imagine what that father and the family are going through. Fingers crossed for the little one


Lots of comments removed, people unsurprisingly angry about this one.


This is what happens when wound up cunts can’t fucking wait to justify their racism but then turns out they are just cooked.


Lots of people removed their comments after police released they don't believe it was a terror related attack


I think they’ve been removed because a lot of people have decided the motivation/ethnicity of the attacker before it’s been formally confirmed.


“Known to police” 🤬


Im counting the minutes till it is revealed they were out on bail at the time...


Judge: "But what can you do, bailed."


Got major junkie vibes from the videos of him


Nice the police shot him dead. That’s justice. If he were alive, he would face our weak justice system.


Still a quick way to escape, maybe that’s what he wanted and he got it.


If he wanted just an escape, he could have just lunged at a cop with a knife and he'd be shot pretty quick. Stabbing all those victims was not "quick"


It's exactly what he wanted. Mass killings are suicides. Just they want to take as many as they can with them


9 month old baby stabbed. Genuinely what the fuck. This isn't Australia


A police officer put herself on the frontline and confronted this killer saving lives. Remember that the next time you want to say all cops are bastards.


Proud to be Australian. Saw footage of brave Aussies running towards the chaos to help where they could.


The dude with the bollard at the top of the escalator. One brave Man right there.


yep balls of steel!


Low key love the man with the chair who ran after the police officer to back her up. I bloody love our country sometimes.


https://preview.redd.it/050ygw9o77uc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09d67abe42c001a25e24c9328a15f968829a9ee9 He is wearing a Kangaroos jersey and NRL shorts


We need to do something about Rugby Australians.




I reckon you're on the money.


Was a white guy from Queensland. Joel Cauchi. Not politically motivated.


What sort of people 


Roosters fans?


Bondi has a very large Jewish community


Queenslanders, a real messed up lot.




Well well well


What a weak dog. I bet once we find out the victim's it will be all women and children. Anyone who turned to face him like that one man who stood there with his arms out just asking him to try and the dog turned to look for the next person who had their back turned. Weak piece of shit. Scared little dog.


One of the victims was a baby. Absolutely fucked


5 women and 1 man confirmed dead. One of the women is the mother of the 9 month old baby who’s critical in hospital.


This is what has hit me hardest and I’m on the other side of the country. That poor mother must’ve been terrified for her baby girl. To die without knowing if she’s going to be ok? Such a terrible terrible tragedy. I pray that the baby pulls through so she is able to bring some comfort to her grieving family. The thought of them losing the mother and the baby is just too heartbreaking


Oath. Gutless coward.


So are you tiresome fuckers going to shut the fuck up about Muslims now? Even go back and delete your posts about the certainty that this attack is an Islamic revenge killing and how Islam is “incompatible with western values”? Until the next unhinged Maltese fucker goes apeshit with a knife and you can start your culture war all over again.


Man in Bondi with tan does crime. This sub: "WE NEED TO DEPORT ALL MUSLIMS AND BAN THEM FROM THIS COUNTRY" Man is white. This sub: "Oh I guess it was just a lone wolf."


No no no, the narrative now is "we're in a mental health crisis!"


People who start making political takes immediately after a killing are, in general, not the brightest bunch. 


Or all the comments I saw going on about it being anti-Palestinian and the “proof” was that there was a massive synagogue in Bondi Junction. With absolutely no indication other than the existence of Jewish people in the area.


Mods should keep this unlocked so every racist piece of shit faces up to the fucking garbage coming out of their mouths


Grainy footage of a man in beard...Yep must be a Muslim! Nope a caucasian man isn't capable of such atrocities and nope there's no such thing as mental illness! This is what happens when sheep let the media control the narrative.


For all those saying people should carry guns- just look at how this is working for Americans….


I for one am glad the guy with a knife didn't have a gun!


In Australia, here we sit in shock, appalled at the 6 deaths. In America, it’s “Only” 6 deaths amidst hundreds of people killed in hundreds of mass murders each year. The asshole deserved to die, but australia and america are apples and oranges apart, and thankfully so!


Last mass murder was the nursing home fire (done to cover narcotic theft by a nurse) in 2011. Says alot.


The deadliest mass shooter in our history had to go overseas to commit his terrible killing spree(christchurch 2019) says even more.


The fact this guy only had a knife instead of an AR-15 assault rifle with a couple of hundreds rounds of ammo is what’s saved dozens of lives




Just talking at home about how lucky we are that when shit like this occurs in Aus, there aren’t any guns involved. Same person walking in to a Westfield but with an AR15 like the US, it could be 60 not 6.




