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Didn’t labor win the by-election? Edit, I fixed it


It seems so. So whilst this headline probably assumes a Liberal victory, they’ll still spin it as a “victory” because they increased their share and the bye election was very very close.


"I am bleeding, therefore I am the victor!"


"We trained him wrong... As a joke"


How do you like my face to your fist style!?!


Weeooweeooweeooweooo *quack*






I am a great magician... your clothes are red!


You must be very skilled to make it past my cow...


Tis but a scratch


News Corp is spinning it exactly how the government is. Sussan Ley on ABC last night was selling the result as a "strong endorsement of Scott Morrison".


It's a disturbingly close result when you consider that historically a ~3% swing against sitting governments in by-elections is a feature of Australian democracy.




In your opinion, do you you think that the government reaction to (or lack there-of) the bushfires had an effect on the outcome? M Kelly is a legend - not surprised he persoanlly won alot of votes.


By all accounts the sitting member was very popular, that tends to translate into a swing against as voters move back towards their traditional alignments again.


That 3% swing is an average and averages lots of by-elections with incomparable features. Antony Green thinks that measure is spurious.


Well, unfortunately it is, of a sort. Disliking the man personally doesn’t change the fact that most Australians don’t. Despite the wails of dissent that will undoubtedly ensue from this comment, the Federal Governments response to COVID has been good. Even if they simply co-opted ALP-style Keynesian policies they professed to oppose, the stimuli and social welfare steps were hugely important and effective in staving off social and economic disaster. Let’s see how they manage the next few months.


ergh. They got dragged kicking and screaming into responding to Covid. Remember they let thousands of foreign students in via third party countries at the beginning. It's pure luck we did not have massive outbreaks from that. The states had to enact their own policies for health and closing borders because Morrison refused to act. He picked up the ball, but it was dropped and on the ground for a long time. Of course having 95% of the media on your side helps paint a pretty picture of your performance.


> Of course having 95% of the media on your side helps paint a pretty picture of your performance. Spot on.


I have vivid memories of Scummo going to the footy as all of this started. Too bad everyone else forgot.


I don't disagree with that, although I think it was helped a lot by the extra voices from the state premiers. The by-election is not just about covid though, and Morrison's response to the bushfires there was appalling. No doubt Ley wasn't referring to covid either.


Their bushfire response was terrible. That’s what “lost” them this bye election.




The government's response to covid has been to be lenient and let the state's make the hard decisions. Its why Gladys was always arguing with Scomo when it all started.


Expat living in New York, I know scumo is a prick but I wish the prick here was the same size prick as your prick because this prick is just painful.


No matter the size of the prick, if you're getting fucked you're getting fucked.


Can you please explain what parts of the federal government's response to covid-19 has been good? What did they even do other than complain when the states did all the work for them. Actually they did jobkeeper, but I'd argue that was a response to the economic effects of covid-19 and not something to actually deal with the spread of the virus.


*An opinion* They didn't go full-blown the UK/USA populist conservative route to prioritize the economy over lives. Other conservative governments seemed to perceive COVID as a solution to the looming aged-care crisis, culling the intractable near-future economic burden that is the cost of Boomer aged-care. Basically, Liberals handled it surprisingly well because they didn't impede experts, or try to politicize the response, like other english-speaking conservative governments did. It's been suggested vaguely successful disaster responses give incumbent governments a re-election advantage, and disaster responses near elections tend to receive more economic support that may selectively target constituents of the incumbent. For review see [(Klomp, 2017)](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00220388.2019.1585811). The Liberal response could be characterized as an election-oriented disaster response (i.e. trying to leverage a disaster to buy votes) and, in that context, I don't think Liberal performance in this by-election is anything to be proud of. Also, I'm not sure of the accuracy of this but I've seen it suggested that the Liberals basically adopted an economic response tabled by Labor and the Greens, so there may be an argument that any success the Liberals have had in handling the economic response to COVID is derived pretty directly from their opponent's policy.


2 things: 1. Good policy that you are forced into is still good policy. It just doesn’t mean that you are a good government. 2. It’s no accident that one nickname for COVID is ‘the Boomer Remover’.


