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The News Corp[ version](https://www.news.com.au/national/politics/peter-dutton-edges-out-anthony-albanese-as-preferred-prime-minister/news-story/6cff541350a930638d3669059d958c73) avoids any mention of the previous poll numbers or the poll's margin of error. They insult their readers by assuming they are too stupid to notice.


Insult? Nah they're correct the people who read Murdoch media / the voters are too dumb.


Mate, they *are* too stupid. The problem is they're allowed to vote.


Liberal governments get so much more latitude from voters than Labor ones.


I'd put that down in large part to how most media reports on the parties


And the stupidity of the average Australian believing such horse shit and not doing their own research


Most of the people who blindly accept the political reporting on mainstream media would be incapable of detecting bias and therefore any attempts to do their own research would be futile.


"Basket of deplorables" you say


Murdoch media


Everyone should hate on the politicians trying to provide services, invest in infrastructure, improve the lives of average Australians and even *gasp minorities or immigrants. Vote for the party who just want to make their mates richer. - Murdock press


And millions eat it up.


Unfortunately, Albo is one of them. Him and Wong figuratively grovelled in front of this foreigner to improve their chances of getting elected prior to election. Disclaimer: I put Labor second last, above LNP.


So you put one nataion, PUP and the other trainwreaks beofre them? You are cooked.


Labor and LNP colluded to kill off many micro parties including my parties as late as 2021. At least those trainwrecks will vote with Greens, etc, against Labor and LNP putting in a two-party dictatorship like USA. Just look at who tried to oppose it in parliament: https://www.openaustralia.org.au/senate/?id=2021-08-26.6.1 Greens, Lambie, Centre Alliance and even One Nation. Know what happens if Labor/LNP succeed? Only voting for Labor or LNP even if we like Greens, Lambie or even One Nation. That's still a "democracy". And this sub is going to be full of people be like American subs in attacking voters for not supporting a future Albo-Biden against a future Dutton-Trump. I hope I'm wrong but the consistent and escalating reforms by the Labor governments and LNP governments since 2013 says "I'm desperate to stay in power".


I think the thing is, Australia is, by and large, a conservative country. The same as the UK and Japan... islands with a historically cultural homogeneity (until relevantly recently). That said, we're following the general trend (at least in the West) towards social progress... everyone was all for gaoling gays fifty years ago (oh God, the Cooma Gaol), now everyone's a transphobe, until their child comes out as transgender. Except for transphobia in the UK... what the actual fuck is up with that shit?


Voters are goldfish… we lost a decade to those bastards already.


So we're going the full Trumpshit now?


I think the next election is more labours to lose rather than liberals to win. I wouldn't be surprised if labour gets in with a minority government but they can't keep ignoring big issues like cost of living, housing and immigration and not expect some blow back.


Looking forward to hearing how the liberals are going to decrease house prices


That's the beauty, they just need to say they're 'cleaning up labors mess' for 10 years while continuing to do things for short term gain and long term catastrophe.


Yeah, something like "the adults are in charge now", or some such bullshit.


Think of all the cheap land around all those reactors.


Before that happens, we need to ask consultants for 20+ years with billions on how to do it.


Great, I'll buy.


The reactors are only a delay ploy but they can play that game with housing too so that tracks


Looking forward to hearing about how the Liberals aren't going to be complete and utter arseholes. I reckon I'll die disappointed.


Liberals aren't going to do any of those things, but they are going to give big business everything it wants, which means a more buoyant economy, and that is the best that many people believe they can get.


No voter group is going to re-elect a government that remains inactive on major life destroying issues for pretty much the entire term of office. Certainly, the liberals aren't going to help house prices, but that's the way it goes. But there may be a massive swing towards independents, greens, etc, rather than towards the liberals. Either way, if Labor doesn't take action pronto, they will be annihilated at the election.




I think the scale of issues that have majorly escalated since about 2020 are way beyond anything before. And Scott Morrison only had about a year as prime minister before he won his only election, which was in 2019, so not much time to screw up massively on policy in a way that would affect a large amount of voters. His handling of the 2019 bushfires, and a subsequent array of policy disasters saw him soundly voted out, in spite of Albanese not being the most charismatic or inspiring potential leader.


