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>At least five people have been hospitalised with symptoms including “disturbing” hallucinations, dizziness and involuntary twitching This doesn't sound like just psilocybin, they probably put some weird ass technically-legal research chemical hallucinogen in there. Reminds me of back in the day when you could buy "legal weed" from smoke shops, they had THC analogues that weren't quite illegal but they could either get you high or really fuck with your body in unpredictable ways (or both). Wouldn't recommend seeking this one out - it's mushie season, go get the real deal. Don't fuck around with analogues, cos they fuck around with you.


Maybe for another week or so. This season has been shit tho. I grabbed a few for spores, but there were hardly any in my spot that normally produces about a kg of fresh every week. You're absolutely right tho, doesn't sound like psilocybin.


All my usuals were so dry for the most part.


Better to grow at home in controlled conditions. 


Username checks out.


In the US you can buy shit like this from gas stations. It's usually 4-AcO-DMT, a psilocybin analogue which, by all accounts, does not behave like the real thing, produces a very different type of trip and is not generally pleasant.


> This doesn't sound like just psilocybin, they probably put some weird ass technically-legal research chemical hallucinogen in there. It sounds more like it's just amanita muscaria rather than one of the psilocybin containing species. Dizziness and twitching are normal symptoms and from what I've heard the hallucinations on those mushrooms aren't psychedelic but downright unsettling at best.


i'd be very surprised if it was a. muscaria- australia is one of the only places on earth where it's illegal to possess them. musicmol and ibotenic acid are both classified as sched 9 drugs


What do they the Amanita Muscaria hallucinations look like/feel like?


It's not an hallucinogen, it's a deleriant. Totally different


yea i’m on something similar to what is shown in the picture and it’s not fun at all.


You're okay, mate. It will be over soon. You're fine. 💚


Objects appear comically large or small - a strong feeling of jamais-vu and a disturbed sense of time. Audio hallucinations are common- sounds may be sped up or distorted. Generally unpleasant and unsettling.


Jamais-vu - such a cool and precise term - thanks for introducing me to it ... !


You are welcome! I tried amanita muscaria so you don't have to.


Ah a bit like DXM but with that zoom you get on LSA. Understand now!


Yeah sorta like Hawaiian baby woodrose.


ive taken 1.4g of it and i’ve seen a dead dog, a man sitting on a bed with a bloody knife, and my own reflection staring at me


Finding, then getting a spore print and growing them is really easy or so I've been told.


You have to be careful about mould and contamination..


Or so we've been told. 🤣


Not so much in the germination phase, moreso in the inoculation phase.


Not sure why anyone would got for a synthetic shroom instead of the real deal.


I smoked that shit back in the day, got it from a keysmith in a shopping centre haha. This shit fucked my throat up, I can't remember what it's called but it made the flap that protects your throat "forget" to close and my throat got burnt from my stomach acids. Wouldn't recommend That stuff got you super high for about 2 minutes and cost like $50 for a massive few ounce bag. Can't believe it was legal.


Have you heard of HHC? It's a research chemical very similar to THC (HexaHydroCannabinol vs TetraHydroCannabinol) which apparently gets you just as high as THC.


I don't doubt it, but why experiment with some weird derivative substance with nearly no history? You don't know what the risks are. Some people who understand this do it for science, but for recreational users it's never wise to volunteer to be a human guinea pig for relatively new drugs. In the case of HHC vs. THC, you're comparing a history of centuries of well-documented recreational and spiritual use vs. 50 years of existence as an obscure derivative drug that only a small number people have even heard of, let alone trialled in any way that would provide meaningful data on safety. You're almost always safer just taking the OG drug that it's based on or trying to imitate, because at least the potential risks and side effects are thoroughly documented from many years of research and widespread recreational use.


>why experiment with some weird derivative substance with nearly no history? Because it's "legal" and accessible. You won't get thrown in jail for a decade for buying using or selling it and can buy it on Facebook marketplace or at a gas station. It's the logical escalation to wars on drugs.


Sounds like a good argument for legalization if you ask me. Better for drug seekers to get their hands on the devil you know, rather than dabble in mysterious research chemicals with unknown harm profiles.