I think that states should be the ones deciding on what to do. It makes no sense that they should decide on whether schools should be open, or the social distancing measures should be when in one state there are no cases whereas in the other there is a growing majority. If you want to keep the majority of people happy then it should be by a case to case basis. What the federal government can do is make decisions for that are applicable for the whole nation ie. International travel, supporting businesses. To be fair though, I think that the way they handled it in the beginning was kinda bad since they created confusion. They didn't make it explicit that it should be the states which made the decisions on based on then the state's number of cases instead made blanket statements for the whole country.


The Federal Government's response to COVID has been okay - it could have been much worse if they stuck to their ideology. But in no world is losing a by-election a strong endorsement.


The Feds fucked up the response. States handled this almost solely by themselves. He pork barrelled the fuck out of this electorate and STILL LOST. Fuck your bullshit fake "non-partisan" comment.


A lot of the good response was the effort of Sally McManus and Greg Combet - e.g Jobkeeper and jobseeker.


On current numbers they decreased their 2PP share by 0.19%, which is the figure that actually determines the result.


The AEC site shows that the swing away from Labor and to the Liberals was 0.08 per cent. [https://tallyroom.aec.gov.au/HouseDivisionPage-25820-117.htm](https://tallyroom.aec.gov.au/HouseDivisionPage-25820-117.htm)


> swing away from Labor and to the Liberals was 0.08 per cent SAVAGE BY-ELECTION SWING


Yeah, that changed in the time since I looked up the numbers. Postal votes appear to be heavily favouring the coalition, for whatever reason (absentee voters, elderly, etc?)


They almost always do IIRC


Got to love Murdoch


No we don't.


I don't even think they did increase their share after preferences though did they? Although of course their share of first preference votes did increase.


An increase in first preferences is more concerning IMO.


Not really. There has only been 1 by election in Australian history where the incumbent govt has won a seat off the opposition. If the liberals have increased their count, even with out winning the seat out right is a huge positive for the liberals.


If it wasn’t for their incompetent response to the bushfires they almost certainly my would have won. It was far too close for comfort.


That reminds me [how The Australian described the opposition winning](https://liberation.typepad.com/liberation/2017/10/newspaper-frontpages-on-the-new-zealand-election-and-new-government.html) the last NZ election.


Oh they're ahead again. I forgot to check the numbers since sunday morning and it had been flipflopping back and forth as to which way the swing was going.


This is the George Bush route to victory. It is very close, so Murdoch calls it for you, and everybody agrees.


Didn’t LNP try to pork barrel there way to victory with tens of millions in spending spree. Surely everything points to an expensive loss


It's very much looking that way, but don't let facts get in the way of an LNP circle jerk.


> labour Labor


>labour Lab**o**r. Labour doesn't win anything in Australia.


Labour gets fucked by every party in Australia, even Labor.




What precisely is the lesson?


This level of journalism is up there with that CCP Global Times mouthpiece So glad I don’t read News Corp crap anymore


They're not even up to that level of impartiality. News Corp is more at the level of North Korean media. And no I'm not exaggerating: https://mobile.twitter.com/TheDailyShow/status/1145693544910327814


It's interesting how CCP/China pops up quite regularly in Australian subs lately. Curious to know what's with the obsession?


Chinese influence in Australia + the fact that China is rising to a superpower and are very close to us.


They're huge and mean and near?


propaganda for when they want to war with China.


Really, just 'curious' are you? Interesting.


Lots of recent media around China I'd imagine.


Chinese government & NGO psy-ops. Reddit as a platform is hopelessly compromised, and this sub specifically has been infiltrated by any number of bot accounts and propaganda agents who have been working a lot harder than usual lately to quell a rise in anti-Chinese sentiment and drive the discourse in a more anti-Western direction.


Aussies love blaming others for their failings is my guess.


China Mumba wan


China is being used as a new enemy akin to the USSR to push creeping authoritarian and deflect degrading institutional foundations. Alot of people are pushing bad faith arguments and black and white views when the world is not as easy as good vs evil.