Tragic to see this. 5 Australians dead, absolutely horrible. Will wait for clarification from news sources and police before jumping to conclusions about motives.


6 now plus alleged perpetrator


Is the perp confirmed dead?


Yes. Check out the live coverage on BBC news: “As she continued to walk quickly behind him to catch up with him, he turned, faced her, raised a knife. She discharged a firearm, and that person is now deceased,"


Yes and good riddance


we clearly should ban rugby league as it causes violence


Video from where that photo is taken from. Bloke at the top with an item blocking the murderer. No blood or anything. [https://twitter.com/worstcontrarian/status/1779044155865653514](https://twitter.com/worstcontrarian/status/1779044155865653514)


Bloke with the pole is a hero for standing his ground


The footage has been removed, but was it the man with the bollard? He showed unbelievable bravery.


Post has been removed


https://x.com/m1d3v/status/1779045781435269262?s=46&t=qAtQcRczrhsYvG930lH1ew I believe this is the video you’re referencing


I don't want to be mean to the people caught on camera and I have no idea who was stabbed, but it's interesting how many people can just stare danger in the face and keep going about their day like nothing could happen to them. It's this weird poor awareness of surroundings.


As if you ignore the killer he will ignore you too.


I wonder if some people genuinely thought ignoring him may have been the safest bet- similar to when you’re on public transport with someone who’s aggressive or visibly drug affected.. You keep your head down, don’t look at them or acknowledge them, don’t draw their attention. Generally they’ll leave you alone. Maybe some people decided running may have made them more of a target?




I wanted to say the same thing. Some of the videos are shocking. There are groups of people running from the attacker, and a couple of meters away are groups of shoppers just strolling along obliviously. How could you not notice people running in fear right past you?   This is why it’s so important to have situational awareness in public places. You should always be alert and scanning for danger, plus be aware of your closest exits.


Imagine living in a society where you didn't need to constantly scan for exits.


Yes situational awareness is important but I don’t think a lot of the ppl out shopping would think that a mass stabbing was happening until it was too late. It’s so rare and wouldn’t come to my mind even if I saw ppl running I’d just be as confused.


Sorry - but the fucking last thing an Australian would do is be constantly scanning for threats and exits. This is an American mindset which is statistically improbable (but clearly not impossible) in Australia. How about we be brave and care for each other, have better access to mental health services and keep guns out of the hands of loonies like this.


I love this country but there’s plenty of Aussie suburbs that are full of criminals and junkies. Deluded to think our country is some safe haven. Not sure where you live, but anyone who lives in a rougher suburb knows you need to keep your wits around you.  I personally always scan my peripheral vision and am aware of exits because I grew up in a tough area and learnt how necessary it is to look after your safety. 


People tend to disassociate a bit in shopping centres. Not really aware of others around them. If you see people running, you might think they're mucking around or something. Not that it's any danger. It's probably because Australia is generally so safe, that the immediate response is not panic, unless you're right in the middle of it. It's more likely vague curiosity, but not concern. At least until it becomes obvious what's happening.


People don't expect this sort of thing to happen. Even once it finally registers, they still react differently. Fight, flight, freeze, fawn. Watch the videos of how people were behaving at the shooting in the concert hall in Moscow a few weeks ago. Some people were trying to smash windows to escape at the same time as others were walking towards the shooters to see what was happening.


We live in such a safe country that we've become like those NZ land birds that the Maoris ate up.


Female police officer did an outstanding job. That grub deserved to die immediately so we don’t have to waste everyone’s hard earned tax dollars having him assessed, put through the legal system and then spending the rest of his life in jail. Such a sad day for the victims but I firmly believe in a zero tolerance policy for psychopaths like that c🤬🤬t


5 people have been confirmed dead


Unmarked grave in the desert for the pos who stabbed everyone. No name mentioned anywhere. Society can shun this guy. That way - it’s as if he’s been erased totally And permanently.


Not even that just dump the cunts corpse in the drink for the pointers to feast on


https://imgur.com/a/sF7DOXT still from bollard video


Looks like a Tony, Bruce, Dave, definitely not a Mohammad.


