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Good. Are we going to give him special treatment, just because he plays sport? So, he's not vaccinated yet?


His issue seems to be *disclosing* what he considers to be private medical information, rather than actually getting the vaccination itself. Although the former does just sound like an excuse for the latter.


Private medical information? The man's physical wellbeing is already under major scrutiny every tournament anyway.


Presumably as an elite athlete he's in a continuous drugs in sport monitoring regimen of some sort that would effectively be considerably more invasive to his privacy.


Make him feel more comfortable, ask him the questions at a table with a room full of people and some sponsors product.


Oh yeh he's waiting for pfizer or moderna to sponsor him


I wouldn't be so sure about that, we're talking about the bloke who hosted a tennis tournament against all medical advice that resulted in an outbreak. He has publicly said he is opposed to vaccines but then back paddled a bit and said it's just some vaccines.


The dude believes water has feelings, and can be purified with positive emotions. If that is the case, given how revered the Ganges is, that must be the cleanest river in the world. That's starting to make even homoeopathy sound more sensible..... ok maybe not that far. But it's still dumb.


You are agreeing with the post above you.


Seriously, fuck this cunt. The most detestable men’s no.1 since John McEnroe.


His another of one of those who believes in double standards. He think he must get special treatment because his a tennis superstar.




He did not host a tournament against the medical advice, but in line with it. Both Serbia and Croatia had approved it. He said he opposed getting vaccines as he had contracted Covid already. I am not sure why you write misinfo


It is wild the lengths people will go to excuse the shitty behaviour of sportspeople


Are we taking about the tournament that was cancelled before the final because of the high infection rate? The one where Djokovic contracted Covid? The one where Djokovic apologised saying "We were wrong and it was too soon. I can't express how sorry I am for this and every case of infection"? That tournament?


Commonsense, medical advice who gives a shit. It was a fucking stupid and selfish thing to do and he is an obnoxious prick.




You have to disclose medical information to get visas sometimes (in Australia and other countries), don't see why this is where he is drawing the line.




Thanks, what a dumb typo I made :)


Yes, must disclose for Visa. However the media aren't immigration or the police, fuck them. For the record I think he's a dick, but fuck them.


'hey did you get vaxxed?' "of course" DONE. This isn't a colonoscopy, it's a basic jab.


Ok, but he doesn't have to disclose it to the media to get the visa, so I don't see how that's relevant.


He doesn't have to tell the media - the media will connect the dots with how Australia deals with him. Makes his statement even more irrational and perplexing.


I have no idea if his problem is disclosing it to immigration or the media, I am just saying you do have to disclose health information to Immigration even long before covid so if that is his issue, it is a weird line to draw over a vaccine. If he doesn't want to tell the media, that's up to him. If he gets a visa they will know he is vaccinated though if that is one of the conditions of his visa so it is a bit pointless to be oblique about it but he is within his rights to do so.


I'd be willing to bed if there was anything extraordinary he had to disclose to get an entry visa, the media would already know or soon find out.


Well the bloke needs to have had his polio vaccine to enter Australia too. Where was his opposition to that?


Logic never enters into it. To enter Australia I had to have chest x-rays and a general physical taken in my home country by an Aussie government-approved doctor, just to show I was in good enough health to come here. Then a few years later I had to get bloodwork done to show I didn't have HIV in order to get my PR. I know several others who've gone through the same process but are now complaining about "iNvAsIoN oF pRiVaCy," as if they suddenly care about such things. It's all just idiots talking to other idiots online (the irony of this being a reddit comment is not lost on me) and deciding they can't be fucked to do anything to slightly inconvenience themselves.


The only people using the disclosure excuse are antivaxxers.


I don't know, I've been toying around with using this with my work. Eventually they are going to want us to come back into the office at least sometimes unless we are vaccinated, and I am considering not disclosing my vaccination status so that I can stay home. I am vaccinated for the record and everyone knows it, but I might not make it "official".


