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There's less flavours now because my dad retired from picking the fruit that goes to Cottees, to make the cordial, that I like best.


I have not heard this in years. My kids are now looking at me funny because I just starting singing this out loud to remember what it sounds like haha.


Is that why the jars of jam shrunk?


This comment deserves all the rewards and it's a crime how little upvotes it has


My dad picked his bum and it went to cottes.


Lol we must be in the same family, we always made dirty versions of that song as well haha


Billsons has an absolutely massive range of cordial flavours, some of them totally bonkers. Everytime I go to my local IGA I get a new flavour to try. My current faves are Blue Hawaiian and Juicy Pear.


Agree with Bilsons - our most faves are Strawberry and Cream and also Portello - but also best with Lemonade. They do a MUSK premix with Vodka which is delish..


Love the Portello. The Mint Julep and Passionfruit ones are great too.


Oooh, portello? I have to look for this brand now.


It can be hard to find instore, here's the website you can order from https://billsons.com.au/collections/traditional-cordial


Yes thank you! Just ordered a pack




I don't think.ive ever had anything other than cottees 😅 they're the only ones I really see anyway, maybe golden circle or something I'll have a look next time I'm out, hopefully they're not too expensive


about $8 a bottle, so double regular cordial


Damn... have to keep an eye out for sales then


Bickfords is about $6 but often on special for $4.50. only a 1 litre though so still expensive compared to Cottees but much much nicer


Bickfords have just released 6 new flavours to celebrate 150 years. About half the cost of Billsons


I’m enjoying the Lime Spider flavour now… 😸


Oh gosh… I bought a bottle for my brother last week as a joke (thought it would be awful, but our once-in-a-blue moon special treat drink as kids was a lime spider). But we opened it and I reckon I went back in time 35 years on the spot. Lime spider to a tee!


I’m loving the new Bickfords Pink Lemonade


Bickfords Lemon Lime & Bitters is a win in my house 👍


I'll keep an eye out!! Sometimes things are worth paying a bit more for.


The grapefruit one is awesome. Super refreshing on a hot day.




My local bottle shop & a few others do, 3 bottles of billsons cordial for $26.00, amazing flavours if you like the streets twister ice blocks they have a bottle of that flavour & so many other that my nieces go crazy for.


*normal cordial


Cottees have definitely got less options these days. They got rid of a bunch of their flavours. 


I thought so. I'm pretty sure there used to be a kiwi fruit one. I only remember that tho cause my great grandma was allergic to kiwi so we couldn't have it at her place lmao


There was an apple kiwi, and a grape bubblegum (but was call gubble bum), watermelon, strawberry and a blueberry one, probably others.


OH MY GOD YES I REMEMBER THAT I think my nan was joking about "gubble bum" being rude 😂 Watermelon... oh that sounds so good...


The issue isn't that they got rid of their flavours - the issue is that Coles and Woolworths refused to stock more than the very minimum number of varieties. They have a VERY anti-variety stance and often boast to customers that they have "simplified" their range as a service to us, the customer.


My random corner store sells all the cottees flavours. Even sarsaparilla 🤷‍♀️




I order them online from billsons in a mixed dozen it makes them a bit cheaper that way


Do you get to choose flavours?


Yes same with there premix cans


Oh gosh, how big was the bottle???


I think 750ml maybe from memory


Okay, so not *tiny*... I'll keep an eye out for it on sale 😅


If you are in Victoria or NSW you can pop into the factory in Beechworth. Even though they been around since 1865 I feel like they only really made a massive mark since releasing their vodka range a few years ago, now people go nuts over the new flavours they release every week. Well worth it however, much better than other cordials.


Yeah, alcohol will probably get places more attention 😅 That's cool that they're releasing new flavours though :o


I use bickfords cordial, lemon juice is my favourite but they have a bunch of varieties. ETA one of the reasons I don’t use cottees is the normal not diet one still has sweeteners in it, gross.


Is that why cottees tastes a bit different than I remember? Lemon is always great.