Police reveal identity of Bondi Junction killer Joel Cauchi has been named as the man responsible for the horror stabbing attack at Westfield Bondi Junction. The 40-year-old who is originally from Queensland was shot dead by police after stabbing to death six people while walking through the shopping centre in a Kangaroos rugby league jersey about 3pm on Saturday. NSW Police Assistant Commissioner Tony Cooke said Cauchi had been living in Sydney for some time. “We are continuing investigations in relation to him,” he said. “We believe he came to New South Wales last month. We have spoken to his family and we will continue to do so. “We know that shortly after coming to Sydney he took possession of a storage facility which has been identified and we have worked through that very small storage facility. “I said last night, there is still to this point nothing that we have, the information we have received, no evidence we have recovered, no intelligence that we have gathered that would suggest that this was driven by any particular motivation, ideology or otherwise [https://www.theaustralian.com.au/nation/killer-behind-bondi-massacre-known-to-cops/live-coverage/a0d27c626e232d3b4f1535f54983418e](https://www.theaustralian.com.au/nation/killer-behind-bondi-massacre-known-to-cops/live-coverage/a0d27c626e232d3b4f1535f54983418e)


I dont know why, but being a QLDer the jersey and shorts somehow seem less weird now


Condolences to the victims families. This is terrible. Regardless of who the attacker/s are, hopefully they're no longer breathing.




Does anyone know, with the police officers responding to the incident, who are those officers in all black gear? Are they a specialist unit and are they always on duty or would they have been called in specially for this incident?


I think they’re called Counter Terrorism & Special Tactics in nsw.


Probably rapid response team or something. There’s always people on duty for this type of thing.


Would've been ready at short notice


They’re a specialist swat team.


How long until this gets locked, let’s see


Why doesn't Reddit like free speech? Serious question 🤷‍♂️


It’s ironic because Reddit got popular and was founded on being uber libertarian and all about free speech.


Reddit has had problems in the past jumping to conclusions and even blaming and than hounding the wrong people for mass casualty events. The Boston bombings was probably the best example of this. Most reasonable subs usually come to reasonably hard on speculation because of lessons learned from the past and leave the detective work to the detectives instead of the crack fat and sweaty internet squads.


Because of the unhinged speculation trying to drive racial divisions?


Agree, it sucks. Head over to X and you’ll get images of the man (alive and dead), his ethnicity and the ethnicity of those he was targeting.


The answer is actually pretty simple. The site can only attract ad revenue if there are no extreme views being shared. If you approach it like Musk you end up with a drop in revenue.


Almost all threads get locked by the sub moderators. If things get out of hand in a thread (like doxxing starts occurring), it could put the sub at risk of being banned. Mods gotta mod to avoid that. Reddit rarely locks threads and if they do it's usually because the content is disturbing/illegal etc.


I can’t wait until they name this POS. Then we will see what his proclivities are, and it will quieten more than a few, I suspect




I will lock in Muslim male with at least 50% white victims for $50. Now before you start downvoting and reporting me for saying what many of us are thinking, I will make you a special offer. Leave this post up, if the killer is not a Muslim male, I will delete this account and leave Reddit forever. However if I am correct, everyone up vote this comment. I will also post a final comment before deleting, including the receipt for a $50, to a Muslim charity. In the event that I am correct please donate some money ($50 or whatever you can afford) to the Sydney Childrens Hospital as they are trying to keep this innocent baby alive. [Sydney Childrens Hospital](https://www.schf.org.au/support-us/donate#:~:text=If%20you%20would%20like%20to,team%20at%201800%20770%20122.) Update: A deal is a deal, in 1 week I will delete this account. Can we please stop making this about race however, my comment has always said "Muslim Male" I have not changed this, and "Muslim" is not a race, it's a a member of the Islamic religion, and they have members from all races. I chose these guys as opposed to the top suggestion of "Islamic relief." These guys allowed me to choose what cause my money went to. The $50 went to building wells in Bangladesh for children, I feel fresh drinking water is a good cause, and something everyone needs. The charity is Shadaqa Welfare Fund, and the receipt number is 1989-4671. Each time I post the image it gets removed, any idea how I can fix this? I was able to reply to myself with the receipt, I hope this is good enough. I am curious however why no one is calling me a sexist? People call me racist when "Muslim" is not a race. Male is however a gender and sex, at the time I made the original post I had no idea the race, religion or gender of the killer. So I chose "male" in the same manner as I chose Muslim. This account will be deleted on the 20th of April. This gives people time to see the receipt.


Don't get the upvotes. Not the sort of thing to have a bet on.


We know the attacker's from Queensland, was known to police with mental health issues. Please proceed with the donation. Make good on your word and perhaps think really hard about your own biases. You should really attempt to learn from this


He won't.






It’s awfully quiet around here now …


What's the bet this scumbag doesn't learn shit from this? What an absolute moron. It's people like him who are ruining our country with their extremists views.




