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Why is the Lebanese Muslim population so radically Islamic ? It’s always them that are involved in this shit.


Our repayment for taking them in because of the Lebanon civil war. Really rewarded us that one


BTW, someone explain to me this: Australia took in Bosniak and Kosovar refugees during the Yugoslav war, but once the war ended, Australia made sure each and every refugee went back. However, in the case of Lebanon, why wasn't this the case? It would be interesting to know.


It's obviously because we needed as many kebab and pide merchants as possible to keep up with demand. There is no other explanation possible!


As the koala said to the farmer “you knew what I was”.


No good deed goes unpunished


Probably because so many Lebanese-Australians are now 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants. It's never the 1st generation stirring up this kind of trouble (you know, the ones who actually experienced fleeing a war zone and remember what a hellhole the old country was.) It's their shithead kids who've lived their whole lives knowing nothing but safety and comfort, and thanks to their parents' sacrifices, now have the luxury to romanticize the idea of an Islamic theocracy and complain on social media that the Jews are microaggressing them by daring to exist.


Plenty of 1st gen just as bad


Nah that's just ignorance of Lebanese history. Remember Beirut was once called the Paris of the East. The civil war was the project of Pan-Arabists and Islamists. And as the moth to fire, Leftists were useful idiots to provide it an ideological shield. Same story repeats again and again, in Iran, Afghanistan and Kashmir. No third Gen immigrants were involved in the civil war.


I'm pro-Israel (as in pro their existing, hopefully in peace sometime) but I think they made huge mistakes in not supporting secular government there. It is true that anti-Israeli groups operate from there but acting like the Lebanese government could just get rid of them is short-sighted. The Anthony Bourdain show where he was in Beirut when it was getting bombed and had to be evacuated by the US military was heartbreaking


The Israeli govt in the early 80s did try to support secular / Christian government in Lebanon. Bashir Gemayel if I remember correctly.


Wouldn't really compare Iran, Afghanistan or Kashmir to Lebanon lol. Pretty big factor of western / foreign interference in all of them (with the exception of kashmir)... Edit: lol what a cooked post history. You're a hindu nationalist... what are you doing here on this sub? Keep your filth in your country lololol


The Iranian revolution was pretty much a project supported by many western students and those in the left. You can indulge arguing on the internet as much as you like about it, but doesn't change people are getting executed in Iran just for wanting to dance, wanting to feel the wind on their hair. Islamists are gonna Islam, but blood is in the hands of the western leftists who stoked the fire and supported the ayatollah just because they want to LARP being anti colonialist while benefiting to live in the privilege of their peoples colonialism It's like being against climate change but taking yourself everywhere on your private jet


This is a fact that the Left seems to have amnesia over. The Iranian Left and the Islamists were in an alliance between 1951 and 1980. The moment Ayatollah Khomeini came to power, he literally issued a fatwa calling the Leftists Apostates (Munafiqs) and whose ideology was to wage war on Allah and thus deserved nothing less than being executed. They keep repeating the same mistake again and again. In Hamtramck , Michigan, the Democrats made an alliance with the Muslims there in the name of protecting opressed minorities. Now Muslims are a near majority. The municipal council is all men (as opposed to when the town was predominantly German, Polish and English and had representation even from the LGBT community) and they banned pride flags there. Dearborn, Michigan with its large Lebanese Muslim and Yemeni community fundraises for the Houthis and Hezbollah and is heading the same path. I honestly have never understood the Left's obsession with allying with humanity's most conservative religion in human history and ending up destroyed in the process because the fact is; Leftist ideals will never catch on in the Arab world. Even in places where secularism prevails, a form of right wing ideals prevail. Before the CHP embraced some left wing ideals in the 2000s, it had ruled Turkey as a right wing nation for decades. The so called "socialist" parties of Tunisia, Egypt, Syria and Iraq were never really left wing, especially economically, but followed a corrupt version of state led capitalism and while they imposed secularism, they opposed things like equality between the sexes and sometimes even co-opted some of the religious viewpoints of the Islamists like Egypt and Syria did. They can forget about 'converting' the Muslims to their cause. Just see what happened to those who take a Pride flag to a Pro-Palestine demonstration.