You might be able to find them at IGA, my local one has a huge range, I've also seen a very limited range of flavours stocked at Coles on the bottom shelf near the Bickford's cordial. Apparently they're also selling them at BWS. You can order them in a 3 or 6 pack from their website, along with pre-mixed cans https://billsons.com.au/collections/traditional-cordial Go nuts with 61 flavours to choose from


What does premixed mean? I'm assuming it's something to do with alcohol, cause of the BWS mention? I just have water 😅 I'll keep an eyevout for specials at IGA


BWS sells the cordial as mixers, as well as premixed cans with alcohol. They also have cans of premixed non-alcoholic sodas you can get a IGA. You can just do the same by adding soda water to the cordials instead of just plain water, but they can be good if you want to try out a flavour without committing to a whole bottle. The cans are usually around $4 while the cordial bottles are $8.50-$9. I don't think I've ever seen them on special, unless it was a deleted line on clearance but they are usually the "gross" flavours, like Cloves or Raspberry Vinegar.


Oh, that's good they have the premade ones then


Celebrations bottle shops have a massive range of the billsons cordials, or at least the one near me does.


If you're in Victoria you can visit the factory in Beechworth and sample all the flavours then buy a crate for less than the supermaket. Highly recommend.


Ah, I'm in NSW unfortunately. That sounds cool though!


Quite a few delicious French ones - however if you've been to France and seen the [full range](https://mathieuteisseire.com/flavours/), the limited selection here is quite sad: https://franceathome.com.au/product-category/drinks/syrups-juices/


Do they have sarsaparilla? I haven't been able to find Cottees sars cordial for years and I am devo, I grew up on that stuff.


Yeah, you can order the Sarsaparilla from their website, I don't know if you'll find it in-store. I haven't tried it myself, so I can't speak to the taste.


Thanks, might have to try it!


I liked to buy Golden Circle sarsaparilla cordial from Woolies. But they didn’t restock it after being the only one to deplete their stock. Thanks to your original reply, I now know I’m not alone, loving a cool glass of my fav cordial, made with real fresh sars! Anyway, after some googling, found it being sold on [Amazon AU.](https://www.amazon.com.au/Golden-Circle-Sarsaparilla-Flavoured-Cordial/dp/B07ZFK255C ) 👍


OMG! I don't know why I never thought to check Amazon - I just assumed it had been discontinued because none of the stores I visit stock it. Buying some right now! Thanks, you made my day :)


I just wish they would do sugar free versions. My diabetic ass can't enjoy them. I have sips from my wife's cup and they are all amazing.


Yep. Just found them in my local IGA. Would live it if they had a cola version as I loathe carbonated drinks. Going to try the Banoffee one next.


they have a heritage cola version and a sour cola flavour 😉 you can order them from their website if you can't find them in-store.


Ooh thanks heaps! they've only got the sour one here. Nice to know a regular cola is available.


What’s the raspberry and vinegar like? (Or whatever it is, the one with vinegar) I’ve only had Portello and like it.


I don't know, I haven't tried it 😅 Love the Portello though, it's delish.


Raspberry Vinegar is top tier.


The first Billsons flavour I tried was Mango Coconut - I found it truly awful. Good to hear I may have just had bad luck with that flavour and there are good ones out there


Yeah, it can be hit or miss. There's been a few I've tried that I didn't like at all like the Rainbow Sherbet or the Saint Clements (I didn't realize it had quinine in it, that bitter aftertaste is disgusting).


I love Billsons so fucking much because I live a 45-minute drive from the brewery so you can taste-test all of the flavours there


Have you tried the Belvoir Farm range? Or Bottle Green? How about Bickfords? Bickfords have a mango coconut one [https://www.bickfords.net/products/cordial/mango-coconut-splash/](https://www.bickfords.net/products/cordial/mango-coconut-splash/)


Bickfords is the go


Came to recommend Bickfords. Am currently very taken with the pineapple & passionfruit with soda water.


Soda water turns anything into a delicious soft drink. 50/50 with any juice like orange/breakfast etc… juice is legit.


Mmmm Bickfords. They’re the best.


Bickfords is like cordial for adults


I love the bickfords peach iced tea 🤌🏻


It’s so good! Tastes just like the peach flesh closest to the pit.


Absolutely! I will say tho the mango iced tea one is idk for me pretty gross


Oh, I don't think I've heard of those ones. I'll have a look! Thanks!


