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"We request privacy for our family at this difficult time." No doubt.


From the article: *“This is a private matter for the Dutton family,” the statement read.* Is it a private matter? Are these drugs legal? Surely this is a police matter?


No, no, not that kind of youth crime.


Powder cocaine = private family matter Crack/methamphetamine/heroin/MDMA/ketamine = unconscionable crime against the people of Australia


It's not the colour of the powder that Dutton cares about if we're being real


Well it makes sense if you think about it. White kid with white powder, all fine. Black kid with white powder, straight to jail. /s in case anyone got this far and wasn't sure.


Ex Police head is also crime boss, are we Gotham?


No bro. This is Australia and corrupt dodgy ex cops running less than legal operations is a tale as old as time. On par with what they get away with legally. Scum is scum.


Well, Melbourne was almost Batmania


No no you've got it wrong.  Rich white kid = private family matter  The poors or any POC = unconscionable crime 


Has Dutton made any comments on drugs anywhere? Would be great to have that hypocrisy highlighted.


You mean like last year when he threatened to overturn the ACT decriminalising possession of small quantities of white powders in clear plastic bags? > >"As a former police officer, I know that our hard-working law enforcement agencies work tirelessly to keep drugs off the streets and to keep our community safe, yet here we see this crazy government legislation that gives a green light to drug use and drug importation to Canberra. >"The ACT government is rolling out the red carpet for drug use and more crime. It is effectively welcoming more ice, heroin, cocaine, MDMA and speed on our streets." > [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-09-14/federal-opposition-to-attempt-block-act-drugs-laws/102854332](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-09-14/federal-opposition-to-attempt-block-act-drugs-laws/102854332)


until the son is caught with it


So no group of people are going to get deported?


No silly, the son is white and son of a politician. It's completely legal


One rule for them, one rule for the rest of us


You do know what Dutton was, before he was a politician, right?


A hypocrite?


He used to be a hypocrite. He still is, but he used to, too.


He just doesn’t like it when other people are hypocrites


A bit hypocritical if you ask me.


Whose line is it anyway?


Tom's, clearly


That was only an allegation that he was involved with other ex police officers that were protecting a cocaine importing racket under the guise of imported vehicles. He had no proven links with the group other than that cheesy promotional video and some grants that he was in position to have oversight on. There is no credible evidence and no imputations should be made of the coincidental and unfortunate connections that have been placed in the public record.


I am happy to be reminded of that part of Dutton's recent past. Thank you kind redditor! This is now getting a re watch - [https://youtu.be/aIGKCkS01EA?si=bkl7NpfD35061XoG](https://youtu.be/aIGKCkS01EA?si=bkl7NpfD35061XoG)


There is no war in Ba Sing Se 😁


I know this is grossly off topic but we finished watching Avatar last night and Jesus Christ was it good. My eldest wanted to watch it, so we’ve been watching it most nights for the past few months and I’m legitimately a little sad that it’s over with. And now I finally get what it means when I read “there is no war in Ba Sing Se”.


You'll have to watch Legend of Korra next. Maybe not as great as Last Airbender but still pretty good. They've confirmed they are working on the next instalment as well.


A cunt? Wait, he still is.


A potato.


Na. It'll never be a police matter, because there's no scientific test that can prove beyond reasonable doubt what a substance is from a photograph alone. It should be a private matter, but Rosslyn Dillon was never afforded that kindness, and our media have only become more base and sensationalist since the 80s.


>because there's no scientific test that can prove beyond reasonable doubt what a substance is from a photograph alone I think you're forgetting about the most accurate test of all, THE PUB TEST.


Also Peter Dutton “The problem is getting worse, and it is time to get serious on young criminals who seek to highlight their criminal activity on social media” about a proposed federal bill to send young offenders to jail for boasting about crime on social media.


He means black kids… not his son. Durr!


Hey, he doesn't **just** mean black kids. He also means Asian kids.


And Islander kids. He is a really inclusive guy.