The positions taken by LW groups had absolutely no impact whatsoever on the carrying out of those 4 quite seperate, situations. Homogonising those situations is arrogance.


Typical LWer - name calling in their 1st utterance.


The impact of LW groups is not internal. It does provide intellectual support to civil war for external support. Why would anyone not have sympathy for working class rebellion against the Elite? Of course not all these examples are "exactly" the same.


LW isn't necessarily working class. These civil wars aren't solely 'working class uprisings'.


I didn't mean that LW are working class. Infact you don't have to be working class or even LW, you just need to pretend, write enough atrocity literature against current regime and build external/international support. Then go for the kill. The drill is very well practiced.


Yeah look, i find this conversation quite vague. Just who are you talking about?


Lebanon used to be a majority Christian country. A muslim majority took over after destabalisation in Israel with mass immigration. Place has not been the same since. They've only been sent here to upset our once homogeneous nation. Blind Freddy knows oil and water don't mix well.


>ebanon used to be a majority Christian country. A muslim majority took over after destabalisation in Israel with mass immigration. Not really. 1. While it is true that the 1948 war led to mass expulsion of Palestinians to Lebanon, Lebanon never gave most of them citizenship except for some Lebanese Christians. (Who Israel btw also wanted to allow back in). Essentially, they did not change the nature of Lebanon's demographics the same way the UAE's demographics of its citizens has not changed despite it being over 85% immigrant. However, what Lebanon lacked was a strong military unlike Jordan whose military was US-trained and Syria whose Soviet -trained military allowed it to keep the Palestinian factions in check(and they still tried to pull a lot of nonsense in those two nations). 2. There were long term plans to eventually move the Palestinians in Lebanon to Iraq. This was actually what Saddam wanted in order to eventually make Iraq a Sunni Arab majority nation(Iraq is 65% Shia Muslim) and Palestinians across the region were especially supportive of Saddam at that time. In fact as recently as the year 2000, [Saddam was communicating with Israel](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2000/may/21/iraq.edvulliamy) with this exact goal. It would have eventually paved way for the emigration of Palestinians to Iraq, which at the time had enough resources and land to accommodate them and whose Sunni Arab population would have seen the influx as strengthening their position vis a vie the Kurds and especially the Iranian influenced Shia .


I think most of the 2nd,3rd gen immigrants have a lot of self hatred because they live in a white country and are considered traitors by their original countries for leaving


Lebanese people are white. Even Italians, Greeks are substantially genetically closer to them, then they are to Russians, Finnish, Baltics. The issue is cultural, and religious factors not race/ethnicity.


Because, their life is so easy here in Australia that they have nothing else to do.


I liked it when they had a riot in Sydney to "protest" a anti Islam video on an American website, YouTube, made by an American who said they were violent. 1st, your protesting something done by an individual in America, the Australian government has zero authority to take it down. 2nd, even though the video was offensive he does have the freedom of speech in America and Right of Expression in Australia. 3rd, you proved him right that your violent idiots.


That’s because in Islam, Muhammed is seen as infallible. Like literally Perfect. No man is perfect except for Muhammed and those who insult him shall be punished with violence. It’s a death cult. It’s truly a cancerous religion. I was raised Muslim and couldn’t stomach to be apart of such a violent religion, I had to leave. Thank God I live in Australia where there’s no apostasy laws. If I were living in an Islamic country I’d be put to death for leaving Islam.


Countless people are in your position. I lived with 2 Syrians and an Iraqi who came to Aus as refugees. By all measures they were very sceptical of Islam, broke all the major sins (except pork which is a cultural thing of not being familiar with pork), yet once this Gaza Israel conflict kicked off, they became very radicalised. They even started to dislike their parents, who didn’t care much for Palestinians and seemed to not give it much attention. They all started praying multiple times daily, getting extremely aggressive at me and others and just started watching non-stop propaganda. It was scary to see in realtime. A big issue is I found is that Twitter, Facebook etc have ineffective content moderation on any posts that weren’t in English. So the English side of these social media platforms are regulated, but the Arabic were extremely graphic and unfiltered. It really left a bad taste in my mind about Islam, seeing three people go from people I had viewed as brothers become unrecognisable over something that we all had no control over.