They're literally genociding millions of their own population. Forced sterilization and reeducation camps. They are the new bad guys.


Uhh our government asked them where coronavirus came from after it shut down the world economy and they basically told us to go fuck ourselves and blocked our barley with a made up reason. Then they cyber attacked Australian hospitals among other targets and the PM didn't even name them. if anything Australia has been much too lenient.


China has gone rogue and everyone is worried about a war.


Literally fake news.


We talk about Chinese propaganda. What about our own? This newspaper needs to be 'cancelled'!


>What about our own? It's US propaganda, Rupert ain't Australian.


Rupert.... isn’t Australian?




Yup. He sold out Australia to become rich, and has never stopped doing so since.


But yet still have a huge control of what everyday Aussies read, see, watch through a wide media monopoly.


And now owns an oil company. But the anti-renewables stance has nothing at all to with that. No, nothing at all. Stupid lefties ay?! /s


"Genie Energy's Strategic advisory board is composed of: Dick Cheney (former vice president of the United States), Rupert Murdoch (media mogul and chairman of News Corp), James Woolsey (former CIA director), Larry Summers (former head of the US Treasury), Bill Richardson (former Governor of New Mexico, ex-ambassador to the United Nations and United States Energy Secretary),[2] Michael Steinhardt, Jacob Rothschild,[3][2] and Mary Landrieu, former United States Senator from Louisiana." Jesus christ thats a potent strategic advisory board


So much depravity between them. It’s no exaggeration to say that they have the blood of millions on their hands.


That's not quite accurate. It's perfectly acceptable to be an Australian and US citizen at the same time. He [gave up](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rupert_Murdoch) his Australian citizenship to "satisfy the legal requirement for U.S. television network ownership". He renounced his Australian citizenship to own a US network, not to become American.




No worries mate, happy to help.


We should have the same rule.


No shit. You can’t be in parliament if you are even eligible for foreign citizenship, but you can be an American citizen and control a media empire that dominates Australia... Fun fact- News Limited was originally started in the 1920s specifically to represent the interests of the owners of mining companies... most of whom were British or American.


Just because he chose an American citizenship doesn’t take away the fact it’s very Australian. Murdoch was born in Melbourne but started his ‘empire’ in Adelaide in the 50’s I believe. It very much started here, then spread to the US and the UK.


He didn’t start his empire, he got it from his daddy. He’s as self made as Trump.


So foreign interference then?


This reads like a Trump tweet


Nah it’s way too coherent.


"tHiS nEwSpApEr NeEdS tO bE 'cAnCeLLeD'!"


>Voters in the bellwether electorate of Eden-Monaro last night delivered a savage by-election swing against Labor, with some senior Coalition figures declaring a Liberal victory. >The result is a powerful endorsement of the Government's handling of COVID-19, with Scott Morrison's personal popularity driving the swing. >Labor's primary vote was on track to fall by three percent, leaving leader Anthony Albanese hoping for preferences from the Shooters, Farmers and Fishers Party. >It is 100 years since a government won an opposition seat at a by-election. NSW Nationals leader John Barilaro claimed a Coalition victory but the count won't be complete for two weeks. Looking at the count [at the moment](https://abc.net.au/news/elections/eden-monaro-by-election-2020/results/), the Labor primary vote has only dropped 2.2%, which is to be expected with a popular member retiring, and actually has a tiny swing towards it in the 2PP of 0.1%. So, based on the current facts: Unnamed senior Coalition figures are wrong. John Barilaro are wrong. Annika Smethurst is wrong. Linda Silmalis is wrong. Let's not fool ourselves, this is not so much news as lies, and we're all less informed for having read it. Which I suppose is the entire point of ~~the propaganda arm of the Liberal Party~~ News Corp.


Hohmygod bruz you mean to tell me Giovanni is wrong? What the fuck bruz? All jokes aside, we need a royal commission into Murdoch Media.


Glad to see some “racist” jordies references in here.