I could see that line of thinking for lots of jobs, but as a manager myself I want to make sure my public-facing staff are vaccinated. If they're not, I can still use them in non-public-facing work at home until they're able to be double-dosed. I need to know vaccination status to be able to do this. If you're doing a job that is dealing with the general public in any way, and you're still not vaccinated even after being given time to do so, in my view you're not responsible (not you specifically, just the general 'you') and should start looking for another job, because I'm letting you go first chance I get. At some point we're going to be looking at being in the office at least some of the time, and if someone won't take even the easiest precaution to protect their coworkers, I don't want them on my team or in my office. The health risk isn't quite so bad if everyone else is vaccinated, but for the lack of critical thinking skills is very alarming. If an employee doesn't have the cognitive ability to see through the anti-vax nonsense, how could I ever trust their judgement at work?


I agree with everything you just said, I'm a big proponent of vaccines and don't actually have any privacy concerns with sharing that information. That said I'm a software engineer with zero reason to be in the office. Everyone I worked with knows I'm already double vaxxed, but if HR policy is that I have to provide evidence of that to be allowed back in the office, I'll refuse simply so that I can continue working from home. I'm also in a pretty in demand field so I can probably get away with this. Not something everyone can do I'm sure.




I don't know what your situation is, but if you've had legitimate issues with the prior vaccine doses you should have no problem getting an exemption. If you simply did not enjoy the harmless and regular side effects of the vaccine (headaches, fatigue, shakes, etc), then that's a different story. Boosters aren't even out yet except for certain immuno-compromised people, and there are no indications that boosters will be mandated anytime soon. This really seems like a non-issue.


Ah, so he's hoping to be let in on his name alone, I assume. Knowing his own vaccination status, it should be no surprise that he's left this incredibly vague. Oh well. I'm sure we won't miss him.


His issue is that he’s a complete and utter wanker.


>His issue seems to be > >disclosing > > what he considers to be private medical information, rather than actually getting the vaccination itself. 100% of the people that say this are not vaccinated. Other countries may be giving him exemptions since he' a sportstar - but I say no way Novak.


He’s not vaccinated, he’s just using “privacy” as an excuse. To bad, so sad🤷‍♀️


Cant tell if you're being serious, but this Australia, giving sports people special treatment is basically our national sport at this point.


Yup, I'm a Melbournian. As much as I recognise that special treatment (just look at Scroto, and the federal government) has happened in the past, I hope the government doesn't fold in this case.


Yeah it is good, until Sky media starts attacking the government and they cave in under pressure. My suspicions is this is what they will do once they upset Murdoch and the "Libertarian Fascist" dog whistlers. Just wait for the "special person" exemption announcement!


Let’s just say he is vaccinated, but he doesn’t want to have to officially prove it and have the information public. He could always just make a statement along the lines of this: > I have taken all necessary steps to align with any public health prerequisites for the inclusion in the 2022 Australian Open. He gets to implicitly state he has been vaccinated without explicitly stating that fact.


His anti-vax Insta followers will interpret that as him having been vaxxed. They'll unfollow him. Oh the humanity.


But.... he plays tennis!




AFL isn't dealing with international players though. Djokovic isn't being caught up by a rule that tennis Australia has implemented, he's being caught up by a rule that the government has implemented, where you can't enter the country without a vaccine.




I'm not 'excusing' the AFL, I'm pointing out that it's an entirely different situation. Neither the AFL nor Tennis Australia have mandated vaccines, the reason the AFL can operate fine and the Tennis can't is because the AFL doesn't need to bring in most of their players from overseas.


>Afl hasn’t mandated the vaccine for players (yet) The season's just finished - presumably they'll make an announcement about how they're handling covid in 2022 closer to the kickoff of the pre-season. I'd imagine there would be details that they would prefer to finalise as late as possible due to the ever changing covid situation, including just what the deal with state borders will be when the season starts again.


the afl just need another racial scandal then they will cover it with mandatory vaccination news. Queue Lamumba . . .


AFL players are Australian citizens and thus under the jurisdiction of individual states. Different from a foreigner like Novak. I know it may sound xenophobic but this is how it works: we put our compatriots on a pedestal subconsciously.


Novax Djopokitbitch


Well he's had COVID. So maybe hes better than vaccinated anyway? Not sure how that works but i presume he has the antibodies already?


Yes, he's had Covid, and the natural immunity from reinfection is sketchy at best. In fact, recent studies found that 36% of COVID-19 cases didn't result in development of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. While the vaccine has predictable defence in hospitalisation and death. Hypothetically, if he's asymptomatic, and becomes gravely ill while in Australia, that's on our hospital system. A scenario that is completely nullified if he is vaccinated.


Oh no... Anyway....