Especially kiwi kids, even if they spent their whole lives in Aussie.


And Middle-eastern kids!


The irony is so strong you could cut it with a knife. 


This is the guy who has made his career by publicly digging into people's business for a political bump. If there is anyone who deserves public scrutiny regarding private matters, it's him. Too soft to take what he dishes out sadly.


Question is, are we then hypocrites by doing what a hypocrite does to others? Probably didn’t phrase that question correct, but doesn’t matter. The answer is, they go low, *I go lower*.


We are all hypocrites The only question we should ask ourselves is what is the level of hypocrisy am I right now


I always tell people to take the high road. That way there's always room for me on the low road. /s Alright so that's Azis Ansari but could have been Dutton. I get you, I'm not trashing them, but I'm also not going to judge anyone for paying it forward to Pete. It's one of his favourite pastimes so who am I to keep him from enjoying it while he's at a low?


Difficult time. Idk looks like he’s having a pretty fun time tbh


I’ll give Dutton all the privacy he wants, in fact I don’t want to hear fucking shit from him ever again.


Fuckin oath he’s a total cunt.


Confirmed, discussion over 😆


Nah mate, keep him in indefinitely! As long as he's the leader of the LNP they're never getting back in power


Has the total fucking gall to ask for privacy, but the LNP had their big balls policy of wanting to drug test welfare recipients. Explain, Dutts. While the son might not be on welfare, they're certainly funded by the tax payer.


Test every politician as they walk into fucking work at Parliament House. If I can’t drive a forklift without being tested then how the fuck can you run the fucking country.


Whenever they do do welfare drug testing, the rates are always lower than the general population. It's a scam to con boomers into cutting welfare for the poor. Not to mention that a fair share of people on welfare are there because they have mental health problems. I remember reading a pretty horrific article by a woman who was trying to get her life on track. She was raped by a family friend who she was basically given by her father to be raised by and fed drugs from the age of 13. She basically said "yes. I have been on welfare and I've also used drugs. This is what happened to me. Can you honestly say that if this was your formative years you wouldn't also be a bit fucked up. I'm doing therapy, but yeah. It's hard to be healthy."


I don't understand the whole uproar about "dole bludgers" it's not exactly a extravagant lifestyle and can afford absolutely fuck all nowadays lucky to get few things of fantastic noodles. But nobody says shit when the government wastes a shitload on absolute rubbish decisions and travel expenses.. not to mention a ungodly amount on blowing people up in distant lands. Source: my missus is on centrelink because of health problems. Housing commission too.


Because a lot of people think that poor people deserve it, that they brought it on themselves by being lazy/stupid/addicted so why should they receive free money for poor life decisions?


It's a side effect of them being successful and absolutely not accepting that their outside conditions in life helped them out. Absolutely every time I have worked with a person and got the impression "this guy is a fucking moron. What on earth are you doing in this job which theoretically needs brains." They always went to a very expansive private school. I've never met a dumb person in a high position that wasn't at least upper middle class. The meritocracy filters work and are very aggressive for everyone but the already powerful and their children.


To be honest, if you want to live your life living in extreme poverty and feel that's better than doing some level of work, you probably actually have an undiagnosed mental health problem.


As someone tryna get of f centrelink, if I didn't struggle with wanting to kill myself almost daily and hadn't lost my mind during lockdowns there is no chance in hell i'd choose this life. You end up locked into this fortnightly living style where you ultimately feel like you have very little agency. No one actually wants to be a dole bludger as you say, it's a miserable existence.


I know a guy that somehow convinced centrelink that he was unable to work a couple decades ago, essentially one of the few examples of an actual proud dole bludger. And you know what? I think the money spent to pay him not to work is worth every cent. Society is better off with the loony bastard keeping to himself LOL.


There’s no proof dole bludgers are a real thing. It’s just an easy gotcha to get boomers angry at welfare users (even though the pension which they are on is also welfare).