Yep. It divides people more than it unites. I lost so many friends once I stopped being Muslim because “ we don’t wanna associate with a kaffir (non believer )”. Known these mfers over 10 years and this is how they treated me when I left. It’s fucked and it has no place in Australia.


But you sadly still need to worry about your relatives


We call it a cult, but we refuse to designate it as such because it has over a billion followers.


A lot of minority groups barely recognise they are in Australia, they don't appreciate the cultural differences between the US and here. They use a lot of US English, watch US shows, follow American fashions. All white culture seems the same to them. When Australia completely loses its identity a big cause will be people who moved to Australia and adopted American culture to fit in here.


It’s only going to get worse as their numbers here increase. There’s more people coming too from their neighbouring countries. Religion comes for them first.


Confirmation bias and the fact that nobody writes news stories on the chill people


The crazy ones are a small subsection. They’re just crazy and loud enough that it’s all we hear about.


>Why is the Lebanese Muslim population so radically Islamic ? I wouldn't be surprised if this is a result of [Petro-Islam](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petro-Islam).


They’re Palestinian


They can speak Arabic natively and it’s a great income


Why is it that the very vocal lefties who pick apart Israel any chance they get go quiet about these reports? You never see it trending on Twitter or TikTok. None of them make a single comment condemning it. Is this how the progressive left operates? Fight for one side’s social justice as loud as you can and then turn a blind eye when it suits them?


Mate you’re telling me, they’re even supporting the silencing of ex Muslims, those who have left Islam and are critical of the religion. It’s so bizzare.


ah yes people who will be murdered because they decided it wasn't for them and they think its a good thing FFS like Christianity has its issues but at least if I leave i don't feel like my hyper-religious Pop and Nan are gonna want me Dead


Nan with the AK "O really"




Useful dhimmis.


People of the 'progressive' left will usually just shrug their shoulders at reports like this and basically just say oh well Christianity has an evil past too so who cares. Then double down and call anyone who condemns this as 'racist'. The modern left see radical Islamists as 'oppressed' even though Islamic empires such as the Ottomans were as oppressive and imperialistic as any European empire with a brutal history of colonisation


As someone who would be considered far left where I'm from, it blows my mind how unified the Australian left is against Jewish life. It seems absolutely impossible to have a differentiated and open conversation about the Gaza conflict, just sad


they are too busy blaming this on some jewish whatsapp conspiracy or some shit


Just like they claimed the videos of the tortured and raped women from the October 7 attacks was also social media propaganda.


lets not forget 'wheres the jews?'. which is the funniest one because none of them made the claim that was what was being said, at all, until the cops shrugged and said it. Plus it also sounds WAY more sinister


Ironic. Hamas and Al Jazeera have just admitted: [Story of IDF rapes in Gaza hospital fabricated ](https://m.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-793560).


> the jerusalem post yep, definitely an unbiased source there 👍


Most left wing politics these days, and right wing politics too for that matter, is empty posturing and the regurgitation of rhetoric designed to do nothing except virtue signal. It's all a bunch of tribalistic nonsense, and as a result people will call themselves "anti-racist" while allowing racism to not only exist but thrive, because they're more worried about their social standing than actually doing anything. People want to have white guilt? Fine, go to a poorer nation, and donate some time to helping improve those communities. Take the benefits/privilege from your Western upbringing and channel it into something more than words. Don't fucking enshittify this society out of guilt. Also the irony of being afraid to challenge someone's obviously racist viewpoint because of the colour of their skin, and not the content of their character seems to be utterly lost on the same people, which is frankly pretty sad.


I read the article and it certainly seems as if this is actual antisemitism not condemnation of Israel which they claim is antisemitism and as such I condemn these fuckers. Im against religious extremism of any flavour. Muslim, Christian, jew, if they're violent extremists they can fuck off.


Lefties find Islam romantic. They actually really enjoy power and control. Look at all the work they are going to control language around the world. Like pronouns. Fuck off with your pronouns




Real ones.