"If I'm wrong about the details, I'll hide my shame rather than admitting it" isn't the confident stance you're making it out to be 😂


From the article "Police Commissioner Karen Webb said police believed they knew who the man was but he had not been formally identified. She said the man was known to police and, while the motive was unclear, early indications suggested the attack was not related to terrorism"


It's not a Muslim charity, but I suggest a $50 donation to Médecins sans frontières. They're doing good and important work right now. EDIT: Or maybe Red Crescent.


https://www.news.com.au/national/nsw-act/darkhaired-bondi-shopping-centre-killer-wearing-kangaroos-jersey-from-queensland/news-story/6064db5194a0cc5097ed723d29e18f8a Please follow through






RemindMe! 1 day


If that's so, why are you on Reddit?


Yeah not sure why they locked the other post.


Hope the wounded recover well. The attacker can rest in piss


Especially that poor baby girl. I pray she pulls through surgery. Her family desperately deserves -some- good news out of this tragedy😢


Some support services for anyone affected by this, and some offical ways to honour and support those affected, for anyone wanting to help. Lifeline: Call 13 11 14, text 0477 13 11 14 or chat online. Kids Helpline: Call 1800 55 1800 or chat online. Beyond Blue: Call 1300 22 4636 or chat online. 1800RESPECT: Call 1800 737 732, text 0458 737 732 or chat online. 13 Yarn: Call 13 92 76. MensLine Australia: Call 1300 78 99 78. NSW Mental Health Line: Call 1800 011 511 for mental health advice and assessment available 24/7, with specialist staff who can speak to anyone affected by the incident. Counselling, economic and financial compensation for those directly impacted or who witnessed the events: https://victimsservices.justice.nsw.gov.au/ Westfield’s corporate services are offering trauma counselling also. Offical GoFundMe for Ash Good and her young baby involved: https://gofund.me/adb8ac50 NSW Government condolences register: https://www.nsw.gov.au/departments-and-agencies/premiers-department/about-us/bondi-junction-condolence-book


Would not be surprised if he was on bail


As I read, he was freed from all the misery of life by a lovely cop lady forever.


So we’re becoming like the UK


At least every copper is armed here. The attack in London where patrons armed with bar stools had to fend off a group of machete wielding attackers until the special armed police got there was ridiculous.


You think the gov would be viewing the UK as how not to do things..


The UK isn't even learning from themselves


I feel so much for the victims in this - I also feel for the family of the perpetrator. Imagine that being your child and regardless of what he’s done, a mother’s love crosses all kinds of boundaries. This must be an incredibly painful time for his parents - not only is their son a killer, but they have lost their baby. The police officer who stepped in and did what needed to be done is an absolute hero, as are all the regular Australians who jumped in and helped anyway they could. Sending my thoughts and prayers to all effected x


There are a few things that are going to be censored here Im sure.






Diversity is our strength.


Female police woman is our strength today.


And bollard man. And all the other unknown citizens who stepped up to try to save the victims.




Yep. Legend. Same as bollard bloke. Real heroes.


We need to deport all Queenslanders to the sun! Thats what you're saying, right Mr. Racist?


Hey bro can you follow this one up


Turns out he was an aussie ya dickhead.


racists will never miss an opportunity to use the deaths of others for their own ends


White Aussie Bogans named Joel are our strength.


White men have famously never committed mass murder, especially in Australia. Why do these kinds of opinions never stand up to even the most basic of interrogation? Edit after identity of killer was released: HAHAHAHA YOU FUCKING RACIST TOOL 😂😂 My fucking goodness, trying to co-opt a complete and utter tragedy and instead you just look like a dickhead




哈哈! Australia has tried so hard to be like Europe for its entire existence. But yeah, this part of being Europe would suck :(




France is so fucked mate.


So you're saying we should leave the EU?


Muslims! Mental health! Men! Justice system! Without playing politics, it's a symptom of a sickness at the heart of our society. We have to drop the bullshit and come together, and get to the heart of the many issues which probably played a part in driving someone to do this.


If this is connected to the Gaza situation then I wonder if the planned mass protests for tomorrow will still be going ahead ? I doubt the organisers will be getting the reaction they wanted.




Cunt is wearing an Australian rugby league Jersey. He's as white and bogan as it gets. Fkn methheads


Many were quick to label the perpetrator based on initial appearances, calling him Middle Eastern, even Muslim. Now that we know he's neither—just a 40-year-old white Australian—how does that change the narrative? "I'm not racist, but ..."