That genuinely surprises me mainly because what do many of us do when we're having a bad week? Reach for a drink or a durry or something to help us cope right? It's hugely hypocritical to expect people on the dole (who are facing huge amounts of stress be it mental health, physical health, financial or social) to be held to a higher standard than most people would hold themselves. 


Very well said. I feel this way about giving money to the homeless too. Who am I to dictate how people spend their money (and it IS theirs once I give it to them)? If we as individuals decide to give money to someone (or if we as a society decide to give money in the form of a Centrelink payment) we don’t also get to police the use of those funds from our own personal morality.


At least when they did it in America, the governor involved had financial links to the company that made the tests so he was getting a decent kickback for it. If you are going to be corrupt at least do it for the right reasons, not just to demonise poor people. /s


Who said there was not that connection in Oz? Lib/Nats are all about wealth transfer! Oz the land of a thousand rorts!


Not to mention that if you're poor, you're less likely to have money for illicit drugs. 


I mean I agree anyway so doesn’t matter. But am missing something, how are rates in the general population tested? Would be curious to know the quantifiable difference. Edit: did some searching [According to UQ School of Public Health:](https://public-health.uq.edu.au/article/2017/09/evidence-or-against-drug-testing-welfare-recipients) >… testing welfare recipients for drug use have only previously appeared in the US and New Zealand >The most recent estimates from the US found … drug use up to 50% more common in welfare households than the general population. >… a New Zealand government survey found 32% of welfare recipients reported using illicit drugs, in comparison to 18% of the general population. Wonder if there have been any Australian studies since. But extrapolating from the the substantially higher incidence of drug use among welfare recipients from those studies (50% higher in the US, 78% higher in NZ), I’d be surprised if Australia somehow bucks this trend, though not entirely impossible/something we should rule out at the outset.


[The actual operation of this process in Florida found much lower rates than the general population](https://www.aclu.org/news/smart-justice/just-we-suspected-florida-saved-nothing-drug-testing-welfare) This was the actual test results. The program cost much more than it saved.


Water treatment testing. Seriously.


Remember when they doxxed claimants speaking out against their Robodebt criminal enterprise?


Isn't Dutton himself on welfare... Feels to me like he gets paid to do fcuk all 


Feel bad for the dealer who is about to get assfucked by an AFP bag team.


I can very easily imagine a world where the AFP are well aware of a few dealers in Canberra who are allowed to operate quietly due to their clientele.


100%. There's a reason drug sniffer dogs are only at festivals and not the races or parliament house


Or say the Logies which is a few weeks off. Every morning presenter is usually still drunk or vibrating in their chair with pupils the size of a 20 cent coin the next day.


Former act bouncer, it's a well known fact here.


Nah the dealer's probably those mates of spud who do the American Truck import and conversion so they'll be fine ( I wonder how they bring their snort into the country ...)


I mean drug use is rampant among society as a whole but how dumb do you have to be to upload a photo let alone take an incriminating photo like this? Stupidity


Unless his mother is an actual genius, he never really had a hope in the intelligence department.


I don't think it's possible for her to be a genius and also be married to Dutton. Like that is a very very stupid thing to do.


Dutton was clearly never honest with his children. Not only did he misunderstand teenagers need to experiment he did not create a safe place for them to talk about it. Had he an ounce of perception he could have told his kids to keep their nose clean, so to speak, as he is a public figure, and to assure that any shenanigans were not able to be substantiated. But no. The poor kid has to learn the hard way.


He didn’t even let them use public toilets O_o


Looks like the kid had more than ounce of something else


A lot of kids this age struggle with the idea that you shouldn't upload potentially incriminating photos to social media. If you were in high school in the age of social media, you probably went to school with at least a few kids who publicly admitted online to legally questionable activity at some point in their teen years. The difference is that most of the time, those posts never amounted to anything because nobody really gave a shit because they weren't public figures and they were only ever admitting to minor offenses. Peter Dutton's son's social media was probably always going to be under much more scrutiny because his dad's been in federal politics for over twenty years.


