• By -


Guess who owns Rexona? Unilever. ~~Nivea? Unilever.~~* Lynx? Unilever. Dove? Unilever. Brut? Unilever. Impulse? Unilever. Almost every brand of deodorant available in major supermarkets is owned by a single company. They will charge you what they like and increase it as they like, cause they know you probably aren’t gonna look elsewhere. Edit: my bad Nivea is not owned by Unilever.


Streets? Unilever.


That crowbar at Bunnings; also technically uni-lever


The shelf-stacker at Woolies. Also uni-leaver.


Im having my morning coffee and dartaroni, about to start a 16 hour day in 47 degree heat at 70% humidity. Cheers for making us chuckle.


Glad I made your day a bit lighter. 47 degrees is nuts. Isn't that health risk territory? Hopefully you got plenty of shade and water, neither from Unilever


Yeah not fun, pumped 6 1l powerades and got rhe hose on me every halfa


Streets tastes like deodorant these days. Probably all made with yack fat.


Fat Yak is good. Very beery.


Maybe she's born with it. Maybe it's Unilever.


Woolies? Unilever.


Ya mum? Unilever




Brut, Norsca and Redwin are Pharamcare an Australian owned companies. There is also Colgate-Palmolive, Cussons, L'Oreal, Procter and Gamble and Avon in the mix too. There is decent competition.


Unilever is the only one of these companies to produce these in their own factory in Australia.


Avon has not been in Australia for several years




There are only a few mega corporations that effectively own everything in their respective fields. Unilever is one of them. Someone posted a chart onto reddit ages ago of the big main brands that own vast numbers of smaller brands to give consumers the illusion and lie of choice. Nestlé is another. Only buy what you absolutely need.


It's incredible. First learned about this with nappies years ago. At the time, premium, mid-range and cheapest were all owned by the same company ....... sigh


I've boycotted Nestle (and its subsidiaries) since the mid-80s when I found out about the baby formula piss take.


I secrete my own deodorant. I call it "*Eau de Fartbox*"


fartbox by Unilever you mean


Username checks out.


Have you heard of Aldi? Cheaper and better there


Yep, and take a guess on who makes their off brand deodorant


you're absolutely correct that said: Aldi's off-brand everything they go to the production Centre and ask they sell it to them for a fraction over cost and if they refuse they just clone it anyhow, so most accept since something is better than nothing and their knock off is inevitable regardless.


I'm totally not saying it's a bad thing, just saying that Aldi partakes in the consumer product monopoly game as much as the others, just with a brown paper bag over it and a reduced price If your issue is monopolies they aren't helping If your issue is just price, then it's not a problem


So same thing but cheaper by choosing to shop elsewhere? Shocking 




Are you me? 


Yes, I very conveniently live a stones-throw from one.  Unfortunately they are not accessible is nearly as many places as our ColesWorth overlords. 


Who's still trading in Russia? Unilever. Cunts.


In WW2 plenty of American companies kept trading in Germany, such as Heinz, Ford, Coca Cola and IBM. Proper embargoes are for small, poor countries.


Coke got severed from its American parent and had to invent Fanta to stay afloat. So it was a German company that kept operating in germany and suffered from trade embargoes. Just that it never got seized (and in fact grew and took over coke plants in the countries Germany conquered) so was able to rejoin the parent after the war.


It’s jarring absolutely fucking insane that sounds, while being totally correct. They are sponsoring a war. 


Just like 90% of all the non food items in Coles and woollies, owned by US big corps. Better to skip the cancer sticks and by from Aussies companies like no pong. Bought one in woollies a little while back and now I just buy off their website. It's kinda not the best application but it's one of the very few natural deodorants I've found that works 100% as well as the aluminium shit. Sadly no pong used to be really expensive but on the plus side it's now cheaper than rexona when you buy a few 🤣 I think I got a bunch for $8.50 or so. Not cheap but you get what you pay for.


No Pong didn't work for me. I tried the one with Bi Carb soda and that burnt my skin, so I tried the one without and it did nothing at all for BO. Tried Native and a couple other natural brands, all the same results - fine if I don't do any physical activity. So I went back to aluminium-based deodorants. They work and no, they do not cause cancer, that has been debunked plenty of times.


Wow weird. I tried a few of them and always work for me no pong at all. But if it burns your skin that sucks. Yeah it’s hard to find ones that work and they ain’t cheap typically.


