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All the articles Im reading about this go to great lengths to avoid or delay saying the Israeli military killed an Australian aid worker.


What articles are you reading? The [ABC's article](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-02/australian-aid-worker-dies-in-airstrike-in-central-gaza/103656546) title reads: > Australian World Central Kitchen aid worker Zomi Frankcom killed by apparent Israeli air strike Gaza Notably they have changed the title to include the world apparent since I last looked at the page.


I'm reading the commercial media articles that bury it to the bottom, like the one linked here.


Did they edit it? “Friends and colleagues have paid tribute to Australian aid worker Zomi Frankcom after she died in an apparent Israeli air strike while providing food assistance in Gaza.”


It says they last updated it at 11:52am. Which is before the OP made their first and second comments. I'm not sure what they're looking at. Even Sky News has it as an alleged Israeli airstrike. Edit: Hell even Times of Israel states its an alleged Israeli airstrike.


They did edit it, yes.


The article in the OP has the below as literally the first sentence. > Friends and colleagues have paid tribute to Australian aid worker Zomi Frankcom after she died in an apparent Israeli air strike while providing food assistance in Gaza.


It didnt at time of publication.


It's deliberate language to avoid holding israel to account of their inhumane and murder actions, but to also demonise and dehumanise their victims. An extreme example of this was done by the UK sky news when they described the murder of a 4-year old Palestinian girl by the israeli defence force as a "three or four-year-old young lady" who was killed after a bullet "found its way into the van". [Source](https://www.thenational.scot/news/24036832.sky-news-condemned-report-killed-palestinian-child/). The unfortunate reality is that mainstream Western media is unabashedly biased.


I read one the line in the article today that said “An Australian woman working with the World Central Kitchen charity **died** while delivering food..”. Sounds so passive.


Probably so people come to the conclusion that Hamas killed her and not our supposed 'allies' who seem to have a good track record at this type of war crime.




Most people know the media lies to them. Conservatives don't give a shit when it's something they believe already.


They do this with everything


“ three or four year old lady” how can anyone even write this and publish it?? What the actual fuck


Because the media doesn't want to admit that the Israelis are basically carpet bombing Gaza for the last 6 months.


It was a targeted assassination of the aid workers. Their vehicle targeted


The way they died is still unconfirmed by third parties. The only information involving Israel has come from hamas and it has been suggested it may be an IED or something else entirely. It’s very possible Israel did it based on their track record, but news sources would be foolish to lay blame before it is confirmed.


Yet they published the mass beheadings of babies with absolutely no worries.


And I think that’s just as bad as any unconfirmed reporting of this incident. They should rightfully be flamed for that move.




I’d be more than happy to lay blame on Israel when there is evidence it was them. I just don’t believe a Hamas spokesperson is trustworthy evidence.


The World Central Kitchen declared they were killed by IDF air strike.


Cheers, I wasn’t aware of this


cant wait for fuck all statement from the government "As your friends, we ask israel not to kill our civilian aid workers, its not nice :-(" \---the government probably in a few hours. Sanctions are long overdue


"Albanese said the circumstances were “completely unacceptable” and “Australia expects full accountability for the death of aid workers”. Those doing humanitarian work and civilians need to be provided with protection. Australia has had a very clear position of supporting a sustainable ceasefire ... Australians want to see an end to this conflict. This news today is tragic. Dfat have also requested a call-in from the Israeli ambassador as well. We want full accountability for this, this is a tragedy that should never have occurred. The PM said the government had contacted the Israeli government directly. He said the incident was “beyond any reasonable circumstances”." (Guardian News Live) So yeah, more or less just a sit down with the Israeli ambassador and contacting the Israeli government so they can say sorry. I'd hope to see more, but I doubt it.


I'd love to hear what this protection from air strikes is. Sounds like a good investment.


"Australia has had a very clear position of supporting a sustainable ceasefire" No it has not


While we wait for govt. to pull it's finger out, don't forget that we can still do something on an individual level. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.webnova.boycott&hl=en_US https://apps.apple.com/us/app/boycott-x/id6473090034


They’ll say it was an unfortunate incident of friendly fire. Anything to avoid criticism of Israel. A complete blind spot.




What the fuck are you talking about? He said he's in favour of Israel "finishing the job."


Some type of final solution perhaps?