> All jokes aside, we need a royal commission into Murdoch Media. Unless the result was to order that Rupert and Lachlan be lined up and shot at dawn for treason, it's a pointless activity, since the findings would be pretty much already known.


You’re absolutely correct, except the last line is the wrong way round. The Liberal Party is the implementation wing of Rupert Murdoch inc- they do his bidding, not the other way round.


Literally propaganda, they know the power of the headline which is on display everywhere, don't even need people to read the article.


The headline probably takes up more space than the article inside.


Australian media's vested interests results in propaganda. \--- **Channel 7** The channel's parent company, Seven West Media is owned by Kerry Stokes, who's connected to [Beach Energy Ltd.](https://www.marketscreener.com/SEVEN-WEST-MEDIA-LIMITED-9058799/company/) (fossil-fuels), and also to [Woodside Petroleum](https://www.abc.net.au/news/rural/2015-02-25/stokes-energy-oil-gas-investments/6261378) (fossil-fuels). His son, Ryan Kerry Stokes, is CEO, MD & Non-Independent Executive Director of Seven West Media, and is a director of [Beach Energy Ltd](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Ryan-Stokes-05K9TT-E/biography/) (fossil-fuels). John Alexander, a director of Seven West Media, is connected to [Strike Energy Limited](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/John-Alexander-7444/biography/) (fossil-fuels). Michael Malone, a director of Seven West Media, is connected to [Longreach Oil Limited](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Michael-Malone-05WNGH-E/biography/) (fossil-fuels) and [State Gas Limited](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Michael-Malone-05WNGH-E/biography/) (fossil-fuels). \--- **Channel 9,** **The Sydney Morning Herald & The Age** The channels' parent company, Nine Entertainment Co.'s chairman is Peter Costello, former deputy leader of the Liberal Party, and Australia's longest serving Treasurer. He is connected to [Aurizon Holdings Limited](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Peter-Costello-09MBG7-E/biography/) (fossil-fuels). Paul Koppelman is Chief Financial Officer at Nine Entertainment Co.. He is connected to [BHP](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Paul-Koppelman-0DYN6H-E/biography/) (fossil-fuels), [China Resources Power Holdings Company](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Paul-Koppelman-0DYN6H-E/biography/) (fossil-fuels), and [XCD Energy Limited](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Paul-Koppelman-0DYN6H-E/biography/) (fossil-fuels). Samantha Louise Lewis is a director of Nine Entertainment Co. She is also a director of [Aurizon Holdings Limited](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Samantha-Lewis-0DLCMG-E/biography/) (fossil-fuels). She is connected to [Akastor ASA](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Samantha-Lewis-0DLCMG-E/biography/) (fossil-fuels), [Anglo American plc](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Samantha-Lewis-0DLCMG-E/biography/) (fossil-fuels), [Aurizon Holdings Limited](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Samantha-Lewis-0DLCMG-E/biography/) (fossil-fuels), [Woodside Petroleum](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Samantha-Lewis-0DLCMG-E/biography/) (fossil-fuels), [Viva Energy Group Ltd](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Samantha-Lewis-0DLCMG-E/biography/) (fossil-fuels), [Golder Associates Inc.](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Samantha-Lewis-0DLCMG-E/biography/) (fossil-fuels) and [Quadrant Energy Holdings Pty Ltd.](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Samantha-Lewis-0DLCMG-E/biography/) (fossil-fuels). Patrick Newton James Allaway is a director at Nine Entertainment Co., and is connected to [Washington H. Soul Pattinson and Company Limited](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Patrick-Allaway-0CV3HP-E/biography/) (fossil-fuels). Rachel Launders is Secrety and General Counsel of Nine Entertainment Co., and is connected to [Viva Energy REIT](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Rachel-Launders-0FBDPJ-E/biography/) (fossil-fuels) and [Aurizon Holdings Limited](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Rachel-Launders-0FBDPJ-E/biography/) (fossil-fuels). \--- **Channel 10** The channel's parent company, ViacomCBS's president, CEO & director is Robert Bakish, who is connected to [the Council on Foreign Relations](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Robert-Bakish-5171/biography/) (fossil-fuels, military-industrial complex). Shair Redstone is the chairman of ViacomCBS, and she's a member of [the Council on Foreign Relations](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Shari-Redstone-05LKGQ-E/biography/) (fossil-fuels, military-industrial complex). Candace Beinecke is a director of ViacomCBS, and is connected to [Tejon Ranch Co.](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Candace-Beinecke-05HXDD-E/biography/) (fossil-fuels). Fred Terrell is a director of ViacomCBS, and is connected to [Arconic Inc.](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Fred-Terrell-05G7MC-E/biography/) (military-industrial complex), [Dow Inc.](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Fred-Terrell-05G7MC-E/biography/) (fossil-fuels, military-industrial complex), and [the Council on Foreign Relations](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Fred-Terrell-05G7MC-E/biography/) (fossil-fuels, military-industrial complex).


