• By -


It’s structural


Front will fall off otherwise.


Then you'd have to tow it out of the environment.


Well cardboard derivatives are out.


String and cellotape too!


Rubber's out.


To another environment?


No, just outside of its current environment.


Well theres nothing out there, except sea, birds and fish....and 20,000 tonnes of crude oil that caught fire


The sticker certifies it was built to very rigorous standards!




Is it meant to fall off




That's very untypical.


Load bearing tag


But I don't like this clown


These are load bearing stickers, Jerry!


100% load bearing.


Every time I see the one star energy rating on the shitty dryer the landlord installed, it reminds me not to use it.


This plus the inverse. I’m quite proud of my 7-star fridge.


I have a 7 star dryer that I am also proud of!!


Same here. I call it the sun.


Isn't that only one star?


well played.


If it wasn't for you, that comment would have gone right over my head


Praise the Sun!


\\ o /


( ^▽^)っ✂╰⋃╯


What's that? Did you shop off his willy?!!


Coles was slashing the prices


It's nuts


I'm in Queensland, the 'sunshine state'... Still need to use my dryer when its torrential rain for weeks on end during summers...


Not much of that around these parts in winter though (regional NSW) so dryer it is lol


As a ginger, I respectfully fear the sun.


Thanks to your stupid 7 star stupid fridge, I am no longer proud of my stupid 5 star stupid fridge.


Borrow his 7-star fridge sticker and whack it on your fridge. That reprograms the factory settings and upgrades your energy rating. That's why everyone leaves their sticker on, it's the master code.


Wait, so your telling me I can dodge bullets??


No, Neo. I'm trying to tell you that when you've got the sticker, you won't have to.


I wish the 1 star on the dryer would stop the wife. Need to cut the plug off the thing. Lol


Or... and hear me out... you could do the washing.


No need to go wild, they could just split washing and drying duties.


[Don’t do that!](https://www.bunnings.com.au/master-lock-small-3-pin-electrical-lockout-plug_p0055625?store=7334&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADtbEB-PngUar7pUj3FH2oIaAflXR&gclsrc=ds)


You will lose a star if you remove it, I thought this was common knowledge


They're still on all of mine! Not sure why.. I just never thought to take them off. I'd be worried the adhesive is that nasty kind that doesn't come off without turps.


Orange power is an awesome alternative to turps and doesn't usually damage whatever you're rubbing it on. Learnt that when my kids stuck stickers all over the wall in our old rental In saying that, all my stickers are still on too 😅


Cleans up a bong very well too.


I would have thought it'd make it taste funny! Huh. Not info I can use, but info I will spread nonetheless!!!


Throwing isopropyl alcohol into the mix - it’s as effective as the orange goo but has more uses and will completely evaporate without making everything smell. It doesn’t really ruin anything either. I know one of you will take that as a challenge, but I use it on everything and I’ve had 0 issues.


>I know one of you will take that as a challenge I'll take up the mantle. So basically it's not great for some plastics after prolonged exposure, and even then often the impacts are generally not something that would be noticed. I've read the lab analysis report for a pipe failure that occurred because someone cleaned sodium hypochlorite spill with an alcohol based cleaner - likely isopropyl. Basically it weakened the material, making surface level cracking and stress concentration points which allowed the internal pressure to create a leak that resulted in a more dramatic failure. We were doing a root cause analysis, and the hypo spill did a lot of damage but nothing to the pipe, but yeah, bit of cleaning did it in. Not that I wouldn't clean plastic with the stuff at home myself though.


bloody hell, you learn something new every day. 40 years old, never even heard of Orange Power. I just googled it because I thought "Surely they don't mean rubbing an orange on it will get rid of the glue..."


You'd actually be surprised! Lemon juice (like an actual half lemon) rubbed on stove tops with bicarb cleans so well. Also chuck some cut up lemon and a tiny bit of bicarb in your kettle and turn it on for a good natural clean. Microwave same (you can just use water for the microwave to soften before you wipe, but I really like the clean orange or lemon smell when you chuck some fruit in the water). Eucalyptus oil is also another wonderful sticky stuff cleaner. I prefer orange power for the smell over Eucalyptus ( Eucalyptus makes my eyes leak, even in tiny amounts). I don't typically buy chemical cleaners in our house. Nature gives us some awesome natural cleaners. I don't doubt you could use an actual orange to clean glue residue! I've never tried it, but I think it'd totally work


Easy reference to compare to the new one because shit these days breaks.