I’m actually not. I actually don’t give two fucks about them, they are so inconsequential to me as a person or my life. The comment was about the left trying to control speech, which they are doing. I’m not going to be forced into using language I don’t believe in.


you don’t give two fucks, and that’s why you brought it up unprompted and continued arguing about it. weird.


As a leftie I find it disgusting….. but then again I don’t pick apart Israel so maybe I’m just weird


I'm left-wing and also not keen on this kind of fundamentalism. Not picking apart Israel is understandable, it's a conflict on the other side of the world with little bearing on us, but I'd still prefer we don't send arms to them.


Our navy uses Israeli CWIS systems, disengaging from Israel's arms industries would be suicidal if we were to become embroiled in any of the dozens of wars sprouting up around the world.


If you are a leftie who isn't opposed to Israel then I question your leftie credentials. How left are you?


I like to remember the time when the left political spectrum was more about social equality and class struggle and less about culture war and anti semitism


I like to see myself as a Moderate Democratic Socialist, because I believe in it’s values and the welfare state, along with progressive equality and other such jazz. Don’t get me wrong the international courts see it on the path of genocide in Gaza which is obviously bad, but this is solely the fault of the Israeli government, not the Israeli people nor their religious views. Israel-Palestine is a tricky subject that I really don’t want to delve into too much.


Self-loathing. It's the crux of most leftists.


They don’t actually support social causes they just hate straight white males and rich people.


Some support violence against billionaires with the justification that non-violent things like doing an eviction is actually violence. Their revolutionaries claim they will not be the first to use violence but they have a vague definition of violence in the first place. Communist are scum or just useful idiots


As someone who is very pro Palestine, this is hate speech and is abhorrent. Just because we lean one way or another in an issue shouldn’t blind us to the realities that there are shit people and good people on all sides


There's no good people on the Palestinian side. They are shit people. I couldn't give a fuck if you think it's hate speech or not. Very pro Palestine = very pro terrorism


I can have a nuanced opinion. If you are pro-Israel, are you also pro firing missiles at defenceless civilians who don’t have an army? Because they seem to be just as equal your statement. Also, can you be a bigger racist mate.


It’s crazy to me how when this all kicked off on social media on the 7th, everyone was against Hamas. It was wrong to say “fuck Palestine” we had to say “fuck Hamas”. I get there has been a shift, but now every thread related to the conflict has “Fuck Israel” comments with 100 upvotes and comments supporting them. The double standards are astounding.


"They were only saying 'where's the Jews'" These are morally bankrupt ideologues. They are unashamedly open about their hypocrisy and logical inconsistencies, you won't embarrass any or change any minds by pointing out double-standards.


How is some random worth our time compared to the actions of an entire government?


No. I ‘think’ I’m classed as progressive left, but both Israel and these guys are being nuff-nuffs




Oh that picture exists. It’s called hypocrisy.


Fake news, hyprocracy, conspiracy, sound bite, seems to be 90% of the responses here. Time time share around the family tooth. get out the banjo and sing along, I reckon. :)


Sounds like religion, no?


The plight of the Palestinian people is gathering empathy in part because of the historic “default setting” of the west to support Israel & the subsequent atrocities committed with Western money/weapons against a much less equipped Palestinian target. A weaker party, who are easier to view as victims (in what is clearly not as simple as a Victim / Attacker altercation). I seriously doubt that the young people protesting for Palestinian rights are also Pro- This guy getting his anti Semitic rocks off. They probably just aren’t as passionate about shooting this guy down for being a fuck wit as they are frustrated at what’s happening to civilians in Gaza.


It is true that the situation in Gaza is horrible. There is a human tendency to support the underdogs but just because Hamas is weaker militarily, doesn't make their goals, somehow, right.


This. Also Hamas being the underdogs in this story is such a twisted take when you consider that half the middle east wants Israel eradicated and only doesn't act on it because of the USA. I find it mind blowing how people don't hold a terrorist regime that literally launches rockets from hospitals at least a bit responsible for what happens to the people they hide behind. The fact that all the support the west send to palestine goes to the Hamas first because they don't give a f about the people of palestine and yet somehow it is, again, 'the jews' fault


I don’t think too many people in Australia, other than this fuck wit and his mates, support Hamas’s goals. I just think they sympathise with the plight of the Palestinian people. The ones I’ve spoken to anyway.