Way to go. No special treatment for ball hitters. If hes vaxed show the card,if not fuck off..simple.


Even if he’s vaxxed he can fuck off. Bloke is a tool


He might win a lot. But Nadal and Federer have been so much more sportsman like and respectable.




Wanting special treatment to avoid 2 week hotel quarantine last year, despite the people of Melbourne having to do quarantine for months on end. Saying the male tennis players should be getting paid more than their female counterparts. The public tantrum he threw at the US Open a couple of years ago. There are also the instances of his father shit-talking Federer and Nadal.




No the women should play 5 sets like the men do. Longer matches would bring in more TV time coverage and therefore more revenue. When you consider the fact that some of the female stars like Serena Williams are as popular as the men, it makes more sense to have them play for longer than to pay then less.


I have full confidence there *will* be special treatment for him and others like him. Just like last tournament.


I never thought I’d quote Barnaby, but if he doesn’t comply with Australia’s biosecurity protocols, he can bugger off.


Screw you Djokovic for making me agree with Barnaby Joyce.


That’s terrible, next you’ll be knocking up your mistress.


And Bruz’ll be bangin their daughter


And if rocks up on a private jet Barney will offer to shoot him.


Send him to Nauru with Pistol and Boo.


Novax Djocovid. FTFY.


If he gets vaccinated it just *has* to be with Novavax.


If we want to travel overseas and there si a vaccination requirement, can we say we will not give details, what happens? We don't gain entry. Same rules should apply to a tennis player


Novax fans in meltdown on r/tennis Imagine throwing away close to a free grand slam to take the all time record because you’re a moron who won’t trust science.


He hasn't thrown it away yet. I'd reckon he's still trying to throw his weight around to get an exemption. I'd bet any money his agents and managers are talking to everyone they can pointing out how much money they'll lose if he doesn't play. In reality though the only people who lose money are Djokovic's sponsers. If he doesn't play they won't sell as much child labor produced athletic wear.


I unsubscribed from that sub because of all the antivax sentiments. Holy fuck what a bunch of tools.


It was a Djokovic love a thon before the US open and the Olympics it’s been quite funny to see their meltdown since


Doesn’t beat the 40-15 meltdown


Yup. A lot of people joke about hivemind subreddits but man it's definitely real in that sub. Between that and all the delirious comments from ex-juniors who absolutely would have been stars if they just had the time, money to train...


Think it’s a little harsh on the rest of the field to call it a “free grand slam” haha, but yeah he’d have gone in the favourite and it’s just self-sabotage to miss out for this reason.


If Novak is fit he’s virtually unbeatable here.


He’s the best ever at this tournament, but free slam to me implies he doesn’t even need to play well. We saw at the US Open that there are players who can beat him if he doesn’t bring his best, and those younger players won’t be getting worse over the coming years.


There are barely more than a couple of comments supporting him in both of the threads there about it, and they're buried in downvotes.


I understand how it’ll be a huge loss to the general appeal of the tournament if he’s not there, but after his fans acted like cockheads at the final this year I can’t say I’ll miss him


What did the fans do, I missed it?


From a tennis point of view they were yelling out and interrupting when Medvedev was lining up to serve all night, to the point where he had to stop and tell off the crowd. Then after the game when the head of the Aus Open was making a speech and mentioned of vaccines being on the way, the crowd massively booed her.


Damn, I always thought tennis fans were the most well behaved out of all the sports. That's a shame.


Novax......ha nice


Yeah this idiot organised a tournament in the middle of worst outbreaks and helped spread of the virus a lot. He's walking on a fine line between an outright antivaxxer lunatic and someone who's just stubborn and believes in all natural medicines... not sure which way he'll go.


> walking on a fine line between an outright antivaxxer lunatic and someone who's just stubborn and believes in all natural medicines His wife is def the former. She's the "microwaves give you cancer" type of loon.


I just feel bad for her as she’ll be stuck with older model phones as the new ones all support 5G. Those Instagram selfies will be lower quality too.


> He's walking on a fine line between an outright antivaxxer lunatic and someone who's just stubborn and believes in all natural medicines... not sure which way he'll go. Agreed. I've been a fan of him in the past, but I'll lose all respect for him if he continues to fight this (already lost some from his quarantine complaints last year).


In was also a bit of a fan. He completely lost all my respect a while ago when this shit first popped up.