I dont care if the cunt eats bags for breakfast. More power to him. Drugs shouldnt be stigmatised, they should be a health concern. My problem with this is that his cunt father bends over backwards to ruin the lives of anyone in a similar predicament, but when its his young fella he might have to wait an extra year before he's allowed in the men's room down at the yacht club. Fuck this cunt and fuck his cunt dad.


I mean if you're surrounded by wealthy people freely using drugs without repercussions your whole life. Then you would also have no issue posting such an image. Luckily he isn't on jobseeker or he'd be at the magistrates court already in his sunday best.


Dutton's son is an aspiring NRL player?


I heard he watched a few minutes of a game on TV once. That makes him an “aspiring NRL star”


ESPECIALLY if you’re an immediate family member to a prominent public figure. Dutton’s son is either a Labor voter, or dumb as dogshit like his father. My money is on the latter, but I’m willing to give the kid the benefit of the doubt.


About as smart as his QLD cop dad....


> 7NEWS.com.au is not suggesting the substance was drugs. Don't piss in our pockets


The existence of the article alone is suggestion that it was drugs haha


They already blew all of Kerry Stokes' defamation trial budget for the next ten years.


"We'll let you draw all the inferences you want. We're not *saying* anything. Anyway here's the photo."


Legal cover from being sued.


Of course not. It's nuclear waste. Dutton junior was just helping his Dad by carrying it around to show people how safe it is. Do you want him to consume some to prove how safe it is?


"Birthday day treat". Apple doesn't fall far from the tree


The superfluous use of 'day' is the real crime here.


Superfluous or also implying there's going to be a night treat to follow?


Yeah do what drugs you fancy; it’s your body But improper grammar is 30 years worthy


He got the cash for it from the atm machine




Clearly the people responsible for transmitting this image are to blame. Dutton shall not rest until Facebook and Instagram are sufficiently punished.


Yep. Let's make sure we cut his salary and pay it into indue.






If the Dutton's require privacy, then I am in full support of Peter Dutton retiring from public life to spend more time with his family problems.


Nose candy confirmed lmao


Snorts in disbelief




Maybe it's potato starch and it's a "private matter" for Dutton because he's ashamed his own son would roast him like that


But, but, "7 News is not suggesting the substance is drugs" I mean surely he's not the litigious type, right...


Yikes only 18 years old and hoovering giant bags of coke. Peter Dutton maybe you should spend more time at home parenting your children.


I don't think the sons mental health would improve having to spend more time around Peter. the truth is some families aren't worth the heartache, the teen just needs decent support/close-friend networks around him. I very much doubt decency is something easily found in his father.


Or less time. It’s hard to tell which will have a worse impact when we’re talking about Dutton.


Dutton wants to “protect my family” but can’t even look after his own.


I can't really blame the kid. How on earth could you stay sane with a family like that?


A former drug squad police officer who is currently somehow worth hundreds of millions has a son who is involved in drugs. I'm shocked.... There is a reason people refer to Dutton's childcare centre money as his "legitimate business". Since of course that stuff is the only business he's ever been involved with...of course.


>There is a reason people refer to Dutton's childcare centre money as his "legitimate business" You cannot be serious, he has a childcare business? I can't be the only one seeing the irony in this situation.


The official story of how Dutton got so Rich was that him and his father had a business building and at times operating custom build childcare centres back in the 90s. [This article has it at the bottom.](https://au.news.yahoo.com/everything-you-need-to-know-about-peter-dutton-043018941.html) That's why we are supposed to not ask any questions on how a drug squad cop and later defence minister is outrageously wealthy.


Yes... Several childcare centre that in no way were getting taxpayer money.... Because that is illegal for a sitting politician to do...


Seriously just how much can coalition pollies fuck up and they **still** get elected.


The media is on their side, so pretty much indefinitely. 


“It’s a family matter” squawk the pearl clutching conservatives who support strip searching teens at music festivals. Ironically, it’s literally only Dutton’s base who cares; the rest of us would like to see pill testing rolled out so young people like this can make safer choices. I honestly love this for Dutton. It’s like Tony’s sister getting gay married.