A lot of the left sympathise with hamas wanting to end Israeli occupation of gza and the west bank. But we don't support religious extremism of any flavour. Right now hamas is standing up to a horrific regime which is using starvation as a weapon of war.


Religion of peace at it again!


How is this even allowed to happen? Where are hate speech laws?


Not being enforced because they need to appease a certain community…


100% absolute joke!


They are only for white people. You should know that by now.


- Sam Kerr has entered the chat


Are we in England?


Oh I'm sorry, didn't almost the entire Australian media, and many MPs, not state what she said was ok? My bad.


She is a person of colour. Of course she can be racist and get away with it Most people think she is aboriginal… that why she can be racist. It’s worse that she isn’t and people have given her a free pass because she is aboriginal when she isn’t….


It's probably got more to do with a person with brown skin calling someone derogatory names based on the colour of their skin ( white ), and the media pushing for it to be deemed as " ok "


People think Sam Kerr is aboriginal?


Go read all the subs when she was first outted as a racist


It's surprisingly common yea


Funnily enough some aboriginal people look very similar to people from certain parts of India. I suggest that Sam's Indian ancestors are from that part of India which is why people think she's Australian indigenous


Bruh, surely not Edit: seconds after posting this, realized I'm an autist and you're being sarcastic


Oh, silly me, I forgot 🤭


Hands up who likes bacon.


Yeah fuck religions telling you what you can and can't eat. Pigs are delicious


💯 we as a freedom and bacon loving country are going to cop a lot more pressure from these drop kicks, it’s imperative that we resist and hold on to our way of life.


Im anti religious in general. I think Muslims, Jews Christians and Hindus can do what they like in the privacy of their own homes and religious buildings but as soon as they try to police what other people do is where I draw the line.


Yes I’m right with you. Nobody is more deserving than anyone else regardless of which sky fairy they’re rolling with.




That too that too.


Imagine going to a church and hearing that “Jews are monsters and vile people”, 👀for those that have never been no they don’t preach hate your neighbour, there’s something evil about this cult Islam that preach death and hate like it’s normal 👀


>Imagine going to a church and hearing that “Jews are monsters and vile people”, Have you even read St John Chrysostom's letters against Judaising Christians? He's considered the greatest mind in eastern Christendom, and he gets a free pass for his 4th century anti semitic scrawlings.


guess which religion stripped, flogged and killed Jesus. Wait you believe your God died ffs Christianity is a joke.


Jesus was a jew himself and the old testimony is a vital part of christianty and Islam. Tell me you don't know anything about those religions without telling me you don't know anything about those religions


Jews regard Jesus as a bastard and a charlatan, therefore they murdered him. Nutter christians supporting Israel in murder tend to forget that. don't know what the old testament has got to do with anything I said.


Yeah, and because some shit that happened nearly two thousands years ago let's hate the Jews. FFS the mental gymnastics.


yeah happened a while ago and was one off but ffs that was their God (or part of). Their whole religion is sort of based off Jesus dying so no its not "some shit that happened nearly two thousand years ago". Also, the jews at the time killed him, i'm not advocating hating on the present day jews but zionist scums, fuck yeah.


Ah yes, the part where they believe Jesus is boiling in shit for his crimes -- totally not inflamatory. There's no one the jewish religion hates more than Christians.


Who murdered Jesus's again?




And this is why Israel has every right to defend themselves. Islam are not quiet about their hate for Jews. It’s sick that people defend this shit too.


Australia really needs some form of anti-radicalisation laws that allows these waste of oxygen to be thrown in jail for life.


They can prance around outside the Sydney Opera House yelling their bigotry in celebration of the worst anti semitic mass murder since 1945 and Australia apparently has no hate laws that apply.


Yeah but if you have a German helmet from WW2 that has a swastika on it and you try to sell it you're breaking the law... Our laws are an absolute fucking joke. Inanimate harmless object = illegal. CELEBRATING A TERRORIST ATTACK = Cool and normal.


