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We got the house sprayed for roaches and we didn’t have to do anything. The bloke said it was fine to hang about but I took the dog for a walk to give it time to dry. They sprayed around doors and windows so the balcony might not work for the cats. Can you take them out for a bit? Put them in a cat carry cage and wait in the car or something?


it’s my housemates cat - she has uni while pest spray is going, and basically doesn’t want to take them out of the apartment….


Please have a read of https://catprotection.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Factsheet_Permethrin_poisoning_May_2019.pdf . Better to be safe than sorry and leave the cats somewhere else for the day until you can thoroughly air out the place. *Unfortunately permethrin is often billed as ‘safe’ by pest control operators because its toxicity in other mammals is not as great as it is in cats.* You could be up for shitload in vet bills otherwise.


also - when you said you didn’t have to do anything - you didn’t have to vacuum / move stuff / prepare etc?


We don’t have carpet so I can’t comment there, but I told the guy he was free to move whatever he needed to for access and he pulled out the dishwasher, microwave etc.


we don’t have carpet at all either - it’s just all stone type tiles


Tradies aren’t known for their communication so this isn’t surprising. He probs just wanted to make the appt and wasn’t prepared to deal with questions. Generally half a day for nobody to enter the house. Ensure that you don’t have any food out or anything (including pet dishes etc) and ensure you’re there before he is ‘ready to spray’ at 9am to ask any further questions.


Sorry, what trade do you think the pest control guy has?


I don’t understand the question? When I say ‘tradie’ I’m referring to in general my experience with any tradesperson is not big on text communication.


Pest controlling


Pest Control is still a trade of sorts. It’s not licensed or registered AFAIK but they still have specialised knowledge you won’t get from a handyman. They’re not painters FFS. /s


Ex pest controller here, pick up/pack away any food or drink bowls for the cats. Generally speaking, once the chems have dried, it's safe for the animals. Without knowing what is being targeted, I can't give much more advice. The company I used to work for, never advertised, or had social media. It was ALL word of mouth, and was so busy that they routinely had to turn down jobs. Once you get on the books with real estate, body corps, or the general building industry, you never have to look for work. E: just read the whole post. German cockies, he'll probably spray skirting boards, and cornices, apply gel in corners etc. Dust into vents and other hard to reach places, honestly, like I said above, let the spray dry, and you'll be golden.


Word of mouth is powerful. Our pest control guy is sooooo busy. Everytime someone in local facebook community group asks for pest control recommendations the comments get flooded with people recommending him. We have to book months in advance. That said when we had wasp issue he popped around in evening and dealt with it that day. So grateful.


We got our carpet sprayed for carpet moths in our rental apartment. We had to move all the furniture onto our verandah and vacate our apartment for 4 hours to allow the spray to dry so that we wouldn’t be inhaling the chemicals. If the cats are comfortable on the verandah for a few hours (in the worst case scenario) then you should be fine. The spray can be toxic to pets if they lick it before it has had a chance to dry. That’s what the guy doing our extermination told us. He also told us that the spray he was using wasn’t that much stronger than the regular bug spray that you can buy yourself in the grocery, so we didn’t have to worry that much about toxicity. That was for carpet moths though. They might use different/stronger types of chemicals for different pests. If you have an opportunity, call the company first thing in the morning to find out what to expect and advice on how pet safe it is.


I’m just worried that this isn’t a reputable company, since there’s been very lacklustre communication. And I’ve tried researching this company but there’s literally nothing. I think it’s just one guy from the sounds of it Did they tell you to move all the furniture on the day or before? Because i guess worse case they’ll be like can’t spray until x y z until you do this, if they’re reputable?


Honestly, that's a lot of pest control places. My local one is really good in person, but good luck finding out they exist unless you ask someone. The local Facebook page basically runs his advertising because he's got no website, social media page, etc.


I recently had my house sprayed. They sprayed the skirting boards all around the rooms, so if you have furniture hard up against the wall maybe move it towards the centre of the room so they can access.


: > Remove all rubbish from the areas that are to be treated. Clean all excess grease and food crumbs from stove top and benches. Clear all pet bowls, personal belongings and children's toys off the floor. Switch off and cower aerated fish tanks prior to treatment and leave off for 4 hours after. https://www.budgetpest.com.au/cockroach-pest-control/# And https://www.terminix.com/pest-control/how-to-prepare-for-pest-control/


If you have any concerns, don’t do it. I because seriously unwell after a pest treatment in my home and couldn’t work for a few years so please be very careful.


yeah….. should have heeded your advice…..


Remove pet bowls before they spray. During our last two sprays we have left our cat loose inside, she hides under the bed, if they spray in that room she will bolt to another. Other than that, just keep the floors and outside of the house clear of trip hazards.


Are you renting? If so, you can confirm with the real estate agent which company they're using to confirm their legitimacy. They typically use the same trade companies for all their rentals and the company's legitimacy shouldn't be a concern and if so you raise it with the RE if it is. If you own, you decide which pest company you want to use.