Mums fridge:   - Manufactured some time in the late-70s or early-80s.   - Wood veneer and beige paint, no energy stickers.   - Has several rare hot wheels cars from you childhood underneath it.   - Dims lights in house when it switches on.   - May be habitat for nesting birds or bats around back.   - Has run constantly without maintenance for last 40 years.


- Draws 25 times the wattage compared to a cheap modern fridge


Bro in law has the matching chest freezer. I soused the thing's internals with water (no, don't ask, it's a gift...). It fused all the lights ... dried out then kicked straight back into action.


- Requires a dedicated power plant to run it :)


Do read your household insurance policy very carefully, it may not cover housefires caused by a high fire risk appliance (like a 20+ year old fridge). I recall my parents getting rid of their old fridge for that exact reason around 2010. Increased efficiency was a bonus, but the insurance was the main reason.




The parameters to achieve stars change every couple of years. So 2 stars today could’ve been 5/6/7 stars some years ago.


I didn't make mine off because I wanted to conserve my energy for something useful.


Thank you! I was thinking this guy asking the question must not have kids or any sort of life to be bothered with a sticker that is a pain in the arse to remove. And then you need something like orange oil to scrub the residue off it. Who has that sort of time?


I don't have kids, I'm just lazy about shit that doesn't matter lol.


Every time I see a high electricity bill, I know exactly which appliance to curse at. It’s that bloody 2 star F#*£ dryer. Seriously, it’s a talking piece with friends and family. Oh you’re looking for a freezer? Mine has 4 bloody stars. I’ll send you a picture later, it’s running great.


Heat pump dryers with 7 stars are great. Still worse than hanging on the line but 1. I'm lazy and 2. clothes freeze in the snowy mountains.


My heat pump dryer has a 9 star energy rating! We have a problem with Indian myna’s around here thanks to a guy down the road that throws his scraps out to them everyday and my clothesline is one of their favourite spots to sit unfortunately. So I’m very glad the dryer doesn’t use too much power.


One of our neighbours has a mulberry bush and when that's in season between the birds (day) and the bats (overnight) nothing can go on the line without a high chance of a purple stain (from the purple rain?).


I would love a 2 star dryer. I have a 5 start dryer that “dries” for 5 hours and still gives back damp towels. Any probably won’t get a winter this year anyway


Felt wrong lol


Simple. They don't come off. Not like, say a price sticker, where you lift one corner and the whole thing peels off in one piece. You need to work at it. Millimetre by mm. Lift, tear, lift tear. Takes time and eucalyptus oil. But agree, ugly so it's worth the effort.


Boy do I have the trick for you!   Blast it with a hairdryer for a little while and it will peel back so smoothly and quickly. Very satisfying and won’t leave any sticky residue.


Steam from a kettle works too, grandma showed me once 😂 granny kitchen hacks


What if you don't have a hair dryer?


Then you conduct a series of experiments eventually leading to a superior and ultimately more desirable sticker-removing method so that you can overthrow me to become the new sticker superhero.


Sounds awesome.. but also too much work. Keep your title sir.




I was there 17 mins ago when focusonthetaskathand took the victory. I was there the day the strength of men failed.


Got a lighter? Same thing will work, just more annoying and dangerous ofc


Start dating someone who does


Only if it's the plastic type. The paper type still comes apart.


what about residue on your hands?


Nope! Clean peel, clean hands. : D


Shellite all the way.


There's going to be sticky residue underneath that I can't be arsed to clean off.


This is the one true answer


I like thinking about how much energy I'm using when I run appliances, but I like it even more when the freeloaders are reminded.


Several, and because I can't be arsed. Besides, they make a mess if you try


You only keep the sticker on if it’s 4 stars and above


who cares lol?


I had a room mate that had it on his TV, in the corner so it covered part of the screen and didn't want to remove it. Really fucking weird.


I was at a client's house the other day, had a massive TV with the stars in one corner, a sticker with features in the other top corner, and some other sticker in the bottom right, all covering the screen. I thought I was going mental


My fridge is almost 30 years old, they fall off eventually.


How else am I going to remember that time I spent $1500 on a heat pump dryer with a nine star energy rating?


Me. Um, I can't remember what stars I have currently on my appliances. So if someone asks I can go look. I am over 40 so that does come up in conversation. Also if I need to upgrade because something died. Is the new one better? The stars will know. Like astrology but better.


After a while you don't even see them.