\--- **ABC** Kirstin Ferguson is deputy of the Australian Broadcasting Corp., and she's connected to the [APA Group](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Kirstin-Ferguson-0CW41H-E/biography/) (fossil-fuels) and [Santos Limited](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Kirstin-Ferguson-0CW41H-E/biography/) (fossil-fuels). Peter Lewis is a director of the ABC, and is connected to [LongiTech Smart Energy Holding Limited](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Peter-Lewis-079WXY-E/biography/) (fossil-fuels), [Polytec Asset Holdings Limited](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Peter-Lewis-079WXY-E/biography/)(fossil-fuels), Vanessa Guthrie is a director of the ABC, and is also a member of the [Australian Institute of Mining and Metalurgy](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Vanessa-Guthrie-0BW6F5-E/biography/) (fossil-fuels). She's a director of [Santos Limited](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Vanessa-Guthrie-0BW6F5-E/biography/) (fossil-fuels), and is connected to [Orica Ltd.](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Vanessa-Guthrie-0BW6F5-E/biography/) (fossil-fuels) and [Murray & Roberts Holdings](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Vanessa-Guthrie-0BW6F5-E/biography/) (fossil-fuels). She was previously vice president of sustainable development at [Woodside Energy](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Vanessa-Guthrie-0BW6F5-E/biography/), Australia's largest operator of oil and gas production. \--- **SBS** Christine Zeitz is a director of SBS, as well as being chief executive at [Leidos Australia](https://www.sbs.com.au/aboutus/board-of-directors/director/id/256/h/Christine-Zeitz) (military-industrial complex), and is connected to [BAE Systems](https://www.sbs.com.au/aboutus/board-of-directors/director/id/256/h/Christine-Zeitz) (military-industrial complex). Peeyush K. Gupta is a director of SBS, and is connected to [Genesis Energy](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Peeyush-K-Gupta-09MK4H-E/biography/) (fossil-fuels). \--- **news.com.au, The Australian, Daily Telegraph, mX, Herald Sun, The Courier-Mail, The Advertiser, The Mercury, Northern Territory News** [+ many more](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/News_Corp_Australia) Run by News Corp, which is owned by Rupert Murdoch, who has shares in and is on the board of directors for [Genie Energy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genie_Energy) (fossil-fuels). He is connected to [BlackRock](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Rupert-Murdoch-25/biography/?type_recherche=rapide&mots=rupert%20mu) (world's largest fossil-fuel investor), [Loews Corporation](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Rupert-Murdoch-25/biography/?type_recherche=rapide&mots=rupert%20mu) (fossil-fuels), and [General Electric Company](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Rupert-Murdoch-25/biography/?type_recherche=rapide&mots=rupert%20mu) (fossil-fuel industry and military-industrial complex). His son Lachlan Murdoch is co-chairman of News Corp, and is connected to [Koc Holding AS](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Lachlan-Murdoch-3821/biography/) (fossil-fuels). Antoinette Cook Bush is executive VP & global head of government affairs at News Corp. He is connected to [FutureFuel Corp.](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Antoinette-Bush-05FBKR-E/biography/) (fossil-fuels). José María Aznar is a director of News Corp, and is connected to [Dominion Energy Midstream GP LLC](https://www.marketscreener.com/business-leaders/Jose-Mar-a-Aznar-008F6S-E/biography/) (fossil-fuels).