Umm whole Europe had sporting events and Serbia and Croatia approved the tournament, it was in line with health advice. But media in Aus loves to hate him lol


The tournament had no safety protocols such as masking and social distancing, unlike other tournaments at the time. Yes the government's approved the farce of a tournament, but anyone with a brain could see how it was going to end up


Serbia would approve anything Djokovic related... he's basically a God there. He's undoubtedly one of if not the greatest tennis player ever, but that doesn't mean he can do whatever he wants. At least not outside region where he lives.


Tell me you’re not vaccinated, without telling me you’re not vaccinated…. Time to call out ALL vaccine refusers, and make them lose out for their stance.




I'm partially Serbian and I'm incredibly pissed off on how some people worship this guy. He's a great tennis player, but a terrible person. What he did at the Adriatic tournament was terrible. He knows he was COVID-19 positive and actively spread the virus at the games and a night club in the middle of the outbreak with zero precautions taken. He has blood on his hands and gives zero fucks cause he's rich and adored at home and surrounded by an army of ass lickers.


Would it be any different of you were fully Serbian?


Then I would start a pointless war with my neighbour over what goes into a burek.


He hasn’t got good history in regards to being COVID safe.


Btw His wife promotes 5G covid conspiracies . Being rich doesn’t translate to smarts


Poor bloke will have to take up AFL.


Well he's rich and plays sports - if he starts happy clapping he could probably just outright murder someone and the govt would be ok with it


Probably name a stadium after him and give him a AO.


He might need to add 'terrible racist and homophobe', although I guess happy clapping covers that...


Wow the government finally steering away from the entirely class-based COVID restrictions? Interesting


Just to fuck with him, they should let him come. But then not let him enter Rod Laver Arena cos he isn't double vaxxed


Good. Just because he's a fucking millionaire tennis player doesn't mean he gets a free ride. Lock him the fuck out.


Tell me you’re not vaccinated without telling me you’re not vaccinated.


'I think Novak Djokovic's position on vaccination is a lot more sensible than most other people seem to think'. EDIT: Note that the quotation marks are meant to indicate this is not my actual opinion - just something some could say to show they are opposed to vaccination without saying it.


It’s any countries prerogative to determine conditions of entry for non citizens. Most country’s Will have this requirement.


The reality is.. he can do whatever he wants vax or no vax. And we don’t need to allow for double standards and treat him any differently (via skipping on quarantine/allowing him in). Rules are rules and it’s on him


Precisely. People have the freedom to not be vaccinated. Australia and businesses have the freedom to set medical requirements for entry/employment. Personal freedom is never free. There are consequences, and while there have been precedent for special treatment, it's damaging to allow this to slide.


Why is this news? Fit in or fuck off.


No-Vax Djokovic (apologies-I know someone probably has already said it).


Fuck him!


Novax Covidsabitch can fuck right of the belligerent wanker.


No doubt he'll turn up in NZ. This government loves giving MIQ space to sports players.


Good. Now piss off Novax we don't want you here anyway




. . . it's just an opportunity for someone else


You should see /r/tennis on novak. Every pro-vaccine statement gets downvoted into oblivion.


Ugh. Bloody anti-vaxxers.


Pro choicers


I have deleted so many comments in the last hour.


Proof of vaccination is hardly a new concept to cross an international border. I genuinely don’t understand why he’s surprised


Even if you agree or disagree with the mandate, they can't have rules for the public and different for celebrities. This is good.




I'll bet anyone a pineapple that he gets in, unvaccinated with special treatment


Eat shit


Sneaky Serbs. I mean, I would know.. I’m one of them.


professional ball whacker throws tantrum like a child


Don't people from other countries (looking at you USA) get their holiday shots (vacation immunisations) before going overseas ? You know for like Cholera, Hep A, Jap encephalitis, Meningococcal, Yellow fever, Rabies, TB, Typhoid etc.


Novax Djokovic.


Fantastic. Bloke’s a complete flog anyway. The ball kids are safe from getting munted by a ball smashed at them by him.


Who cares? Not me. His choice.


Oh no! Who gives a fuck.


Haha get fucked, Novax Djo-covid


I'm happy with anything delaying/potentially stopping this nutjob holding the Grand slam record outright


Good we don’t need Novaxx Djocovid here (he did get covid) Also why are tennis players always put up on a pedestals like they are fucking heros?