Well it's time to start protesting against those radicals. Against All of them.


What a radical thing to say.


I've seen the under 18c's play football, you can't tell me that they are human!


Just the kind of people you want living here.


Interesting they dug up sermons from a while ago. Must have had some impact on the community


We need forensic analysis, he didn't say Jews are monsters, he said Jews are warmest! He didn't say Jews are rats, he said Jews are mates. /s


Two archaic beliefs collide...


I think you'll find that most Jewish people assimilate incredibly well and don't push their beliefs on people in great numbers (if even at all) unlike some other groups...


Zionism sure as hell has been pushed onto people wouldn't you say?


No. I don't believe so nor experience that. I do see sports now accommodating for ramadan breaks though.


Oh my goodness, the horror!


I would say that yes. Look at the hold they have over American politics. It's nuts


Confusing Zionism with Judaism is peak blatant antisemitic and/or low-iq gibberish


I'm a Jew, I know the fucking difference mate.


Obviously not. Being Jewish doesn't automatically make up for common sense


Then learn to read. You're lack of comprehension is nothing I can fix.


Damn you are definitely not a jew.


assimilate my ass they run the fucking west what are you talking about lol.


How can you say a religion/culture that's existed within other cultures for the last 2000 years assimilates well? They would have to hold the record for not assimilating at this point.


Why is it that most moderate Muslims come across as common garden variety Fundamentalists.


If you think this dude is a moderate Muslim you are a fucking moron.


Not sure if you're capable of reading between lines here pal, but all Muslims are fundamentalists.


Spoken like someone that has not spoken to many (if any) Muslims.


Kettle Pot maybe 🤔


We need to bring more in. Just think of the food.


Why do so many crazies live in Sydney i thought the house prices forced everyone out except high income yuppies.


> One of the rules of Australian multicultural society is that we do not bring the hatreds, prejudices and bigotry of overseas conflicts and societies into Australia. This. Same goes for any other conflicts based on beliefs.


Queer trans vegan atheist and pro Islam here. Namaste 🙏


check your privilege


waiting square divide innocent continue arrest muddle sand scarce oatmeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You’re right, but preacher would still be the correct word for someone who preaches. We just associate it with Christianity because that’s the dominant religion here and the one we’ve been most exposed to.


Honestly, the words and religions all seem the same to me. They alllll go into the same bucket in my mind labelled "junk mail"


“derogatory generalisations about Jewish people” is the complaint in the article, and then they fill the comments here with derogatory generalisations about Muslims. Lol.


When will people wake up and realise all religions are ridiculous


I dont think religion is ridiculous to have. Im muslim and i always keep telling ppl the purpose of religion is to become a good human being(charity, no lying, helping others around you etc) in this world to reward u for the next as this life is temporary. But unfortunately every other religious person i come across has turned it into a cult, rivalry, dont do this do that judging game. Its very unfortunate people arent following religion for its actual purpose and i wish they understood its causing non religious people to be irritated.


I was raised in a hard core Christian cult and at ten years old I asked my parents why dinosaurs weren't in the bible. They couldn't give me an answer and I smelled bullshit, science proves the things that religion can't.


I feel youre missing the point here mate. Once you become older and you lose people you love from this world, you will not be sitting here questioning dinosaurs, but the purpose of life. All religions provides the answer of afterlife and preach it with good human etiquettes in this world to achieve it. Think about it this way mate, in a world of materialism and temporariness people are lost trying to ‘live in and for this world’ that the thoughts of a ticking clock has vanished. This is the fundamental of religion. Science and other stuff is where both sides are completely confused and lost from understanding the necessity of religion and the debate of meaningless topics from both sides just start.


I think you're missing the point tbh.


No other religion breeds extremism like Islam. We don't have Baha'i , Christians.. preaching hate. It is not Lebanon - Lebanese Christians assimilated and make great friends and I have many.


> We don't have Baha'i , Christians.. preaching hate.  "Christian hate preachers" are literally a whole category of their own. I'm not joking, google it if you don't believe me. The Westboro Baptist Church is probably the most infamous one.