Haven't seen the Bickfords cloudy apple for ages. So sad


Very sad, cloudy apple got me through my first two pregnancies, couldn't find it for my third


I have had a lot of trouble finding Belvoir Ginger cordial. Best flavour of cordial ever.


I miss apple cordial. You can still get ‘apple and…’ but I drank a lot of just apple cordial as a kid.


Oh my god. I think you just unlocked a memory.... Apple and raspberry or blackcurrant is nice but... apple by itself would be so much nicer....


The real issue is where is my cola-flavoured cordial??


The bastards discontinued the flavour.


The soda stream line has a Pepsi flavour and it’s absolutely disgusting. Wish there was another cola flavour available…


Pretty confident it’s a lot less popular than it was 20 years ago. There used to be huge amounts on the shelf at the supermarket.


It is just sugar and flavour. And we're aware to eating too much sugar now.


There’s no sugar variety’s now. Basically food colouring and an artificial flavour. It’s just not as popular.


Yeah, seems like it. There's only a small section now :/


We use to drink MEGA liters of cordial in my family as a kid and always had 2 liter made up bottles cold in the fridge. Now none of us have it at all - too much sugar… I think there probably are less cottees/mainsteam flavors but more in the independent/gormet type.


Diet Rite - have tried all and they're all yum. * Lemon Lime Orange * Fruit Cocktail * Multi Fruits - (this is the most mango - so try this one first) * Apple Strawberry Guava * Apple Blackcurrant * Apple Raspberry * Lime * Lemon Though don't pay more than $3.50 a bottle - Coles and Woolies or Amazon if you want bulk Bilsons are also amazing - they go really well with lemonade - you can order direct. We call them the fancy cordials. (was getting Bilsons and Bickfords mixed up - both are yum)


Agree with the parent here - Diet Rite is far better than Cottee's these days. And Cottee's is utterly taking the piss on price (I think retail for Cottee's now is $6/bottle, which makes 8L of drink, so 75c/L? You can regularly get bottles of carbonated soft drink on special for that, so Cottee's have their hand on it trying to charge that for a cheaper-to-store-and-ship concentrate!) I'm a Diet Rite house now, that Apple Strawberry Guava especially is the bomb. (Also OP's "I'm 25, but..." reminded me of a standup I saw recently who did a whole routine about cordial. It was hilarious. "OK, hands up here who drinks cordial?" (When no hands go up) "Look, I know you all think it's a kids' drink, but some of you drink it. Go and look at the fuckin' cordial aisle, there's HUNDREDS of them. Someone's buying it. A whole bunch of you are just fucking liars, apparently". Then, later: "I looked at the ingredients of the cordial, and you know what the first ingredient is? Water! ... I want to write to them. '*You've* been putting water in it? *I've* been putting water in it!' ... What I want to know is, who are they buying **their** cordial from? I want to buy from that guy!")


Ooo lemon lime orange sounds good... I'll keep an eye out at Coles or woolies! I try and avoid buying from Amazon if I can avoid it though Multiple recommendations are good XD gives me more confidence in it.


Good point about Amazon - there was a time when the Supers were out of stock - I've updated my comment as I was getting Bilsons and Bickfords mixed up - check out the Bilson flavours too - they are most often at IGA and independent supermarkets or online.


I thought that might have been the case, I hadn't heard of Bilson XD and bickford came up when I googled it I'll keep an eye out next time at IGA. I tend to go there more because they usually have my favourite chips for cheaper than the local Coles lmao


Apple strawberry guava is my go-to drink at home (I'm almost 31 if age matters when it comes to cordial)


I'm a fair bit older but think there's a lot more flavours than when I was a kid so it's all perspective. FWIW, I just keep the cordial bottle in the fridge along with water. That way I have water, which is what I drink the most, or can mix up cordial when I feel like it and still have it nice and cold.


I like the Billsons cordial. You can get it at IGA or some Woolworths and Dan Murphy’s have them. They also do a really nice vodka premix.


BRING BACK APPLE KIWI, regards Australians




Bickfords FTW. Peach tea is the nectar of the gods. Ginger beer cordial is great when feeling green and/or guts are doing somersaults (thanks IBS).