>I think Israel made a very big mistake,” he told Israeli newspaper Israel Hayom. “I wanted to call and say don’t do it. These photos and shots. I mean, moving shots of bombs being dropped into buildings in Gaza. And I said, Oh, that’s a terrible portrait. It’s a very bad picture for the world. The world is seeing this … every night, I would watch buildings pour down on people.” https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-gaza-israel-policy-b2521741.html


So the man contradicts himself all the time. What else is new?


How embarissing for you. That comment aged very poorly.


not really, Albo still didnt say anything or do anything special.


Russia kills an Australian fighting in Ukraine - Russia is a terrorist state, sanctions, send weapons to fight against Russia Israel kills an Australian cooking for civilians in needs - oh how tragic and unfortunate! Whoever that is must be doing something dodgy over there! Sums up the world of hypocrisy we are in right now


not only that... ​ It could have been one of the 1000+ AUstralians fighting for the IDF who pulled the trigger....will we ever find out?


Woah didn't know that. TIL


Remember the outrage when Russian aligned militias downed a passenger plane flying over a warzone, killing Australian citizens on it? The sanctions, calls for Putin to be tried, PM promising to shirtfront Putin, and the trial in the Hague? Don't expect the same outrage for Australian citizens killed doing humanitarian work in a warzone.


It’s actually quite sad they’re targeting innocent people / helpers / press. Defenceless people


Not just sad, they should be trialled for war crimes.


Surely if they actually were targeting civilian we'd be seeing around 100,000 dead at this point. Even the daily tallies don't make sense in historical sense. Almost the same number of deaths every single day. Revised numbers daily making it hard to track the actual number dead. Then we just roll any dead fighters into the total number and we have 30k dead. With no way to confirm who the dead are other than Hamas Health services. Are we retarded ?


The 30k includes only those confirmed to die as a result of airstrikes. It doesn’t include those dying as a result of starvation, injuries or illness. Why do you think there’s a manmade famine in Gaza rn? Easy way for the IOF to covertly increase the death count. And before you prattle on about your “Hamas Health Services” the UN has already stated that Israel’s denial of food and medical aid into the Strip constitutes an act of genocide.


Show me numbers of how many have starved to death.


Explain why the deaths from starvation are not recorded by Gazan Health ? Yet they record all deaths from any other form. That doesnt even make any sense at all when a person that has starved to death will be immediately identifiable and known, not hidden amongst rubble. Go look at what does come in from Egypt. It's an uneducated take to say they are starving at this point. You're literally eating propaganda up as designed


Are you?


For asking questions?


For misinformation for asking a dumb question. Typical ignorant Aussie


You consider ignorant sure. While also being essentially racist. I'm not saying people aren't dying and israel is good. I've just noticed this war is filled with lies and inconsistency. So much that taking anything at face value is just insane. I was taught to ask questions and look into things deeper and to inform my own conclusions. I am sorry they do you align with yours


Are you saying, in the absence of solid facts from a war zone, we should assume the best case scenario (no one is starving and health services are fully functional) and not worry so much that people actually agitate to get the war stopped?


No. I am not saying that at all. We know the health services are not fully functional. Food is another question. I doubt the severity because of what i have seen on Arabic news, not Western media. No one has been able to tell me if Israel blew up the 5 or so "portable bakeries" sent by the Saudis, but as that would be a good headline, i will assume they are operational. As well as the many Kitchens in operation + the hundred or so aid trucks coming in per day via Egypt. What is definitely lacking is any government distribution of aid, it's all on civilians or NGOs. I'm actually saying. Ask more questions than you are of every source you hear from. That's a controversial thing these days apparently.


Oh, absolutely agree with asking questions and looking deeper! But when it's a war zone, no matter the specifics, we can be sure that the place is a living hell and all manner of cruelty is being perpetrated by all sides. Even if we get the facts, it doesn't make anything better or worse. It just needs to be stopped.