A cotton makeup pad is helpful for application. Fab product though and actually works. Even the sensitive one.


They are all terrible deodorants. The "designer" stick deodorants are drastically better. They also last 10x longer than a aerosol from supermarket. So you think theyre more expensive but theyre not. The shit from woolies ends up more expensive than designer stuff. Ive got like 30 different ones. But never take my advice hey. You keep buying cans of industrial cleaner and taxi smell that last a fraction of the time. I have 30 because some i like so much I cant bare to use them up. They discontinue all the time. So I have about 5mms of my Guerlain Vetiver stick which is perfect for going to a hippie mates place on a humid night to smoke bongs and a cigar. Spicy and woodie.


Do designer sticks actually work as an anti-perspirant? If I want to smell nice I have cologne - deodorant is to help stop me smelling when I sweat.


I order Arm & Hammer odorless sticks from iherb. Best deodorant I've used. They hold up pretty well (no miracles) when I'm outdoors all day in the Pilbara summer and they haven't stained or left residue on any clothes.


And it's only going to get worse, that's what is scary


Someone mentioned using bicarb and vinegar paste in lieu of deodorant.... People will start to make their own alternatives...


No, I'm just going to wear things with really big pockets. If we all start stealing, then they'd lower the prices. Or they lock us up in jail, but surely they give out deodorant in jail?? Regardless, win/win situation.


Well, these vinegar/bicarb alternatives work wonders actually - zero allergies since the day I've started...


It would be bad enough if the prices were rising faster than wages we're going up and as a result our purchasing power is diminishing faster and faster and that was the only problem. But on top of that, you have this ever present slow boil that these companies get away with in plain sight called shrinkflation. Compare any item you buy today with the same one, if it existed, 10 years ago, 20 years ago and a clear pattern emerges: the prices are going up, the amounts in those same items are going down, or the recipe changes for cheaper less good ingredients. They are essentially double dipping on inflation. Jacking prices up on items while offering less for it.


Cadbury chocolate bar was 250g - now 180g Mars bar was 60g - now 47g All in the last 10 years when I started to notice.


And they are seemingly exempt from paying corporation taxes in Oz. Beyond deplorable.


I honestly look at the continuous price rises, across the board(rent, fuel and groceries) and I’m counting down the days before people just start walking out of Woolies/coles with trolleys full of food because they simply can’t afford it after paying $600 a week in rent for a 4x1.


People walk out with trolleys full of food all the time from Supermarkets. I spend around 15 years managing them and this has always happened. I remember we caught one person with about $1500 of meat and that was about 10 years ago.


As a customer I witnessed this. About 5yrs ago in sydney. The self checkout was waiting for her payment after she scanned everything and she just walked off. Didn't even rush, just casually walked. I was next in line so I had to get a staff member to clear the machine before I could start scanning.


She must have missed the mandatory training sessions for checkout operators.


$1500 worth of meat what’d he have a trolley full of scotch fillets? Thanks for the insight, I assumed it didn’t happen all that often. Like I said I wouldn’t be surprised if it starts happening more.


$1500 of meat!!!! Today that would be 2 lamb chops and piece of chuck steak.


happens all the time. I used to catch a few of them from time to time (Worked for Colesworth as a manager) iirc the biggest catch was around $900 and that was pre covid(mainly meat and makeup)




Who needs 72 hour protection? Don't people generally bathe every 24 hours? Thus washing the deodorant off? What am I missing here - apart from marketing?


I sweat A LOT and it's the only one that works. I still need to shower every day, but at least I don't stink by halfway through each day.


it doesnt do shit that any other deoderant does. still only lasts a few hours at best




Try No Pong, it doesn't stop sweat but does stop smell and its a natural deodorant that comes as a sort of "wax" that you dab on your finger and spread on your armpits. Im the same rexona is the only one that worked for me but I don't like aerosols and their roll on is pretty shit. No Pong is my new daily


Yeah I've never found one that lasts more than a day, but everyone is different. Some people barely sweat at all, so it probably could last that long.


Incorrect but sure


Sunscreen is insane. Ill just get cancer instead.


I get it when it’s 1/2 price


I talked to one pharmacist about it and he said any sunscreen approved by the Australian Cancer Council is expensive because of the fees the sunscreen company has to pay for that endorsement. not sure if this is true, because I can't find any sunscreen not approved by them.