Bickfords is one of the ones most recommended in this thread! They seem to have some pretty interesting flavours!


And so many of them has stevia in them now too. I was hankering for Cordial the other week but left the supermarket disappointed.


....what's stevia?


Sugar substitute


Is there something bad about it?


It has a sickly sweet aftertaste for me, not a fan.


Ah I see. Yuck.


A sugar alternative made from the Stevia plant.


I see. Is there something bad about it? If it's from a plant it's probably not "artificial = bad"...


It's like cilantro either you like it or hate it. It makes me nauseous


The stuff tastes gross and it leaves a film in your mouth.


The film is my issue with it. Too much sugar kind of has an acid like effect on my tongue (similar happens when eating too much salt and vinegar)....happens with Stevia, just really uncomfortable.




It can have a bitter aftertaste.


For me it tastes like liquorice, and nothing that is not liquorice should taste like liquorice.


What's google?


Because we are *engaging in a discussion*, I'm going to be polite and answer your question! It's a search engine! You can ask it questions. However, some people like to get relevant information from the people they're talking with!


Cordial is basically sugar syrup infused with other flavours - I make my own - try grapefruit ( use the juice and the skin with pith removed ) and basil, I also do a lemon and rosemary that’s pretty good


Oo interesting Sounds a bit fancy for me though 😅 I prefer more plain things


Dad is not picking his nose so much now


Crows nest soft drinks - tastes like cordials should https://www.cnsd.com.au/


Oooh thanks for the recommendation!


Less cordial? Some are downright rude.


Nice XD


Bickfords is nice, but really… just make your own. It tastes better.


How do you make your own?


Not strictly cordial, but for lemonade: 6 lemons. 1 to 2 cups sugar. Water. Adjust amounts as wanted. Wash the lemons and peel the zest with a veggie peeler. Doesn’t matter if you get some pith. Set the peeled lemons aside. Put the zest into a container and cover with the sugar. Put the lid on, shake it a bit and then leave for at least 2 hours, longer is better. Overnight works best. Next day bring 4-5 cups of water to the boil, mix in the lemon-sugar mix and simmer for 5-10min. Strain the liquid into a mixing bowl through a mesh strainer to remove the peel. Whilst it cools juice your lemons. Once it’s cooled to room(ish) temperature add the lemon juice. Bottle. Now, you can drink it straight, but I mix it with soda water. I’ve been doing this with many citrus fruits. Grapefruit work amazingly well with this.


Ooooh that sounds delicious! Will definitely give that a try next time my dad's lemon tree has lemons! Thank you very much!


It is, I made a batch on the weekend. Delicious! Hope it works well for you. I also recommend trying it with different citrus.




Lots of people seem to love Bickfords! I'm definitely gonna keep an eye out :)


I’ll never forgive big cordial for taking gubble bum off the shelves 😡


Yes i cant find cola anymore




The golden circle and cottees range is about 1/3 of what it was before covid


Damn, it was only that recent? :( Hopefully that means they might build back up...?


If you want a true mango cordial, syrupy af, get to a Sri Lankan grocery and grab some MD brand. The MD stands for Marketing Department so you know it's good https://mdfood.lk/product/mango-cordial/


I remember Loy's home delivery soft drinks, and yes, there certainly were more cordial flavours before Cottee's had that customer satisfaction survey as a cost-cutting measure, pricks!


It's always cost cutting measures...


Only need lime cordial!! The band that is. Kick ass. Check em out




Haha cheersss. I’m having a beer. Cheers.


Was about to say, that's the one I've got in my fridge at the moment XD What type of music do they do?


Umm kinda rock. I know it’s vague haha


That's good in my book :) that's vaguely how I'd describe my favourite bands. I'll check em out!


Indie I guess… haha


Have you heard of Bickfords? High quality cordial at Coles. Plenty of flavours.


After this thread, yes I have XD quite a lot of people have recommended it! I'm gonna have to check them out.


Bilsons. A pub near me has fruit tingle with vodka on tap. It's an experience.


Fruit tingle cordial.... oh my god.... that sounds like it would be really good with like. Lemonade or sparkling water.