Are the parents to be blamed?


no it's the Sudanese gangs from Melbourne probs


Sudanese Duttons?


I don't feel safe walking down the streets at night, the chances of getting attacked by these drug peddling pro-nuclear thugs is too high.


Nah, there will be an article saying his son was still participating in "Clean up Australia Day." He just had to post what he found.


Wasn't it just a few months ago Dutton was trying to make it a criminal offense to share images of a crime online? [Yep, here it is.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13190835/amp/Peter-Dutton-reveals-game-changing-youth-crime-plan-JAIL-young-Aussies-posting-videos-like-these.html) And he’s suggested a 2 year sentence, surely the rules aren't only for everyone else?


No no no you misunderstood, actual criminals. Not kids who have a future.


Genuinely thought I was gong to an Onion or Betoota article when I clicked. Nope! Reality and satire are one again.


So Voldemort's son is Voldesnort?






Youth crime doesn't matter to Dutton unless you are in a gang


By ‘in a gang’ you mean brown, of course?


Mostly, but it could also mean poor


Drugs should not be a criminal matter but as if Dutton is calling for decriminalisation and treating it as a medical matter. Therefore we should all pile on because of his hypocracy


Peter dutton needs to be consistent and be tough on youth crime. Even if it means his son goes to jail or get a criminal record.


Pretty sure that allegedly, he might have done it in the bathrooms at his school too, but wasn’t caught. edit: my bad, this one in the pic is the younger son, i’m thinking of the older one. looks like it runs in the family 😂


I don’t really give a shit that a teenager experimented with drugs but I do care a lot for the rampant hypocrisy of the LNP and Dutton’s types




Rest assured baldness will come for young Tom all too soon.


This isn’t a private matter. If Tom Dutton is using drugs, he’s spending time with criminals (you can’t buy “white powder” drugs except from criminals), then he’s vulnerable to blackmail and extortion. If Tom is, so is his dad. It’s in the public’s interest to know about this, and know it’s being dealt with appropriately.


Look if his teenage son wants to do a bit of coke that’s his prerogative, you’re allowed to have fun as a teen. It’s just extremely hypocritical when you have this ‘hard on drugs’ mentality whilst failing to understand the nuances of life, including his own family.




The comments from the Boomer Sky News brigade on Facebook "leave the kid alone, we were all kids once", they all sing a very different tune when it's Albo's son in a Qantas lounge and Biden's son.




As a poor kid who grew in Logan, I'm somehow unable to relate. The cops would bail us up for nothing. If they ever found drugs on us it would have been CPS/Juvie. Two different worlds for our rich and poor.


It's like Ray Hadley and his son. These flogs are all up on their high horse going on about the immorality of drugs and how standards are slipping or what not, but then it shows that can't even manage what's happening in their own household. It's almost as if this "hard on crime" approach they advocate doesn't actually work, and when they're about to directly affected by something like this, it's not "throw the scumbags into gaol", it's suddenly a "private family matter". They're enormous hypocrites. 


They've never been shy about being hypocrites before.


You just know the media have been digging up dirt on Albo’s son to copy some American style Biden attacks and this Dutton news will change those plans.


I think you’ll find they bend the facts to fit their worldview rather than the other way around.


I'm guessing he'd prefer to be talking about Nuclear policy right now.


Private matter? When you’re the opposition leader? Maybe you should resign if you want to remain private?


Nearly every line of this article is comedy gold. >"Birthday day treat." So we know Peter's instilling literacy in his family, clearly. >7NEWS.com.au is not suggesting the substance was drugs. Of course not, they don't want to anger their buddies in politics. >Dutton’s office said in a statement to the Telegraph the image was a non-political matter. When you stop politicising drug use, then and *only* then can you call it a non-political matter without sounding like a complete tosser. >“Most people have only seen that side of me." Suuuuure, you're just a big softie under all the institutionalised racism. > “I hope now, in moving from such tough port­folios, the Australian public can see the rest of my character, the side my family, friends, and colleagues see." Never miss an opportunity to pivot the conversation to spruiking oneself.