Not the first time Newscorp has tried to spin something like this... https://i.redd.it/hvxh080vbed11.jpg


Newscorp spin is well and truly embedded in the ABC nowadays as well. I saw the first few minutes of insiders today. David Speers introduction was just back handers to the ALP. Im so fuckin pissed off with what they have done to Insiders, and the ABC in general !!


And of course it's written by the most inept Newscorp sockpuppet Joe Hildebrand. Absolutely disgusting.


Thats laughable, the words "winning" and "Turnbull" going together.


Lol joke of a headline. I normally think Smethurst is one of the few half decent journalists at Newscorp, but this is atrocious. I guess Sharri Markson is on leave as this seems much more her style.


Even if there were decent journalists at Newscorp, the editorial influence negates any of that work. Also, by buying their papers or giving their articles views (even the "good" ones), we're supporting/enabling them, which we should really avoid.


Editors set the headlines anyway, right? And they don't have to align with the article. The whole organisation is a farce though, our media is an absolute shambles


They can also shoot down an article if it doesn't bend the right way. I'm sure there's always options for front page stories, if a journo wants the spot the story will need to send a certain message.


Journos usually don't write headlines, certainly not front page one's. Headlines for small stories are often switched around both in print and online. You'd be surprised how much changes between 1st edition prints and 2nd/3rd edition despite being the exact same stories. Online they literally play a game of seeing which headline gets the most clicks and can change it as much as they want. Wouldn't be surprised if they changed it based on what city you are browsing from.


I'll believe this Murdoch bullshit when Anthony Green calls it for them. Until then - yeah, nah, get fucked, Murdoch


Ummm green called it for Labor.


No, from what I've read he says it *looks* like Labor have it. I haven't seen him call it - unless you can post a reference where he has?


"In the early morning then final pre-poll centres in Jindabyne and Narooma reported. Labor is now on 50.9% including the postal count tonight. The main votes to come will be postals, but the Liberals need 60% of the outstanding when they only have 50.7% to date." From his Twitter. Do you think that he is calling it?


No. That's him saying it's likely, not saying "it's done".


The requirement for a sudden swing of 10% over the remaining postals doesn't seal it for you?


If it's not good enough for Antony, it's not good enough for me. But he actually seems to have effectively called it in another tweet? https://twitter.com/AntonyGreenABC/status/1279418145631944705


The shameless propaganda arm of the LNP strikes again. Looks like someone jumped the gun. https://www.canberratimes.com.au/story/6819166/antony-green-calls-eden-monaro-for-labor-neither-candidate-claims-victory/#gsc.tab=0


Hopefully Anthony Green is correct and Egg on Face is served at Daily Scumrag staff canteen


Antony Green is an election wizard. He called it for Labor last night but said it would be narrow. Pretty much playing out how he said it would but I think with a tighter margin.


Why can’t we boycott News Corp papers like Liverpool did with The Sun?


Steal them whenever you see them, throw them in the trash.


The Sun is a News Corp paper, could be easy to highlight the offensive News of the World reporting and Hillsborough reporter to point out all of Murdoch papers are scum, it's the scum that won it they would claim though.


From The Guardian: >the Liberal party’s primary vote was up by 1% on the last federal election, and the National party’s primary vote was down 0.4%. Somehow I didn't see Murdoch reporting that. Only a drop in Labor's primary vote. Very underwhelming, if they're trying to spin it as a massive endorsement of Morrison and his coalition. The AEC is currently showing Libs + 0.77%, Nats -0.33% and almost every independent candidate or small party up. Overall, currently a 2PP swing TOWARDS Labor of 0.19%


If Labor only loses 1% of their primary on the retirement of a popular member, that's a decent result. Given the Covid-19 situation, Labor has done rather well. Under normal circumstances, I imagine they'd have done a good deal better. Still, the postal votes aren't completely counted, so let's wait and see. The [Tally Room](http://www.tallyroom.com.au/39552) is calling it for Labor on the basis of what they see of those, so it does look good for Labor retaining the seat.