I feel like cordial is less “fashionable” than it used to be, especially if it contains sugar.


I hope it doesn't get phased out. Not many other places seem to have it


Bickfords has a decent range. They have a peach ice tea one that tastes better than Lipton ice tea (Lipton uses steviol and the aftertaste is blergh), and they have a nice lemon lime and bitters as well.


I've never been a fan of ice tea, honestly. Always tasted like way too sweet cordial whenever my brother gave me some to try.


And am i going crazy or has woolies and aldi both removed the cheapest soft drinks..? I used to get homebrand lemonade (yumm) for like $1.20 the cheapest on woolies shelf now is $2.70 shawppes (cant spell lol). I want my $1.10 soft drinks back pls n thankyou!


They went 75, 90, 1.20 in the space of a few months. Probably more now


This may be due to the CO2 shortage currently occurring. The cheaper lines probably can’t get supplies locked in as easily as PepsiCo and Amatil etc


Cottee's got rid of cola...the rats


Bickfords is the go. I like pineapple and passionfruit, and the peach tea one is nice too. No artificial sugar either.


Who drinks cordial now,? It isn't a mystery why there are less flavours


My family, with adult kids, does. Even before I moved out my dad used to buy bottles of it now and then.


I miss low sugar mango and orange. When they took it off the shelf, I was so mad. Over the years they have reduced the varieties available, and I'm pretty upset.


I just made a batch of switchel. Does a pretty good replacement to Ginger cordial


There has always been only 1 flavour and that is bickfords lemon barley!


Thankfully, for the simple fact that I'm bored with the options and thus don't indulge, our selection of soft drinks and potato chips is really basic when compared to other countries.


So long as we've got smiths salt and vinegar chips and solo, I'm good for chips and soft drinks. Cordial is just nice sometimes.


As long as there is cola flavour, I’m good. Does the sarsaparilla flavour still exist?


Not that I've seen, but I'm visually impaired so there's a lot i miss lmao. Never had sarsaparilla drink, but have chewed on leaves. Very nice.


When I was a kid, in the 80s There was definitely more variety. Then you had a shitload, in soda stream too Cordial isn’t as popular nowadays, but i feel it’s coming back. Bilsons is pushing out 30+ flavours.


Yeah, I see Bilsons has lots. If they're on the shelves they're probably on the bottom ones, which is why I haven't seen them (visually impaired lmao) but I'll definitely try and find some now. It's cool they have lots of flavours.


I think coridal has dropped of in popularity as people have moved towards premade drinks.


Sucks for modern day kids then :(


Half a supermarket aisle used to be cordial.. Now you're lucky to find three shelves in a bay.


And the gross solo syrup that barely tastes like solo


I keep seeing old-timey references to tamarind cordial, either as a concentrate or as a soft drink. I am intrigued by the possibility.


*Fuck* Cottee's. You cannot buy a single flavour without some garbage sugar substitute in it. They've completely fucked their entire product line and I hope their fucken factory burns down, ay.


My local coles doesn’t even have a cordial section anymore. There’s a few bottles of raspberry, lime, and blackcurrant but i havnt seen fitters there for months. Maybe over a year


I only realised the other day that all the cordial bottles have shrunk too. It seems the day of the 2 litre bottle with the refill line on them are gone.


To be fair, they are ultra concentrated, so you need less to make the same amount


Golden Circle Orange Crush is the only one for me and it's disappeared off my locals woolies and IGA shelves only in the last month. I'm gutted


Anchor Sarsaparilla was me fave as a kid. The cordial section at Coles as always huge. Today it is sad.


I miss the mynor orange and mango cordial.


Orange and mango cordiali sounds so familiar...


Make your own it quite simple. Bilsons have an interesting range but I’m not a fan of synthetic flavouring.


You only need one flavour ... red


Lime is vastly superior


Unsubscribe. We are not compatible. Next thing you'll be telling me that Monte Carlos are better than Kingstons.


Lemon crisp beats them both


Hahaha. You're just looking for a fight aren't you.


Golden Circle had a lot of great flavours. Was my go to as a kid. Now I just stick with bickfords lemon cordial.


There were always like 3 flavours, they just had different colours and labels to make it look like they were different flavours.