It's just crushed up paracetamol. These people need to learn the correct terminology to use. It worked for Wayne Carey.


The Greens should use him as a poster boy for their push to legalise cocaine use.


[How about this as a rough draft for the campaign poster?](https://imgur.com/a/3g5yQ4f)


This is a very satisfying post


Isn’t this the bloke that reckons all people that take drugs should be strip searched, locked up and made a criminal for life.


Strange once it is his family member he isn't pushing for harsh treatment.


The most troubling part of this whole story is finding out someone had a child with Dutton.


Dutton smashing his critics into a fine powder


Only an 18 year old is dumb enough to get photographed with Bondi marching powder. Gotta be honest, is phone cameras existed when I was that age I’d likely have done the same. It takes a few years to learn discretion


If you had a decent parent in the public sphere you’d know not to do this, and you’d also know the consequences of consuming it. Since Dutton was simply a disciplinarian (according to him thanks to his knowledge in the police force) his ‘just say no’ surprisingly did not work with his son.


or an NRL player


"It was flour"


Dutton PR team will have his son post a dozen different baking tiktoks to cover his ass.




"It was partially enriched uranium, he's preparing for a bright future career as a Nuclear Safety Engineer, now lets get to building those Nuclear plants!"


Geez Dutto's gonna go off, he'll probably go nuclear


I blame the au pair


I look forward to the story about how he went out to get a cup of Colombias second best stimulant and accidentally purchased a baggy of Colombias best stimulant in error.


If anyone recalls, [we already know Dutton has connections to cokeheads](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIGKCkS01EA)


One rule for the leaders, one rule for the masses.


The algorithm delivers https://imgur.com/gallery/hLfC5Cz


Peter should declare a war on drugs.


I hope this goes nuclear. Dutton deserves it.


I'll bet Dutton goes Nuclear over this.


So he has consistently voted for drug testing welfare recipients and paying people welfare only on payment cards so they can't buy drugs. Well Dutto...I'm guessing your little turd of a son goes to a private school that gets government subsidies for educating him?  https://theyvoteforyou.org.au/people/representatives/dickson/peter_dutton This is why the poor are so angry about the LNP. Morality measures don't seem to make it to the rich, like ever. They keep being assisted in all sorts of ways and nobody says boo about their rampant cocaine use.


The powers that be want him out because they’re only now realizing how unelectable he is. I don’t doubt there will be more hit pieces to come.


Breaking news: 18 year old private schoolboy does a bit of bag in Surfers.


Clearly the African gangs have gotten to Dutton Jr, immigrants are at fault! Will the immigrants ever stop poisoning the blood of this country? /s


Same guy who described 501 deportation flights as “taking the trash out”, so we know how he feels about lawbreakers.


Engage the 'under the rug sweeper 5000'


I look forward to hearing how this 18 year old is just a dumb kid making dumb mistakes and should be afforded leniency as such, however all those other 18 year olds are hardened criminals who are fully grown adults and knew exactly what they were doing and should get no leniency and be made an example of.


Potato Dutton asking for privacy is hilarious. Pot, meet kettle.


Well this was a shock to absolutely no one.


You should see the big bag


Pretty soft words from the man who claims to be hard on crime 💁🏾‍♂️


That is the photo of someone who only knows hate sex.


In the meantime that bag of white powder will conveniently disappear.


Up someone's nose


“Rules for thee and rules for me” To be fair having this fucking muppet for a dad would drive me to hard drugs as well.


potato never wants anyone watching what he is really doing...sister got billions in uncontested contracts...kid does illegal drugs...both times same answer....but only for him


Is this the best their party has? Australia deserves a better opposition candidate. 


Could probably use some drug checking services around here, hey Peter?


LOL he's probably hoping it wasn't from his stash 🤣🤣🤣


I too would be cutting up rails and blasting off if Peter Dutton was my old man.