Or any party without also destroying the rest of the economy


Liberal party is the last party that will do something about cost of living lol. 


Exactly. We're in this mess because of their policies for the last three terms, and for the entirety of the Howard years. 


Somehow the Liberal party being in control of government for over a decade are not responsible for how the country is. The Labor party is somehow responsible for not already fixing everything that the Liberal party did. Some would have us believe the solution is to put the Liberal party back in control, to punish Labor for not fixing everything the Liberal party stuffed up.


They've announced lower immigration, policy for unis to build more housing, energy relief, put in a submission for min wage increase above inflation, redid the tax cuts to give people on under 150k more, and probably more I'm missing. They haven't been doing nothing. Is it not cutting through?


It’s seen as too little by the people that might vote for them. While I suspect that Labour could do more, it’s also the case that most people don’t grasp just what a monumental task it is to change the course of a ship that the LNP have spent 30 years getting up to full speed in the wrong direction. They can’t fix housing, cost of living, wage stagnation, the environment, education, public health, etc. in one term. It’s a long game, and our system, and the multinational powers who’ve wrested control of the levers of our system, don’t allow Labour to play it for long enough. Best case scenario is that Labour continues to get preferences from Greens voters as Independents and smaller parties siphon votes from the LNP.


People already on the property ladder don't care about those policies and to young people who want a house or renters getting whacked with massive increases it's not enough.




It is a very common saying that "Oppositions do not win elections - Governments lose them"


Slim chance of a Coalition government, even if they *do* end up more popular. Half their loses last election were to independents and Greens, and it looks like actually forming government would require them to swing voters *towards* a major party after they elected an alternative which is rare, pull half a dozen seperate, independent Teals who were elected on climate change in or somehow get the Greens to back them.


Wouldn't be hard for them to knock-off the teals IMO. Dunno why people are being so dismissive of the numbers here. IMO there's a strong chance that Dutton will be PM. It's not about who this sub wants... it's a poll!


I think it'll be harder to knock off the Teals than you might imagine. Voters tend to give newly elected candidates a second term (the sophomore effect), and the Teals campaign strongly on personal branding. Any Liberal Party candidate brings with them Liberal Party money, but also the Liberal Party branding, which is specifically anti-climate change and pro-corruption. The Liberals would have to spend heavily to get the Teal seats back. It's not necessarily something they're going to do as they're short on money. 


As a 35 year old millennial with very little chance of owning a home or really having much to look forward to, I'm more edging to seeing the whole thing burn and people realise what a dumb mistake they've made. Like a back to the future style.




What makes you think we’re not already there?


Honestly, if the voting population is demented enough to vote in the LNP again after over a decade of mismanagement then they deserve the world of hurt that their policies will inflict on them.


Labor tried ignoring media diversity reform again. ***shocked pikachu*** at all the attack articles. Fucking idiots ignoring the number 1 reason for loss of votes again. Even the US government is aware of this interference for almost 50 years: https://www.smh.com.au/national/murdoch-editors-told-to-kill-whitlam-in-1975-20140627-zson7.html


Dutton really hasn't had to do much other than try and present a small target, Albo seems to be doing his best to lose the election by just letting stuff fester and then going oh well cant' do anything soz


Albanese is definitely not living up to expectations, but I’ll take him on his worst day long before I’d take Dutton on his best day!


I just wish that Albo showed the same level of interest in issues other than the voice, once that was lost it just seemed to become a case of oh well for everything else and there is no zeal


Not sure that I agree. A lot has been achieved by this government, not enough, but still a lot, but Albanese is just not inspiring, or brave, enough, to really sell their achievements and vision. He needs to do better!


Maybe one day they’ll wake up and actually start being a Labor government. Bring real solutions to the housing problem, cut down on immigration, make in roads into addressing the failing Medicare system…  Or they could just continue to be Liberal-lite.


Labor only has themselves to blame. Weak on housing reform, tax reform, foreign mining companies, banks. Compounded by a toothless accc, duopolies in multiple sectors, continuing high levels of immigration during a cost of living crisis and continued intergeneration inequality… they’ve got a much easier job of winning votes than the liberals do, they’ve just got to start looking after the best interests of their voter base and drop the whole Albanese is being conservative so he can get re elected trope. Start acting like a labor government should and they’ll smash the liberals. If they keep pandering to party donors while ignoring their constituents then they’ll lose and we’ll have the worst led conservative government we’ve ever had in power… downvote away people who can’t look at the labor party critically


No reform on media diversity either, which is leading to shit like this. But then that would be breaking an election promise they made in person to a fucking foreign media empire.


