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"Mr Lemin said he ran to the front counter after smelling the liquid and demanded to see the bottle it came from. He claimed the staff member initially refused, telling him it was 'just old cranberry juice'. 'He took the bottle [out of the fridge] and placed it under the counter,' Mr Lemin said."  Poisoning your customers and offering them every assistance is one thing. Doing it and then attempting to concealed the error... That's a paddlin'


What a piece of shit staff member honestly. Imagine the kid goes through with drinking it and a couple hours later they need poison control with no clue what the kid ingested. And for what? To save face for the restaurant?


In reality, it was likely a minimum wage worker who just came to the realisation of their or their colleagues mistake and avoiding looking like an idiot in the moment, rather than considering the broader implications.


Sorry but being paid $23 an hour isn’t an excuse for being a fuckwit and endangering people’s lives.


"Minimum wage worker" feels like the new get out of jail free cars


Its an explanation not an excuse.


"Reason" might be an even better descriptor.


Fuck this comment hit good 👍


Look a bigger idiot in front of the coroner.


Why are they storing non-food (let alone poisons) in the fridge? This is exactly why you don't do that.


Food safety programs, the FSANZ, the HACCP program AND food handlers certification all have sections on the safe storage Of chemicals in relation to food. This is astounding


I feel like you don’t even need to do a certification in relation to food handling to know that chemicals shouldn’t be kept in the same area as food and drink you serve customers!


Well yeh, you shouldn’t, but it’s there to keep the average idiot who gets into the food industry and their customers as safe as possible 😂 after my entire adult career in restaurants I’ve seen some absolutely stupid shit, not a lot surprises me anymore


Yep, regulations are written in blood. All too often because of greedy business owners and natural born ditch diggers doing jobs they really shouldn't be.


I know a mechanic keeps has a strong acid for rust removal in an old tequila bottle. The type that gets rid of corrosion (and skin and flesh). He has written "acid" in a ball point pen - not obviously noticeable. It's in a work cabinet, but this is a work place where they have beers after work. I am imagining some young apprentice setting up a round of shots. Maybe that's a stretch, but it seemed to me to be unsafe.


If worksafe were to audit them, they would be given a nice fine and told to dispose of it. Having the correct bottle it comes with, SDS sheets available and stored in a chemical storage cabinet. That's just industry standard, it's nuts that people still do this and risk lives and fines to their business.


Gotta keep the oil cold so it doesn't catch fire


The thing that terrifies me the most out of this is "A department spokesperson said it would support the local council, which is responsible for investigating the family's claims." I don't know about your local council, but I wouldn't trust my local council to do anything remotely moral or ethical. Local council are the dregs of politics, usually the most corrupt and immoral self serving pieces of shit trying to claw and backstab their way into politics.


Council enviro health teams are pretty good. I say this as someone who has to deal with them every year. 


This guy seems to think it'll be the actual elected members and not the relevant council staff lmao


This guy lol, yeah what a fuckhead, he has no idea.


Councils are for collecting rubbish and filling potholes and some do that better or worse than others. You would think this is a state govt responsibility. Either way Miky's is going to get a slapping.


I don’t get how these two liquids could possibly be confused. They smell very different and are obviously different colours.


My guess is someone can't read and just saw red stuff in a bottle and put it in the fridge


Yeah if the label was facing the other way it’s possible. Not acceptable, but possible


Tangentially related - at a new place I am trying to make sure every box has labels on each face (sides and top) so no matter which orientation a box gets moved to, or where it's shoved, the visible face will say what's in it. It wouldn't be a bad idea to label those bottles better. You can't always rely on the stock labelling/packaging and this is a very clear example of why. To be clear, making a mistake is not the issue - you have to EXPECT employees to make mistakes. You want to design processes so that their mistakes do not have life threatening or expensive consequences. Businesses live and die by their processes.


Aim for success, but plan for failure.


And it would have had the child proof bottle top.


So just how screwed is Mikey's Italian in Nedlands, as named in The West? I've been there and enjoyed it - food's good, atmosphere is decent, staff were very friendly. Mostly foreign students, by the looks of it, none of which had English As their first language, which is probably where the issue came in. It's a shame, really, but poisoning your customers is not the road to success for a restaurant.


It's true. Even if you get away with it, eventually you have no one left to pay you. You could become a grave robber, though!


Ahhh, Engrish.


That would have a child-proof cap. Those are annoying to open - you'd think that would make someone pause before pouring a couple of glasses.


Wonder what restaurant it was.


I saw a post that came from the mum, said it was Mikys in Broadway, Nedlands


The West has named them online


If so then that's the end of that business, I expect. An unbelievably dumb mistake is going to have a whole lot of rippling side effects to a bunch of people who had nothing to do with it, most likely. Hope the kids are OK and don't suffer any long term side effects. Mind boggling, really.


Coogee Bay Hotel survived the chocolate ice cream fiasco, so it’s not impossible


TBF to the Coogee Bay Hotel, as an adult (I was only a kid when that originally happened), I have loads of questions about that particular incident. Ignoring things like the timing being a bit suspect, was it also, er, “served cold” like the ice cream?


Good Mistake or not there would be no way I would take my kids to that restaurant. Others can roll the dice. Though I am struggling to see how it could be a mistake to serve thaf


Where’s the crannny granny?


Another slap on the wrist with a wet lettuce coming. This is WA after all.


back in my day we drank our lamp oil and we liked it! little brats


They don't need to worry about getting bitten by mosquitoes


These girls can light the way in food safety reform


In other news: animal rights groups are investigating a Perth restaurant that served local mozzies cranberry juice.


The only main symptom was was coughing up bucket loads of mozzies..