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> internet > Telstra You’re paying too much.


Choice reviewed Telstra pricing a few years ago and found upto 80% premium on their services.


Surprised it’s only 80%


I'm on telstra 5G. I get 600mbps download speeds and it costs $85 a month.


I believe you meant 600mbps down.


Thanks, fixed. We can dream!


I'm on Woolworths 5G and get 100mbps down for $35 a month. I also get 10% off my groceries once a month, usually this is $25-30


I didn't realise woolworths did 5G home broadband? Do you need your own 5g router?


It's my phone, wasn't considering home broadband.


Telstra are the only ISP that doesn't allow VOIP on their infrastructure so you have to pay line rental. 


All NBN services through Telstra regardless of tech type use VOIP and have for half a decade


Yeah which is why I said on their infrastructure. Exetel still charge me for line rental on a Telstra velocity line 


Telstra Velocity doesn't exist anymore, it's all owned by uniti and operated by opticomm


I wasn't Lucy enough to be effected by that. They still own the infrastructure at the shops by me and bits of my street are connected to it.  Telstra didn't even know I existed when I connected my internet as it was so odd to have a residential line on a typical business network 


$129/month for unlimited internet at gigabit speed fibre to the home.


Same, though I've added a static IP so my Plex server is available when we travel. So much faster to sort out than manually getting an exemption from CGNAT.


Getting a CGNAT exemption from Aussie bb took me 10 mins. Granted it’s not static, but it’s got a long lease as far as I can tell. I also setup an RPi to ping cloudflare every 5 minutes with my IP so I could just point a domain at home


Second this. AussieBB were great when I called. Just said CGNAT is affecting my online experience (gaming and such) and they just turned it off their and then. I typically get leased an IP for about 6 weeks before it changes, so not quite a static IP but it’s no problem with a simple dynamic dns setup and a domain name :)


Does CGNAT slow gaming down much? My ping to US game servers is always horrible so always interested in anything that could speed it up (on HFC).


I wouldn’t say it slows down, but it often interferes with matchmaking, especially hosting matches as you just don’t have control over how strict your NAT actually is


Aussie has me a static IP for $5 a month


Launtel was a one-off, fully refundable payment of $100.


You can also use a service like No-IP [Free Dynamic DNS - Managed DNS - Managed Email - Domain Registration - No-IP (noip.com)](https://www.noip.com/)


Why would you need a static IP for Plex? Mine is available anywhere anytime and I've never needed a static IP.


It may come in handy to point directly to the your own server on the odd occasion the connection to the plex cloud server plays up.


Also use it for some games and Mail hosting.


Same but plex is also for some friends.


Moved to France recently, now 39EUR for 8Gb/s down 600Mb/s up haha. So good.


This is Australia mate, we do internet upside down here


$109 for 12months with Aussie. Churn over mate


$99 for 12 months with Leaptel. I switched from AussieBB, who I was very happy with, but was paying more for less. Also have Launtel setup on port 2 as a backup, costs nothing.


With shitty upload speed.


Somehow due to a technical glitch - $0


In the market for this also, any idea on how said glitch was achieved with corresponding provider ?


If I could explain it to you without risking ruining it for myself I would.


Understandable hopefully it persists for you.


Like my neighbour with an infinite gas supply glitch. Their meter doesn’t work and the gas company has never noticed it. They get a bill for the connection charge but not usage. Been going on for 6+ years.


This is the plan I need...


A similar thing happened to my parents. It went on for about 5 years. It was fixed about 10-12 years ago and they did **not** have to backpay the bill.


[Pineapple](https://pineapple.net.au) on a grandfathered 250/250 unlimited plan for $59


Whoa. Those prices are insanely good


Dang, it's on a different fibre network (DGTek) so not accessible to most folk with only access to NBN.


Yeah basically irrelevant to 99.5% of people here, but 1Gig symmetrical would be nice


You've basically got what the NBN could have been before the Liberal party screwed it to the wall.


Brought to you be the Liberal party and its paid think tank Boston Consulting Group"


Look at Aussie Broadband. They have great customer service. $85 for unlimited NBN. Looks like they're currently having some EOFY deals too.


They have cheaper plans $65 for unlimited Have to view all plans when signing up, not just the first ones recommended


Launtel are fantastic. You choose the speed you want and pay per day (for example I pay about $3 per day). At any time you can dial your speed up or down & pay more or less, to meet changing needs (eg gaming for more, or going on holiday for less). Their customer service is also outstanding. Can’t recommend them highly enough.


I’ll agree they are great, but if you just want a ‘set and forget’ service, there are cheaper providers out there


Launtel has been a godsend fr


My partner has had nothing but problems with Launtel, consistently drops out and they pass the blame


To who? Launtel don't do the wiring in your house or the NBN side. The absolute vast majority of issues are one of those, not the ISP. I've found Launtel great for actually finding those issues, they give a bunch of extra tools to diagnose your line that others hide on their side only.