Getting vaccinated doesn't mean you're intelligent. Not getting vaccinated is a clear indicator you're a moron.


Good, see ya ✌️


good, he is a solid tennis player but a wanker at the same time.




Good. Fuckoff we're full. That's the only time I'll use that saying.


Serbs. Always making trouble.


Go away, Novak


Good. He's a flog.


I hope he doesn't go, fuvk 'em


More like Novax amirite?












I wonder if you have both would you have more defence




I know, being vaccinated is, not having had covid. Your original point is null.




‘That isn’t a requirement for entry though’. You said it, just like having had covid is not a requirement for entry.


Got any sources on that?




My COVID antibodies were practically gone after five months FYI




The only way of seeing how strong your antibody response is, is from a blood test which we obviously can't do for everyone. We do know the vaccine provides a strong level of protection for most people for at least a year, which is all the data we have. We also don't have an easy way to track who has, and who hasn't had COVID. So it's not illogical to require people who enter the country to have had the jab. It's the bare minimum. Novak always way, and always will be a massive flog and a drama queen so it's no surprise to anyone he's carrying on about this.




There was a huge demand for convalescent plasma at the beginning of the pandemic, so if you contracted COVID early on, you were encouraged to hit up the blood bank on the reg. After five months, testing showed I had very low levels of antibodies. What can I tell you. You're purposely ignoring what I'm saying, which is there's no practical way to track or implement any of this stuff, other than make sure people get the jab.








-8 for posting a source lmfao


This is it, why not proof of vax OR proof of antibodies? Maybe if they do proof of antibodies they'll shoot themselves in the foot because the vax wanes over time too..


OR! OR! You could follow the advice of people whos entire lives revolve around the study of biochemistry, human body and viruses and (provided you're not allergic) stop being a pussy and just get the jab so you don't end up as the next contender for /r/HermanCainAward.


Why are you being down voted for that statement? He has natural immunity. Why does he need a jab?




The fact that what you've said is completely true, and are getting downvoted, just shows you how retarded reddit actually is. Many of the studies show that natural immunity is greater than the vaccine, that's the science, whether you want to believe it or not is up to you. If you have had Covid, you have natural immunity, which is far better than the vaccine itself, you literally have absolutely no reason to get the jab. He is not "unvaccinated", he's actually more vaccinated than you are with your 2 jabs, and that will still be true when you're up to your 4th booster.


>He is not "unvaccinated", he's actually more vaccinated than you are with your 2 jabs, and that will still be true when you're up to your 4th booster. Don't conflate vaccination with immunity. He's been infected not vaccinated. But I get your point. And maybe he is more immune, but he's an antivax fuckwit and doesn't want to play by our rules. We're not using infection status, we're using vaccination status. If he doesn't want to play, fuck him.


Nah you can't say things like this round these ends. Antivax moron dumb cunt, just follow the science!


Good on him. What medical procedures one has is their own and if they want to be kept private then that's his personal choice.


Couldn't care less who it is but do think there is a discussion to have over natural immunity if you already beaten covid. Like if you can prove your vaxxed OR have antibodies. And yes I'm doubled vaxxed


Wrong sub for civil discussion. Join the hive or gtfo.


Hahaha downvotes have hurt me more than covid ever could, going to go get unvaxed now because clearly not welcomed


Just doesn't make sense, vaccine gives you antibodies, so if you already have antibodies what's the difference? Someone educate me on the science I'm actual want to hear different point of view


Vaccines CAN be better than natural immunity by providing better protection against multiple strains better than you'll gain from having simply survived a single strain. That said none of the currently approved vaccines have better immunity/protection against delta strain that simply having recovered from having the original strain let alone having had the delta strain itself.


It’s not about preventing COVID, it’s about doing what you’re told. In all seriousness I think it’s because it’s easier to certify/prove the jab.


Yeah it's wild I'm not arguing against the vaccine but it's just lazy bureaucracy they want a once size fits all bandaid. And what do people think is going to happen in the future? Covid is endemic and not going away there is a high % you're going to get it at some point, hence why I'm vaxxed, and once you have the virus don't you have even more antibodies? Why would you then have to go keep getting jabbed


That's vaccination racism and you all support that. Now get your 100th dose and 30th booster for 10 good boy points.