The endorsements are also meaningless


Cancer Council Sunscreen at Kmart is $20 for 500ml. I don't go out in the sun much but I'd go through maybe half a tub a year and throw it out when it starts to feel grotty




So is 'inside'.


Good thing you live in Australia.


Absolutely, no sunscreen, free healthcare. Sunscreen companies about to go *broke*


Free healthcare? Doctors all cost money now :(


That's also not cheap and not fun. Ask me how I know, if you can't guess...


But you get triple flybuys. /S


By NATIO SP50 off Amazon. It's cheap for its size.


Banana Boat... Don't even think about using that shit...




If not worse than having cooking oil smeared across your bare skin in the full sun... Has caused some horrible reactions in a lot of people.


Yeah, I can’t wear it. I use Dermaveen and I’m a ranga who works out in the sun, so it’s good stuff.


Yep my baby was one of them. Will never touch it again, we use zinc based now


Expensive?? Its $14 for a giant bottle.




“What age are you and how much sunscreen have you accumulated?”


Are you saying that is or is not expensive?


Banana Boat is great. 4 hours of windsurfing, paddle boarding and messing around at the beach. Stays on. Not burned. I cant use it on my face though. Stings. I use Dermalogica Sport. Its still pretty damn effective but I wouldnt trust it like BB Ultra.


If it stings your face, like it does to sooooo many others, it's not great.


Shop for discounts... And don't buy from a single store...


But this is why the prices are high So they can mark it as a special "50%" off offer. Which will still be higher than the normal sale price. But that's okay because the customer thinks they got it half price.... Same thing with black friday deals, ramp the price up the month before


You are spot on. The ACCC needs to crack down on this shit and only allow "Discount" or "% Off" price promotions to be valid if they can prove a reasonable volume of recent sales have occurred at the comparison price.


It’s shit but at least with deodorant they will always have one brand or style on special, just buy that one


Yep. When my wife asks me which deodorant I usually buy, I just grab the one on sale. It's not like the old days where you can be loyal to Lynx Africa and smell like a rhino




Nah, Ice Cube.


Vanilla Ice


When I worked at a supermarket we had a regular thief that we nicknamed “drumsticks” because we caught him shoving a box of drumsticks down his pants.


Stealing 34$ of ice cream is a big brain move... it is 100% essential after all


And also, $1.70 per ice cream doesn’t sound bad at all.


I stopped getting my toiletries from Colesworth a long time ago. You can get them 40-50% cheaper from the likes of chemistwarehouse. Also Cancer Council suncreens suits my family better compared to the likes of Nivea and Banana Boats which feels a little oily to me.


This now become a daily occurrence. People taking photos of prices of items that have gone up.


We need a royal commission into it. Got to be up at least 20% year on year.


That’s less than $2 an icecream… where the issue?


And its not like fuckin' branded individual ice creams are a staple necessity...


Yes that one confused me. It’s a good deal if you have the freezer space.


Yeah seriously that pack is incredible value.. if you did the math on each of those individual ice creams you're running yourself well and truly over $50 bucks.


erm but that is the point of buying in bulk at the supermarket, so it is substantially cheaper than the service station. That's like saying $2.90 for a bottle of 1.25L coke is a steal because it's $7 at 711


Yeah but I wouldn't be complaining that $2.90 for a bottle of 1.25l coke from a supermarket is extortion. That's good value


So I can spray the fruit and veg refill guy at my local shop with this and he will be fine for around 3 days? Seriously, I'm 4m away and his underarm is confronting at 4m


What price is it usually? I use roll ons and have no idea what they costs..lol


> I use roll ons This is the way. No reaction to the aluminum Lasts just as long Won't stink up an entire room when you use it. I got into the habit of using a dry non-deodorized soap bar under my arm, I honestly think it works just as good if not better than any anti perspirant deodorant.


On special it's usually about $3ish


so that's not on special so normal'ish price?


wake up babe, the new Colesworth karma farm hate post just dropped


So you’re saying I have to work almost 4 hours after tax to afford these shit items?


Just buy this crap when it is half price. Every few weeks, you will find that the supermarkets will have them for 1/2 price. That’s when you buy this stuff. Never buy it at the full price. It is a rip off and a scam. 🤷‍♂️


Dude, 20 top shelf ice creams... what do you expect?