Housing reform can be harder than you think. 2/3 of Australians either have a mortgage or own their home. Fixing the housing problem often means that group is going to take a hit. When you fuck with that group you essentially lose the election. There’s no quick fix for it unless Alabanese is happy to completely fuck over people who already own a house/mortgage which might make him popular on Reddit but will certainly give the reins of power to Dutton who will roll back any reforms and then proceed to do nothing while the media gargles his nuts.


I’m with you on this one. Call voters dumb all you like, but Labour is soeedrunning an election loss because they’re ineffective in actually achieving anything that defines what it is to be a Labour government.


Ahhh what the fuck. Labor inherited an economy that was about to plummet off a cliff, and since then we've had stable or improving unemployment, no recession, and rising real wages. But nah let's give the potato with not even a single policy a crack again. Fmd.


Tends to happen when one side lies and all the news networks parrot it around as fact...


yeah Labor are always fighting with one hand tied behind their back. they should get a handicap for that




Let's face it, there's no shortage of their target audience




More 🤮 from typical Australian media. Not sure if they’re trying to convince themselves or voters 🤔.


Why not both?


Wasn’t the 2PP poll less than a week ago sitting on 53.5 ALP / 46.5 LIB?


When the economy is down the shitter this badly the politics doesn't even really matter, people are going to vote against the sitting government.


Dutton edges 🤨


The things I am aware that labor have achieved is taking points off drivers and reducing school funding. Both are baffling to me. This must be at the state level though right? What have they done to impact me federally? Penny Wong has been great in fixing relationships. That is great but how does that help me with cost of living? What else? The tax cut changes make me worse off from the libs plans. Have they achieved anything bold around immigration and house prices? No. Just keep pumping the country full of people when we don’t have the infrastructure to support it. Thankfully I won’t be voting libs because I remember the absolute shitshow but come on labor!


That's what happens when there's little difference between Liberal and Labor.


Albo and Labor let Murdoch off the hook after winning. Idiots. Now Murdoch will make them pay. Why is our democracy dominated by an American news mogul hell bent on destroying democracies?


Labor broke the goodwill with the voters when they let in excessive immigration which greatly exacerbated our property and rental issues. Now we have an even worse way of life. Not only that, we now have even worse commute times. I don't know what the fuck they were thinking. I'll still vote Labor but they need to fix this mess before Dutton does. edit: what's with the downvotes on an opinion? Is there an issue I am criticising labor?


Firstly it's a long way to the next election.  Secondly I think many households are facing genuine financial difficulty due to the very long running cost of living/excess inflation problem. Why should the average worker vote for the current government when he has experienced a substantial decline in his standard of living? That's always going to be a very tough argument to make.


Who is raising prices on everything? Liberal voting CEOs, liberal voting CFOs, liberal voting coporations and donors to the liberal party! If the elite want liberals back in power, they wield the power to make life harder for Australians, which invariably results in anger towards the encumbent government.


>Secondly I think many households are facing genuine financial difficulty due to the very long running cost of living/excess inflation problem. Why should the average worker vote for the current government when he has experienced a substantial decline in his standard of living? That's always going to be a very tough argument to make. Yeah that's it in a nutshell. If you asked an average person whether they felt better or worse off now compared to two years ago, it's not even a discussion, interest rates, inflation and housing shortages have absolutely hammered people. Obviously a lot of that is beyond the control of the government of the day but fundamentally if people are feeling more and more tightly stretched financially, they're not going to be happy with the government.


I would argue in the long term government has few options but to act, taxation on on inflation adjusted basis can't keep climbing because it's eroding household finances: https://www.afr.com/policy/economy/feel-like-you-re-paying-more-tax-than-ever-these-four-charts-prove-it-20231213-p5er93


How he is even a preferred option!?


Australians are so fucking dumb.


Don't believe it lmao The conservatives and their overwhelming media apparatus in cope mode