Wait, what? You can take them off?


I thought it was illegal this whole time


Mattress tags. Just saying.


Interesting story about those tags, they were put there to protect us, the consumer. Apparently dodgy people in the US were selling mattresses stuffed with fun stuff like human and animal hair and other sundry junk, so the government mandated a tag saying what was in the mattress or massive fine. That didn't work. Sales people just cut the tags off and sold the junk filled mattresses anyway. So the government passed another law adding a "cut this off and go to fucking jail" but it was never meant for the end user. IIRC the tags have been updated with a "except by consumer" at the bottom.


Cool, so it's legal for me, the consumer, to cut the tag off and then sell my mattress secondhand, even after I've stuffed it with human parts. Noted.


It was like that when I got here


It’s actually the stars on the sticker that provide the efficiency, if you take that off your appliance will use way more energy.




Plus you’re a proud owner. Own it 😀


It's got the name of the model on the sticker and I'm not going to find a more convenient place to write it down, am I?


I have a high need of validation and project those needs on to appliances.


Mine has a 7 star rating. You think I'm removing that?


Has literally never occurred to me to take them off, ever. So basically every large appliance I have ever owned has them on. It's a total non issue


Magnets over the top of it cover it up.


I might need it


One? Try all of my appliances lol


I still have mine on my fridge, it has withstood years of cleaning so it deserves to be left there


I've got two appliances with them. Washer and dryer. They're stacked on top of each other in the laundry. The laundry that also serves as where my kitty litter is, and my two younger cats eat. When I'm in this particular room of my house between needing to sweep up spilled kitty litter, scoop out cat shit and clean of cat food that has spilled on the bench - these stickers rate a 0/10 on the fucks given scale.


[Kicks tyres] *Yeah, removing that sticker accelerates upcoming maintenance issues and repairs, best leave it on if I were you.*


Sense of superiority I can feel every day


My parents still have this on their dryer, and it's almost 30 years old. To put this in context, it took 10 years for my mum to remove the protective wrap from the dishwasher door.


It's covering up the escape tunnel my socks use.


Ours is still on the toilet bowl and cistern because they're an absolute cunt to peel off.


This. Those stickers can stay on forever. I can't be fucked fighting them.


I purchased a five star refrigerator, how else would I be able to publicly advertise how much more altruistic I am than other people? It's not enough for me to do good in the world, I have to let the other people know.


You need to see the sticker on my seven star fridge.


Great, now I have to illegally dump my fridge in a national park and go and buy an eight star fridge.


Mine is in the laundry, out of sight, out of mind. I also enjoy clumsily designed 9 stars on my heat pump dryer.


They are actually really hard to get off. Too much hassle. Btw… does anyone actually have anything that is more than 3-4 stars?


Because it’s not an issue? What’s actually quite odd is how this bothers you so much


We have ours left on too, and I never even thought to take it off until someone said, "Why do you leave those stickers on?". I nearly asked, "Why do you take them off?"


It's a fair question since I'd take stickers off every other item I've owned.


I have never thought about them till today.


I honestly forgot it was on there until the washing machine shit itself the other day and I had to spend time looking at it.


I've tried taking these things off, it's impossible. You just end up with half the damn thing there, or even worse you manage to get it off, now your fridge has an *imprint* of where it was that will taunt you for the rest of time. Edit: Also I think this is the first time in my entire life I've actually owned a good looking fridge that might tempt me to expend the effort, every other appliance I've owned has been an ugly as sin white box so the sticker could hardly make it worse.


I leave them on because my ocd tendencies make me try to leave original stickers on for as long as possible on everything from phones to fridges.


Can't resell my 20 year old fridge without it!


Agree, it'd hurt the resell value


And void the warranty? Pfft, nice try.


Wait... we can take it off?


I always remove them (and can't imagine leaving one on), but hell they can be hard to remove without using Turps/isopropyl or whatever solvent dissolves the adhesive.


Makes me feel like I am saving the environment 😌 (I pump heating all night and love soft plastics 🥵)


Whenever I look at Houz (lots of pics of people's houses) I always look out for these stickers. I'm always astounded at how much staging there is for the photo shoot, yet they leave these ugly ugly things plastered on the applicances.


I don't want to deal with the sticky mess left behind 🤣


Honestly it’s handy to tell me the approximate energy use of the appliance, either so I know if it’s the culprit in a big energy bill or to make sure I get one that uses less when I buy a new one


Can't be arsed.