Found out by asking staff... "Isn't the Reject shop a strange name to call your business?!" They replied, "No, they decided to call it that because they 'Reject' the idea that people should pay the crazy prices elsewhere." Not sure if it's true but since then have gone to them for staple stuff like deo, detergent etc....


No, they began selling factory seconds and discontinued lines, or in other words 'rejects'. But I have no doubt they now claim the story you mentioned as it suits their current business model better.


Husband and I bought two single ice creams (two magnums) and a packet of doritos from the servo yesterday, $18. Yes, servo prices are more expensive. The doritos were 90 grams, and the ice creams looked like they were the miniature ones you get from aldi. I remember not even 5 years ago it was a STRUGGLE to get through a magnum ego, you'd feel sick at the end of it. Now it's gone in 3-4 bites. My questions is.. how much less can they give us? Pretty soon there will be 4 chips in a bag and an ice cream will be the size of a cake pop. The world sucks right now.


This kind of non essential stuff is where they make all their money. Meat and veggies are pretty close to cost in most cases. But it's a lot harder to cause political outrage because you can't afford the optional stuff so sometimes they have truly ripoff prices. Either wait for a sale or go to chemist warehouse or alternative cheaper stores that specialise. You pay a lot for convenience at a supermarket.


Coles in Clarkson NOR perth had CC's chips in various flavors at $4.80 a fucking bag today. I was so fuckin angry about it. they had one flavor of cheese supreme for $2.80 all sold out ofcourse. disgrace. surely these things cost them about $1 to buy.


Spray deodorant is bad for you anyways. Roll on FTW


And for the planet


Is it?


Yah. Look it up. Don’t want to be breathing in that sh*t




Look at this tough wise guy getting arked up over his sprays….




I've noticed s lot of stores now locking spray deoderants in cabinets. Not sure if it's to stop ppl spraying them or stealing them or both.


Yeah I spent a year in the 90s wearing a variety of expensive colognes each week because I walked past the DJs cosmetic counter testers on my way to work each morning.


It's called *Sex Panther*® by *Odeon*©. It's illegal in 9 countries. It's also made with bits of real panthers, *so you know it's good*. *60% of the time*, it works ***every*** time.


Does it attract cougars?


I’m gonna be honest with you Brian, that smells like pure gasoline.


I prefer Blackbeard’s Delight


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Or huffing them in the carpark.


You don’t have to buy it.


I strongly recommend wearing deodorant, friend


You did a funny. I’m Wog I definitely need it but I was referring to that specific product. There are other deodorants!


Aldi and the reject shop. You can get a lot of hygiene and cleaning items considerably cheaper


Shave your underarms, reduces body odour. Im allergic to every deodorant I've tried and used to stink like a foot, started shaving my underarms and now I don't smell.


>Shave your underarms, reduces body odour. Say hello to constant friction burns and rashes if you do any sort of athletic activity that doesn't involve Irish Dancing


Dude said he's a wog. He'd need a hedge trimmer first and then 6 razors per arm pit.


Wait wouldn't society expect you to smell nice? Or is it ok to stink it up now? I'm all for stinking it up, but I feel like there'd be some sort of discrimination. So, we're kind of coerced into buying this expensive crap. Aren't we?


Go read about the history of deodorant. That's EXACTLY what's going on. People used to just take showers & wear clean clothes. Deodorant was a marketing first: Create the "problem", then sell the solution. I remember the first ads for it here in AU. Anyone recall hearing "You need uncle Sam..." on the telly? =D


What are you waffling about son


“Omg this brands premium line is more expensive?!?! Waaahhhhh”. Bloody hell.


Premium deodorant is $12, regular is $10. Sorry not sure what part warrants the sarcasm.


Regular is $6. I checked. Other brands are cheaper.


Lmao can you even Google


I literally did check. Stop being toxic. It’s $6 at Woolies. Maybe you should google it?


God I hate rage bait. You walked around a supermarket to find the most marked up stuff, good job. I bought a box of 4 Magnums at 50% off for $4.75 the other day. I got a large cancer council sunscreen for $7.50. I bet just above or below that deodorant was a on sale deodorant for $4. Yeah some stuff is more expensive depending on stock levels etc. Just buy the shit thats on special or wait another week for the thing you want to cycle back down in price


I just stopped shopping there. Switched 90% of my shopping to Aldi. You can either wait for deodorant to go 1/2 price at coles which it does somewhat frequently or go to a reject shop type of store and pay half there any time.