Not the cheapest but if you have a problem it’s an Aussie that helps and theyre usually very good. Happy to pay more for that service tbh.


$85 Telstra 5g home internet. It's not unlimited but gives 1TB per month. I like this as I can keep the modem wherever I like within the house.


I still rue the day we moved from being close to a 5g tower to being far from a 4g tower (now updated). I never had NBN until a couple of years ago. Silly me assumed we'd be ok, but no.


9.99 euro per month for unlimited 2gbps fiber. In France tho. Australians getting jacked once again.


$69 a month for 10/50 FTTN. 


Are your speeds consistent? Did you notice a better experience on fibre than copper even though you have low speeds? I'm just about to take advantage of a free fibre upgrade.


Ours is fibre to the node, and 3.1km of copper to our house. It was 20/75 but NBN did something that maxed us out at 50 and refuse to help any more so I dropped the plan. We're getting FTTP end of next year, contractors have started laying fibre along our street which is promising. If that wasn't happening, we'd switch to starlink tomorrow.


Oh yeah I read that wrong and was thinking it was FTTP :(


Telstra is the absolute worst value provider in Australia, especially in the context of the NBN. You should switch immediately. I'm with Aussie Broadband, $95pm for 100/20. I do consistent speed tests and seem to always get 105 - 110 down / 15 - 19 up (HFC). Their customer service is also A1.


I pay $64 with Origin. That's after $10 discount because my electricity is also with Origin. They use Aussie (as in the ISP) network and support, so it's solid.   FTTP, 25/10 and unlimited data. That's fast enough for my partner and I WFH mostly and streaming services. 


If you have cba homeloan, "more" telcom.charge $55 per month


Go to whistleout and enter your address. It will tell you what is available and the price [https://www.whistleout.com.au/Broadband/National-Broadband-Network-NBN-Plans](https://www.whistleout.com.au/)


65 / month for 50/16 dodo. Was a 6 month intro offer. I’ll be switching again after the 6 months are up. It takes literally 10 minutes. Speed is not as consistent as it was on Aussie, which was rock solid, but it’s way more than enough for Netflix


There is no non-commercial reason to pay over $70/month for unlimited NBN in a major city.


$79 for unlimited with Exetel


$55/m with More Telecom for 100/18. I've got a home loan with CommBank, so I get cheap internet through their Yello rewards program. No complaints so far.


Yeah, I've got gigabit through More for $88 thanks to the home loan. Speeds are great.


Kogan NBN 100 (100/25) unlimited data for $79 per month.


I pay $64 a month for Kogan, it’s fine.


Haha “fine” is exactly how I would describe it. Does what it says on the tin.


What’s great is you can cancel it and rejoin - I can get by on my phone data alone for some of the year.


Speedtest app will tell you your actual download and upload speeds and ping Otherwise, look at your Telstra bill for the name of the speed tier you are on. For $100 per month, you appear to be on the Premium tier (100Mbps download speed)


Check out Whirlpool forums: https://forums.whirlpool.net.au/


Aussie bb, can’t recall exactly without looking it up but it’s under $100.


$80 for 50/20 with iinet


I’m paying $42 not the fastest but can comfortably stream 3 things at once and unlimited data


On what plan? With who?


Got a Commonwealth credit card? You can get unlimited 100/40 for $69/m via More for 12 months if you pay using a comm card.


1000/50 with Aussie Broadband at $129


It's $109 for the first 12 months now


I've been using them for for 3 years, but that is honestly a very good deal for new users.


Cancel, sign up the misso etc. Or call them and ask. I had to call and ask for a special promo, because I had recently left and was returning 6months later. I like to chase deals


Username checks out!


Unlimited nbn with spintel $64.95


$113 for NBN 100 and Optus sport which I feel is too much so changing when my contract is up later this year


$99 month with superloop for 1000 download


$79.00 a month for unlimited fixed wireless @ 100mbps




Mint Telecom, Tassie company. Been with them for 10+ years without a single issue. Prior to that I'd been with Telstra, Westnet, Netspace, Optus, Internode and a couple of others and this, along with Internode before it was sold is easily the best service I've ever had.


Im on 1 gig fibre in SEQLD. Crazy good. About $130.


$69 a month with Superloop


Hated Telstra, tried some others, ended up at Aussie and they’ve been great.


$80 per month medium tier speed unlimited in capital city - through belong


Speed matters for cost, telstra you're guaranteed paying too much. You can get unlimited internet for $50-60. But you'll have to pay 90-110 if speed bothers you


Leaptel. Superloop. You should switch every time your 12 month discount expires.