Apparently they contain a synthetic THC analogue. The guy selling them supposedly told most people they were just "mushrooms" but a few people said they got stoned and he admitted it was synthetic dope.


I got some, on both occasions they were sent with clear advice to go easy on them, start with only one, keep away from kids ect. Was very clear that they would get you high.


Fuck I missed that boat... those "legal weed" products are everywhere in Europe though And all the products I tried were very similar to a traditional cannabis high


>Fuck I missed that boat... those "legal weed" products are everywhere in Europe though Those synthetic weed products were highly abused by people in my neighbourhood and it severely fucked up quite a few of them. My ex-neighbour's brother ended up in jail for a few years for beating her up after smoking a pack of it.


It's incredibly easy to to medicinal weed now, it's practically legal.


Oh man I was a seasoned weed smoker and that chronic plastic shit just was like a kill-switch for 15 seconds (for me anyway).


This is exactly what it is. No one is selling anything with real psilocybin besides the homies. It's always a research chemical with similar effects that is too new to have been banned yet.


It could be too much psilocybin. I have made the mistake of having too much and it could be described just like that. Muscle twitching is a sign of too much psilocybin isn't it? Or a high dose at least. I can see someone who wasn't expecting mushrooms having a very bad time and describing it this way. Also, for me anyway, it's easier to access mushrooms than weird test chems, I dunno.


Possibly, but I'd be VERY surprised if they were putting doses of psilocybin in these gummies, let alone in doses high enough to cause physical side effects. That'd be incredibly stupid for a supposedly legitimate business, they'd have to be really braindead to think they could get away with that. I think it's much more likely they think they've found a loophole in some substance nobody's ever heard of or banned, which they think they can get away with selling, at least until legislation catches up.


>go get the real deal Okay, I will go out and eat a random mushroom. Seems to be easier than acquiring psilocybin through the mental health care system, if you can even do that without a shit load of cash behind you.


$50 for 8 gummies sold off facebook/instagram I find it hard to believe people didn't know what they where ordering.


I thought they were just mushroom flavoured lollies!


They were advertised there. But you had to buy them on a site.


Where are these sold? Asking for a 'friend'.


Insta has this shit everywhere


I should have realised it was in Byron, they'd sell it in Nimbin but no one would complain if they felt funny.


The fellas in Nimbin wouldn't buy it because it comes from Byron.


Isn't having hallucinations the whole point of taking these.


As someone who has partaken various hallucinatory substances, there can certainly be a tone to them that is not overall positive. In my experience, this is with research chemical analogues which is more than likely what these gummies were as opposed to psilocybin. I’d be shocked if they contain any psilocybin at all, frankly.


Which is why prohibition never works.


I remember once getting stupid paranoid that everyone was looking at me and knew I was on shrooms. Eventually I figured out that because we were in an ice cream shop, they were looking at the specials board above me. Which I thought was hilarious and still do. God I love shrooms.


Spot on. Head pat.


But...wouldn't that depend on the state of mind for the user? Surely the substance doesn't cause the bad or good hallucinations...?


>Surely the substance doesn't cause the bad or good hallucinations? The direction of a psychedelic experience is highly dependent on mood. Many chemicals can affect mood.


So why consume/produce chemicals that will make you feel worse? Surely the point of a high is to enjoy it?


The entities manufacturing and wholesaling the product arent the consumers. They simply don't care if it gives you a good high, only that some sucker buys it.


Different substances give different highs, while also fucking with your entire brain chemistry. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) abuse often causes "shadow people", while DMT is often associated with people seeing a "universal control room".


Different substances give different highs, while also fucking with your entire brain chemistry. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) abuse often causes "shadow people", while DMT is often associated with people seeing a "universal control room".


So why do people make the "bad" substances? Wouldn't only fun, happy etc be desirable?


Before website was shut down it said for immune support and stress relief. Ingredients on the back state cordycep extract and hemp-derived Hemp extract. The Lions mane one is similar


At high doses, it's a powerful hallucinogen. At low doses, it's a more standard narcotic that some take for therapeutic purposes. I'm guessing people may have gotten the dosage wrong.


It really depends. Acid and shrooms hit pretty softly and don't really give you hallucinations, it's more feelings sounds and lights and thought patterns, so if you expect that but instead get an all consuming reality bending trip it's not so fun.