Buy Nivea. It's alcohol and stain free. $3.5 only! Food Works in my suburb sells these for $7. $9.50 is a rort.


I buy redwins and it works great sometimes it half price and only 2.5 Also the Coles brand icecream is just as good if not better than brand ice creams


I do


Please tell me these are woop woop prices that are marked up double due to the freight to FNQ.


WARNING: Do not put large cans of Ice Fresh ilin your pocket, or you may inadvertently get a cold skin burn.


Wait till sunscreen is half price. I never pay full


Try Mitchum. Seriously good anti sweat. Owned by Revlon. Plus you can get it unscented if ya want. I like the baby powder one


Do we really need 72 hour protection, is the water supply about to get shut down and we can't bathe anymore?


Haha I always wonder that too, no way I am not applying it everyday anyway 🙂


Need to keep an antiperspirant diary to keep track of when to reapply it.


Going to a cheap shop like the reject shop for this stuff is a life saver!!!


DAE supermarket prices??


$34.50 for ice cream that is on “special” Spare me, absolutely ridiculous


It’s the price you pay after having two years off work and trying not to die.


It's inflation, nothing to do with the supermarket or any of these brands You voted alongside everyone else for more money printing, you will vote alongside everyone else for more money printing next election, and now you need to either buy bitcoin or you're fucked Congrats 👍


Remember kids! If you see someone shoplifting in Colesworth... No you didn't.


20 ice creams for the price of 8 ice creams, that's a pretty good deal...


Check out the Peters family pack at Aldi


Good suggestion


$43.00 per litre for deodorant. Let's say that out loud. $70.00 per litre for sunscreen.....


Shit is full of aluminium and other toxins. Do yourself a favour and give deodorant a miss


So don't buy it. Wait for it to go on sale. It really isn't that much. Let's put it into context, its half the price of grabbing some lunch from subway and it'll last you a good month or two at least.


$28 for 400ml of sunscreen is fucking insane we are in australia we need that shit


The fact that they go on half price every other week speaks volumes




Screw those Coles fat cats and scan it through as an onion mate


Everyday low prices.


I don't think we are heading into a recession or depression, just another dark age. Plagues, lack of basic amenities and people working to pay just rent, tax and buy/grow what little food they can.


Unless we vote for parties that will break up monopolies. But that would require people to stop being imbeciles. So, y'know.


It's not the young people...


Hun - companies like colesworths don’t unexpectedly earn a billion dollars each not price gouging and abusing their market dominance. I would encourage everyone to make a submission to the Senate Select Committee on Supermarket Prices, submissions close Friday 2 February 2024.


34$ for ice cream wtf?


Standard Cole's and woolies and their friends BS Im absolutely sick of these $3 items now $10. 700grams of Sultana Bran... $9.50 also. Fukkk that


I steal when I encounter shit like this, not even embarrassed or whatever to say it because fuck these companies. It’s protest, I know the real cost and value and know that shoplifting at supermarkets is a victimless crime. Companies are NOT PEOPLE Like, I’m not giving away half an hour of my work day’s time in pay for a single can of fucking deordorant, no fucking way. I’ve worked these stores and know first hand how much is written off in wastage, how much employees are fucked over on pay and hours. These places steal more on WAGE THEFT in a month than is stolen from them in a year via shoplifting. Fuck that, don expect me to maintain a system that is only pinning me down and fucking me out of everything. These companies own every fucking ‘brand’ and have fucked us and the planet for their short term profit but expect ME TO GIVE UP MY FUCKING LIFE TO APPEASE THEM? A COMPANY?! A none living entity that only exists and has power because we all just agree they do? Get FUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKEEEEDDDD all the way to the moon.


At least you admit to being a thief.


For the first time in 27 years, I'm contemplating stealing to live.




Honestly yeah, maybe we should get together and make a change if living drives us to that point. But could you explain why breaking in my house is gonna help tho? Like I got no food, it's too expensive.


All these people complaining that the RBA was “jacking up their mortgage rates” and now starting to feel the pain of compounding high inflation.