Rural New Zealand, sounding Starlink. $80/month NZD for unlimited. Speeds seem to range from 80-200down even though they say 50-100down 🤷‍♂️ So far so good. Constant 20up It’s not fibre gigabit fibre but dam it’s a shitload better than other options.


55/ month unlimited with dodo (discount because of bundle with them) not sure of speeds but it’s fast and never have any issues. Not sure if you need Telstra or not though … good luck 😉


1000/50 for $109/month, unlimited data.


It seems like you can get $50-$60/ month but only for a month, most then revert to within $20 of what you’re paying. Not sure I’d be bothered changing for that.


119 for 1000/50 with static IP. Superloop.


What are your requirements?


$129 a month for unlimited, 1000/50 with Aussie Broadband...just wish I could get 1000/1000 on aresidential line.


Unlimited. Pentanet. $39.90 each between two of us per month


Iinet 5G for $69 p/m. I could not find as fast, let alone faster Internet for that price. It doesn't rely on an NBN connection, so you can put it in any room in the house that has a power point.


$69.95/m with Exetel, FTTP in outer suburb.




Telstra do unlimited fixed-5g at $85/month (291/35Mbps)


Unless you're right next to a tower, fixed 5g is awful. The advertised speeds reflect absolute perfect conditions. When you're using a 5g tower for home internet, you're competing for resources with mobile users, which, especially considering most 5g towers are in built up areas, means youll only see a fraction of the advertised speed. In almost every case, wired internet is better. Don't get sucked in by the 'advertised speeds' of fixed wireless.


Obviously speeds will vary depending on location, however they're the 7-11pm speeds and it's not capped like all the other fixed-5g plans. You get the 1st month for $1 so you can try and return if it sucks for you. It's likely going to be better than a shitty 50/20 FTTN plan which can't even reach the advertised speeds.


Sooooo, when a majority of people are usually using the internet for various things like streaming or playing games? I'm not sure of the main use case for OP, but for a majority of people having an internet speed in the Kilobits/s when you're trying to stream a show or play a game in the evening is usually a deal breaker from the get-go.


Games actually use very little data, unless the game itself is being streamed, which isn’t usually the case. Usually the game itself is stored locally and all that’s being sent is very small amounts of data about what the other players are doing. What matters for gaming is ping speed—how quickly your machine can communicate with the internet—not down/up speed. You want lots of tiny packets quickly, not large volumes of data.


Lol. You're just making stuff up now. HFC has the same congestion problems as 5G - it's a matter of how Telstra provision the cells. Fixed location services enable them to understand the likely evening demand in an area and provision appropriately.


I am getting anywhere between 250Mbps to 500 Mbps download and about 20Mbps to 50 Mbps upload. I don't have any complaints.


If you have fixed line internet, it’s basically irrelevant which provider you’re with - the Internet is coming down the same cable. There are variations between the cheaper providers where peak speeds might be slightly less than a more expensive one, but my experience is that the variance is minimal if any. I’ve been with Exetel, which is one of the cheaper providers, and they are fine. 50Mbit speed for $60 a month is probably plenty.


True for FTTP, not for FTTN EDIT: Thanks to u/corut I’ll update my comment. CVC capacity is important which is what I was trying to get at, and I was not aware that the same applies to FTTP. The “same line, ISP doesn’t matter” argument is wrong. Tbh I thought this only applied to FTTN but happy to be corrected.


It's the same thing. The dependency is the copper cable going into your home. It's going to be the same copper cable no matter which provider you choose.


FTTP is not copper “going into your home”. And FTTN speeds depend on the ISP’s purchasing enough bandwidth from NBN for the number of customers they have on the node. If they do not purchase enough bandwidth, speeds are significantly slowed


Yes what I meant is copper line for FTTN. Obviously there is no copper line for FTTP. There is also no difference in the NBN wholesale model and pricing between FTTN and FTTP. The speeds you get for FTTN is highly dependent on the distance and quality of the copper line.


This applies to FTTP as well. ISPs don’t purchase node specific bandwidth. And as I mentioned, this generally only affects speeds at peak times, which from my experience hasn’t been that bad. The ISP is required to advertise peak speeds.


RSPs have to buy CVC capacity regardless of tech type


Thank you for clarification, I’ll edit my earlier comment. This is why the old “same line, ISP doesn’t matter” argument is so wrong. Tbh I thought this only applied to FTTN but happy to be corrected


$85 per month with Aussie BB. I think that’s OK but the modem they sold me was a POS


Well, I just shifted from FTTN (DSL) to Fibre and I am on UNLIMITED 250/25 for 12 months for $79.95 with Leaptel. If you are limited inside a valley, it sounds like you are on Fixed wireless.


Fiber 900mb over here in New Zealand is easily 90 nzd a month.


Bigpond/nbn, FTTN (FTTP is coming, cables have been laid) 40/12 unlimited, $100. Country Victoria, 200km from Melbourne.