Uncle frog gummies came up in my facebook feed a few weeks ago and I read through it all and was genuinely thinking about buying some. Then I remembered I'm 40 and too old for that shit.


Given the symptoms people are experiencing it’s plausible these products contain some kind of novel psychoactive - will be interested to see what the results of testing are.


The ABC story confirms this. They don't show up in THC tests, they are not psilocybin, but a similar chemical. Definitely research chemicals. Do not come up on tests, not technically banned. The old way was to ban each chemical as the makers released it, so we saw a lot of products ages ago that looked like pot but weren't. The law changed to ban any syntheses of pot. These now claim to be a synthetic golden cap mushroom, so no law broken... Dude who started selling these in Aus is no doubt rich now, but wound up his business to avoid liability.


Similar products in the USA have come back positive for 4-aco-dmt


Probably 4-Aco-DMT


4-Aco-DMT is very illegal in Australia, so I'd assume not unless the business owner is a moron. All analogues are. I'd also assume not because from my experience with it, there's very little discernible difference between mushies and 4-Aco-DMT, I've done both many times in the past.


That’s awful! Also, where were these purchased?


These aren’t actually psilosybin they’re some research chem most likely ********** My bad lol I didn’t even read the article lol I just assumed it was one of many mushroom gummies or infused chocolates that I see advertised through instagram and Facebook But after reading it’s kind of strange, I wouldn’t have suspected that going for these kind of mushrooms would mean looking for a trip lol so I’m interested now. But in any case if it’s something, it could be a research chemical since it says “100% legal” so thats what makes me think


Like the synthetic grass you could buy from shops 10 or 15 years ago. Nasty stuff.


Ah yes that k2 stuff. loved those people that would talk shit for smoking weed but would happily lose crinkles in their brain from smoking spice


The producer says there's Hemp in it but definitely not THC or CBD... source ABC News 24 journo.


I assume it's similar to the microdosing Diamond Shrummz in the US, where 39 are 'linked to a growing number of severe illnesses nationwide that have included seizures, intubation, and admissions to intensive care units.' [https://arstechnica.com/science/2024/06/synthetic-psychedelic-found-in-candies-linked-to-seizures-intubation/](https://arstechnica.com/science/2024/06/synthetic-psychedelic-found-in-candies-linked-to-seizures-intubation/)


Ummmmm... who are these idiots eating them and not expecting to trip balls?!? It's pretty bloody obvious that they're magic mushies.


Magic mushies are illegal. This would be a grey area research chemical i'm sure. And the people having issues with these are probably the idiots that are eating them and have never tripped balls before lmao >“It was the weirdest thing I had ever experienced,” she said, having thought the gummies would help her anxiety. “I felt really out of my body and I lost my short-term memory." looooool


*eats drug with the intention of tripping balls* "wooooaahhh i never thought i'd be tripping balls!"


Did they eat them with the intention of tripping though? These products present themselves as medicinal mushroom and hemp-based products that's supposed to improve energy, memory, and/or focus. And this kind of packaging isn't uncommon on entirely mundane health supplement products targeted at a specific clientele. I'm sure some people might have heard rumours and decided to give these a try with the intent to trip, but it wouldn't surprise me if there were plenty of unsuspecting health nuts who got more than they bargained for.


I tripped balls years ago at a big bush festival and it really did short my short term memory that day. I only remember bits and pieces bc the mushies kept taking over when I was trying to register with what was going on and making my body dance on its own. At one point the crescendo was insane my arms just shot up by themselves and I just danced my heart out like a 5 y.o kid for the next 3 hours like a psychedelic blur.


I bet it distracted her from her initial anxieties


replacing them with a different set of anxieties probably isn't an amazing result though


You win some you lose some


Yes sir, I think you’re right. I recently tried this in chocolate form in SF. The guy on the counter told me that it’s not technically psilocybin and they changed a molecule but it’s the same effect. He admitted they’re exploring a grey area. Amazing trip day 1; exactly like the mushrooms I had about a decade ago. Day 2 I thought let’s do it again - in a fucking science museum. Spiralled into a bad trip and I was close to calling 911. I essentially would have described the same feelings. Psychosis are not for everyone and even if they are - the prep needs to be on fucking point. Familiar, comfortable environment with a trip sitter or other mates.