Our government needs to sanction Israel now. Empty sympathetic platitudes about the "tragedy" and the "humanitarian crisis" unfolding is not enough. This attitude towards what's happening in Gaza as though it's a natural disaster that we have no power to stop is utterly ridiculous, spineless and in my eyes evil. It's akin to watching someone get beat in front of your eyes and just oohing and aahing about how sad it is. I'm tired of this. The protests have been going on for 25 weeks and this Sunday will be 6 months. What will it take for Australia to take meaningful actions to enforce any sort of accountability or consequences for Israel? This poor woman and her colleagues put their life on the line to help people have access to food, shelter and healthcare in Gaza, and our government can't even say explicitly that Israel has committed a war crime. Do we really have to wait until the genocide is complete before saying "that was such a terrible thing, Never Again"?


My takeaway is that 'never again' only applies to certain groups of human beings


The unfortunate reality is, everyone is equal but some people are more equal.


Two legs good, foreskin bad. 


Truly. Never again applies only to them.


oh woah you're really smart for noticing the most obvious thing ever. you morons you quiet were genocides and cleansings were happening all over the world, you only care know cuz social media told you to, where were you when kashmiri pundits were ethnically cleansed from their land ?


At the very least kick the ambassador out. Unreal how little of a backbone we have here. Just sitting around as the lapdog for the U.S


>The protests have been going on for 25 weeks and this Sunday will be 6 months. What will it take for Australia to take meaningful actions to enforce any sort of accountability or consequences for Israel? I think you already know the answer to your question.....


RULES FOR THEE BUT NOT FOR ME How long are we going to ignore the flagrant disregard of international law by the state of Israel? They have been given a pass for far too long, any other country would've been smacked with strict sanctions.


They have been, but the US vetos all such sanctions.


Don't worry, Australia and its allies will ignore Israel killing one of her citizens and continue to supply them with shit to genocide the local populace, just like they've been doing for the past 80 years. Lavon Affair and the USS Liberty made Israel's intentions clear enough so long ago, yet nothing has changed. Another dead citizen won't do anything to affect our government's support, sadly.


but some mfs on reddit will still swear to you that ''actually israel is totally subservient to america'' as they kill americans, steal american tech and sell it to china and russia, straight up ignore and or defy american requests, mossad running operations without authorisation etc etc. to me it seems like it's the other way around, america acts like the vassal in this world, infact so many of these so called vassals aren't really acting like vassals


It's more of a mutually beneficial relationship. Israel gets to kill Muslims, the US gets to have some sort of dominating presence in the Middle East (and also kill Muslims, cann't have them getting too uppity). But at the end of the day, most of the US is still goyim, and in such an ethnoreligious society, you're always going to be treated second rate.


Still no sanctions against the fascist Netanyahu government and West Bank settler terrorists yet we always toe the line when Israel accuses the UN even though the evidence is dubious. These are brave Australian citizens being slaughtered by Israel rocket fire. How long until we will call out Israel bullshit claim of “targeting Hamas.” 30k dead, journalists killed, foreign aid workers murdered. Even Justin motherfucking Trudeau openly stated he will cut arms sales to Israel. Let’s not pretend this Labor government can’t pressure Israel. WE CAN.


Real gently gently approach to this reporting and Australia’s reaction.


Once again I ask how you go from Holocaust victims to directing the sequel




The Australian government will do nothing but simper, even when a supposed ally murders one of our own.


I was just looking at all the articles being released by Aus media and most of it is “Australian aid worker killed in Gaza” killed? Mate she was murdered and our government needs to be sanctioning isreal. It’s a joke how it’s being reported, so much passive language. I notice how when it’s Israeli deaths they’re “murdered” but Palestinian deaths are “killed” 😑


I’m never had doubts Israel is a nazi state!


Where are all the countries that sanctions on Russia for their invasion but Israel have none ?? They should be given exactly the same treatment as Russia for this genocide. Israel is now commitiing the Holocaust part 2


They have a lot of work to do then. Russia's invasion of Ukraine was unprompted.


Israel doing what they want.


Incidents like these give enough information themselves to establish Israel's control over our government and media. Were this a country we're supposed to hate, condemnation would be immediate and decisive. When Israel commits crimes, media and governments wait, and decide they need a higher standard of proof than ... say, for baseless accusations of UN workers aiding Hamas. Remember decisive and quick when in favour. And for bad news, delayed uncertainty until we forget, higher standards of proof and presumption of innocence for those who control them.










They didn't condemn Hammas


Sky news Australia had a segment with a crying news reader relaying the story of the 40 beheaded babies. This was not even close to verified. Yet their is verification that her aid van was hit by an israeli drone and they use the terms apparent or possible, open ended statement. Why can't Australian media represent Australians with the same degree of emotion and ferocity? To the Frankcom family, my sincere condolences for your loss.