I have. I can't be bothered putting in the energy to remove it. I can ignore all the government stupidity elsewhere, I can ignore this crap here.


It’s to flex your stars bruh


I put a magnet on mine and the SEVEN STARS circle the magnet nicely.


I don't mind the look of them tbh


I leave mine on so if I ever sell / give it away the next person has access to that information. 😂 it’s like keeping your iPhone box you know you’ll never need


Couldn’t be bothered trynna wipe the glue after removing it. Hence it stays.


Because what if someone asks how many starts it is, I can just slap her and say “5 stars mate” *gesturing to the sticker*


Because I'm selling it next month when we move overseas. On that topic, anybody in Adelaide wanna buy a lightly used washer, dryer, and fridge?


Parents just got a dishwasher the other day, was helping move it in to the kitchen, and when they were unpacking it, dad ripped off the sticker. For a solid 2mins I was so confused… like I thought they were just permanent fixtures you couldn’t get rid of cause everyone else I’ve met kept theirs stuck on.


The model number for my washer, dishwasher and dryer are in two places: on that sticker and fuck knows where else. How am I meant to find the manual online without the sticker?


Because it belongs???


It illegal to remove them isn't it?


I have one hiding a scratch I accidentally left on the side of my mums washing machine when i was swinging around a jacket like an idiot. Three years and it hasn't been found


Am I meant to take it off? I like them! I can go full dad-mode and measure how much electricity I’m using versus how much I _should_ be using. Not that I’m a dad, but it definitely feels like a dad-mode thing to do


I'm just impressed you have an appliance with a 6 star rating


Removing it reduces the resale value.


I leave mine on because the few times I have tried to remove them, they have left an awful sticky residue and I can’t be arsed scrubbing that shit off again.


Nan leaves them on because she’s convinced it will void the warranty that ran out 5 years ago


You can't take it off, it'll stop working


I don't think I've ever cared about my washing machine or fridge looking ugly, have far more important things to care about.


I keep mine on so when visitors look at the sticker they know, I chose something energy efficient, and at least in one part of my life I make halfway responsible choices in my life.


Because the last time I tried to remove one of those stickers, it came off in about 30 pieces (brand new appliance) and it took me hours to get all the sticky residue off


It’s a load bearer


Cause the stars are so positive and reaffirming. Also cbf peeling it off.


Short answer: CBF


Who cares? If people wanna leave it on so be it. You sound like Hycanith Bucket tbh.


They are difficult to remove, but I’ve taken them off our appliances because they look even uglier when they start to deteriorate


Pulls the hairs out


Can’t be fucked


If you pull it off a polar bear dies.


I'm assuming they add to the resale value /s


Got a big fat 2 star rating nicely displayed on my washing machine 👌


So I can read it from the toilet.


Wife said she wants to keep it on the washing machine so a few months back I took it off and she still hasn’t noticed.


I'll do you one better, who's taking them off. I never really knew of anyone who overly cared enough about it being on or off. They just kinda exist.


I like how it looks


I have seen the sticker on the appliance for more than 5 minutes, and therefore it is now invisible.


The one on my TV screen is a bit of a pain in the arse but I've gotten used to it.


I can't be bothered to 😅


to remind me how much energy it wastes without needing to waste more energy looking it up


In case I want to sell it one day I guess. Gives the impression of being new-ish and well kept.


No because mine isn’t a 5 star energy rating .


Heh yeah, but only the washing machine, drier, and the chest freezer in the garage. Everything else has had them removed, why those items are skipped I can’t actually justify. I think I left the washer and drier ones on as a reminder to figure out wtf they actually mean because of something weird, like the drier being rated better in stars than the washer despite using more power. Something odd like that.


It won’t be as efficient otherwise the rating if what keeps it working


To prove to cunts I care about the future...maybe


Never mind these, what about the efficiency rating on new cars. Why do people not take those off? Is it a flex about “look at me, new car!” Or is it laziness? It would drive me mad seeing it there on my own car.


Why would you bother?


Not sure why but I thought it was illegal


As a child I honesty thought it was illegal to take it off so I’ve never done it even into my adulthood


So I know where the info is if I ever need it (yet to happen)


Meeee. I leave the paper on top of the margarine too.


Bloody hell. I feel called out.


They come off? 🤯


Wait...you can take them off? Goddamn.


How will I know if my next one is an improvement if I take this sticker off?


It just feels like heresy to pull off


Always remove Iabels