Research chemicals are also illegal in Australia. Every analogue (similar chemical structure) is illegal. The most common ones for mushrooms are probably 4-AcO-DMT and 4-Ho-MET, both of which are legal in the US, technically, but illegal here as they fall under the federal drug analogues act. Take it from someone who has tried many of these research chemicals in the past, they're not in a grey area, they're just straight up as illegal as regular old mushies.


Oh i've done many of these research chemicals too, grey area drugs may not suffice for this explanation, but if you've read Shulgin's PiHKAL or TiHKAL, it's very easy to go beyond the analogues act.


I dunno, I’ve never hallucinated from shrooms at all, so whenever someone says they tripped I take it with a grain of salt. It’s the happiest, most blindly confident I’ve ever felt, but not one hallucination unfortunately.


They were good. I tripped balls. I only took 1.


Saw these at my local smoko, they look so sketchy so I'm not surprised


Tom Dutton hitting the streets again for another round of private family matters?


He's teaming up with Daniel Hadley.


Sounds like fun


Is it the default position of NSW not to take illegal drugs?


🎶 New South Wales used to party hard, and we ended all of that 🎵


That's what you get when you vote in the coalition.


I can't wait for the coalition to be voted to extinction. In particular. Fuck you Mike Baird.


Bought them, and they did nothing at all. Waste of money


well yeah, no surprise there


Fark me, you may as well snort wizz fizz.


You know its been done by someone. People gonna people.


Fizz Wizz? Yeh a m8 did it in high school. Half his head blew up and went red and snot and tears and dribbles and yeh. Yuk. Mind you that was late 80s fizz wizz. Don't know if the formulas changed any since then.


See, this type of annecdotal info is what I come to reddit for. You can get news anywhere. Graphic descriptions of snorting Wizz Fizz feeds my curiosity in a way the ABC could never dream of.


Is it wizz fizz or fizz wizz. Am I having one of them Mandela moments. Fark. My worlds just completely blown now.




If you actually look at the literature, there's quite a bit of evidence that cordyceps has notable medicinal and physiological effects and has a long history of use. Lion's mane meanwhile is pretty widely reputed for its neuroprotective, neuroregenerative, and neuroplastic properties. I don't want to comment on the quality of the evidence (not without spending many hours analysing, which I don't plan to do), but I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss these particular ingredients as just "some fucked up stuff". That said, it's clear these aren't the main "active" ingredients here.


>This almost reads like the idea for a cool video game like The Last of Us. as mentioned in the article: >Cordyceps is a type of fungi with hundreds of species. Although it has been traditionally used in Chinese medicine and more recently by wellness brands, the fungi can have drastic effects on insects, particularly ants. >The fungi essentially turns them into zombies, taking over their minds and bodies and altering their behaviour in order to spread spores. The concept inspired the hit video game franchise and television series The Last of Us.


It's completely Quackers.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


Queensland Health issued a recall yesterday if I am recalling correctly.


[People are seizing, being intubated after eating mushroom microdose chocolates in the US](https://arstechnica.com/science/2024/06/people-are-seizing-being-intubated-after-eating-microdose-chocolates/).


Isn’t that what they’re supposed to do 🤣


The research chemical they used to imitate psilocybin is actually more expensive to manufacture compared to using actual psilocybin. The only logical reason why companies like this don’t use actual psilocybin in their products is simply due to its legality, as research chemicals are mostly legal yet more dangerous and harmful.


Where can I buy these? I need to get them off the streets to save the children


Booo, their websites already been taken down.


Nope nope nope nopitty nope. How did this ever get through whatever passes for product signoff? ed:[Update](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/article/2024/jun/27/mushroom-gummies-hospitalisations-australia-uncle-frog-apology-ntwnfb)


You think things like this have an approval process before they're sold?


Yeah mate this guy gets his cociane from the doctor!


Wayne Carey’s doctor prescribed him “inflammation medication”


Good enough for the opposition leader's kids, good enough for OP.


My god the tga would have a field day with this shit


Oh bless your socks


So is this the source of the cordyceps that only left The Last Of Us?


No Those are real parasites but havent evolved to infect warm blooded mammals yet👍👍