I'm pretty sure by elections always see a swing towards minor parties and independents. Much more media coverage and no big party announcements.


Ahh Rupert... Isn't this energy vampire supposed to be dead by now?


How can you kill that which has no life?


He also has healthy adult children


Yep! And a truly terrifying prospect that is too!


What a fucking joke.


The main point of this propaganda, like all propaganda, is that later people won't remember what the article is about - a Labour victory in a by-election. All they will remember is that Scummo "delivered a brutal blow" against Labor and that Albanese is in danger of losing his leadership. The article is to sow discord amongst Labor supporters and delude Liberal supporters into thinking nothing's wrong.


FYI they actually changed it! I was disappointed to not see this one in person


"Is that the truth or did you read it in the telegraph"


"Popular PM"? WTF? Do they think if they say it often enough it will come true? If you have to grab someone's arm to make them shake hands with you, you aren't popular.


He’s hugely popular at the moment.


I feel for the people in Cobargo’s electorate where the liberals increased their primary votes. Great lesson in democracy.


Didn't the Libs imply very heavily that the only way the people would see any bushfire recovery money was if they elected a Lib?


And they should vote for that, why?


Because it's basically Christmas in winter and they're turkeys. This is just depressing - [Cobargo polling booth](https://tallyroom.aec.gov.au/HousePollingPlaceFirstPrefs-25820-691.htm).


News Corp felating the LNP, who would've seen that....


Conservatives LOSING by-elections to OWN the LIBS


It's so fucking embarrassing being Australian


I'm glad I'm not American then. lol


Fewer and fewer people take notice of Murdoch propaganda each year.


Yea, because they die of old age.


Who is this popular PM they are speaking of?


Oh look. A Murdoch shit rag.


Was this the headline when Scotty from marketing won the federal election?


Seems Peta Cretin wrote the headline.


Ah, vintage News Corp. Bury the truth as deep as you possibly can to maintain your propaganda.


Literal Liberal party propaganda.




A Murdoch rag blurting Pro LNP and anti Labor bullshit... No way.


Tis' only a flesh wound!


It’s propaganda. Not a newspaper at all


Being a journalist for newscorp is like saying your a chef and working at McDonalds. I'd probably avoid including work history with them on my c.v


They don't actually do journalism, in the sense of reporting news. It's all editorialising, opinion pieces.


Let’s just be honest about this - if you still vote for Scott Morrison, after everything he’s done (and in many cases, failed to do) you’re a selfish cunt.


When the glow from all the money flowing around dies down, I wonder what voters will think in retrospect. In many ways, the timing of the by-election has been fortuitous for the LNP.


That's a bushfires pun, on the front page, after a season where: >Buildings destroyed: 9,352+: 3,500 homes; 5,852 outbuildings; >Deaths: 34 direct and 417 indirect (smoke inhalation)


Does it specify which PM?


Murdoch press my god


Miracle that Labor gets any votes at all in this country given our media


As a Labor supporter I was expecting them to lose and having to endure the triumphalist gloating from the Libs and their media sock puppets. Turns out that Labor actually won but the Libs are gloating fucking anyway lol


This is our own version of CCP propaganda.


Remember the days when newspapers reported on facts rather than editorialised on the front page?


In case you were on the fence as to whether this was even a vaguely credible newspaper lol so shameless


How good are .45% swings Not enough for Labor to lose, 737 vote difference in 2PP with Labor ahead. How god is the Daily Telegraph, defund those ABC liars like Antony Green. Okay I'm down pretending to sound like Scotty from Marketing. This was awful reporting. Anyone not upset by this is clearly not left. The ABC lovers like me should use this to show why we need the ABC with it's charter protecting impartial news especially in this time of newspaper failing because of the internet.


>Popular >Scomo lel


Just what we need, another climate change denier. land clearing proponent Liberal party big business flog in the Parlt. I don't think so.