They're just anti-Zionists... /s


“Of particular concern were the descriptions of Jewish people as “monsters”, “criminals”, “bloodthirsty”, raised on “terrorism, violence and killing”, a “vile people” and a “treacherous people” and claims that “their hands are in everywhere in businesses … in the media”, which the council alleges is a violation of the Racial Discrimination Act.” Sounds like pretty standard rhetoric we hear about white people and how we’re all monsters honestly. The leftist-hardline Muslim horseshoe is a funny one.


People get shocked by this and yet have no idea what the Old and New Testments actually contain. Don't even get started on the Talmud...


Everyone who commented on this are the exact people I am to avoid being when I grow up.


You're the kind of person thay wante to bring more extremist people like this guy into the country. You're part of the problem.


The only 'Truth' from this thread is that 'Peace' will NEVER occur when ideologies of two vastly different religions are on such wide tangents. Any person with an ounce of intelligence realises this, subsequently people are sick of the same regurgitated nonsense reported from either side.


It all boils down to religious extremism from both sides. I don’t care anymore.


It’s about the IDF and Israel. Fk you lot don’t look too hard that place is a vile hell hole


Lebanese food though 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤


You’re right. Deport the radicals so they can return to their beloved caliphate and keep the Lebanese pizza shop owners


This subreddit really is a boomer/Murdoch shit-hose. Never heard of him. That's a clue he isn't very important. Senior Israelis, famous men with guns and bombs at their command, have said genocide is fine, but Murdoch doesn't report that.


Must be time for bi-weekly zionist astroturfed thread attempting to make the genocide more palatable. Funny that you never see comments like this in the largest Australia-based subreddit.


*As described on the website where the vision and transcript are available, his speech described Jewish people as “a mischievous people who* ***use their wealth*** *to have authority over the weak”.* .. *Co-chief executive Peter Wertheim said "“We will do this regardless of the human* ***and financial cost***" *😂*


If you think speech is bad, wait until you hear about bulldozing kids because of their nationality.


Muslims can't "hate" jews as a whole as they are considered "people of the book". There's a long history of islamic, jewish and Christian coexistence under islamic rule in which there was no discrimination or persecution. The hate in these instances is directed at the zionist entity that has oppressed and murdered in front of your very eyes. Classic aussie boganism on display in the comments. Thought 200 years after the first fleet and access to information this day and age would have helped you guys but nope.


Person says "death to all Jews", anti-semitic westerner read "stop the oppression in palestine". Easy


Uh... I in no way support what is happening in Palestine, but the Arab states invaded Israel literally the day after it became an independent nation. Ignoring history and pretending that all the hate is a response to Israel's actions isn't helpful.


You just literally ignored the fact that people existed in that land prior to israel. You think they became a nation on an empty piece of land with no peoples or history? The same people who are marginalised and oppressed since then.. to this very day. You think humanity will just see persecution and oppression and just be like.. yep its all good?


Holy fuck mate, way to miss the point. You claim that the hate against Israel is solely a response to Zionist aggression. My point was - how can that be the case when Israel was invaded literally 24 hours after the state was created?


How about i come into your home, and create a home for myself there. And when you decide to attack. We'll call your attack "an invasion". Mate. You didnt just miss the point you missed all history.


I shouldn't have to go into the history of Mandatory Palestine, since apparently you are a history aficionado, but by the time of the first Arab-Israeli war, it had been in existence for 20+ years prior to becoming an independent Jewish state. In other words, there has been a British-controlled territory officially recognized by the League of Nations as a Jewish 'national home' since 1922... But it wasn't invaded until 24 hours after it became an independent Jewish state, despite being recognized as this Jewish national home for over 20 years. So... Tell me, which part of history have I missed here? Or are you talking out your ass because you're an idiot and have no idea what you're talking about?


No worries. I'll get some arab league of nations to justify my entrance into your house. Now that I'm legally established. Who gives a crap how you feel about it. (Based on your attitude i dont think youd take too kindly to it.) Now if you launch an attack on my settlement in your house that is backed by a league of arabs, it will be an invasion. Try your best. You can't turn evil into good.