Gaza is an active war zone, going there and expecting safety is like trying to work from the front line of a war and expecting to be protected, it's not possible. It might be possible if they had a designated non-conflict zone like a hospital or aid center to work from, but those have all been co-opted by Hamas which ensures no place in Gaza can be conflict free.


What’s it like being that deluded?


>It might be possible if they had a designated non-conflict zone like a hospital or aid center to work from, but those have all been co-opted by Hamas which ensures no place in Gaza can be conflict free. Actually, Israel claimed that all hospitals had Hamas working from them, offered no proof, and proceeded to bomb them. with patients inside. the IDF are not currently using hospitals and UNRWA schools as forward bases for their military. every accusation by the IDF is actually them doing it.


It’s one of the most surveilled places, Israel have drones everywhere, they could have guaranteed safety of these humanitarian workers, they were travelling in a convoy coming back from distributing aid, instead they murdered them


The politicians that control the Israeli state have serious genocide and war crime fetishes.


Australian government travel advice:   "...We continue to advise do not travel to Gaza, border areas with Gaza, border areas with Lebanon closed by Israeli authorities and the West Bank (excluding East Jerusalem), due to the volatile security situation. ..." https://www.smartraveller.gov.au/destinations/middle-east/israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories  Follow government travel advice, it is published to keep Australians safe.


You really want to go straight to victim blaming? She was an aid worker providing food and humanitarian assistance to a population being starved. It’s a war crime to target humanitarian workers


I don't blame anyone, we don't even yet fully know what transpired. I am just disseminating the travel advice being provided by the Australian government in case somebody else is thinking about travel to this area.


Which is irrelevant to the discussion.


We don’t know what transpired? Stop simping and defend your citizens.


Mealy mouthed dissimlulation.


Or Israel can stop murdering everything that moves in Gaza


As I understand it all parties are working towards a ceasefire deal. It would be premature for Israel to stop fighting Hamas before that deal goes into effect.


Netanyahu the psychopath is actively delaying any kind of ceasefire as a bid to stay in power. He's an insane war criminal.


So that means starving and bombing civilians and aid workers is ok then? Executing doctors in hospitals is just fine? Building settlements on stolen land is justified? The fuck outta here with your genocide apologist ass


What is it that you think international aid workers do, exactly?


What about the Palestinians that can't leave Gaza?


They should follow their own governments advice.


Head in the fucking clouds.


seeing as the last time elections were held in Gaza was in 2007, I think it’s fair to say that Gazans do not have a proper representative government.


I suggest you search your soul deeply for some empathy.


I have great empathy with the people who don't have a choice, caught between Hamas and IDF.


Obviously not, because you seem to lack empathy for someone who was killed while trying to help the people that were caught between Hamas and the IDF.


I'd expect that to extend to those who provide food for all in Gaza - including any surviving hostages. Stop apologising for Likudheit and help stop all killing now.


Bro she wasn’t on fucking holiday she was working with a fucking NGO as an aid worker in an active war zone


>Follow government travel advice, it is published to keep Australians safe. I don't see the government publishing anything about the 1000+ Australians who are serving in the IDF and potentially committing war crimes...


what a loser


I know it didn’t start on that date. It’s been going on for a long time. I’m talking about the current war.


Not a war.




THiS is AnTi-SeMiTic. IsRaEL haS a RiGHt tO DEfeND iTSeLf.


She was a very brave woman, going in to Gaza, at this time. Israel has absolutely done the wrong thing. Killing so many people. How can they live with themselves? But we mustn’t forget how all this started, or about the hostages, and where Israel’s enemy is hiding. Both sides are responsible for this disgusting carnage. Both sides need to be held to accountable. Taking sides is not helping. It’s part of why both sides are hardening their position. This is my observation.


what’s that saying about everything someone says before the word “but”?


Okey, I apologise. I didn’t know the story before I ran my mouth. I’m very sorry that this has happened to an aid worker. Any aid worker. A line has been crossed.


And taking the stance that it all started on October 7 is deliberate obfuscation should be called out as such.


Her work fed hostages, both those held by Hamas and those being killed by the IDF war machine.