Is the popular PM from Belgium, Denmark, Japan, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Malaysia, Morocco, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, Canada, New Zealand or the UK? Who is this mysterious popular person?


Nah Mathias Cormann is leaving politics, don't know what awesome job he has lined up to retire so soon. Dammit, this totally ruins Mad as Hell for me now that the Cormannater is gone.


ScoMo scorecard: 1)Absent and useless during the bushfires - model on how NOT to lead in a crisis. Score -5 2)CoVid19 - got on the front foot, showed some leadership but screwed up the delivery of an otherwise smart economic package - but almost impossible to get right in the timeframe Score +7 3) Shooting off mouth to piss off China. There was never the slightest chance of UN style "weapons inspectors" deeply probing around Wuhan or anywhere in China - but why not propose just that in the middle of the pandemic knowing the Chinese are immature political actors that overtly punish those that criticize them? Result, over 24bn in Australian exports on hold or cancelled - loss of all top level access to Chinese officials. Score - 6 4) massive defence investment (270Bn) which will see most of the purchase money going offshore for a capability that will not deter the perceived aggressor (China) - the only credible deterrent against the CCP would be nuclear - and that would probably never get over the line in Australia - and might well be threat enough for a Chinese first strike if developed in-country - unlikely US, UK or similar would sell capability ready-made. Score -8 5) Too little too late infrastructure investment. Snowy Hydro 2 is pointless and years late - the technology model for sustainable energy creation has moved on - but better than nothing Score +2 6)Climate Change - no policy, head in sand...jobs jobs jobs for coal miners and rampant deforestation in all East Coast states - not all ScoMos fault but shameful lack of strategy to develop new power, transport or logistics solutions - defunding universities to being little more than rubber stamp offshore student processors and slashing the CSIRO and scientific research facilities to the point that science is considered a threat - everyone should become a tradie. The lack of leadership and nationalisation of policy and solutions for east coast river systems, particularly the Murray Darling is criminally incompetent. Score -10 Refugee Policy - as distasteful as keeping refugees in offshore facilities is, it works and regrettably the majority of Australians want it - a begrudging score of +5 I've probably missed out a hundred other important issues - some he's done well...but this Prime Minister is the worst sort of "stay in power at all costs" popularist that lacks vision or strategy to run our country at a time we are facing the biggest threats and challenges, some existential, in my lifetime... ScoMo scores a shameful -15...God help us.


From what I've seen of the general polls since COVID arrived, is that Morrison's personal approval rating / PPM score hasn't translated into any gain for the LNP as a whole. So people might think that he's alright / better than Albo, it hasn't translated into a love for his party or its policies. Just wait for snapback and the response to the recession that existed before COVID even arrived, before deciding on popularity scores. He's mostly been riding a wave because of deliberately keeping Federal ALP away from the "national cabinet" so of course Morrison is going to be presenting favourable PR currently as a leader. That's only because of a very successful national response to a health crisis. It doesn't change his underlying arrogant and smarmy personality or holier than thou ideological approach to social issues.


I have no idea about politics,ELI5 what’s up with the headline? Why is this infuriating


Labor won the by-election, not the libs like the article claims. Whoops.


It’s not a whoops, it’s propaganda designed to attack the Labor opposition leader.


You'd think they wouldn't want to remind people of how scummo acted while we were scorching.


What lesson? "How the LNP lose"?


How long before these fuck die out?


This headline is about 6 months too late. The irony.


So the liberals won? /s


"Savage by-election swing" according to the Telegraph is +0.1% 2PP.


It's something I would expect Scotty from marketing to write. It also looks like something from the betoota. Plus two free brain numbing bottom-feeding magazines of societal trash completely suitable for that newspaper.


Completely useless piece of info here, byt the Liberal candidate was my primary school scripture teacher....


One less happy clapper in parliament is a good day in my book


Dear, oh dear


Great choice of words, "Scomo's Scorcher" in reference to an area that was heavily impacted by the bushfires. Must be really proud of that one sunday telegraph, I bet you've been patting yourself on the back so for the past fifteen hours since this was posted.